im off on some whacked Snowboard Trip into the depths of France
Friday, March 25, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
printed some shit
looking forward to seeing Vi tomorrow
sleep now!
Posted by
2:48 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I just had a wonderfull ID for next week :D
This is the kind of dangerous gibberish that used to be posted, in the form of mimeographed bulletins, in Police Department locker rooms.
Indeed: KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT! You will not be able to see his eyes because of Tea-Shades, but his knuckles will be white from inner tension and his pants will be crustedwith semen from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim. He will staggerr and babble when questioned. He will not respect your badge. The Dope Fiend fears nothing. He will attack, for no reason, with every weapon at his command - includtng yours. BEWARE. Any officer apprehending a suspected marijuana addict should use all necessary force immedately. One stitch in time (on him) wil usually save nine on you. Good luck.
The Chief.
Yeah, F&L style, I just prepared the memos :)
Posted by
2:58 PM
I just turned part of an exercise in.. pathetic
fuckin ell
& I had to set Vi loose in the city, fuckin crap
Vi has a small knee injury :/
We went snowboarding & the lift hit her..
Pain, agonising pain..
But she ll be alright in time to snowboard :D
Snowboarding on sunday was GOOD!
I did some nice jumps, one grab even..
yeah, felt good
Im looking forward to Friday :D
Posted by
1:44 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
The kid nodded eagerly as we roared off.
0 Christ, I thought, he's gone around the bend. No more of that talk, I said sharply. Or I'll put the leeches on you. He grinned, seeming to understand. Luckily, the noise in the car was so awful - between the wind and the radio and the tape machine - that the kid in the back seat couldn't hear a word we were saying. Or could he?
Posted by
4:38 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Im a healthy man
no need for worries, im a healthy man & thats it :)
Posted by
7:25 PM
Guess it wasnt that bad :)
I got up, drove my grandad, read some, got my grandad, finished the book, ..
Started Fear & Loathing
called Vi :) Agonising call since the connection was HELL but still, hearing from her is all I needed :)
Prepared for the meeting, met the ppl & it was Fun.. productive meeting
Then I called Vi again :) we were both Very happy to hear eachother :) Loveley
Tomorow.. Car bussiness, calling Kine, the Dokter (!!! AT LAST !!!), Tavli
& I should take care of some school shite too :s
I should REALLY incoprorate that into my plans.. but I'm afraid I wont think clearly till after having seen my Doktor :)
Friday will be .. swell :s school at 8.20 - grmbl
but :) Sauna with Vi will do MIRACLES :D
I want to press sweet kisses on her lips.. hmm :)
& now its off to bed for me
Posted by
3:36 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I Got Myself Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Nice Nice Nice
and a snowboardbag to protect the goods
and a iPodbag to protect the goods
and .. fun fun :)
yeah, White Russians are GOOOOOD Boooozah :D
& now Id like to get some ShutEye!
I barely heard my Vi today :( her cell is acting up.. NOW of all moments :'(
I did some voicemail but I doubt she ll be able to fully hear it :(
pf.. Cant be Friday soon enough!!
Posted by
1:16 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I just finished repairing the toilet
as expected it turns out to be a Total Succes :)
& now shower & Gent!!
Posted by
3:36 PM
im in doubt about where to put the new .net stuff
laptop or desktop
Cant think clearly
Im off to bed, tomorow ll be early day, I need to repair that toilet (gonna be a tough one)
& (IMPORTANT) get me the snowboard bag - Present from my grand parents :)
Posted by
2:20 AM
A Great Day
THIS is the day that John turned Alcoholic!
Viva White Russian
Posted by
12:20 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005
I was around Wednesday when the drugs began to take hold! I was unable to describe the terror and fear I was feeling (God Damn, this looks like promissing shit) The mind recoils in disbelief as the body dances its charade. I had it all!
The fear was at its highest on friday evening
We were at a party
The strange music had a nauseating effect! Between 12 and 2 I spent 3 hours trying to cope with it. "Ignore this terrible drug", I tought.. "Pretend its not happening!" But it was around 2 I couldnt stand it anymore! The hour between 1.40 and 1.45 had worn me down. This was one introspective nightmare! I had to get out, so I told Vi about my problem - She understood - and was well on my way to my car.
Vi persuaded me to stay at the party a lil longer and when, around 2.15, the drugs wore off.. I realised my condition!
My fuckin perscription drugs were having side effects
So I rode the mad torpedo that was that party to the end.. with a cozy night's rest with Vi close to me as reward!
Its been hell, they re messing with my head! Ive had trips all around, good ones, bad ones.. Moody shit, poor Vi :(
But I'm ok now.. The doktor told me I could spread 'em more. 4 a day, but 1 seperate ones instead of 2x 2. Im still high.. it just isnt that bad anymore
& all that to get rid of a nail infection!!
2 more weeks (with 3 weeks in between) like that comming up!!
Posted by
11:27 PM
Doom Savegames.. (how to save & resume a doom game)
Doom is a game that takes some hours & its natural that not everyone has the space to just let the game sit to continue next day - next week - ..
PC doom has an easy trick into this :) Savegames! And the same is possible with the boardgame! Just make sure to capture everything.
There s some posibilities in how to do it.
One of the techniques would be just writing it all down.. Easy for the players, a lot of writing tough & a bit harder to keep track of items lying around, scenario progress, monster & player positions, ..
An easier way to solve it all (the one we chose) would be to just take pictures of it all :) In this age and time, everyone has at least one digital camera lying around (no?) so this doesnt even have to cost anything (as opposed to clasic pictures)
First off, organise each player's cards into one picture..
The Marines..
Dont bother with the ref sheet & underlay - They re nice & easy to play with but you know you have them and would only fill up the image so Why Bother :D
You also need to get the health tokens right.. The total is dependent on the number of players so you dont need to know that, but the lost ones or left ones need to be kept into account.. Choose wichever is least, spread those out & put them in the picture.. Do remember if you took the ones lost or the ones left!! (we opted to spread out The Ones Lost)
Blue player - retake
Red Player
The minature in the picture determines wich players stats it are.
Dont hesitate to take 2 pictures for clarity!!
The Invader
The invader only has 3 significant stats..
The number of frags scored (lay out just like the Marine healt), the cards in his hand (simple picture would do, make sure the text is readable enough to distinguish the cards) and the number of cards on the discard pile (Write this down.. One could also keep track of exactly which cards were already used and which werent.. but we tough that to be too much of a hassle)
Invaders hand
Cards left (written down, 21 cards - kaarten is dutch for cards), player names (for reference), victory points
So far so good.. Now we know what the players had, time for the board..
For starters, its nice to have a big overview of the board.. Wich doors were open/closed, where the monsters are, player positions, etc..
To mark the two marines, we just pointed them out for the picture :) Its simple & it works.. Do check the lighting because you might accidentally shade out a space like the richt arm does in our picture.. I remember there being no monsters & an open door, but still..
As you noticed, the big picture is nice but its not Really clear where everyone fits in, so its nice (& well important) to capture the monster/player heavy areas with extra care..
We opted to take 4 pictures, one out of each ingame direction, as the scenario dedfines them)
North, East, South, West
Do notice the Compas thingy in the "North" picture
This way, everyone should be happy and discutions & doubt should be eliminated!
Now we have the whole game captured in a clear way for when we decide to play on.
Toughts about taking the pictures.. Try to have decent lighting & a neutral base to lay the things on.. If the base is too busy, you might have a hard time discerning the smaller pieces, certainly with the players tokens!
Also.. Dont try to rely on the pictures only.. The invading player has a scenario describing the playfield, the obstacles, .. !!
These were our toughts on saving a doom game to resume it later on, I hope you enjoyed our toughts :)
This is an article I just wrote for Board Game Geek about saving a Doom The Boardgame game so that one can continue playing it later..
Posted by
8:20 PM
Friday, March 11, 2005
Ignore that nightmare in the bathroom. Just another ugly refugee from the Love Generation, some doom - struck gimp who couldn't handle the pressure. My attorney has never been able to accept the notion - often espoused by reformed drug abusers and especially popular among those on probation - that you can get a lot higher without drugs than with them.
Posted by
5:07 PM
Im starting to fear
the good dokter died of a brain anneurism himself
while wanting to cook something on a gas fire thus killing his whole office personell & familly!
Its amazing, really
I'm calling 1 more time round 11 & .. for fucks sake one more time this afternoon & if by then I havent had any human interaction, I'll call the regular dokter for advice! *sigh*
(F&L status: 6. A Night on the Town . . . Confrontation at the Desert Inn . . . Drug Frenzy at the Circus Circus . . .)
Posted by
10:02 AM
I just called
& after waiting longer than I ever have before, I finally stumbled on a voicemail service.
But I can hardly leave a voicemail, can I :s
I'm calling him 1 more time & if that doesnt work, I'm calling my regular dokter about when the fuck to reach the other!
Posted by
9:43 AM
Operation Get The Dokter
The new plan is to try to reach him before noon.. might help
Next step would probably be driving there but I think I'll call my own dokter before that!!
Im going insane!
Everything that feels aquard around my body makes me freak the fuck out
with doom scenarios all around
I slept 4 hours this night and havent really eaten anything or drank much since waking up, its normal I feel some negative effects from that.. But instead of rationally realising that I m feeling the nagging terror of doom scenarios looming over my shoulders
This whole fase makes me very introspective & gives me "deep" insights on life *puke*
Yesterday it even dominated most in-car conversations with Vi..
She s such a darling to listen & support trough all this shit!
I Hope I Can Fuckin Reach ANYONE in that dokters practice today!! Even an answering machine to soothe my efforts would do
Posted by
9:22 AM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
5.Covering the Story . . . A Glimpse of the Press in Action . . . Ugliness & Failure
Im reading Fear & Loathing :)
I should go to bed
I'm tired
& Im gonna be calling the dokter ALL DAY LONG - I have No Clue when the fuck I should get to him tough :(
Posted by
2:14 AM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Had a fun evening
Would have liked to have seen Vi tough :/
But I'll spend the evening with Vi tomorrow :D
Warcraft the Boardgame with Tom
Numb3rs with Jack
fun :)
Posted by
3:03 AM
3 months in the fridge..
About the FUCK time I got to drinking it!
I should make some "Speculoos" one of these days :s Preferably before going on holiday :D
Posted by
1:42 AM
Monday, March 07, 2005
Graspop looks SMASHING
Fields of Rock looks EVIL
Werchter looks Too Fuckin EXPENSIVE Aaarghl
& I need to call Vi & cant bc of there only being one phone around
This situation is TOO Annoying! AARGHL
Posted by
7:59 PM
Friday, March 04, 2005
Sleep Profiler
Your sleep is very well optimised, scoring 89 %.
You said you do not have a problem with sleep and you are not at all sleepy during the day, which indicates your body is getting the sleep it needs. Quality of sleep is more important than quantity. You may find your personalised advice below useful for the odd bad night.
Body and Health
You are an "Owl"
* You are built to be at your best later in the day. Surprisingly, it also means your body clock is more flexible than people with standard or lark-like body clocks.
* Ideally, people should wake at the same time everyday, but being an owl, you can probably cope quite well when your sleep pattern is disrupted.
I already tought so :)
Viva confirmation tough
Posted by
1:02 AM
was nice
Kirill once again showed his Entertainment skillz :D
it was fun
& now to bed where my Lady awaits me :)
hmm :)
Posted by
12:39 AM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
My ticket to being Filthy Rich.. I only need to send it in :D
Hey Michael!
It's me, Goeffry! Remember? We met at Mariah Carey's coke dealer's place. How are things going over at Miramax? Oh, that's fantasmo! So, I wanted to turn you on to this project I'm repping. Between you and me, it's going to be a huge Rober Ebert mindfuck! I mean, this is going to be the biggest thing since “Waterworld”! So like, squint your mind, have a drink, sit back, and picture this:
This movie is “The Insatiable Cheerleader” meets “Schindler's List” meets “Shrek”. With a little bit of “Showgirls” thrown in for good measure! It's a love story about a girl who meets a she-male. Then fists her. Then there's a twist involving a hydrogen bomb. But it's ALSO an action film - with a clairvoyant janitor, a two naked old people with nipple rings chase, and three climaxes in Graceland, Hoboken, and on top of a bedridden 800 pound man. It has action, romance, and SEX. There are lots of steamy love scenes in the trunk of a rickshaw involving a diamond chaise lounge. It's sensuous, and coldly erotic. We felt the movie also needed an ethnic subtext, so there's a small part or two for a colorful goomba. But really, this is a family movie. It's about one family's struggle to overcome some really tough thing and then a heartfelt lesson is learned. The ending has a mass suicide, a song and dance number, a “Twilight Zone”-like surprise and a heartwarming sense of spine-tingling terror. We don't have a script yet, but we have a great duet with Cher and Rammstein. We think Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez and ME would be perfect for this movie! Maybe Sir Anthony Hopkins can have a two-minute cameo as the Academy-award winning English guy that gives the movie integrity! We call it “Cut-Rate Sequel”. It'll make $500,000,000 domestically and $500,000,000 internationally. Oh – and this movie will test really well with “Urban“ baby boomers.
Posted by
3:01 AM
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Posted by
2:49 AM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
The Geek Show
Wes & Neil from Dead Trolls in a Baggy got a show on tv a while ago
I finally saw an episode :D
too cool :)
Nice links too!!
Posted by
6:52 PM
Linux iPod software
Too Cool :)
Pitty its not 4th Gen yet & pitty its not got full functionality
but still.. Too Cool :)
& so I finaly read trough all the news that was pending in my rss section! About the fuck time :)
Posted by
6:04 PM
Im not going to school tomorrow
need the time to work on my school project
I'm wont be missing anything
and it ll do me some good to miss some courses :D
& off to bed in some 30 minutes :D
Posted by
12:16 AM
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
My Day So Far :s
Got up at 9.15 instead of 10.15
wich was shit since I d rather sleep an hour extra
On the other hand I got to read some more Akira so YAY for me :D
I only understood it when I wondered around 10.10 when the hell Stith would arive, so chill :D Would have showered if I would have know tough :/
Anywho, I finished Akira 4 yesterday & Akira 5 is already 60% read
A thrilling ride, spiced up with a phone call from my darling Vi (Man was I happy to hear her voice :) Not because of Stitch but just because .. :D) We went out to meet migs, delivered the "wares" (lol this sounds wrong :D) and had a renewing chat about LARP in Belgium & the Netherlands.. Exciting plans, facts & rumors
fun fun fun :D
I feel like Sauna!!
Sauna on Saturday was Heaven!!
After the delivery we went to order Stitch s snowboard :) Biggass snowboard, boots size 45, the works :D Snowbo payed, mentioned Vi comming to fit the boots & we re set :) I also warned we d get the boards together..
After An Icetea & a visit to the store to get me Gunnm 4 (hey, the flesh is weak & at the rate I'm reading these Akiras..!) we were ready to go
I was 15m late for school (no biggy)
& Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas was entertaining yesterday :D
I dont really feel like following this course tough :'(
Posted by
2:28 PM