Saturday, May 29, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Je me sens bien
a l aise & juste content :)
quelle perfecte journee, pour mon dernier jour de 21 ans!
merci a la personne responsible, Je t aime pour me donner ce jour ci :)
Posted by
11:48 PM
Its "Questionary - you are .." time
this time its..
You are most likely to be the Vampire
The Chevalier personifies the vampire that acts
with noble intentions, despite what it is
capable of. Taking a conflicting nature and
resolving its issues, the chevalier both
embraces and yet keeps the vampiristic nature
in check; the hunt and taking of blood is
enjoyed greatly, yet is restricted to those who
willingly give, 'wrong-doers,' or is taken in
self-defense; its powers are also embraced
willingly, yet while it blatantly and proudly
uses them, those that harm are only used in
self-defense or in the defense of others. The
vampire charm is used in full, and the
chevalier appears as one of the most alluring
of all vampires, often lordly in appearance as
well. Because of the open embrace of its powers
and seemingly royal stature, the chevalier
often is an immensely powerful vampire.
Dominant personality trait: Pride
Dominant color: Gold
Fictional Vampire Examples: Meier Link ('Vampire
Hunter D: Bloodlust'), Jean-Claude ('Anita
Blake: Vampire Hunter')
Curious to see how you would fare as a creature of
the night? Come this way...
Vampire Classification Quiz (w/ Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by
11:05 PM
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Ils y a des moments quand la tristesse te grippe
ils y a des moments quand la musique et la solitude deviennent une
Ils y a des moments comme celui ci
et a ce moment specialle.. je la sent, la muzique, la solitude, le desespoir.. Qu elle est belle, la muzique de Kirill come dans son Brugge
C est dificile de ne pas pouvoir m exprimer en tout moments.. S exprimer sans que quel qu un l entend n est q une blague. Mais ils n y a pas toujour quel qu un pour t ecouter. Et certainement pas pour t entendre!
ils y a des moments qu on veut dire quelquechose
ils y a des moments qu on reve d un oui, d un non
ils y a des moments qu on reve d un discours
ils y a des moments qu on EXIGE la silence
ils y a des moments qu on EXIGE la solitude
Ce n est pas toujours facile d avoir la reponse qu on veut. Certainement pas parce que l étre humain ne le sait pas toujours lui même! Ce qu on veut.. ils y a des moments pour pleurer.. et ceux ci sont les plus difficilles a ..
Le coeur et tout ces aspectes difficiles!
Des gens qui se disent au revoir.. c est difficile.. Parfois.
Ils y a des moments quand c est imposible a imaginer
Ils y a des moments quand ca fait la fin du monde
Ils y a des moments quand ca ne prend q un moment difficil
Ils y a des moments quand ca n est que de clicker deux fois..
Parfois les moments qu on clicke sont les plus lourds apres!
Ceux qui se demandent pourquoi ils y a (sans doute) tellement de fautes.. Comme l anglais n est pas ma langue maternelle, le français l est non plus. Donc si ca vous derange.. ne ne lisez pas (comme la vie peut etre simple :) Ils n y a pas assez de gens que comprennent ca. Des milliers de gens ont le probleme qu ils veulent que tout le monde pense le mëme! Le jour que les gens decident d arreter de essayer ca.. le monde serai beaucoup plus beau!)
Et bien sur ils y a les rêves!
Si frèle come un rêve
qu un simple soufle, une respiration, in petit vent..
sait le detruire en un instant :)
pour ceux qui se demandent.. ce n est pas moi qui parle, c est la muzique :)
Quel plaisir, la muzique :D
Posted by
11:25 PM
and now ofcourse that the reaction part is up.. The question remains if my blogger plugin supports this :)
Posted by
7:31 PM
Blogger added some new stuff while I was on clouds.. Since those clouds dissolved as I expected / feared them to.. time to check the new blogger crap
Posted by
4:01 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I told Sarah about my feelings
tought about it for a long time & .. its just the right discision!
so I'm on my own again
Posted by
5:30 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
this weekend s loads of massage got me really relaxed
There are muscles in my body that I am actually used to that they re locked! and now they arent anymore :D YAY
I read aardbij's blog today.. I really think she should put up my name in there more :D hehe Anywho, Next post Should contain my name :D hehe (ego tripping)
Gsm.. fuckin ell, He ll be @ nokia for about 2 to 3 weeks :s annoying!! This means no calendar, no sms, no calling (& I just recharged :/) .. Not to mention I have to not lose my SIM :s (this is the real problem - lol) I'm so trying to get the hang of Rein so she can return me my old cell!! aarghl
For some morronic reason i'm trying msn clones today. Altough aMSN maddening me, I decided to permanently install it, next up is dMSN (wich I expect to be bullhorseshite since its Java *rolleyes*) dMSN does have an interesting installer.. hmm Its nice, but slow.. probably wont install it perm
Posted by
9:04 PM
morning *groggy*
Gaim 0.77 is working & so is the blogger pluggin
It seems to be worth the effort since the formatting is working again :D Yay!
now for non pc stuf!! Got tonzo work
Posted by
12:27 PM
Bought 5cds for €10 today.. Some store with lotz of cds without box (got stolen or whatever) Cool!! Soulfly - 3, Fearfactory - Digimortal, The Gathering - Superheat, Body Count - Final Demise, The B52's - Good Stuff & all just legal. So I downloaded me some covers & yay :D
The shoutbox is finally Gone. They had a crash, my box was deleted accidently & I dont feel like reinstalling it.. If I ever change to my own serv I'll probably code one myself, but till then, I'll manage without, thank you very much.. Viva EMail!
Sauna wasnt really good for my Dreadz! They need wax, pronto, might even do it myself, before I see Sarah! :/
Headbanging with dreadz is TOO COOL :D (no combing afterwards)
I do hurt all around BC of it tough :(
I found out GAIM crashes when I remove an msn contact.. They solved that in 0.77.. This is my cue to Finally compile the newest version! *sigh*
I'm oh so Tired (to the music of "its oh so quite" by björk) Im Oh Sow sleepy, I'm Oh Soh Tired.. And so sleepy until.. Taradada I GO To Bed AAAGAIN, Yesah, to bed aaagain & sleep within.. tarradada ..
Posted by
1:20 AM
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Body Shopping @ kwartee was überCool! :)
tired now tough..
write more later
Posted by
5:43 PM
Saturday, May 08, 2004
ooh ooh & this was the last post till Sunday
Viva Kwartee :D
Ive got my cell with me if anyone needs me ;) (k)
Posted by
1:23 AM
Ah, distinctly I remember it If only life wer simple :D
was in the bleak December, But hey, what the heck!
And each separate dying ember Im getting sleepy
wrought its ghost upon the floor. (Actually Capital S Sleepy!)
Eagerly I wished the morrow; So I'll be off :D
vainly I had tried to borrow Tomorow @ 9 @ dirkies place
From my books surcease of sorrow I hope I get there in time
sorrow for the lost Lenore Gonna read some in bed I think
For the rare and radiant maiden The Dilbert Principle
whom the angels name Lenore Cool thingy :) ReReading it atm..
Nameless here for evermore. Its nice :)
Fact of the matter is that since the shoutbox was misbehaving & is gone now; noone can shout :/ (Keen remark, isnt it) So whatever :D
Posted by
1:20 AM
I just altered my template to comment out my shoutbox.. It just wasnt worth the crap!!
I might look into some way to put it in a different window or whatever, but it wont be like that Anytime Soon!
Posted by
1:06 AM
Once upon a midnight dreary, We left for aalst
While I pondered weak and weary, First we went to the Nega for some Unfinished Business
Over a quaint and curious By the time we left, dirkie was feeling sick
volume of forgotten lore, So instead of going to Wachtebeke, I ended up home
While I nodded, nearly napping, Not that I mind tough..
suddenly there came a tapping, I'm pretty tired & this weekend ll be heavy
As of some one gently rapping, Some heavy relaxing :D lol!
rapping at my chamber door. And I finally came to recharging the old Celly
"'Tis some visiter," I muttered, wich reminds me, I need to get my nrs & crap out of it
"tapping at my chamber door & turn it in for reparations
Only this, and nothing more." *Sigh*
Excerpt from.. Shout if you know :p Lol Its too easy!
Posted by
12:58 AM
Friday, May 07, 2004
KB2 was Evil :)
I got home & immediately put up the KB2 OST.. Coooooool music :)
& the pai mei legend just Rules :D
All the Tarantino music just plainly rules!!
checking if I at last got my money.. I checked yesterday but the bank seems to be tardy! Yes, At Last! I got it!! :D Wich means i'll get some commics next week.. not too much tough.. €10, €15 & that ll be it for this month!
I desperately need to start studdying.. I think Monday ll be The day! Gotta DESPERATELY do some Math!!
I'm curious how the math teach s gonna solve her being sick & missing 4 hrs of lessons! She said earlier she cant miss any time! :s
anyhow.. Gotta start learning!
& gotta wash my locks!!
Posted by
5:50 PM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Waiting for my Pizza to cool down
I'm soo f-ing tired :/
Jh was boring, Id rather have stayed @ gent with Sarah :) They played risk.. Will I EVER get to play that? :s :D
Pizza was nice.. Now Ice Tea Punch :)
First Children of Bodom, then Christina Aguilera.. why not
No washing my dreadz hasnt really had any negative results so far.. no smell, no nothing.. cool! So now im doubting to not wash em this week either.. Dont know tough.. Sarah s gonna have a BIG voice in this choice :D
Im scared tough about this weekend.. some reason I feel there might be sauna or whatever involved.. So i'll probably ask Sarah if I can take our wax.. (Sauna WOULD be cool :D I really feel like going sauna again.. Actually I always feel like sauna.. once a week d be nice :D But as long as I dont have one of those neat Money trees ive been hearing about..)
DILBERT!!! Its so FUCKIN great :D
YAY - Tomorow Kill Bill vol2 with Sarah :D
& now some dillbert & some SLEEP!!
Posted by
1:13 AM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Sleep always brings solutions & so it did again this night :) yay - Dont ya love that cryptic shit :p
Thinking bout the Golden eyed girl :)
Have to go to JH :/
Motivation fading..
I wanna see Kill Bill vol 2!! :)
Posted by
6:45 PM
yeah.. an hour @ johns place I said.. Riight
Unrelated something
Life has its way of getting interesting on itself! Temptation being one of its means!
Posted by
3:19 AM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
plans changed, im driving grandma around.. Its raining & I dont feel like using an electric cutter thingy in the rain! I already got ellectrical burns once (tough that wire is Long gone!) & I aint taking any unnecesary risks!
I feel good :)
Posted by
2:50 PM
I changed my template some.. From the very non descript "Perfect Girl" to the oh so very descript "My golden eyed girl!" :D
Yesterday was fun!! First with Sarah :) My golden eyed girl :) (so I found out this morning, while looking her in the eyes - for quite long time :D) then at the eating thingy.. They were nice!! ate .. ehrm .. 2 plates & a half one from Sarah :) Nice! Afterwards we went for a drink in "Den Onvrijen Schipper", a cafe we go quite a lot lately :) Pitty tough everyone was tired & we didnt play any Machiavelli or Risk :s We did watch Dracula 2000 tough.. (wich by the way was a Dissapointment!!) After sweet and blissfull sleep, I am now sitting at home to change to working clothes & to EAT.. hmm.. Foooood!!!
Checked my Financial status.. Seems like I got money back from my taxes.. I think :s Yay :D
The weather = shit :( Really not nice!
Posted by
1:59 PM
Monday, May 03, 2004
listening to the Tarantino movies soundtracks has soothed my mind..
Wich was needed after an hour on the phone with anne :/
aah :) Nothing chatting with Sarah cant solve :) hihi
I finished my "Baroness of Blood"
Another FINE ravenloft story, those ppl made nice stuff :D Pitty they dont do so anymore :(
I Really Need To Go Sleep! :/ Im gonna be SO dead tomorow!!
so Sayonara :D (hihi.. Sarah! :))
Posted by
12:55 AM
Sunday, May 02, 2004
btw the rant I mentioned before.. is not comming ofcourse!
Other possible reasons for my uneasy feeling..
Lack o sleep (Possible, but .. its not asif its THAT bad :s)
my hair thats dirty (It troubles me, but should not make me feel this uneasy :/)
Posted by
9:30 PM
Yesterday @ nega I realised important things about my life & the course I want it to take! Ive been ingoring computers in a way, lately. My upper priority has been Social! And it was fine (& needed!) but now i've come to realise what it cost me in computer skills.. If I would have kept up programming & whatnot like I was before, .. And now the time has come to upgrade my pc priority again! This ofcourse has loads of consequences..
Im not my usual cheerful self today :/
I think i'm getting afraid again.. Afraid of screwing up something important :/
Ah I had a rant in store for here.. Its about a joke in Panic Room.. The lady sais something about "have you read poe?" (meaning EA Poe ofcourse) & the nitwit sales person answers something along the way of "No, I havent heard any of her cds lately". I'm also quite sure its about the writer because of the context.. Its totally old house, paranoia, .. thingy
Anywho, I seemed to be the only one in the room to get the joke :/
anywho.. the not being my cheery old self bothers me..
Gonna go n sleep early I think, hope
Posted by
9:16 PM
It went better than expected!! Actually slept 4hrs! (during Swimfan & Jackass the movie)
Saw phoneboot (again, but still cool!), Blue Crush (Cool surfing, nice girl - reminded me of someone I met @ snowboarding, and thats about it :s), Love Actually (Surprisingly nice, considering I expected CRAP) and Panic Room (I saw 3x 10m before, so I kinda saw it the second time.. Nothing special about it!)
Tomorow s gonna be hectic!! Call grandma, Work @ jh, Dread fun with lovely Sarah :) & Spare Ribs Time :D Yeaha!
Rents pissed at me atm.. Dont really understand why, probably me :s
More Later!! (I will come back since I still have to ask when me & sarah ll meet tomorow for dread fun :) So more blog then - not too much tough :p)
Tired & Dirty :/
Posted by
6:40 PM
Saturday, May 01, 2004
My Super Painfull day has Started!!
26hrs probably.. Gonna hurt tomorow noon!!
Yesterday was really TOO good!
Nemesea is one cool thing! Really nice group! Really admissable (Oh I HOPE this is the correct word)
Flowing Tears (or something like that) really has a cool female voice, but it doesnt fully exploit its potentail & thats a pitty! So I wont be buying any of their records!
After Forever was GREAT! In the end the singer had some voice problems but nothing too annoying, so overall COOL :D The concept part was ok, The part with almost only vocals was EVIL, .. The old songs were Nice too! And the group was moved by the enthousiastic crowd!
Those who werent there were Wrong :(
I was really glad to see Katke again!! Did me Really good!
The two messages from Sarah made my day :) Tough I really would have liked her to be there! Still, i'm So glad she msged me!!
Now.. For some work, a movie, some bar work, some more movies, some cleaning & then SLEEP :D Im already looking forward to it!!
Posted by
2:54 PM