Friday, February 24, 2006

a horrible night



what a wasted day
& I lost my chess game in a hasted move yesterday
& I got the worst news possible about my dead dad

Mindbogling awful day!

I really shouldnt waste my time like that anymore & just give up

Thursday, February 23, 2006

No rest for the restless

Im back home
after my Studium Generale

Programming again, after my achieval of Phase One on Duisterhoop!
onto the Phase Two goal

Mini s on the couch watching TV, considering a coctail.. We ve got these great frozen fruit thingies.. I Love Em!!
She wants me to write this thing about me & her 2 yrs ago.. hmm..
I love her ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

2 years!

Hell Yeah!

Ive been doin this for TWO YEARS!
Can you (or anyone) imagine??
This is Incredible!

What started out as a "hey, this is a wierd plugin, lets give it a try" has turned out to be a 2 year thing.. Been a lil slow sometimes but some things have ups and downs, so.. :)

Memory Lane :)

So I started blogging.. wierd
but hey.. thats Life
posted at 7:26 PM by Dgn

So thats it, 2 years :)
If anyone ever reads the whole thing, post me a comment or eMail about my mental state :D
This is probably a quite .. acurate window into my mind! Maybe I should take it off, not keep this kind of info on the interweb.. but I wont :)

So this is it, My 2 yrs blogging aniversary :)
I might do a post about these two years later.. but Not Today!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Top Ten Sci-Fi Films That Never Existed

a starcraft movie!

Maybe even the game's story in a movie..
all those epic batles, kerrigan going from Ghost to Zerg queen..

(but as the article says, we ll never see that!)

RE: Now Sex Workers Boycott GTA

Sex Workers Outreach Project, a U.S. organization representing the interests of prostitutes, has called for a boycott on Grand Theft Auto.

[Via Next Generation]

EVERYONE hates GTA :D This is Great, I love that game! It keeps on getting better & better. I cant wait for the next PC game to come out & I keep hoping that they ll bring one on the DS soon! :D (altough I know nintendo better than that, they really wouldnt risk any GTA titles on their consoles.. Still :D Gotta LOVE GTA :D

Note their quite late reaction by the way..
And the morale this outcry contains..

all very ironic

Sunday, February 12, 2006

RE: Microsoft Anti-Spyware Removes Norton Anti-Virus

Another Unbelievably outrages MS story!
Its sad..

An anonymous reader writes "According to a story over at, the latest definitions file for Microsoft's Anti-Spyware beta flags Symantec's Norton Antivirus products as a password-stealing trojan and prompts users to delete portions of the program. Users who follow the instructions hose their installation of Norton, requiring delicate Windows registry edits and a complete removal/reinstall of Norton. Microsoft's support forum is quickly filling up with complaints about this problem, many from businesses that have been pretty hard hit. This should be a cautionary tale about deploying beta products in production environments."

[Via Slashdot]

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

All Flesh Must Be Eaten

Looks like a nice RPG :)
wouldnt mind playing it

Im kinda wondering tough why I get this in my mail :s
Evil tough

Monday, February 06, 2006


Great during lessons you dont really care about..

Friday, February 03, 2006

MSN Messenger

messenger is eigenlijk slecht bezig..

Als ge den tendens ziet, zijn ze altijd maar een zwaardere en ingewikkeldere suite aant maken waar ge uiteindelijk waarschijnlijk mee op de maan ga kunnen landen

Nu, als we naar t verleden kijken leren we dat dat helemaal niet interessant is! Au fond is da de teloorgang van ICQ geweest! Icq was groot, uitgebreid, log en zwaar. Opstarten duurde een eeuwigheid en t was nimeer toegankelijk.
Toen kwam MSN. Msn was licht. Msn was simpel (het afschaffen van een nr & vervangen door een email adres & de compatibiliteit me hotmail zal er ookwel mee te maken gehad hebben & t feit dat t in windows zat mss ookwel) Alle nieuwe gebruikers gingen op MSN, ICQ was te moeilijk / te zwaar en de ICQ ppl veranderden ook al snel naar MSN want .. iedereen zat op MSN & wat iedereen erover zei bleek ook waar.. dus leve msn! Ondanks het feit dat de meeste mensen die ICQ gewend waren wel wat dingen misten en haatten aan MSN..

Als we nu kijken.. Ik installeer de laatste 2 msn's al nimeer op mijn laptop want het is te zwaar geworden, me msn kunt ge tegenwoordig al spellekes spelen, video conferencing, desktops overnemen, NOG meer speciale smilies & dergelijke, ..

Msn zit goed op t pad dat ICQ kapot gemaakt heeft.
anderzijds, zal msn het makkelijker uithouden door de windows combinatie, hotmail combinatie, ..
Maar wat gaat t geven als bvb google nen deftigen & lichten tegenpool brengt ism hunnen gmail (die ontegensprekelijk supperieur is aan hotmail), ..

.. time will tell its tale, I guess
& MS heeft blijkbaar niet uit t verleden geleerd!

Ah & ik gebruik GAIM (met daarin makkelijk bijeen alle protocollen die ge u maar kunt bedenken)

This is a small view on the path MS is walking with their ever expanding MSN client. I posted it on a school messageboard, so its in dutch..
Have fun

PlanetFargo: All Keyed Up

or "how to stop worrying and learn to love your CD-Key."

everybody needs to read this, This is Life Important stuff!!

Also, I feel kinda sorry for mini :s She s sick & she s off to a medical exam for her work.. & she says its my fault :s So I feel bad :/

Also I lay awake most of the night..
Shitty day!