And off I go
No more posts for 15 days except if bad luck strikes..
either bad enough to make me put something up trough my cell
or the bad luck of finding myself bored at an internet cafe or whatever, forcing me to use a computer :)
So See Y All :D
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Paking - Dreadz - ...
I washed my locks today.. it was a while ago.. about 2 months.. And they seem ok.. They soaked a whole lot of water tough.. :/ Wierd thing was.. They were really tangled @ the roots afterwards :/ Instead of unraveling, they were clinging together like hell! Wich is good ofcourse :) But it was unexpected! Sow they re clean to go to spain :) (Long car trip, Gotta have te curtesy not to bother the people with the chance of smelly hair, as remote as the posibility might be.. I have to admit.. It did smell slightly when rained upon :/) So they re clean :D
Packing.. Its wierd!
Im used packing for festivals or for snowboard trips. 2 different things that require different clothing paterns & stuff.. But now, packing for 2 weeks of spain.. Its something totally new again! Its not new, but Im more used to the other packing patterns :) Also a car trip.. Its different packing :) Im curious what it ll give :) hehe
Now, Back to Packing :)
Posted by
6:21 PM
Dj set @ Terlinden :) Dj Whatever & Dj Bite me STRIKE AGAIN :D
This time with a screwup safe set.. :D Pre recorded with the Cool Edit 2000 Studio Tools! Yeah, it rocked :) (whadaya want, its 100% Metal Baby!) Very tight.. The entertainement we built around it was AOK too :D Really nice! With the masks & stuff, intro, screaming fangirls, our EVIL Bodyguard (Grazie, kaishi).. Our unexpected manager, towing around his agenda.. yeah, EVIL! Up to our next set :D
We did tell the jury after our set that we wanted to be discualified for pre recording our set tough.. Wich they did but they gave us an honorfull note for the Great Entertainment we delivered.. :D
We re happy :D
Tess.. :)
I saw this really nice girl today.. A friend of Joks.. She really looks cute! I wouldnt mind getting to know her :) Nice blonde hair, beautyfull smile.. As far as I know she doesnt smoke.. No apparent BF (again, as far as I could see..) One thing im sure of :) ..Nice Girl! :) I really hope I see her again! *smiles*
And now I'm off to bed!
I have some EVIL ideas for the "hidden track mixes" as we did on our previous disk.. Food for when I get back from Spain :D
If all goes well, I'm leaving tomorow evening, and after a (probably hard - 4 smokers, 1 non smoker..) 1400km drive I'll be lying on a heavenly beach, and Having Fun :D hihi SOOO looking forward to it :D Yeah Baby, Yeah! (Still gotta pack tough :/)
Posted by
5:19 AM
Monday, July 12, 2004
Everyone Deserves Music
Sweet Music
The set is looking FINE :D
Pitty I didnt go to Johns Pizza party :/
but work kept me at home :(
pf.. Sooo much to do & really not that much time
Im really comming to the stage where I want to fill my time doing what I'm good at..
The job & working vibe is catching on :s
Posted by
4:39 AM
Friday, July 09, 2004
Pre sleep calm moment
Just watched Sopranos.. Nice
Playing Lamb - Gorecki
A moment of .. Calmth, Meditation if you want
Im tired :)
in a way.. im sad..
In a way.. I miss afection I think..
In a way.. I miss what could have been.. altough
in a way.. I think it was just a lesson to be learned and
in a way.. something to make me take that step..
.. in a way :)
Tomorow up @ 6.15.. Gent @ 7, 7.15
gonna be tired in the evening!
I doubt I'll make it to Decadance
I'll certainly try :)
If I just put ".. L .." here.. who will know what I mean by it.. Some might see a name, some a feeling, others an action, even some might see a color! And what you see when you read it.. might tell you more about yourself that it ll tell you about me, altough it still is my blog :) The Human Mind.. :)
Lambs gone, Everyone deserves music & after that.. sleep
Posted by
2:42 AM
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Cleaned the working spot in the basement.. interesting
lotza projects just standing there :s
gonna clean my car a bit.. yay
on the menu for today..
* Set works with Stitchy
* WFRP with the gang
& I'll fit "fixing the rc giftd script" and "watching sopranos" in somewhere too :)
Tomorow s Volvo day..
Posted by
1:56 PM
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Everyone deserves music
Sweet music!
Damn I d love to have the Spearhead set from Rock Werchter 2k4!!
Michael Franti said that we could record it & put it up on the internet, so now I just hope that someone does :)
He had 2 great speaches in his set.. DAMN! The mp3 part & the war part.. Nice!
Talkin bout sets.. The Terlinden 222 set is lookin Peachy :)
Sopranos :D
Posted by
11:53 PM
A girl driven to a Strip club because of lack of money
.. its wierd ..
I kinda care about her in a way.. I kinda care about everyone in a way..
.. its .. dificult
I dont know what to think..
strip clubs have such a negative image.. also, the future aspect..
Worth thinking about..
So alien to my life :s in a way :s
Off to bed :D
Posted by
3:19 AM
Administrator @ the new Ring of Doom forum.. interesting :)
Did some posts but I gotta hold my horses.. I ve got too much ideas and too much of the "DO it" attitude :/ Comes with the TinA board and the youth house.. Used to too much :)
I had never expected that the JH (YH?) would change me in such a way.. Evil!
The day turned out ok..
Sopranos.. went trough the 2nd season and well into the 3rd
Installed some new Linux shite, some mailing around
some chatting :) fun :)
Still have loads of stuff to do tough LOL
Learned a good deal of CoolEdit 2000 Studio Plugin yesterday.. Cool! Still got some way to go tough
Im considering putting piza in the oven.. I rather shouldnt but hey :D Anywho, Im trying not to!
Posted by
1:31 AM
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
My grandma screwed up my morning..
Even tough I tried to adjust to her shopping needs yesterday! But noo.. 2 hours up front keeps em jumpy.. Fuckin Ell, Going to be tired all day & .. the pestering (she considers that shopping) is going to be way to early & soon for me to survive without knowing up front
Yeah, going to be a Nice day!
With a person like that around for the majority of you life, I can understand how one comes to the point of hating sudden changes in plans!
Posted by
1:50 PM
Monday, July 05, 2004
Rock Werchter :)
Again, what did I see? :)
1st: Michael Franti & Spearhead (Great, Fuckin Great! The mp3 comment - spread em, The war comment.. Its cheap but I like hearing known people say that they re against that American war crap), Sean Paul (Chilled, music in the back, .. music was crap tough, half naked female dancers on the other hand.. Anywho, I Do Not like That Crap :)), Pink (Voice wasnt loud enough, nice tough..), Flip Kowlier (COOL! Pitty there was a DICK in my way.. Loser!), Cypress Hill(Smoke it :) Really cool, worth the day, NICE!), Basement Jaxx (from afar.. chilled some, then went for BBQ :D)
2nd: Dropkick Murphys (Partially tough EVIL), The Darkness (Chill & funny, crap tough), Korn (TOO COOL :D), Metallica (Nice, Nice.. not too much St Anger - luckily), T Raumschmiere (from afar, about1 song)
3rd: The Black Eyed Peas (MISSED 'EM Coz of the neigbours fuckin over their party tents & us being ad nice as we are and helping..), Wu-Tang Clan( Nice), Moloko (Surprisingly COOL), Muse (Very Good!! Really niiiiicee) , Lenny Kravitz (From Afar while shopping), Magnus - DJ (some tones, not TOO much :D)
4th: Lamb (Bonechilling, nice! The singer really has a FREAKY voice to hear live! Truely Cool!), PJ Harvey (nice from the distance), Pixies (nice from the distance), NERD (2 songs from the distance, then the next one), Placebo (Surprisingly Good), 2 many DJs (15 minutes.. They just Can Not get me dancing), El Tattoo del Tigre (Cool! Didnt stop dancing trough the whole thing!!)
There you have it, it was Great & Fun!
BBQed 4 days.. 6Kg Merguez.. hmmm
Lotza girls lose their boyfriends or so it seems..
Lotza Dready people :D YAY :D
The road there wasnt really that nice.. Had tyre (that thing you drive on with your car, the wheel thingy) problems cost us 4 hours to fix that shit! Crap!
The way back on the other hand went absolutely Peachy :)
Having a slight festival social come-down :/ pitty
(any spelling crap is due to me watching Sopranos while typing this..)
Posted by
8:34 PM