After reading some Rammstein fora (I want a translation (or german lyrics would do too.. I'll understand, given I can read them) of their new song Amerika.. I think it has a great text but I want to be sure & be able to grasp the totality of the lyrics..) and reactions to them - ppl calling them anti - american & stuff like that, I was once more confirmed in my opinion that Patriotism is a very negative force (so to speak). As is faith by the way. Ofcourse I understand that this is very biased, by wich I mean that it has its positive sides, but the fact that people get driven to violence by those principles..
If patriotism (nationalism) were to be traded for a common understanding that we are one world, one planet - and we re all stuck on it together, the human race would be able to ascend to the next level, beyond pitty wars about whose country or religion or geological position or people are best. Some will say that war is good for economy, but since I researched that this year as a school project I can now say that war is always negative for the participating countries. One way or another, in the long run, the countries lose economically. Lets not forget that human resources (work forces, etc) are an economical factor too! The only way to draw benefit from te war would be to export goods to the countries at war as a third party country, but then again, if we consider the world as a whole, we re just squandering time & resources on pitty conflicts. Some sparked by economical reasons (oil?) but in the end, bad for everyone. Globally an economically suicidal situation.
Patriotism & faith are principles that bring people together in groups that can act against each other, creating reason for conflicts, for war. I'm not saying any of the afore mentioned principles should be banned or whatever, I'm just saying people should know and understand that their actions arent doing any of us any good. Maybe some of us are experiencing short term positive efects, but in the long run, we re all swimming in the shit created by those actions.
Understanding trough intellect..
Instead of agression without thinking!
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Today realisation finally hit me that romance (true romance) only exists in the minds of writers high on lsd (I say lsd because the probability of people on lsd imagining the existence of something as silly as romance is waaaaay bigger than with any other drug!) Logical solution to this problem would be to find a lsd addicted chick (tough its not certain that she would come up with that crap - lets be honest, the probability of that happening is Sub Atomical!) or become gay & date one of those human lsd wreck writers!
I'll simply give up on it.. Its more simple and attainable!
Klaus Wunderlich.. Together with John I found some of his music & am now speeding it up :) I'm curious about the Absolutely WICKED effect that ll give :D (quite lsd-ish id think..) Anywho, its still gonna take a while since I can listen to it (like 10m) because of me not being able to do one thing at a time! Only to discover in the end I selected the wrong option :/ Grmbl! Ooooooh, We DO have a winner at double pitch tough :D This is one for the next set :D YAY
I finished the Twins trilogy (the Dragonlance, Weiss & Hickman thingy) & against common sense started Knight of the Black Rose (A related Ravenloft story)
I vectored the collored parts of my last drawing today, next step is to choose the right collors & texturise the whole thing.. Wich wont take long given I dont screw up the textures, since I did a nice job in naming the whole stuff.. After I texturised, I just need a decent BG so I can post it again as colored deviation and maybe then I'll use it as a profile pic, with another BG ofcourse but.. I'll see :) I'm not there yet! Still have to get the Hammer logo thingy in place! And ofcourse, not to forget, the ever important Shading!! Wich will be a first time too, so :s I'm curious what I'll use for that one :/ Maybe a special layer of some sort :/ Gonna see that I read some about it first! Saving takes a while tough.. A bit too much layers & vector objects I fear :/ Tough the actual file is only about a megabyte big (in .psp format) PSP tells me its 106.2 MBytes in memory.. 16M collors might be a bit much :/
I was thinking of gimping it next time but after a quick view, I cant really locate the needed tools :/ Maybe I should reinstall Corel Xara :D (that was a Nice proggy, back in the days) Gonna read me some tracing tuts I think.. I should probably find some @ Dev Art :)
& all this when I should be studying!
Its not a coincidence I hate the courses I have to do again :/ Math is ok.. But the rest.. Aarghl, I TOROUHLY LOATHE (How does one write "torougly" anyway??)
I updated my IPod soft today.. I just need to plug it into the power suply so it can flash its mem (or so it tells me) & done deal :D YAY It solves a problem I had with John's firewire and some unlogical behavior with being locked and unplugging the headphones.. Nice - Yay
I wonder if fruit has her IPod yet..
Anypoop.. Time for me to Go to Bed!! Yeees, Sleep!
Posted by
3:46 AM
Monday, August 30, 2004
Posted some Deviant stuff
Job s over (YAY)
Looking at snowboards & binds (atm its Hammer & Flow)
Watched some futurama
Studied, But only a pathetic amount
Need a Shower.. BADLY
Dont feel like blogging
Posted by
4:19 AM
Friday, August 27, 2004
Just had Pizza!
Bout Time!
Nice day @ work
Saw the whole factory
Impressive & Interesting!!
Tonight I'm bringing cake for the colleages.. My departure food..
They re all really nice ppl! I couldnt have done it without them!!
Posted by
8:18 AM
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Slept to long
was Soo tired :/
I hope to have the easy one today, yesterday was the hard one again
Posted by
7:02 PM
Just did another deviation
Based on a woman I saw on the street while driving to work
she wore white pants and a lovely black tanga, ofcourse 100% visible, a sight to cherish!
Check it out & comment :D
Its quite abstract.. in a way..
Work was hard again today - luckely we stoped several times
Posted by
8:48 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Painfull day at work
If I see another Heat Cap in the next 8 hrs i'm gonna KIIILLLL someone!
But the tought of my new snowboard to be kept me going!
2/4ths of the snowboard earned, 0/1 of the binds earned
3 more days to go!
Hands hurting :'(
I made a Deviation, check my acc & feel free to comment.. Its wierd, I know :D
Cat acting shite again, pushing a Keyb off the table isnt really nice!
Bonfire by Lamb is a REALLY cool song!
The hiking trip in September is starting to look OK :) YAY
Posted by
8:25 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Work was Nice.. I'm 1/4th of my new snowboard & then another day o work for those Nastay Flow bindz :) YAY Snowboard here I come - Yeah We got lucky this morning when the Sax turned out open at 6 in the morning! I dont think we ll be that lucky every day tough :/
Ieperfest Hardcore.. Ieper is a 1h drive from my place.. I'm still figuring what to do.. I want to go but it d be on my own.. I dont think I know anyone interested to go & available :/ And on friday is my last day @ work and most of all.. Opening night at Decadance.. Wich I cant pass on, might even be piss drunk :/ (likely not tough) So now I'm considering going to work packed for Ieper, then go to Deca and in the morning (like 7-8ish) drive to Ieper, set camp there & sleep then. Another posibility would be to just go on Sunday.. But for some reason I'd rather go both days.. Then there s ofcourse the fact of my herexams.. Hmm... So many things to take into account :/
I feel like telling some about the first time I got drunk.. Its because of Doris' blog.. First of all.. In belgium, legal drinking age for beer & wine & stuff (not the heavy crap like wodka & shit) is 16 years old.. (wodka & whatever is 18) My first drink was ofcourse beer (we have So Much Different kinds here, its a national drink :)) Kriek to be exact, wich is .. eehrm.. kinda cherry beer.. not cherry, but ehrm, I cant think up the right word :) I drank 5 glasses (5x 25 cl - ehrm.. like 5 coke glasses.. they re about 25 cl) in about an hour and then went home by bike. I got on the back bc one of my friends was on foot & I didnt feel like peddaling (never do btw). All went well untill one moment I realised I was hanging behind the bike, my knees (in jeans) scraping over the road.. A second after I realised, I also realised it might be a nice idea to actually let go, so I did.. After that I got home safely & blah, but the story keeps amusing me & the people present at that time :) So far my first time aclohol..
At the Calisto, the place we go terracing before work, has a nice blonde girl working there.. stretched earring, labret piercing, .. Looks ok to my taste, sympathetic too.. Yeah, she really improves the Calisto experience :D LOL!
Did I mention Stitch telling me my dreadz look better than before? :D YAY!
Cool thing also.. Fruit wants dreadz too :D Mentioned it to John & he proposed we have another dreadfull BBQ :D Asin Lotza ppl messing up someone s hair :D This time we have the up side of having it done already & knowing about dreadz (trust me, they re on my head, I know something about dreadz by now..) Not all ofcourse :) Continually learning as we all are
OMG - My CAT is going INSANE in the MEMBRANE
I almost lost this post! I had it typed & .. the blogger java crap almost messed it up! Fuckin Crap! Blogger + java + linux + Firefox = unhappy ME! Ive had Ff crash 3 times already on different posts! Agonising! Aarghl
Sleep :D
Oh & I'm going to try drawing a manga Me :D (do notice heavy emphasis on TRY)
Posted by
8:41 AM
Monday, August 23, 2004
Why is my cat licking my Jeans?
Coz I seem to have Dorito spice on it :s
I saw Mean Girls today.. Nice
amazing enough :) Jokes were great, story wasnt all that tough, but the jokes.. Totally Fetch!!
I discovered a new cool Blog :) Its called "I think I'm in Love: Random thoughts that were never said" by Doris A Really new blog, but it seems nice :) (and no I'm not a pedo altough I do come from Belgium, am 22 and Doris is 16.. These days one cant state enough.. I do not like girls under 19!)
And now I'm going to post this shit before crap crashes again! Grmbl! I hate having to retype posts! But Firefox seems to have trouble with the Blogger interface or whatever..
Anypoop (Copyright Doris)..
I'm off!
(and no, Ive been using that smily long time already :p check the past blogs :p)
Posted by
6:26 AM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
small detail.. I didnt have mussles for breakfast yesterday.. I had them @ 11 at night.. wich was Fine :)
did some drawing
finished Tokyo yesterday.. Thrilling read
started "test of the twins" by Weiss & Hickman today.. Part 3 of the trilogy..
math math math :/
Posted by
9:08 PM
saw dirkie & stitchy
heard some about pukkel
got reminded how cool The Dillinger Escape Plan is
Linux is acting very .. ... I think I should clean up some :/
Ipod ran outa battery today.. Did it on purpose so I could see what it did & recharge from scratch.. was dissapointed tough to discover it had lost its time :/
now, some more work & then sleep
Posted by
4:29 AM
Saturday, August 21, 2004
The need for a change in priorities is getting more & more apparent!
The TIME for change is nearing with every breath I take.. Exilliarating isnt it :D Lol
Posted by
6:44 PM
I'm feeling slightly sad..
Tenacious D rules tough!
Might be because of my running out of both Futurama and Sopeanos (Disaster)
Or because of my Totally Missing Pukkelpop!
Sleepy time anyhow
Posted by
7:49 AM
hm.. seems that 'T Hoeksken is closing for two weeks & my fav waitress isnt comming back afterwards.. I feel kinda sorry I didnt ask more about her, since she seemed really nice :) Should have asked to see her again, but.. :/ hm pitty :( Maybe I'll run into her again in Gent :D Its not asif I wont be there anymore :) I work there lol
yay & pitty.. nice colleages
STUDY! Yes, Coz I DESPERATELY want to pass this year :/
Bla Bla Bla.. more trouble than anything :/ pf Getting OK :) Bla Bla Bla
Today was ok
Put my car @ the garage for some work.. makes wierd sound :(
& tomorrow I have to be up at 1 at noon to eat musslles :/ pain.. Its really not a nice breakfast
Posted by
6:31 AM
Friday, August 20, 2004
day at work was ok
The before work terrace gives us our drinks without having to order for it
The morning place is Nice :D and the nice girl working there is Nice too :D
Morning is nice to come home to but HELL to leave to work with.. Depressing!
Im really sleepy this time a day.. thats why I get 1000 blogging ideas and forget them ALL
Watching some sopranos.. Almost trough em all :/
Tom called yesterday, it was Nice.. too long ago too :)
Ravenloft is set for a date.. 10th september.. YAY
Ipod s still nice
I reserved tickets for appocalyptica, wich i'll have to miss because of my damn exames and Therion.. We 'll be 6 people that night.. Nice group :D
Sas left me a GB entry..
I hope I have the time to talk to her anytime soon :)
Too long ago!
and about now.. Sleep!
Posted by
7:56 AM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Missing Pukkelpop :'( again :'(
Kinda thinking about removing my festival wrist thingies :s
I went to bed early yesterday.. And I slept even LONGER than usual today :s Annoying!
reading some of my IPod manual.. Interesting device!!
& studying math also :(
Pukkelpop craving :)
Also had a tought about privacy in weblogs.. altough its publicly available, one can say it IS quite private because of the abundancy of data available on the interweb
Posted by
5:53 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Day at work
I was too early to leave today.. meaning I was there an hour early, screwing up my time sense, whatnot. We did have a nice terace session!
There was a cricket on my car today.. The poor thing even stayed on at 120 Km / H! Evil animal! Was doing its sound I think.. A Death Symphony.. I mean, that thing cant survive such speeds! It was getting on my nerves too, so I gave it a chance to leave (actually pulled over on the freeway) but it didnt seem to want to leave. So I used the window wipe thingy.. but it still stuck, but in the end.. I just did a 100 Km/H and used the wipers & .. It flew.. Still, Poor thing!
Starting studying today.. ehrm.. technically today, Tomorow by my book, asin after I slept..
Finished part two of the Dragonlance trilogy I'm reading & am now reading Tokyo by Mo Hayder. Its nice.. Nicely written too!
My IPod is GREAT.. Still .. evil .. if I think about how much it cost!
Bla Bla Bla! :) *hmmmm...*
I wore my hair in a double knot today, works quite nice :) Its really tight, keeps it all together :)
Snowboard Snowboard Snowboard!
I'm looking forward to having my Snowboard :D
I kinda decided I wanna do the Josk course again! I feel like it :D
Snowboard Snowboard Snowboard!
Im forgetting something but I'll think of it .. some time :D
Posted by
7:09 AM
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Everyone Deserves Music!
I went to buy my IPod today :)
40G, 4th Gen (the one with the mini ipod clickwheel.. thats 4th, no? The newest anyhow :D)
And after some clicking around I managed to get it working (had to fuckin Windows Update tough :/)
So I did the test :D And what could be more appropriate than Michael Franti & Spearheads "Everyone deserves Music"!! :D
Great stuff!
The dinner with the grandparents went ok too.. it was nice :)
more about that later..
Ipod & Sopranos mix Wonderfully
Posted by
4:09 AM
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Got money - Yay
Sleepy time - Yay
IPod buy tomorrow - Yay
Blah - Yay
Bender: Hey Fry, we still got our costumes on.. Wanna steal some more stuff
Fry: I guess.. as long as you think its right!
Bender: Superheros Awaaaay!
Posted by
6:25 AM
Friday, August 13, 2004
A nice thing about working at night is seeing the sun rise.. I love mornings!
Its beautyfull
I have to get my mind at ease.. Its running circles on something I shouldnt even worry about.. I really should!
Everyone deserves Music.. Sweet Music!
Time for bed, tomorow work starts @ 19 instead of 21.30.. Rise & work, beautyfull! :/
Posted by
8:26 AM
Thursday, August 12, 2004
What I didnt get to.. Sleep yet
so NOW sleep! :D
What I did get to..
Installing Firefox & getting it to work propery
After a whole load of Shit!
Had to customise my theme & crap..
Looks nice now tough
Posted by
8:56 AM
Today was a wretched day
Tortured.. is how I feel at the moment
Fuckin pipes giving trouble! Daaaaamn! 2 hours at FULL speed (over actually) because I had to keep trying to find one that wasnt broken.. Regularly changing it up to 3 times, sometimes 4! Fuckin Ell!
Back hurting, feet hurting, knee hurting, WHAT NOT!
And THEN :D Donna - DONNA! Aarghl
I hope I get payed soon, I want to get my IPod :) Real Quick :D Im looking forward to be able to drive over a rocky road without having to pause my CD player.. The thing is getting a bit .. old
Gonna get my Grandad a Cell.. a 3510i if im not mistaking about what I have at the moment :)
I feel like eating :D Bad thing to do, but.. I think I WILL :D Lol
hmm.. cheese cubes :D
The BBQ.. I cant help the feeling it could have been a lot better :/ Pitty! Tough it Was good :)
Posted by
7:01 AM
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Yesterday I managed to stay up till 10.. Fuckin Too Late! Instead of 8.30 .. Pain! Slept till 6, Really too late - Did see a lot of Futurama tough :D
Work was ok, Glad to see Larissa :) Work hurt the first hours.. Then it was ok - tough they stopped the work a lot.
Ipod.. I feel like it :)
Posted by
7:14 AM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Working @ volvo..
its cool
& Pays :D
Yesterday I saw some movies.. .Nice!
I, Robot.. Nice movie.. Bad Scifi tough.. inconsistencies :(
based upon Isaac Asimov.. BASED, Clearly!
Watchin some Sopranos (Svetlana is TOO funny! "Aaaah.. Boring Woman" @ Tony s sis - Hehe), Might watch some Futurama too :)
Terrace before work is evil too :)
And Larissa regularly joins us.. Wich I am happy about :) Its nice..
And she answers my smses now too :D Rofl
Tomas rode some days with us..
Nice! But he decided this fucked up his sleeping rythm (Hell Yeah) so he ll only come with us on Fridays
Im already deciding how to spend my money
I already know too much to spend it on :/ Annoying!
Quite sure bout saving a big deal, an IPod, a Snowboard and some costs
A mouse and HD d be nice too.. Freeze abbo is quite sure too. And the VFJ Course d be nice too
All this is waay too much ofcourse :/
Parents are back @ home, we all seem to have had fun
BBQ on Saturday was Really nice too
Sleep @ 8.30 I guess..
Posted by
7:17 AM
Friday, August 06, 2004
Just looked at the Burton pages for their new boards..
Im quite sure mine ll be a Hammer! however worked Larissa is about the new Burtons..
Posted by
7:44 AM
Im Still Alive :)
been a while, but i'm working & tired & finding my working rythem
Work is ok, & fuckin pays WELL :D
Got it almost spent :/ (in tha head) I think I'll actually come up short :/
Save some on my account, Snowboard + binds (lookin round for 'em right now :D), IPod (YEAH), Memberships & other dues, a new HD!!
rents comming home tomorow..
having a BBQ starring the Green Feary tomorrow :D hihi
Posted by
7:17 AM
Monday, August 02, 2004
Back from vacation
Vacation was GREAT
I'm tired tough..
Gotta work tomorrow.. Night Shift, this means I couldnt really go to sleep early today. Hardly having slept for some days, this means I'm TIRED
Keeping bussy I did some visits, cleaned up after arriving, watched some PC and got myself a Deviant Art account. Seems they opened subscriptions again :) Yay!
My first Deviation being the snowboots thing.. I hope I get some pos reviews.. Summer Craving.. We ll see :) Its very basic anyway
And NOW its off to bed! :D Yeah
Finnally sleep in a big bed again, place all around, Fun Fun Fun :D
Ill write a full detail later :D
Posted by
1:57 AM