World Without Oil
Web 2.0 in action..
Social games organised over the web.. I cant wait to join in :)
No Regrets
Web 2.0 in action..
Social games organised over the web.. I cant wait to join in :)
Posted by
1:35 PM
There is an Extremely interesting article on bloggers vs journalists on
An interesting read! There are to key points to be made from the article (blog post.. the irony) The whole article boils down to this conclusion.. "until bloggers are bound by some sort of restrictions or code of conduct and actually offer more value than simply regurgitation of press releases or unsubstantiated comparisons, vendors cannot (and should not) treat them as first class citizens of the media community" which contains two parts..
The later part rightfully says Content is important! Repeating press releases does indeed make you a gathering point for that information, but does not mean that you are writing news, have joined the press corps. Newspapers do more that just repeat the information they are being fed by the companies! Thus to be comparable to "a real news source", bloggers should realize they need to do more than just post. Quality over Quantity..
The former is another one altogether. Throughut the whole article, the writer proves that he just is NOT ready for "the new news sources". Blogging might be the next style in journalism. And the whole article proves that the writer isnt ready to give that new idea a chance! After All.. Freedom of Press is an ever important issue and defining a viable source by the existence of behavioral (restricting) rules just sounds Wrong!
I d love to go into this some deeper but I just dont have the time for that right now. A final note tough.. I am not saying that blogging is the answer to anything. I am only pointing out the fact that, like all new things, its facing a lot of prejudice and negativism.
Posted by
8:36 AM
We re going snowboarding :)
a weekend shortski. 3 days, over easter! Yaay
Domain of choice (well, not really choice, rather just because its cheap & available) will be Saint Sorlin d'Arves! (Village : 1550 m Domaine Skiable 1500 - 2620) Some links..
Office du Tourisme
La Météo
The Countdown Has Started.. I might even write a countdown thingie :) I should, really!
But it ll be some hard weeks till then.. Next week ll be ok. The 2 weeks after that.. I'll have a tough time. Constant working type o style stingymuwhat!
& now its off to bed! aye
Smeggin hell mates
Posted by
12:01 AM
Phew Im tired..
Worked hard this weekend & on top of it all, the time change cost me an hour o sleep :( Smeg!
But I did some spending on friday :) Guess I just needed some fun & wel.. I got caried away..
I initially went out to get me the "Jazz Legends" box. I had a coupon (50%..) from knack & .. its a 10 cd box with different artist on each cd. (Ella Fitzgerald, Chet Baker, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Django Reinhardt, Charlie Parker, Stéphane Grapelli, Stan Getz, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis) Its great!
Mini wanted to come with me to go & get it so I waited for her. She had to go to the bathroom when we met downstairs, so I went to "De Poort", the next door commic store (its quite huge) to look around. I immediately discovered the new part of Gunnm, The Last Order (nr 9), so I picked it up. I wandered some further into the store (dangerous!!) and lo and behold.. I found another pearl.. A french Dracula commic. 2 parts in a box, Wonderfully drawn..It wasnt cheap, but I just NEEDED it!!
After that we went to the De Standaard to get the aforementioned box. I cant step into a book store without looking around and I was drawn to some EXTREMELY cheap art books! (€10) SO I bought this one!
www HR Giger com
Giger, H. R. (ED)
Hardcover, 23.8 x 29.7 cm (9.4 x 11.7 in.), 240 pages
We could have called it a day then.. but I guess I was destined to spend even more..
We bought a rice cooker. And I love it :)
cant make rice like that in a normal pot. Worth every cent!
Posted by
10:15 PM
Yeah, that ll be My Newest Favouritest Wordest .. eurhm.. yeah, something alike
Smegging hell, you smegging smeghead!
Posted by
12:23 AM
this publicly available online web diary throws up questions as to its purpose.
What is and isnt applicable to it, what can & cant it be used for..
Former posts about its futute have again become a question with their answers, obsolete.
What, Why, How, ..
Questions to be answered!
Mini got up together with me today.. sweet :)
Posted by
8:35 AM
I still UTTERLY LOVE that picture of Josslen!! It Is Simply AMAZING!! I Love It :)
There was a boy.. who wanted to grow dreadlocks. "I'll be part of that special community, made up by those cool people with dreadlocks." he tought.. "I'll have instant friends! A group of people I dont know individually but still am a member of. The few," he continued, "the special people. Those inspired by the great rastafarian tradition. Following in the footsteps of many religious men.. The Hindu, Astec, Indian, Māori (Ringatu) traditions. Old traditions!"
So he started his journey. Got some friends to do his hair. The start of a long trip. Dreadlocks are not simple to get. You need to make a decision, and stick with it. Not just for a week.. or a month.. Because the first year is awful. It does not look good. It does Not look like real dreadlocks.. to the trained eye!
The boy stuck with it. Although a hard ride. Its a growth process.. There are a lot of sites out there that tell you you cant change the locks you get. That tell you, you just have to take them & love them. That tell you you just do..
Altough I am not that boy, I do have dreadlocks & I can say.. Its true. Its something that grows with you and takes a lot of time & effort to get there! So when they 've matured.. they re SO Personal.. - this is starting to sound like having kids..
I had never considered a moment in time when Id say I love my hairstyle. But right now.. I just DO! Its amazing, really. And I'll have to give 'em up soon. Because of work, career and rigid social expectations about something as silly as appearance.
The boy needed to cut his hair too, some time later. and there is where i'll pick it up again, that history of his.. Although by telling it, by making it up, by .. its also a lil of my history. No writer can steer clear of his own machinations!
The boy cut his hair. And he wasnt happy with it. He was proud of the locks. They meant something to him. And they also meant the membership to the club to which he was a member, if only in his mind. That club of which he proudly wore the colors. That club he never saw the benifits of.
He realised that cutting his hair would mean the end of this membership, with no way to ever reclaim the pride. Scorned by all those members, as he used to scorn the normal folk.. At least not without looking like a loser.
Is there a morale?
naah :)
or maybe the morale would be "Dont care about what other people think" or .. "Dont expect dumb stuff to happen because of superficial dreck" or .. "dreck is a cool word"
I wonder how the above will read.. Like shit probably. Bus as usual.. I wont reread it :) So whatever! hehe
And now I should get off to bed. A swig of soda, some brushin of the ole teeth.. (yeah yeah, fuck english spelling)
I've started running. 2 times this week already.. I should get it up to three & keep it up.. I hope it works! Because the movement is doin me A Lot Of GOOD! Im even happier because of it!
and now its off to bed for me :) Writing stuff while watching other stuff - fun but not really quality insurance :)
Posted by
12:01 AM
The reason to hate U by ~Josslen on deviantART
This picture just made me go .. silent .. & watch!
Posted by
1:10 AM
Its amazing, really!
I can easily install a gentoo system
I can get it working all the way
The X keeps on failing
And there is NO logic to it
I really dont get their new system, really DO NOT
Its incredible! Everything works untill I emerge world.
I'm reinstalling. I'm going to get it working this time
& then calmly update all systems one by one
tough it bothers me not being able to decently update my own fuckin system
A system I've installed several times and worked with for Several YEARS!
Which is probably why I can keep it running. The X just hasnt been in my sphere of interest for several years! I only cared about system internals. And in some way, I still dont feel like putting much effort in the X! yet slightly more than before :/ So I'll figure this out one day or another :)
I went running with Sam & a mate of his today.. It was nice
It felt good to Finally get some juices running :) (yeah, no phun intended)
altough I might need some new running shoes. They re still ffin GREAT, but.. a bit small.. not a real surprise, I bought them 8 yrs ago :s
anywho, Im off to bed!
Gentoo is well underway & Startrek:TNG S2 e9 (or something alike)is running to its end. Nice series btw :)
Posted by
1:32 AM
Its amazing.. Im not quite easilly impressed, but THIS is EVIL
Posted by
11:57 PM
Blackadder: "Allow me to be the first to offer Dr. Johnson my most sincere contrafibularities! I am anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused him such pericombobulation."
The truly hilarious thing, of course, is that all those un-words very nearly mean something.
Contrafibularities: Obviously from contra, against, + fibula, the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg. Means 'pulling one's leg'.
Anaspeptic: From ana. back or up, + peptic, pertaining to the stomach. Obviously refers to some form of upchuck.
Frasmotic: Possibly a portmanteau word, frazzled + spasmodic. So frazzled that one goes into a spasm.
Compunctuous: A variation of compunctious, slightly influenced by contemptuous. Having a bad conscience because one has harmed somebody one really despises.
Pericombobulation: From peri-, around, + discombobulation. Disturbance and confusion because someone has been running circles around one.
Easy peas. Stephen R. Donaldson's rococo stylisms, by comparison, are downright hermeneutogenic.
Great Article! Super! :D
Posted by
12:23 PM
Utter Fear and Loathing
Respect, Trust and Thrust issues
Weird & Unforeseen consequences
Self control?
No need for that on my behalf
This is so utterly annoying & agonizing
All I need right now .. But apparently thats too much to ask!
Yet there is a simple solution
Although stooping to that level might be an irrevocable decision.
the problem is only barely one of opportunity!
I should realy get to bed earlier tonight!
Posted by
8:38 AM