Its a busy day, preppin for Werchter - Yay :D
Heard that Bowie canceled tough :(
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Today was quite Crappy as expected
HD did work in the end.. With LOADS o work :s
Posted by
2:07 AM
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
I followed my parents advice.. And i'm already sorry I did! Really!
I had to go in to get set up for work this vacation and at the same time I should have been at my feedback! At last, after all those years I know that that feedback is more important, but my parents "advised" (litterally) to prioritise the work!
I Lack 1 point in ANY course to be in the clear! And because my parents told me to prioritise wrong (and for once I followed their advice again) and now I have missed the chance of seeing the myth of the teach having miscalculated your grades & recalculation saving your vacation come trough!
I AM SO PISSED! I mean, this is UTTER SHITE! Why the hell did I take that Silly & Stupid advice! I did my best to combine the two, but FAILED Aarhl! What a BUTLOAD OF SHIT! CRAP
oh & I finally borrowed a HD with some important data - I NEED THAT STUFF - and now windows is acting wierd on me
*Very Pissed Off*
Posted by
1:46 PM
Graspop was GREAT :D
Really, it was!!
What I saw
Friday: Epica, Dillinger Escape Plan (Maddeningly EVIL), Suffocation (if im not mistaking & if im not they played an EVIL Roots cover), In Extremo, After Forever, Anathema, Hypocrisy, Exodus (20m of Bay Area Thraaaaaaash was all we could take :/)
Saturday: Do or Die (altough I'm NOT shure :/ wierd enough.. mornings are always foggy :/) Pleymo (bill - losers :/ French stuff, not my thing), Backfire (EVIL), Sueensryche (well.. seen.. slept trough it actually), Discipline (Evil), Soulfly (Evil), Terror (Evil tough I would rather have seen Blood for Blood but they swithed time so I had to miss it to see other stuff), Motorhead (quite sleepy time), My Dying Bride (NIIIICE), Slipknot (been there, seen that, new album SUXXXX), Cradle of Filth (DAMN, Whatever the critics say, the music is GOOD, Whatever if the singing isnt natural..!), Alice Cooper (Crap till I had one of my tired rushes & we went MOTHERFUCKIN CRAZY :D)
Sunday: Killswitch Engage (EVIL), Testament (Surprisingly ok - slept tough), Chimaira (COOL :D Metal Mozes Ruled :D), Saxon (pff.. sun bating & Sleep), Therion (EVIL, well, the old crap at least.. The newer just suck..), Fear Factory (Evill - chilled some tough), Ill Niño (Good in its genre, pity tough I dont like the genre.. Some funny shite tough.. and 2 good songs), Life of Agony (Nice, Suprised I knew some songs, chilled some :D), Hatebreed (THE mospit to me :D A wall, A circle pit, a Variation with 2 pits, .. EVIL :D I had the best of times, I even bought me a TShirt :D), Judas Priest (we watched for.. 10m & left - bweuh)
Still tired tough
I got my results today :( I failed because of the same 3.. If I had scored 1 point more on any of them.. I'd have passed! MOTHERFUCKINCRAPSCREWINGUPMYVACATIONLIKETHIS
pf :(
Posted by
2:47 AM
Friday, June 25, 2004
Saw Shrek today
Do all check it out :D
And now to sleep for Graspop!!
Posted by
3:51 AM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Posted by
3:54 AM
Sonny James is a fagot!
Alright he might not be, but he makes crap music, thats for sure
On to Lisa Stansfield :D
Posted by
3:52 AM
bad boys bad boys
whatcha gonna do
whatcha gonna do when they come for you
Yeah, im living again :)
movie time with the mates.. hehe
prepared some for our next Whatever, Bite Me set.. Evil :D Need more samples tough..
tough it d be a nice time to get to bed.. busy day tomorow (semi busy :D)
I kinda joined RoD today.. evil
The Cell blogging seems to work - Evil Not that I can think of much important enough to blog.. :/ Whatever, important is that I CAN :D lol
I wonder how to mail to my cell tough..
Posted by
3:41 AM
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Being mobile is getting more important every minute.. Easier too! When I got my cell back I took the time to read up on what proximus makes me pay for stuff like mms and wap! I discovered pure text mms costs the same as sms! But as we all know holds 1000 letters instead of 160 or the likes of that.. The only problem is that noone else has it, except Tom.. Tough its better than noone! Another cool something is email :) And all that and more enables me to post this crap on my blog using my phone :) yay and hopefully cheap too tough any mobile thing costs money! And now to the jh for work.. Im glad my cell is back!
Posted by
8:07 PM
just screwed up a long blogger post about The day after tomorrow, that actor in it, I Robot and a whole butload of info around it, imdb links inclusive
But browser crash lost it & guess what
I Do Not Feel Like Typing That Again
What I WILL add..
Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics
First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
(and the afterwards added)
Zeroth law: A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
I SO need to see "I Robot" :D
*drool* Asimov.. His Caliban (yeah, 'his', I know), The Foundations, Short Stories.. *Droool*
Oh & also
I might join RoD;. gotta sleep about it tough
i'll know tomorrow..
Posted by
3:46 AM
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
my rents buggering me about fuckin food & fuckin eating has ONCE AGAIN given me a Stomach ache!
Fuckin Dietician Crap!
grmbl - pain
I finaly got my cellphone back
Posted by
7:16 PM
went to gent for some free animation stuff
ended up seeing The Lady Killers by the Coen brothers.. same guys who did O Brother, Where Art Thou?. Lady Killers was Evil.. nice movie! Worth seeing. Those guys ve got NICE stuff going! really, they rule, some images they put up.. *Drool* O brother was better tough :s
I just found out the DJ Contetest @ JH Terlinden (222 hrs) is when I leave for Spain. Pitty, I really looked forward to doing that! Evil plans & toughts ready & stuff :/
My cell phone s in, I went to see today but they were closed, more luck tomorow - bout friggin time I got it back
Time to Sleep!
Posted by
4:16 AM
Monday, June 21, 2004
I recently had a tought for a guestbook, The new Blogger system perfectly allows me to start a GB or contact page like this. :)
Contact.. one may reach me at a lot of places..
Msn: (Yes, this does work)
ICQ: 27586870
AIM: d4g3n0q
For IRL info you ll have to persuade me trough one of the above..
GB.. Welcome to my Guestbook! :D
Do leave some words in the comments if you feel like leaving some!
Posted by
1:30 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2004
woke up this morning
head hurting like HELL
I hadnt expected
Hay fever to be such a bitch
It was hell this morning :/
ROD was cool :)
I had heard about this cool girl & I must admit, she IS nice.. I do think her eyes are worth a slight re-evaluation because they Do Look Nice :) Quite big eyes too!
We actually saw a lot of the scenario this time.. Tnx to Kahn dragging Glîm & glôm around to do his bashing.. Wich was the greatest deal coz this way we were doing evil shit and bashing around without actually much crap. We also did evil stuff like killing one of the good persons to do the EVIL guy a favour (he helped us in the end & quite a lot.. Turned out a cool guy :) Prejudice vs Necros is a bitch!) Opening the chapel was nice too.. we had tried one way & almost died (some of us at least, one actually died) and had one decent posibility left for wich we were waiting, when I figured.. Why dont we ask the simple thief (player) to give it a try.. We agreed he probably wouldnt crack te lock, but the sight of him getting blown to pieces (due to his failure) would be worth the sight! :D That turned out to be a great deal too! First he did get blown to pieces (LOL), and after that we persuaded him that since he already had the trap blow him to pieces, he might as wel try again. He did try & he succeeded :) (2x YAY) Then me & tom (ofcourse) we died.. and in a truely stupid way for that mather! :/ But we got raised as zombies & had fun.. hehe annoying ppl can be SOOO nice :) We had a lot of player responce too.. We had to chase someone but there was a 50 cm step with stairs next to them.. Locking myself in trying to walk over the 50cm step was too much fun.. Certainly the ppls reactions to all that :D hehehe The necro dude showed me te right way tough wich enabled me to walk the stairs and in the process of descending again fall, take some rolls and fall again, this time just plain face forward off the 50cm ledge.. Ppl always look wierd if you fall down :D hihi Had a ball too when they got to discussing whateverthefuck. I started a *Grunt* - *Grunt Grunt Grunt* - *Grunt*- *Grunt Grunt Grunt* - .. "conversation" with Tom, ofcourse annoying the shite out of them. They solved that one by having us stare at someone and telling us to report any changes, defining any changes they didnt want us to report (like ANYTHING) but they left me & him out, so I did another face forward fall resulting in tom bothering them again to report ME :D and the both of us getting sent off to do guard duty .. ehrm .. just stand someplace :) Evil! The end bash was fun too.. they sent us in, we died over & over but resurected again & again & again.. then the enemy ran out of the tent they (& we) were in leaving us in the Perfect situation to walk around & attack them in the back.. Fun Fun Fun
I was Tired as hell tough.. All the way :( I really should have slept more than 3 (4?) hours!
I hope angelotte had a good last exam..
Now I'm gonna recompile my Kernel, watch a Movie, Surf some, might visit the JH, just do plain whatever the fuck I want :) Yay! Viva no more exams!
Posted by
4:34 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Ring Of Doom life today.. One day
painfully active day
Tom overslept, I woke him up just now..
& we still have to skirt up..
anyhow.. lataz
Posted by
8:41 AM
Friday, June 18, 2004
Ass Economy
I'll be SO glad when that Nightmare is over, last exam
And ofcourse I hope all goes well tomorow
I so wanr (need) to pass this year!
pff :/
Sleep, Blissfull Sleep :)
Posted by
4:55 AM
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
This is what I pass EVERY FRIGGIN TIME I enter my room
Sweet sight but the craving.. :/
Yeah, Snowboarding..
The craving..
Ofcourse there s more gear, there s some in the backpack & some in my closet but this is just the way I see it more than daily
Posted by
5:31 PM
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Sometimes, some quotes are just Worth remembering..
# I fainted almost immediately after I got everything done and hurt my head when it hit the floor (it was a fairly well controlled fainting, like it usually is for me). It was fun.
# The split felt more like a huge relief than painful. It was that feeling or relief that feeling like I achieved something great that made me faint (along with not having eaten properly, should've drank sugar water before).
Both quotes are from Asurfael, notes from her DIY Tonguesplitting experience.. Its on her IAM page for today, check the link on the left!
Math went doubtfull yesterday. I might pass, I might not.. Shouldnt think about it too much & .. that already means a Lot :( Ofcourse in a matter I'm so negative about my possible grade that even tough I in a way had a good exam I dont believe it ll get me a high enough grade.. So in the end, I Just Dont Know
Went for terace with John yesterday.. Turned into Itallian eating with John & Willi. Wine decided I should sleep over, so slightly drunk we left te restaurant at 1 (yeah at night), We went to see the Stereo closing & decided Pole Pole was the place to be :D Tequila Sunrise was Coctail of the week & .. Only drank one more tough (on top of those two amarettos I had after the wine) A walk home, Sopranos & Sleep
Waking up, some sun :D some more sun :D some terace (walked into the Body thingy to have a chat, waited some, but since the person was busy for at least another 20m.. I decided to come back later, wich failed so desperately I'll try caling tomorow) Some driving later I was shopping with my grandma. And all this, together with another meal & some sleep at home summs up my last two days :)
peachy.. but I'll have to get some more work done! So today i'm going in early, tomorow I'll get up some decent hour & the goal would be for me to study the whole course once tomorow (wich is quite high a goal, I know..) But I Will get there (Sheer Willpower YEAH!)
I'm slightly burnt again.. Cool :D
.. Larissa ..
(dont ask why or what I dont know either)
Posted by
10:45 PM
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Dutch went ok
weather sux
went to te design shop, but the rain & parking space kept me from parking
also.. stitch talked some common sense into me, so now i'm thinking again
Posted by
3:25 PM
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
EXAM UPDATE: Today was Data Mod day.. boring as hell, even easier than hell (wich means a lot since hell s all about being tortured & shit.. you know, not all that hard to undergo - to stand the said torture is a totaly differend question tough)
Day after tomorow 's Dutch, no problem there either, problems come with Math & Econ (both next week)
Im a Lobster :D
yeah, went Blaarmeersen today & I CHILLED :)
I SO needed that :)
swimming, lying there :D
Music time :D! *puts on 10cc with Dreadlock Holiday*
I was chillin on the blaarmeersen
It was so what I needed
I couldnt take it anymore
So I went in for the chill
There was the suuun,
the wind,
no clooouuds to bother
The mood was right
the time to chill was at hand
I say
I dont like Chill
I love it! - yeah
I dont like Chill (nono)
I need it! - yeah
Gotta ly on the beach
gotta go with the chill
gotta forget all the crap
chillin is in!
You know, The girls were all there
Dready boys all around
the water was cool
it was just askin for a divin!
You know the water
t was cool
Hell yeah we waaalked in
and did the chillin
the girls, the boys
make sure to never fooorget that siiight
thaaaaat siiight
I say
I dont like Chill
I love it! - yeah
I dont like Chill (nono)
I need it! - yeah
I was going to put on Chillin by bob.. but hey, this sets the mood as good as any other :D
Hmm.. alaise!
anyhow, im burned atm.. so im all smellin of sun milk stuff.. can it get any better? that scent drives me insane with luck :) happyness if you want :) I can even stant that crapy lola song (the kinks if im not mistaking) thats playing atm :)
Life Can Be Great
AbsoFuckinLutely Great!
Posted by
11:53 PM
I had an interesting tought earlier today but I forgot so .. ehrm :s Yeah!
Religion.. *sigh*
Q: I am Lutheran and fully believe in what my religion teaches and preaches, but I need a little advice. I'm interested in ancient Egyptian art and would like to get a tattoo showing my name in hieroglyphics with Egyptian gods on each side in a ''protective'' stance. The tattoo would not imply worship or deification; I simply want to use the images as the theme for my body art. Before I do this, I want to be sure I would not offend the Lord or break a commandment in the process. Any thoughts?
Confused in Parsippany, N.J.
A: While some native religions use body piercing and tattoos as part of their religious practices, the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam all hold the view that God owns our bodies and therefore ''body art'' is less a form of artistic self-expression than the unjustified desecration of a human body that God alone owns. It's the spiritual equivalent of pounding a nail into the wall of a rental apartment.
Judaism is firm on this view, forbidding the burial of anyone with a tattoo, although this law is violated routinely. Christianity in all its forms does not classify tattooing as a grave sin but it's hardly encouraged.
The spiritual issues we have with tattooing are that it's a form of self-wounding with risks of infection for no positive medical purpose. Tattooing and body piercing also encourage the belief that the body as created by God is not beautiful enough but must be further decorated.
As to your choice of Egyptian religious motifs for your tattoo, we strongly disagree. If you want a religious tattoo, why not include a cross, which is at least a symbol of the God you believe in? And carefully consider that the images you seek to tattoo on yourself may not be the images you want 10 years from now. In any case, they're about 4,000 years and a world away from symbols that actually speak to your life. That life is precious and so is God's love for you.
Posted by
12:46 AM
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you.
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
And I'm wondering what it is I should do,
It's so hard to keep this smile from my face,
Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place,
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Well you started out with nothing,
And you're proud that you're a self made man,
And your friends, they all come crawlin,
Slap you on the back and say,
Please.... Please.....
Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see that it makes no sense at all,
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor,
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Well you started out with nothing,
And you're proud that you're a self made man,
And your friends, they all come crawlin,
Slap you on the back and say,
Please.... Please.....
Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you,
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
Stuck in the middle with you.
Posted by
3:37 PM
Friday, June 04, 2004
Java went ok..
altough prep was all but ok
exam was as unpleasant as expected
its not that its hard
its just Unpleasant
but i'm quite sure I passed
Installed gnome on my box.. gonna install me a 2.6 kernel too one of these days, likely tomorow, I already have it downloaded & am looking forward to configuring it
Again, DAMN smoking women are discusting :(
Posted by
6:59 PM
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
la vie et le temps nous jete des pierres
on espere un rocher
et avec les pierres, ils nous tiennent en mains
sans vraiment donner quelquechose
la vie, le temps et biensur notr' esprit humain
Posted by
2:06 AM
le temps nous prend tout!
les chose qu on veut manquer
les choses qu on peut manquer
tout le monde a des choses que le temps veut
la memoire d une nuit sans solitude
une memoire pour aller dormire avec
une memoire juste avant de se lever
Est ce que je vuex que le temps me debarasse de ca?
En tout cas, je ne le sais pas..
ca depend en tout cas de quoi le temps me donne
maintenant ca a l air que je le donnerai avec plaisir
au temps.. mais il ne prends que ce qu'il veut
et quand qu il veut!
Posted by
1:24 AM