Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Its an important moment today..

In my 1310th post on the fine Blogger system, I am moving out.

I need more control over my blog & thats something Blogger doesn't intent to provide at any rate! So I'm moving out. This will be my last Blogger & first new system post! I wont delete my account though. There s too much memories on here. And if the Cone thing ever gives out, I'll be falling back on Blogger.

As you all know, I'm in sore lack of time, so this was a quick solution. I was able to get some historical posts (first ones) and most recent posts (last 8 months) but I didnt find the time to import those in between (althouh the script is really convienient & quick at any rate..) - Damn its saddening how it always goes wrong at the last minute :(

Anywho.. the point here is.. Its time to delurk!
Come & say HI at the new place!

The New Place:

or even
for the professional Linux bloggings


Sunday, January 06, 2008

I need to fix some stuff!!

But apart from Mini,
there s only time for Oracle & Gantz right now


Friday, January 04, 2008

A Powerfull Sentence

"The nice thing about America is .." is an incredibly powefull sentence.
Not so in the rest of the world, but in America, anything that follows this sentence, is automatically percieved as being positive. (or at least more positive and positive at a first impression)

The nice thing about America is that you're free to GIVE me all your money!

now THIS is a Strong sentence! Its an extreme example.. and it (probably) wont work.. But pick a better example, the right victim.. Combine it with other accepted "Good" terms, freedom for example, and you re in an even better position to get what you want :) And America is a real easy example to set here since its such a big country, people speaking the same language.. Its an incredibly interesting population for social observation.

& Its a strong sentence! :)

.. & now more work & then some sleep

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


No time to blog

I'm school stuffing all the time
& when I'm not.. I'm working!
Only 4 more weeks

Thank god I had those 3 days of snowboarding!
3 great days by the way
There s some Great stories coming in 4 weeks :)

more work now

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

happy newyear n all

I actually backdated this. Its the 4th now, but I was too busy & I forgot :s