Im starting fear Vista might be the next WinME.. Its been said before on the network, but I'm starting to see more parallels. Newest error.. Audio Glitches? wtf?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
When you recieve a second call and put it on hold.. make sure to actually put it on hold or at least cut the microphone because its intensely Silly if the person calling you can hear the conversation you re having with your wife about whats for diner tonight; cooking? bread? ..? ....
Its beyond silly!
Posted by
4:28 PM
Time for a lil review of my whole situation thingy.. Basic question is.. "How am I doing at ..?"
Its ok I guess. I now remember more about whats wrong with it all. I was planning on writing this letter & I'm gettig new material each day! They re all just SO POORLY organised!! Its sad :( BUT I'm doing it. Again. And .. yeah.. the countdown is on again. I'm pushing limits I tought had given out long ago. And I dont need anyone telling me "you sometimes need to do shit you dont like" because none of you can begin to imagine what these last 3 years have been for me. Viona can start to. But anyone else just doesnt know enough about it all to start immagining! So thank you for not going there :) And thank me for not whining about it when someone does (go there again)!
Fine tnx :) Only problem is - I dont have enough time to get all my work done. I'm working part time & there s just too much stuff to do versus the time I have to do it. More tasks than I can fit in my day! & this frustrates me; my bosses & probably my colleagues. And it frustrates me even more to frustrate others!
On top of that, I might not show stress - but I do suffer it. And I love a nice dose of stress! Problem is - when I get too frustrated I lose some of my endless patience and my headache and neck pain flares. Which happened this friday & took me till this morning to recuperate from!
But hey :) It ll get better!
& as long as I do one thing at a time - all the time :) everything s Allright! :D
nice :)
Viona s doing fine! The cat s allright :) (he s cute & getin huuuuuge) things are working out
Not as I planned since I still have that school stuff to take care of. But its working out :)
& talking bout that.. Im off to bed! :D
We re writing & XIV will look Good :) Scenario s almost finished, so Yaay :) Im going to make a callendar soon tough.
On the lighter side.. check out Whorecraft.. Guess we had it comming :) Gamer porn. And Im sure there s money in it too!
& Robinson s on again - and its fun
And also *sigh* BMEzine drama is sad :/
Posted by
12:29 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I'm glad Bio came for a visit
& I saw Ex-Drummer; after reading it earlier this week; and both the book and movie are well worth it. Both Incredibly violent tough.
Posted by
1:01 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I still cant believe
I failed those courses!! What the fuck?
Im considering buying gloves.. Im getting old
Posted by
1:22 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Aint it just Horible
Yesterday night, when I left for bed; I knew I was getting into trouble when I emerged all those updates & didnt update the configs. Ive been there before & had it happen .. all .. before! Its UTTER CRAP! Yet I had to had to bed & .. this kinda cost me my night.
& the weird thing is Im not SURE why the problem happened! & I dont feel like rebooting it again, so.. *sigh*
So I can now FINALLY check my MAIL for example!
Posted by
11:41 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
Its incredible, the new release fixed my DVD player problem. (PX 716AL has NO linux support) He now writes, reads & plays without any problem!
Wine works well too.. I needed Picasa2 to upload my pictures of carouso to webpicasa. Just installed it under Wine & it works like a dream.. well not a dream, but Fine :)
Way to go!
Posted by
9:46 PM
i d expected more
Everyone left So Early :s
Distance changes A Lot apparently..
kat is sleeping in my arms :) Cute! 5.2kg at age 5 months.. (no; he aint a fat kitten) Not bad :D
sleep now
Posted by
4:07 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Out of my BIG todo list, there s net enough stuff going right to make me feel content with myself. and that sucks. Altough I'm working to get it alright, one thing at the time.
Only fools expect the horizon to bring better tides (what a sentence.. a horizon bringing tides.. thats so mashed up I wont even correct it - lol)
In lighter news.. Im going for some WFRP tomorrow - that ll be a happy meeting of some old friends! and I'm INCREDIBLY curious about an unimaginably cool looking game called Tannhäuser! Check it out at the geek!
& at least im back to linux :)
Ubuntu keeps on amazing me tough there s been some rough edges too. Looking forward to the Ghastly Gabbon - lol - make that "Gutsy Gibbon" :) Updates tomorrow!! (Hot Damn)
Posted by
2:05 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The two old croonies were late
and now I'm stressing to depart for work.. aarghl
They look like two sweet ladies though! I'm going to ttry & stay on their good side tough.. considering what I heard from those people who lived here before us.. :/
I also learnt that before those people, there lived an old lady here who afterwards moved to Paris.. Paris is nice :) I wouldnt mind Paris - LOL
Posted by
2:56 PM
Beneath a Steel Sky
They dont make em like that anymore.. partly because they simply dont make them at all.. period.. Thank the Tao for ScummVM :)
Another great invention of that age & time is UHS - Get trough those pesky situations without ruining the game..
PCs pumping data. Dividing them over my old & new disk. I'll have space soon :) About time! & then I can reorganise whats on my desktop .. and should have been on my serv!
And now its off to bed :)
Posted by
1:51 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Flip Kowlier
We went to see Flip Kowlier yesterday! Great fun :)
I really love some of his new songs like .. Onder nen buom
and who doesnt love his newest song.. DonderdagNacht (Shelli.. DO watch this, I want your reaction to this :))
Anywho, I finally bought some of his stuff.. some, like all 3 of his cds and a TShirt :) about time, I really love what he does!
And Im incredibly happy I finally saw him perform live!! I even considered going to see his concert a second time & by god, if he d have a second gig @ gent, I would :)
And ofcourse, I was incredibly thrilled to finally see Smetvrjis live :)
For all you english speaking folks.. you probably wont get it.. but thats because its mostly about the lyrics.. 3/4 of belgium doesnt get it either :) because its sung in a near uncomprehendable dialect :) Not mine either, but I listened to these songs for hours & figured them out :)
Anywho.. Im incredibly happy I finally saw Flip live!
Posted by
3:27 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Someone should tell my teacher that its "child & children". And that there is no "s" anywhere in there.. So Certainly no such thing as "CHILDRENS"
Posted by
11:26 AM
According to the "De Standaard - Belgometer" Test
I'm 56% Unionist when it comes to belgium & the current day politics
.. and thats probably about right.
Posted by
11:06 AM
I just worked some for work.. and I was about to log in (I actually turned on the noisy serv to get my files - and yes its still noisy even tough I have the part I need to solve it.. Time o sweet time :/) when I realised it wouldnt work since linux doesnt take kindly to putty s port forwarding efforts.. And I dont immediately remember how to fix it, so.. :s I'll work some more on the gen I guess.
Ubuntu.. when the amazement wears off..
* I knew this but I had forgotten.. but - I actually managed to buy an eleeet DVD writer that Does NOT work decently under linux! Again .. Annoying! I dont know what I ll do to solve that. I wrote a cd earlier today & damn.. I dont know exactly HOW it worked, but it did & im just happy about that :/ The fracker freaks on reading the simplest cd. At first I was scared it was a juice problem.. but reading up on my sleek Plextor PX-716al .. its nothing more nor less than a plextor problem :(
I'm tired :(
The next day .. Edit - I remember now.. Programs (running under normal users) arent allowed to hijack ports like that. "sudo" should solve that! And also, I kinda remember writing a script on Kabouter to mount those ports there so I can use him to get to the work servs. ALSO.. I should configure it so I can project those ports on another IP than the one kabouter is using; thus effectivly creating a VPN :) Also; I cant mount p80 to p80 on kabouter since he s already running a webserv.. So one adress with p80; all the individual ssh & the SVN ports. That d be about it.. oh wait, no, the SMB ports too.. This being said, maybe I should have acces to the webserv smb go over the fileserv smb.. An idea I've considered many times before .. but just wont cut it!
.. Or maybe I should just install a VPN :/ Dont think so though.. I still feel we dont neeeed no stiiinkiiiiiin VPN :)
Its still a pitty I cant connect to kabouter from any outside location. Maybe I should get myself a fixed IP.. Or maybe telenet should stop acting like AaarseHooooles :)
Posted by
1:42 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
An incredibly funny "unordered list of thoughts"
Funny :D
got it trough someone's twitter. No need mentioning whose. (I ONLY KNOW ONE PERSON WHO USES THAT CRAP!!!! :) And he s mildly entertaining sometimes, while we re at it.)
anywho, fun :)
Posted by
9:20 AM
Toilet Trained Cat Doing Number 2
I really need to get Carouso to do this :)
He s already got a healthy interest in the toilet.. with the water n all.. so thats a plus :)
Preferably without the falling in afterwards ofcourse :p
Posted by
12:41 AM
Beatrix, Hula Hoop Gipsy Music
God, there s a whole hula hoop community thing going on out there.. its amazing
a new world opening up, I wont ever be able to look upon that mundane toy as I did before
The fact that both of them are young, thin and attractive probably helps the sexyness potential too :)
The hoop also gives the whole dance an extra dynamic that looks real cool :) Girls should do this at dancings :) Should be funny too.. hitting people in the face n all..:)
Posted by
12:07 AM
Hula Hooping @ The Gathering
I never thought hula hooping could be sexy.. apparently I was mistaking :)
Posted by
12:03 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
oppinion on the dreadlock technique of putting your lock trough a hole in the base to tighten them towards your scalp..
oh god..
The method described is indeed a well accepted and tried method, practiced by many people with dreadlocks. This is however NOT and I repeat NOT a good idea!
This method is for people who dont have enough patience and faith in their hair to just wait it out. Your hair will dread of itself, without any help if you just wait it out. The first 2cm (about an inch) of hair starting form your scalp wont look like dreadlock, but thats normal, it will tighten as it grows. Just wait it out & dont panic. Dreadlocks are all about patience!
Why not use this method? Because your dreadlocks wont be as nice and even as they would be if you do wait. I used this method some years ago on 2 locks and I can still feel and see where I did. The loop that formed there restricted the natural locking of the hair, which prevented that part of my dreadlock from decently forming and tightening.
While there are people who use this method throughout their dreadlocks life, those dreadlocks will look and feel less nice and less dready compared to anyones dreads who doesnt!
I advise Everyone against using this technique!
I really miss a community driven site about locks. I might start one myself soon. There s too much bull around and some community (and i mean wiki bc a forum is nice, but its not a knowledge base..) action would do well. im thinking history, techniques, maintenance, .. All the shit on one site.. available and searchable!
Posted by
11:17 PM
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (Woodstock 1969)
White Rabbit.. White Rabbit!!!!!!
You go chasing rabbits..
Posted by
10:25 PM
Tori Amos: I Don't Like Mondays
Great cover!
Its a great song, covered by an amazing artist.. Simply beautiful :)
But I really love what Tori Amos does :)
Posted by
10:12 PM
its weird
& its weird that I think it is.
but I really need a VMed windows running. I kinda counted on that. At least I can enjoy the media! Another problem is that I prefer E over the usual WMs.. ATM its standard Gnome & thats just not me :s
I'll do a lot of frackin it during the next few weeks :)
Posted by
1:25 AM
getting to know ubuntu..
Wine s still disappointing though!
Posted by
1:02 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Linux Update
I just reinstalled on a bigger disk. I like this a lot & I want it to stay, so bigger it is! & it feels right :)
Install was uneventfull
VMware installed ok n all
but it wont boot my windows partition .. yet :)
Posted by
11:17 PM
Synergy works
VMs for later
& I need more HD.. 6gb is close :/
now sleep, tomorrow more junk :)
Posted by
1:18 AM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I am Amazed!
I just installed Ubuntu & .. Hot damn!
I did have some problems.. Error 21 @ grub & not that much help anywhere. Luckilly its not my first Linux install ;) Otherwise this would have been nasty. My HD wasnt configured in the bios so grub couldnt boot from it, .. Pitty this wasnt detected; then again - it IS an exception
Anywho, I booted & kicked it off.. Hot damn! Its amazing. I wasnt expecting to even like ubuntu, but this is great! Linux might finally be Desktop Ready!!
I tried some distros last year on viona & they all failed most spectacularly! There were several fail points & I was preparing an interesting post about it, but thats SO dated by now, I wont even finish it for the sake of..
Anywho, one of the problems I found was to be the media codex.. This was actually the worst. People want to surf those dirty sites with videos that scream at you & that was A PROBLEM.
Ubuntu, today, automatically installed all the codecs and plugins I needed! With a few clicks (yes, yes, yes) everything was solved.
I Am Impressed!
And now that we ve tested the audio & video capabilities (I use my comp as a jukebox so audio is extremely important!) we re moving on to the more advanced stuffs :) I dont expect problems in everyday use; but im not sure what it ll do once I need VMware n all :) I might break this! lol
& next :) is installing it at work - lol
tough I probably wont :( no time for OS preferences, too much other stuffs to do! Yet i would prefer linux! with a virtual windows of course :)
Oh & this new series of survivers is SUPER EVIL!!!!!!! Im REALLY looking forward to watching! 100 ppl on an island - its bound to raise hell :)
Im pondering the plan to get my life back on track.. this is good! more soon :)
Posted by
11:43 PM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
At this last feedback I actually saw what I feared had happened.
Some of the questions were incredibly dubious in wording. I remember doubting but not asking what of the 3 possible scopes the question was asking for. Sadly enough, the question was so badly formulated, that asking about its meaning would on itself be immensely insulting for the person who made it. (I cant express how disgracefully I felt the question was formulated. I felt bad as if it d have been my work!) So I chose not to ask anything & answer the question as I hoped it would be.. & was wrong!
Its incredibly sad how BAD some of these exams are made up! I'm obviously expecting too much when I hope for competently made exams and courses. (Check that post I did some days ago)
GOD I hate school!
anywho, I shouldnt mind those frackers as much as I do.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Friday, October 05, 2007
Flip Kowlier
We re going to see Flip Kowlier next Friday in Gent.. Viona doesnt know yet, but .. im sure she ll appreciate me buying us a concert :) Or at least I hope so :p lol
tickets ll arive soon
& im looking forward to it
Work & school are heavy. I had an annoying mail problem today. It taught me to check up more on my colleagues. I really dont like what happened, but we re resending it, so it ll be alright. Still it bothers me
RoD meeting tonight was alright
I always feel like we dont have enough time. I need LONGER meetings - lol
& now im tired. This is the heaviest day of the week to me. Im at no place longer than 3 hours & as a matter of fact, most of the time its barely 2 hours! Its tiresome
So off to bed for me :)
Posted by
12:00 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I now FULLY remember
why I hate going to practical classes!
* The crap they give us doesnt work
* The PCs are too protected to make it work
* Teachers are simply not prepared to deal with this kind of problems
Its agonising!
I am here to LEARN stuffs
not to try & solve their SHIT
Posted by
11:25 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
After his 12th cup,
there wasnt much more left of him than a coffee induced rage at everything and anything round and about him
He's a difficult person te be around when he s in the depths of a near caffeine poisoning.
Posted by
3:51 PM
I desperately need that new hardware
Nothing fancy, a new power suply!
I wanted to get some work done tonight, but since I can hardly boot my pc, I cant login since my files are on there!
Carouso is incredibly cute :) He s sleeping on my arm as I type :)
Im happy the new seasons have started! Finally the story continues on Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica & Lost! (tough we re not expecting a lot of story in Losts case! They kinda .. lost .. the whole story)
Posted by
1:00 AM