This is a post I comment I tried to give on Sissys page, but I got horibly confused, tried to "email this to a friend" where I gave her email adress I got from her profile, only to try & send it, notice it has a 300char limit & .... to then send a short version cursing the system & telling her my reply will be on my own site, if she cares to read it.. To THEN find the real comment option where I posted the following. Its pretty self explenatory I guess.. and as to why the messup? Its 5 in the morning! cut me some slack
FUCK, I just confused the "mail this to a friend" option with the "comment" option! Im so very very sorry! Anywho, here s the reply as I typed it in the wrong box & sorry again for the probably very wierd email! (this is plain embarassing)
I need your email to comment? thats new :s Anywho, Im back :)
The issue you re talking about here is something I think every blogger should at least consider before trusting their valuable toughts and feelings (diary) to the intwerweb. The anonimity of the masses..
I know the feeling you describe here. I never made a secret of my blog (you do remember me & it, do you?? :p) and I actually stimulated some of my friends to read my gruesome secrets. But in the end, it does make me wary of what I type. Each letter I put down, each word has me consider if I want anyone to know this.
In the end, the result is that I write less open than I could. There are things I dont want certain people to read, so to be on the safe side I just dont write them. On the other hand, I dont have the need to write those few oppinions down. And I'm really blunt and honest most of the time, so there s really not much I have to leave out. But there is, and thats because I realise that by putting my deepest soul stirrings online, I make them known to all who are faintly interested.
What am I saying here? (I know, it gets fuzzy, but thats because I wont reread it at this time o day when I should either be sleeping or studying!) Making your blog even more public than it already is might be quite a big step. But then again, there s already the posibility that people are reading what you write (ever tried to google yourself? it can be an angsty experience)! So how much would it Really change?
Most people dont talk to me about what they read in my personal internet diary. And those who do and come bitching about it on top of it all, get one simple answer.. "You read my personal blog. Its online so you can read it. But that doesnt mean I want to talk about it with you! So live with the fact that that is indeed what I think or stop reading my blog! Remember, I didnt ASK you to read it!"
And this kind of reaction mostly works :)
I hope I didnt just spew a large chunk of characters, impossible to combine to a text :)
Altough I ve been gone for a while (I moved to Gent with my GF), I'm back now, so you might get more comments soon :D
take care :)
G (Dgn)