Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
How to prevent hearing loss
An article about a future we should all expect
Hearing problems!
I already have some friends who show these signs
Not only show signs of, but also who have problems because of it.
Its a problem!
Posted by
1:09 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I never take anything for granted
Only a fool maybe takes things for granted
Just because it's here today
It can be gone tomorrow
And that's one thing that you
Never in your life ever have to worry about me
If I'll ever change towards you because
Baby I love you
Yeah I love you
Just the way... You are...
Don't go changing, trying to please me
You never let me down before
I don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I would not leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are
Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care
I don't want clever conversation
I don't want to work that hard
I just want some someone to talk to
I want you just the way you are.
I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.
I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from my heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.
I d like to thank Mr Barry White (coz Barry White Is Alright!!) for the lyrics
& Viona for giving me a reason to put them online!
I love you, honey ;)
Posted by
10:21 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I am SLOWLY going insane
It looks like there ll be no sleep for me tonight!
Altough I might just go to bed right now
I dont know what to do :s
This junk Win XP has Terminal Services missing (dont ask me how, its just like that)
This means, however, that I Can Not debug my ASP 2005 pages.
A lil disaster!
Try writing code in a fairly new language (c#) on a pc thats too slow to code ASP on with no way whatsoever of even throwing in a breakpoint
I'm tired
I dont know if I'll finish this one
Its quite a pathetic combination, all n all!
.. Problem is also
I got up quite early today
This aint working
Debugging is tough enough with the right tools (I dont Really mean this)
Try doing it with Nothing At All
Certainly since I ve gotten used to them tools over the last weeks!
Its going better than I expected
tough I still have a lot of trouble, I am already a lot further that I would have expected an hour ago!
Still wierd stuff going on!
I dont trust it :/
Yet the problem now still is dual.. a, I wont get to that class if I dont sleep, the state i'm in... b, I still have to code a check for the game. & we re talking about some nice recursion here :/
Im quite close to an approximate of the assignment.. ... fucking sessions!
& after that there s still the recursion to handle :/
I have arrived at a Dead End!
All I can do now is give up on the session thing & write the recursion thing
which I wont even be able to test!
Thats gonna be a Nice One :/
.. and so I finished the bitch!
Its not Working
but with a lil help (like typing 2 scentences I fear) it ll be fully operational..
Ofcourse I can never be sure. Writing a recursive method without any oportunity to test.. is risky at least.
Anyhow, I'm going to mail it in Right Now
& then I FINALLY get to go to bed with Mini!
That ll be my reward for this freakin night of C# & ASP!
.. Oh My
I just got an error..
Lets HOPE its no problem :'(
Ah! apparently its just the search junk acting up!
Email sent..
lets hope the text is decent enough
& not to personal or whatever
And now to the most important part :)
hugs with mini :)
I only hope I dont wake her :s She s due for getting up any minute now :(
Posted by
1:29 AM
Friday, March 10, 2006
My IMDB comments
Yeah, made an IMDB acount a while ago
and, I felt like doing some comments.
So without further ado, here s my comment page!
Yeah, I know you dont care, but think about this.. what do I care :p
& now I should REALLY get to bed!
Posted by
3:59 AM
I finally solicited
I finally got to writing a letter ive been putting of for days and years before that.
Times of need.. I guess ..
anyhow, I hope to get a positive response :) Its a job I wanted to do for a long time already. And I AM looking forward to it. I can use any cent I can get. And I d rather get it in a nice way :) Not that I'm afraid of the dirty or unpleasant ones, but if a chance arises..
I'd really love to work at the Illy cafe next door! It d be nice .. & convienient :)
I really like the atmosphere of that place. To drink at leasr, but I imagine it d be the same to work there. I'm quite sure I'm qualified.
But they dont need anyone :) & I cant go break the curent guys legs, can I :) Altough it would probably solve the problem (at least for a while) lol - The coffee is having its effect on my thinking, hehe
I'm getting .. ok to go to sleep .. I think
Normally Id stay awake for some more hours without any tought to it. And I could! But .. my life is changed .. and lets leave it at that, no use in trying to put a value on it all. Its for the better in the end.
I think I'll go read some more "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell".. A surprising book by Susanna Clarke that has me captured at about 110 pages a day.
And maybe even call it a day!
The only thing I pitty is having to go to bed without my darlig Mini.
I do love her :) A Lot :)
I miss you, babey!
Posted by
2:03 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Pulse
according to this site, my pulse is within the acceptable.
84 a minute, accoring to my new count (a lil more acurate since this time is was 42 with 30 secs)
So no worries :)
I should really start running again
& I should get a pulsemeter.
I d love to start doing cardio training again, as I did while I was doing fitness 2 to 3 to ... a week.
Yeah, I really feel like doing something about my health or more acurately my stamina
I'm curious how I'll be able to keep up with my usual snowboarding rythm.
I'm looking forward to Risoul
I'm LONGING for Risoul!
And I'm curious about what Risoul will do to me in terms of memories :)
.. I remember a sight, a couple I saw there last time & .. I wouldnt be surprised if I see a guy like me (some years ago) watching me I viona as we stand where that couple stood.. I was kinda yealous then & now .. Ive found what I was looking for :) Im happy!
I only hope Mini does well with the snowboarding!
Posted by
10:53 PM
I'm jittery
I just had 2 small cups o coffee.. With condensed & sugared milk :D Hehe Im on a cofee rush & a big one for that matter :D
Got my heartbeat at 80 beats a minute.. (20 beats a 15 seconds to be precise) Cant remember if thats high or very high. I'm sure tough that its not low :)
I miss my mini! She went home for the evening, has some stuff to do, but for some reason I didnt realise she was going home untill she told me this morning. (for the Xth time already probably) And it was quite a nasty shock for that.. I didnt like it. I instantly started missing her. If I had known up front it d have been no problem, but since it just kinda fell on my head, I was Really .. shocked!
Dont get me wrong here, I'm glad she did. I'm proud, since going home is always a dificult step (try preparing yourself for an hour of public transport, 2 or 3 changes between busses and trains and a lot of waiting time. Its not nice.
ANYHOW, I miss her :/
And I Love her :) hihi
I also had a .. funny moment today
actually it was SHIT!
Stitch called me yesterday saying some kids had gotten my password (lets not go into details here). As he described how, I laughed and said there was no way that was possible. I even chalenged them. Well, seems I was wrong. The whole thing wasnt the way I expected and .. they were right. It was as easy as reading.
.. Is there a lesson in this? Probably..
But I wont go into that.. Actually I'm not sure yet about what exactly I will draw from this experience. There IS one conclusion I've already decided upon..
But again, lets get into that in a later post!
I wrote some fun software the day before yesterday.. A program to pour database info into a text, runtime formatted with tags.. It was fun
And I got the plan for some very handy software too.. A new version of the thing I wrote. A tool to condense the aforementioned database into a neat rulebook.
Another neat thing that ll surely make our life A LOT easier
RoD is good for my creativity! I finally get enough inspiration to write handy & decent software.
And Gent is good for my initiative, since here I can finally write all the great software I think up :D
yeah, I miss my mini..
But she s going to call me anytime soon :D (she promissed)
Posted by
10:20 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Encyclopodia - the encyclopedia on your iPod
I'm actually quite confused about this..
I understand what it is, what it does, .. but ..
Do I WANT wiki on my pod?? :s I'm seriously considering & thats a lot already!
And do I want to sacrifice 700mb to it.. I mean, I only have a 40g model!! :s
and also.. are there other uses like this?
And most of all!! How can I make my own of these eBooks? I have the RoD wiki Id love on my ipod on the one hand and a lot of ebooks on the other!! hmmmmmm
Mini s at work! Thinking about her makes me smile :)
Posted by
2:23 PM