Fuck It
I HAVE to finish this
yet i'm too tired to think straight :/
I'll have to give myself a time constraint & .. act accordingly
The Greatful Dead are Funny
No Regrets
I HAVE to finish this
yet i'm too tired to think straight :/
I'll have to give myself a time constraint & .. act accordingly
The Greatful Dead are Funny
Posted by
3:57 AM
I really need to rid myself of that shit permanently!
I need time to do some personal projects & with all these exam shit, .. Its good I can ignore the urges though! Getting side tracked by one of these lil projects would be disastrous!
Posted by
6:27 PM
Working is more fun than studying
I had a go at some new ringtones for my cell.. some of them worked out alright :) (a go sounds too big for 15m o clicking around..)
I got Sam onto reading Modblog today :)
off to bed now :)
Carouso is getting used to it all :) He s great! Active lil bugger tough. hehe! Lots of stuff to do around the house. A real adventure :)
Cant wait for him to get all big n stuffs
& Mini found her BDay present.. Ive had it in the house for some days now but she didnt know.. then she stumbled upon it.. what can I say :) Had some fun for some days tough.. "Oh hunney, I forgot.. I'll have to ask my boss if I can stop a lil earlier to get your gift.. im sorry" n all :) She still doesnt know which color I got her.. (its a purse she wanted) so there s at least SOME degree of SURPRISE involved. Tough the real surprise really was today when she found it :)
Posted by
12:58 AM
Carouso is SUPER :) My cell isnt tough :s hence the crap pictures.. (older & bigger pictures @ the link.. tnx to the Great people at the borntolove cattery!)
Helping with the bed..
Inspecting the dirty bed stuff..
& here he s eating :) Check the length of his tail!! Its longer than his body!!
He's 2,6 kg right now. A normal cat of 14 weeks weighs about 1.4 kg.. He s already Big :) & he ll only get BIGGER! Amazing Paws & HUGE ears :) Cool Cat!
He s still slightly clumsy tough :s he just jumped against the table instead of onto it. That looked painfull :/
Another great thing.. He TALKS! :) He s got about 20 different sounds & talks to us :) Its great!!! Amazing!!!!! :)
Viona 's happy like a lil kid!
& this is Yoshi, My in-law's dog, who lived with us for 3 weeks..
I like cats better :s
& now off to bed coz its working day tomorrow & I'll have to get used to the normal hours again.. Studying still works best @ the usual nocturnal hours :)
Posted by
1:25 AM
Carouso has arrived :)
& he s a wee sweet cat!!
I just had a try at lynx & .. its quite alright! I wont be dropping FireFox over it, but when in need of a text browser, it certainly does the job :) Amazing how bad some sites are structured. Lynx gives all that away!
I just discovered my brother is in the peloponesos this week. Till Friday! & they can see the fires from where they 're staying. They re not in any danger though! they re on the other side of a bay from the fire & they have acces to the airport, so no danger.
Carouso is funking up the bureau & checking out the keyboards, screens and speakers. & the printer :) cats = fun & Maine Coons even more :) The whole dog experience, the last 3 weeks.. I'm just not social enough to live with an animal that demands such amounts of attention! Carouso is great fun though :) Im curious to see if he d jump in while im in the shower :D
Posted by
8:52 PM
The awfull & uncomfortable truth of the matter is..
I want a lot of stuff
* Nintendo Wii + Games (€250 + 60*x)
* Polar AXN 500 (€350)
* Nokia n800 (€400)
* Snowboard Trips
* Snowboard Gear (Pants, Gloves, ..)
* DS Games
* Board Games
* New Computer
* Uncountable amount of books
* Several new HD's
* ..
Expensive stuff!
And I NEED a lot of other stuff
* New Vacuum
* New Microwave oven
* A Washing machine
* Save (youknow.. having money to sit in the bank, not spend it)
* A new HardDisk
* ..
Not to mention The Bills
* Internet
* House
* Phones
* Water, Gas, Electricity, ..
* ..
& to be honest..
I probably (Probably???) dont earn enough to get all that Right Now! Almost Nobody earns enough to get all that right now! (well, nobody actually with the exception of some stars n all) So that leaves me with a quite common yet dreadful problem..
I cant Immediately buy everything I want :)
This wasnt a problem in the past.. Those expensive things were utterly beyond my reach, so I didnt even think of buying them.. Now on the other hand, I have to realise they re still out of reach :) But typing this is a long way toward realizing, so .. well, I guess all is better again..
I'll be making a NEW list (& checking it twice) of "I WANT's" soon.. :) & the first thing to go will probably be that Nokia n800..
Back to studying :)
Posted by
8:04 PM
I need this watch!
Outdoor Sports Stuffs Watch.. Cool!
The alto stuff ll do great for snowboarding trips
The compass will aide me in any Hunt or Survives to come
& the Heart meter will do wonders for my health! Its actually what I look forward to most of all! Being able to track my heart rate & train accordingly!!
My cardial state seems to be alright, but still.. Training to keep it up is ever important. Also, it ll enable me to run again.. Im terrible at keeping pace, but if my watch monitors my heart rate, I can strive to train at a certain rate! (you know, 180 or something unrealistically high :D) Tough my current heart rate under exercise isnt that bad at all! quite low really :) hihi
Posted by
9:26 PM
Last exams starting tomorrow.. 5 to go..
Posted by
3:09 AM
Posted by
10:34 PM
I have to say.. Its quite hard at times to keep the civility towards my peers when they fail to do me that very courtesy.
Some people seem to feel compelled to judge others unhindered by any facts or even right to do so.
How annoying!
Posted by
2:20 PM
Id rather be working.. Its a lot more fun & rewarding!
Soon, soon!
Ps. Check Cheops for some great BBC Radio Dramas n all! Funny Shit :) Do check out Terry Pratchet, though there are better stories than "Only You Can Save Mankind" Radio Drama stuffs rule :)
Posted by
2:58 AM
I just finished 15m of Yoga with Maya..
I really value this program! This really helps me to keep healthy & ache free!
I really hope they make a Wii version using the Balance board!! & maybe even the controllers in some innovative way! (innovative, not clumsy)
Posted by
11:36 PM
Whow, this is THE answer to a lot of my frustrations! (and probably the source too once I start trying to make it work!! A quick look reveals it to be near impossible to get X running on my setup without manual xorg configuring :s *sigh* headaches!)
Studying is going well.. Slow but i'm quite immersed in it all, so thats good!
Posted by
8:59 PM
Everyone has widgets.. We should get a widget! No clue where & with what, but.. Widget is the way to go! .. Widget sites.. "We-d-get whatever ya want" lol
Posted by
7:38 PM
This one s for you, mini..
Posted by
1:23 AM
Im not going to translate, suffice to say, they re shocked :)
I really dont like reading Humo & .. well .. this didnt help :D then again, Knack wouldnt even be that positive!
Edit: Oh god.. I just discovered they didnt link to modblog itself, but to the scarification gallery.. lots of blood = cheap shock value :( They re even sadder that I thought at first!
Posted by
9:57 PM
Listening to Nine Lives..
Its a pitty I had to miss them at Graspop :( Would have liked to see them
The rice machine is acting up :s
Posted by
7:36 PM
Thats not enough to qualify for genocide, is it.. probably only Mass Murder
Wiki - Mass murder
Mass murder (massacre) is the act of murdering a large number of people, typically at the same time, or over a relatively short period of time. Mass murder may be committed by individuals or organizations.
any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Posted by
6:32 PM
the plan is underway.. Beer + Containers + Slugs.. Genocide!
Lets just hope they all nicely die. And I mean .. AAALLLLLL
I dont need those lil buggers sliming up my terrace & even less eating my expensive plants!! (not That expensive, .. whatever) I forgot the name again.. nice plant tough. Maybe Tomorrow :p .. nice tree!
edit: Salix integra or Hakuro-nishiki. Wiki says "its a species of willow native to Japan and Korea." Its leaves are pink sometimes
Posted by
1:01 AM
at work..
I was experimenting with software.. We use .. pdfcreator (nice stuff) & I heard you can merge documents with it. I didnt know how, so I took 5 minutes to figure that out. For some reason I chose some personal documents to try it (The war of the ring manual & FAQ) I figured merging those two, (the later into the former & not just at the end) would be nice. Also, I wanted to print it, so I uploaded it. Ready to print B&W once I got the whole IT infrastructure up @ home.. Now, some time in this process.. I selected a wrong printer and clicked around some in the interface.. Sadly enough.. I seem to have printed instead of canceling..
The positive thing here :) is that I now have an Extremely pretty print of the rules & FAQ. Stapled n all.. The downside on the other hand.. is that I discovered this error when our boss asked me not to print personal, uber colorful stuff like that on the expensive printer. This puts me in a position I dont want to be.. I dont do stuff like that & if need be, Id at least ask first.. I hate that it makes me look bad, certainly because I was unaware that I printed it.. It d be different if I DID do it on purpuse.. & I was So bedazzled when he confronted me about it.. I REALLY didnt understand how that document I had experimented with (the evening before none the less) ended up printed n all on my desk.. I REALLY did not get it! Ofcourse this was not how it looked.. Its a pitty.. & I cant go cry about it either, because that d just be sad.. Sad in a "Just admit you tried to exploit the company" kinda way.. On the other hand.. I dont think my boss cared THAT much, so I'll survive. Still.. The whole thing bothers me! Yet, I now have a nice print :) Recto verso, great quality, .. Yeah :)
Yet I feel at ease.. Its been a long while since I really felt at ease. I feel relaxed & thats .. new! probably because of all the space we have now.. Much less stress. Probably also because I can now sit in an easy chair, relax, .. Provided VDAB pays me soon.. life is good. Finally. I waited quite some years to write this.. Ive written it before, but this time is different (as were all the other times, ...)
I even watched some startrek while unpacking
Another some boxes unpacked.. yaay.. Books are now on the shelves.. They fill a mere 1/3th of them, but .. once we both get our libraries over.. We'll need an extra bookcase then :) hehe
& we bought some amazing plants.. Since I immediately forgot the names, I cant post that right now, maybe later
& now, back to rnr & unpacking..
Posted by
9:56 PM
Feels good :)
stuffs to tell tough..
Posted by
11:17 PM