Yeah.. finally
It was fun :)
more comming up!
Ooh.. And I have The Comfiest Chair :) yaay!
Now for the story.. Me & the pliers..
Whats so special about these weird looking pliers?

Well, they re specially made to open CBR's..

Captive Bead Rings
From BME Store..
These heavy duty ring openers are made by Industrial Strength and are manufactured from 410 stainless steel and are fully autoclavable. They come in two different sizes. The small openers are suitable for rings up to 4ga and have 4 notches to help prevent scratches when opening the rings.
And since you cant open one of those CBRs without a pair of pliers, I finally got me one. & this is where the story starts actually.. It is Not At ALL easy to open a ring like that! Even with the pliers! But for a whole new reason.. You have to watch out not to bend the ring out of shape!! Then, getting it closed again! Considering you have to aply the exact amount of strength to open it, but not too much as not to bend it.. Because the ball needs the tension to stay put.
An Ordeal!
but it was fun :)
& now time to check TaxOnWeb & get to bed!!
TaxOnWeb update.. that was quite easy & painless.. paper has a lil more oversight.. but this was .. easy :) They actually had most of it filled in already!
Neg side tough.. its IE only *puke* & they Do Not Warn You about that! So after trying to log in using FF & failing, I figured it was probably IE only *puke*
Anywho, its in - yaay