its been a telephone day for me!! :/
but now ll prolly be the last one :D yaay
now, off to After Forever!!! :D
gonna really miss Sarah tough :(
Our merry pack has expanded even more to Stitch, JC, R&S, Tom, Karen & Karens friend
AND :D @ a'pen Kathleen will be waiting for us :D CoolCoolCool :D Im glad i'm going to see her again!!
if now only Sarah.. :/
im off :D
Friday, April 30, 2004
WFRP is comming out again - Viva Black Industries
This is cool since those books have gotten hard to find, to the extent that I discovered books sitting on a shelf, bought one myself & our GM bought the remaining two immediately!
Anywho, COOL that there s gonna be a reprint :D & new material :D & WFRP2 (alrough I fear what they ll do to the system, its already REALLY good!!)
Today I didnt go to Econ due to lack of money to eat.. grmbl! Now that I actually wanted to & had a good reason :/
Hmm.. more food!!
Posted by
2:23 PM
*Constantly Thinking Of Someone*
hmm.. :)
Read Sarah's blog & I have to hand it to her.. she found some amazing photography portfilios! Ami Vitale - war photography Powerfull stuff! Another she posted is awsome too.. Brodylo|morrow is .. less powerfull tough.. They re all quite perfect! Christian Houge on the other hand has pictures I d actually buy & put up! Breathtaking female & Landscape photography!! Last site she featured on her blog was Earth Pelgrim.. Nice site :) cool menu.. Pitty the pics come up slow sometimes tough.. Sarah.. You have to hand it to her.. She s good at finding decent sites :) I hope her hopes () come to be!!
My dreadz are Itchy!!! Not all the time, but still..
I ll see 'em tomorow tough but still, BITCHES!!
*thinking bout that special someone*
Sleep time :) Tomorow Math & a busy weekend!! :/
Posted by
1:11 AM
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Dirkie 's ill :/
taking over his bar shift this eve
dont feel like it tough :/
had alternate evening ideas.. calm ones actually
Drank Looza Jinx.. Nice stuff, fruit juice cocktails, without alcohol
nice! (actually been drinking it al week!)
Posted by
6:21 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Tired :/
wastedaaah.. wierd tough, 6hrs o sleep :s
Just dont have anything urgent for tonight
Gwen's curious for a name.. I tried Ilsabet but she wanted another one.. I think she wants to hear Sarah :) tooo funny Curious people are TOO funny - ehe
I think i'm going to read some & then sleeeeeeeeeeepaah!
Posted by
10:36 PM
Back from Gent
Sarah s place was Fun, spent 1h30m waxing her dreads, she spent 1h (both more or less) waxing mine. I actually enjoyed it :) Then we watched "The Butterfly Effect".. Cool movie too.. Goes a lil soft after a while, but still. I still cant believe Sarah :) She can really make me laugh by just looking @ something! To repeat myself once more.. Its probably coz I like her..
We slept for 6 hrs, went to school, first class was funny, eating was good tough the girl making the food had just sold the last bread & had to bake a new oven while I waited.. She was sympa, but still.. 20+ minutes for food :/ Good food tough :D Ate it, Economics was .. well, same as usual :/ Afterwards we turned in the paper on WW2 Economy and went for some fun @ graslei. Machiavelli! I won with erm.. 29.. nice score :)
Its sure now, we asked 9 ppl to choose between me, Stitch, Sarah & John about who was most Marginal & .. its a fact, its Stitchy :D hehe I have to admit the ppl were chosen to make sure it d be him :D Ask dready people & its sure they wont pich dready ppl :D The last two really did it, but again.. I wasnt surprised :D One of them was wearing a long skirt with flower motive & sandals underneath.. One of stitchy's arguments against me was that I wore sandals.. It didnt really help him!!
So its for sure :) Its Stitch, then Sharky & followed by Jonathan.. There you have it, a nice top three :D
Im SO eating Pizza tomorow! :D
Saw Evil Lies today.. Long time no seen! She has an amazing memory for names :/ so it seems! Took her a second but she remembered!
ah & I explained the difference between Karma, Aura & Charisma! YEAH! :/
If tomorow s weather is good I thing I'll have a read or whatever in the Citadel Park after the pizza (& after Math!!)
Posted by
8:46 PM
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Econ turned out ok.. Yves is doing wonders (I hope :D) with putting it together & .. well, tomorow s the big day :D
Got some time to spend before my plans continue... Wondering what to wear.. It all depends what the weather ll be tomorow.. grmbl :/
I hope The butterfly Effect is nice..
Luckely the company is good for sure :D
anywho - See y al later :)
Posted by
7:15 PM
Finished what I planned!
now tomorow afternoon for another thrilling chapter - yay
looking good
Posted by
5:12 AM
SInfest: Pimp Fiction A coooooool Pulp Fiction related commic, just too cool :D
Had fun today with Sarah :) I really like being around her..
DB was ok too.. over quickly too..
Dreadz are fun :)
so much to play with :D
Econ work!
Posted by
12:15 AM
Monday, April 26, 2004
a refreshing nights sleep..
Hmmm :) YAY
& first Dreadlock shower..Cost me HELL not to wet them!
en now.. to Gent!!
Posted by
1:18 PM
I have NOT been productive at all! & stil have a great deal of work to do! But i'm TIRED
Posted by
5:53 AM
Went to Gent, had fun with the ppl..
Graslei, McD ice, & some Trivial Pursuit (80's edition - damn I hate that game)
& now Work
Dreadzz.. I just read @ knottyboy about aftercare.. waxing & stuff.. After the first shot at getting them all locked up, sit down and re-wax each one as best you can at LEAST twice a week to begin with, if not every few days, but use your judgement. You'll find that the first few days things will feel a bit tacky and sticky up there, but as your dreads start to lock in the next few weeks and aren't as soft anymore, things dry out a lot. After they've started to form into real dreads (anywhere after about 2-6 months), you can use Knotty Boy to get the loose hair back into the main dreads and goop them up whenever you feel it's necessary, and when you're at that stage, the waxiness lasts for only about a day after you reapply it. Some people will also use their comb to backcomb the loose hair into the dreads again, and other find ‘palm-rolling’ their dreads to be very helpful - rubbing each dread back and forth very quickly between their palms to help it dread up tighter and better. Do whatever works best for you and your hair type.
Also, a very good thing to do for sleeping after you've just waxed is, either find an old pillow case that you don't care about to put on your pillow for the next while, or pin a towel to the pillow. Knotty Boy isn't slimy or anything, but it may get your pillow a bit waxy after just having put it in your hair. If you're hair is long enough, tie it back, and if it's short you can always wear a tam or nylon stocking to keep it away from your face when you sleep. Wearing a nylon stocking over your dreads will also help keep them from rubbing apart and getting really fuzzy when you sleep. (omg how I HATE itallic typing! I just cant even read it right!! aarghl, annoying. Either I cant read it or I hardly see the difference between normal & italic text!!) We were wondering about the aftercare, waxing & stuff.. So now we know :D Yay.. I did read something about wax it, but in smaller amounts & do a big wax after showering.. So either we wax up tomorow again or we wax it the day after.. we ll see :)
the Java thing @ school saturday was ok too btw
Posted by
2:35 AM
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Dready ME :D
I'm putting up a picture report, ist easier :) There are MUCH more pics, & even MUCH more, but the re not all online yet :s
It all started with My Hair :D
The mandatory blowjobs happened ofcourse.. (feat Tom(Sharky) & Bettina)
Passing trough several phases (feat Me & Sarah)
& BBQ (feat Tom - Vleer)
To finally achieve (asin 3 hrs later)
muchos Graciaz to all of you who helped!
some more pics comming soon (when John puts up his)
& special tnx to Sarah for al the pics up here & the rest at her "blabla" site (lol) and Bettina for spending THAT much time on my hair!!
but work calls :/
Posted by
6:24 PM
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Homemade Tattoo Machine Mistaken For Bomb
omg, some ppl do have wierd BOMB ideas! Jeech, Go The Fuck Figure!! Anywho, last time I checked "Spearfish" was still in America - actually I dont have a clue nor give a fuck since I'm too tired to look it up, but anywho, GOTTA be america!! :s
Posted by
3:34 AM
Some nice links, ready to click away when needed..
Knottyboy: good TUT on backcombing
Dread head HQ: Extensive tut with movies!
Perfect Dreadlocks: Extensive site, info on EVERYTHING
Extra Sites
How To Dread: Short summary site, not detailed
(I dont want to need to find these sites tomorow, viva BLOG! I hope some ppl read this shite before The Moment!! :s)
Posted by
3:18 AM
TODAY DREADZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heheh - SO looking forward to it!
Went for a drink with the boys..
not too long we said :s
still.. I have 8 hrs left! :)
Finished the Simmons book.. It was Nice :) Surprising ending too!
Gonna just check some things.. & then sleep!
Posted by
3:03 AM
Friday, April 23, 2004
I faled waking up this morning, So I ended uo going by car, using my last benzine.
Math was ok, as usual
Food with Nico, Sarah & John was cool too
Afternoon with John & Sarah was fun
Shopping with Sarah was swell
I hope Sarah didnt feel too bored :s I think not, but then again..
And now for a drink with Stitch & so on..
en then sleep :) Blissfull sleep :D
Posted by
10:13 PM
!!!!! 1 day till Dreadlocks !!!!!
YeahA!! :D
Tough the Storytelling post turned out ok :D (hehe, again, explicit content!)
Posted by
2:53 AM
Yap Yap Yap
Wine wine wine
Just your average BLOG post :D
Had some fun, 1 hour math, some showing sharky some shops in gent (damn, he really knows NOTHING :p) I talked to Leslie again.. long time no seen - It was nice! She s still fun to be around. Actually I kinda miss her on MSN :/
Then JH.. ok
Fries.. last time I eat fries for hopefully a Month! More Pitta, Less Fries! :D
I woke Jaga by calling her to answer a question she smsed me an hour earlier.. No sarah to bother at the moment :/ Aardbij is online tough reading..
Gonna post another Storytelling reply (check IT board, its Dutch tough - explicit conent too :D its in the "Off Topic" section)
The Bomb is @ StuBru.. Cool music, the interview wasnt tough :/
Had an interesting chat with Elisa! She s a really nice person!
Talked with E too bout working @ negasonic.. AM talking actually
I need to change my fuckin PC clock time! Its behind 10 minutes & .. AARH
Bla Bla
Im off to bed soon!
Posted by
12:46 AM
Thursday, April 22, 2004
!! 2 days till Dreadlocks !!
(this is cheating in my post times, I know, but hey, what the heck)
Posted by
1:00 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
I just ate & I think now i'll continue my plans for yesterday, namely a movie & maybe another movie :)
& sleep..
Tomorow school at 1 in the afternoon, Math.. one hour, maybe two
then GrasLei :D
I hope to see Joeri at last!! Damn! I saw him this morning & .. I dersperately need to ask him bout his dreadz!!
so I'm off & probably wont be back till tomorow
QT is operational (yay) so pc can sleep tonight (lol) But QTella gives errors :/ I hope I can solve them :/
Im visiting Sarah next week :) *happy*
so unless I do return today..
Posted by
10:18 PM
The new SL is COOL :D hehe #228 - Fast Freud
& for all you Bukkake ppl :D "I Like Bukake Flash" hehehe
What a day.. Economics is SOOO boring!
The good thing is, now I know that Friday afternoon ll be a day of :)
So THE moment for a shopping spree for Dready stuff
Posted by
7:38 PM
Time For Bed!
So that I can get up for school & Sarahs eggs! :)
Had a cool smilie conversation with Sarah :) hehe With explanation afterwards (BEFORE she turned pumpkin again - lol)
Posted by
1:34 AM
I have a PULP Blog :D
I just read Katke's snow vacation blog post :(
I'm sooo yealous :) (& I can be jealous at her since its her SECOND week - ooooh!!! :D)
Posted by
12:43 AM
00:00 Sarah just turned into a Pumpkin :s
QT is now installing.. STILL! Already for an hour! Jeech, whats with that shit? This crap d better be worth it! :)
Fruit is sick :( poor fruit :( & she s considering Dreadz too :D (& rastas, but that aint that cool..) Viva Dreadlock People :D
Dan Simmons' Carrion Comfort is almost finished (book im reading) pg 651 of 760 :D So its the last pages.. thrilling! Good book
Because My car was still @ the garrage I couldnt go & check Koen's PC :( I'll do so next week :) Could have gone tomorow but chances are my car ll still be in repair then. I dont mind. I like Marc, he s a good guy so I dont mind him taking the time to do it..
Wich reminds me of snowboarding :D hmmm.. snowboarding!!!
Hm.. always the same shit - I dont sleep enough & the next day, when sleepy time comes I get trrough it & start a new energy reserve :/
Posted by
12:14 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Compiling QT? 77 hours @ my 433 Slackware
(with normal usage at the same time ofcourse)
Posted by
11:01 PM
Tired :/
If I had known Sarah was going to sms me about a Graslei moment I would have stayed in Gent, but I was in Lede station already, so :/
Saw Katrijn again.. interesting ..
My QT compile didnt go as planned, I think I screwed it up this morning! Stupid of me not to start it trough screen!! Would have spared me a truckload o shit! So I'm recompiling, this time WITH screen :/ I was SO cursing when I remembered my reasons to use Screen for compiling in the first place!! Aarghl! Ofcourse I wasnt sure I pooped till I saw the "gmake install" error :/ Anyhow, now i'll be able to shut down my X without loosing it al! :D (Screen s SO Genious!!)
I think I'm going to read n chill some :)
Posted by
3:31 PM
nd time in a row bein called by an annon nr at *TOO FUCKIN EARLY A DAY* and not recieving voicemail by it
& then just now Crashed my Fuckin X So I dont know if the QT compile completed
Posted by
10:13 AM
What was supposed to be "Quickly compiliing QT" and "Quickly get some papers done for school" really turned out much longer. I didnt really get that much of text either but the good news is that Ive still got more info, lots more, so thats not the problem!
THE problem will be turning in my car at the garage at 10 in the morning & then getting to school at 11!! hmpf It Is SO gonna hurt getting up!
I just discovered Aliens again :) I'm so gonna watch that movie one of these days, probably tomorrow! I'm going to have a problem to get @ my friend's place too I think :/ AND I need to put DietK on my bro's comp to see if it ll solve that friends problem!! DAMN! In Aliens, Rippley Smokes! Jeech, Fuckin Ell! She does look nice tough.. Pffw, Curse that addiction! & Curse the fact it was made Cool! I feel like an Alien marathon, 1 to 4 in one night :D hehehe I'm dont even think I saw em all! 1&2 yes.. but 3 :s Then again 4 I think I did.. Anywho, the giger monsters RULE (altough he was very badly credited for that movie - asin barely to NOT) But I'll post the links on that tomorow!
MAN I feel like getting Dreadz!
Sarah forgot about my promissing her those chocolate easter eggs! Wich was quite funny since she actually got Curious (yeah, she did). Half an hour after she went offline she came back because she had seen some easter eggs & remembered the whole thing :D hehe! But I wont give her the eggs tomorow (hey cool, thats today :D "cool" that is) since I probably wont see her & I dont want to screw the eggs up! So I'll give them to her on wednesday when I euhrm.. have to be there for .. .eehrm.. maybe java, maybe even the other thingymawut.. Databases!
& QT keeeps compiliing! I should have figured.. A 16mb source tar.gz.. I wonder if it ll beat the XFree or KDE compile times.. Makes me wonder why I dont download precompiled packages.. As I have wondered many times before.. But I keep on compiling :) Not all of them, but.. you get the point :D I'm not sure if itts possible to even download QT in binary! Did read some about bla bla distro bla bla but I mainly ignored that :D *proud* Altough I probably could have gotten it from the Slackware Distro CDs instead of downloading, but.. whatever :D
The Shoutbox popups are ANNOYING me like FUCKIN hell! I need my own domain & I need to get rid of that thing! grmbl
Bout Fuckin Time For Bed
Posted by
5:03 AM
4 Days Till Dreadlocks!!
I just came down from a cloud :) feels nice to get off actually, wierd enough! This means I can do what I was planning free of any alterior motives! Dont understand jack shit what i'm saying? No problem :p I do thats what matters! Ask me on icq or msn if you re curious :D
i'm too tired to write decent english :(
I really Should go to bed! Im tired & having a bad moment or so it seems :/
I think im going to rid myself of that shoutbox of mine! I discovered it does pop-up & .. well, I just dont like those! Pitty tough :s I liked the idea :/
what a bitch :(
i'm going to sleep it over & remove it tomorow.. except if I change my mind :D yaay
Now for some more work :s & koffee & .. water :D
& Opeth!! (hmmm opeth)
or eeuhrm.. hmm .. something else (disc is finished :/)
Posted by
1:30 AM
Monday, April 19, 2004
I just rediscovered PornStar Clothing
Cool Clothes :D hehehe
Didnt know they ambitioned to be a Skate brand.. still, cool
HoGent apparently repeared their shit (asin their www & mail deamons) Bout time, was down for at least a week! Imagine having to depend on that email adress & webspace!!
Grmbl! QT is taking FUCKIN LONG to compile!
I actually DO use the webspace :( Should get myself some of my own SOON! Fucking money!! & its merely ?50 a year! But a 50 here, a 50 there..
If I do get it sure things are that i'm moving my blog, putting up a Forum, Guestbook & Shoutbox myself. I look forward to polishing PHP & MySql skillz.. but.. again, money
Piercings only cost ?50 too.. Dread wax costs a measly ?25.. its not much.. but all together! Even a snowboard only costs around ?250 - ?350
Posted by
10:10 PM
My first shower without hair softener shampoo stuff crap thingie whatever..
A very carefull wash.. Damn that stuff I used gets the knots out of the hair.. lol
Strawberries RULE :D
Posted by
6:40 PM
there s no breakfast like Strawberries!!!!!
The Shoutbox seems to be working.. (altough I should warn you.. This is MY blog, so I dont like, I delete)
Posted by
1:40 PM
Yay, just put up a Shoutbox, message guestbook kinda stuff thingy! Yaaay! (tnx to Yanagi-San for the idea from her blog!) & with it, a start page for my browsers @ home with the shoutbox on it & based on my Blog Template! Its nice!
So leave a msg if you visit :D
This is in fact just a test, If I dont like it, it 'll be as if it were never there!
My Metal & reading tot go bad now, didnt it
so now i'm REALLLY (almost) off
Posted by
3:25 AM
5 days till Dreadlocks!
Hmm.. Tired :s
Reading books just got even cheaper (old books) The Digital Library - The way to find Ebooks (some really cool ones, Really!)
Had fun chat with Sarah - Yay!!
I wonder how she ll react next time I see her, I bet she s forgotten about something!
Dreamgirl sent some msg too.. :s they were cute.. but .. Well, read some weeks ago & you ll understand
Succes to Asurfael for her exams tomorow (techicly today, yeah, I know) I hope she doesnt mind I added her link in the friends section.. I'll ask her next time I talk to her!!
I think i'll put on some Metal & read some more!
& then off to bed! YAY
Posted by
1:43 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2004
I have a new plan if ever I can spend €850 a night at a hotel! Idilic place in Bali
Posted by
8:56 PM
after some hours of testing.. And talking with Sarah
I decided no smilies simply isnt fun
so i'm just going to lessen the smilie use! (as actually Asurfael said earlier too)
Posted by
8:39 PM
I just decided to stop using Smilies for a while (I know I use too many), tnx to Asurfael :) Altough as he says I dont have to rid myself of smilies completely, but still.. hehe Lol
and actually, while i'm at it, I might even clean my language up at a whole, Rid myself of some other things I say too much!
This will be an interesting week!
(And harder than I tought it to be!! Its such a habit)
Posted by
5:52 PM
Reading.. I mostly read today..
& chatted some :) I had the surprise of the day when Asurfael actually started talking to :) Cool!
Listening to the Tranzy Mind mix from our school msgboard.. Its.. not my style - sounds ok tough.. Some mistakes still tough! & nothing special! I guess i've become too expecting in DJ capacities these days :)
I guess I'll read some more
(& chat some more..)
Posted by
5:33 PM
My Evening :)
First to see Okapi Basketball.. Dont tell Stitch but I actually enjoyed myself.. I wouldnt mind doing that more often.. The match looked bad (even to my eyes) just till the last two minutes where Aalst (Okapi, the Good guys) caught up with the other team (from 10 points behind) & actually even won in the end with 63 - 61 if i'm not mistaking :) Very nice last 2 minutes.. suspence :D
Then the Lords Of Indifference gig.. Great Belgian Band!! They re gonna make it if they keep it up!!! They re ready to do Pukkelpop or Earect if it d still exist :/
I just mailed someone I saw first on BME (Asurfael) and then later found out she had a website (dont even remember how) She s a nice looking - Body modding girl & I had already noticed her dreadz, so when I read something about her doing her dreadz herself I couldnt resist mailing her :) Altough the mail really wasnt only about the dreading.. (I did put in remarks bout the parts safe to skip - lol) Anywho, I wouldnt mind having her on my chat lists & am looking Forward to reading her answer (Supposing she does answer ofcourse :s)
I ordered extra tickets for After Forever @ the Biebob site for the 30th of April in Hof Ter Loo - Antwerpen. Pitty Sarah wont come with us.. But again, if she doesnt want to.. :/ Seems that JC is comming too :) So PARTY :D hehe
I had some revelations tonight (againaaaah) altough revelations.. beter to say I had re revelations :D bout people & stuff..
Simple stuff like Dont be dissapointed if you expect people to be a certain way & they turn out to be other wise, because they probably WILL be different (like you expect an open minded person & it turns out to be a person with a mind to narrow to even squeeze a pea inside)
or Dont fall for potential in people, Dissapointment is near if you do since time realy isnt on your side
or A year does a lot to someone, a nice person might have changed far beyond recognition (not talking looks here :p)
or They say that honesty gets one far, but dont overestimate honesty! Being too honest wont get you any place either, It will just make people know too much about you & I for one do like to keep the privacy up (yeah, even tough I blog)
& probably some other realisations I am just too tired to remember
I'm scanning my laptop with ad-aware (lavasoft) for stupid crap I dont want.. So far it found 11 new objects and its about a month ago I scanned so - Yay :D I did hope he d find nothing though :/
Viva Linux in the end!! Really! No Fuckin Viruses, Spyware, ... :)
too nice :) (& certainly since i'm using less "standard" soft like Enlightenment, Firefox & Thunderbird :D)
& he keeeeeeeps on going :s Still 11 tough - Last dirs :) WinNT/system32
YAY! Finished, 11 files, I'm curious :D oooh.. 11 cookies *rolleyes*
Sayonara :)
Posted by
3:09 AM
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Life has its ways.. In 2 hours I will have seen a Basketball match.. The first real match (saw the Harlem Globetrotters once..) :/ aquard
Dreamgirl msged me today :) Its so sweet to hear from her again :) .. Curse time & the limit it lays upon us :(
Posted by
8:04 PM
I read some interesting Dreading stuff right now. I worry a lot about my hair being soft & silky & thin & not alot & stuff, so I try to find as much info as possible to ease the dreading..
I'm checking out Perfect Dreadlocks . Com at the moment and found some interesting FAQ parts..
I have very fine slippery hair, will it dread? Yep, your hair will dread, you will probably want to use the backcombing method because you will have the best results. The hair might slip out a little, if you don't backcomb the dreads tight enough, so make sure you do, and make sure you put rubber bands at the tips. Wich is a nice tip since I tought no rubber to be needed (aargh, now I gotta find that crap :/) And an interesting issue I hadnt tought about, being Do I have to stop conditioning my hair for a long time before I dread it? I recommend not using conditioner for about a week before you dread, because it can make the dreading process easier. Its really logical! But I really hadnt tought about it! & Yes, even as a guy I use the chem stuff on my hair :D why? Coz I HATE having to comb my hair for half an hour after showering!!
Other interesting issues are.. Is there any way to mess up if I am backcombing? Yes there is. You can mess up while your backcombing if you push to much hair forward at a time. Some people get confused and push all the hair forward at one time. You should hold the hair taught and only push about an inch at a time. You will only push a few hairs into the dread at a time. But it is a long process and you should know if before you start. Gooood to know! or Should I start in a specific area of my head when I start backcombing? You should start with the back and bottom of your head. Backcombing is a skill and you get better at it the more you do it. So the last ones you do will look the best and you want your best to be the ones people see and your worst to be the ones hidden. So it only makes sense to start in the back. A good idea when starting dreads with the backcombing method is to get some synthetic hair and backcomb a dread or two to get the hang of it before you start on your head. And even some more Rubber Band info.. What will the rubber band do at the end of the dread? And how long should you keep it there? The rubber band at the tip is used to help keep the dreads together when they are new and it helps the tip lock up once the dreads are tight. If it is just a regular rubber band then you should just leave it there until it falls off, but if it is one of those super Scunci elastics then it will never fall off, you should take it off after three months.
Something about Dreads being Dirty? How often can I wash my dreads? You should make a habit of washing your dreadlocks every 3 days, but really, you can wash them as often as you like, but you should wash them at least once a week.
Its an interesting site, really! Even has Wax Considerations! Wich Wax to use making me doubt thee knotty boy wax for long periods. I Do Not like heavy smells, some smells actually, so IF that wax d smell too strong I might have a problem with it :/ The wax kind they advise has a nice site (check link earlier @ blog) but lacks info @ stores selling in Europe :/ Oh, just found info, but it lacks Belgian stores! :/ Bitch :/
anywho, im off to bed, i'm fuuuckien tired & have the Playtest fun tomorow :D Yay! :) hehe
I wonder.. If I d blog that I was madly thinking about a special girl.. and she read my blog.. Would she know I was talking bout her? & would she come & talk to me about it? :)
aah questions in life :D
Posted by
2:21 AM
Friday, April 16, 2004
What a beautifull weather we have!!! :)
Nice Nice Nice
Need to run my car by the garage again :/ He sounds like a friggin Formula One race car! I dont think thats normal
Heard the start of it yesterday, but tought nothing of it..
Hopefully its noting
But as usual I higlly doubt it
Posted by
9:03 PM
My dreadlocks has a cool alternative to the dreading techniques described on Knotty Boy..
and Dreadlock HQ has a nice picture by picture explenation of it all..
After a quick Read-trough, this Making supa nice dredlocks in straight hair!! looks nice too :)
& since I DO NOT feel like reading trough this all links at the hairstyles and hair dreadlock section, I'll read it some later date!
Posted by
6:03 PM
hm.. I know a haridresser who dreads for ?20 to ?30 depending on the length of the hair.. This is not much, Worth the consideration of having him do the dreads :s
Im tired after yesterday
But it was helluva BBQ :D To put it as I msged dirkie.. The ones missing were the ones Wrong
Kirill proved to be a born entertainer & we had loads of fun!
Tijuana club was .. Surprisingly ok, altough I havent seen that .. judgemental door men in a while.. But we got in, so it was ok (altough we feared we wouldnt be able to)
Tom went über wasted - lol - @ Tijuana, I was driving so I quit drinking at 8, leaving me with about 8hrs to clear that tiny bit of alcohol (wine) out of my system.. Noo Prooobleeem :D
Tinne & Evi didnt come, Neither did Jos.. Dirkie came from 1 ill .. about 3 - missed the whole bbq tough
We really had some meat too much :/ In buying we forgot about the saussages lying in the fridge.. They were Mighty tasty!! Stitchy's dads Merguez.. They Just Rule :D
I got a compact disk from Kirill.. Really wierd, he just gave it to me :s Confusing.. Its an Aria cd.. Wich is cool :D
Went to bed at 6, had fun!
that said.. im off to do something else!
like school work.. Economics :/ YAY
Posted by
3:39 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Latest movies I saw..
"Monster" (crap, good movie, not the kind I like to watch)
and "Big Fish" (Genious.. Simple story, but Good!)
Tomorow s BBQ :) Yay
& Sharky s comming too :D YAAAY :D
Pitty Sarah isnt comming :( Guess she doesnt want to :/
I want to buy the Dread Wax ASAP.. Really, I so want Dreadz :) hehe
Getting up is gonna hurt again, Fuckin Nocturnal Lifestyle :(
Posted by
3:45 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Today I tried some dreads in my hair before showering :s
lets just say that I am going to read some more on that site & am prepared for utter failure :s Certainly since my trials just well.. fell out afterwards :s
Posted by
8:31 PM
Nocturnal Lifestyle..
Its a habit, Its more, Its a .. lifestyle :D
Hard to rid ones self of :/
tomorow is SO gonna HURT
Posted by
3:31 AM
I had a Webcam link in my bookmarks.. didnt remember what it was so clicked it.. DAMN :( I Want To Go Snow!!!! & I know this is the last time till next week the weather will enable me to :(
aaaaaargh :(
Snooowbooooaaard :'(
Posted by
1:39 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
news :/ euhrm
Went to Jessie to teach her some programming methods
Drove ken to Andries
Paid that fuckin fine for driving too quickly this summer (AUCH)
Trying to persuade Sarah to come to BBQ this thursday.. I d really like her there!
Later tonight (8ish) back to Koen to check his pc.. I think I forgot to disable the internet messenger service..
I feel like smsing with someone.. hm :/
Hopefully tomorow i'll be able to do some school work!! (Some?? A LOT!)
Posted by
7:03 PM
Monday, April 12, 2004
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Ashes came online :D We had a chat, i'm SO relieved :D hihi
damn I love that girl
Her being ok & happy really means A LOT to me :D
Happy Easter indeed :D
Posted by
6:26 PM
SL #227 - Shiunji & the Suicide Girl III or "Living people can hurt you badly, dead people cant do that, they're harmless." And you know.. Somewhere in there there s logic and actually Truth.. LOL :D
The new SL is online :) Yaaaaay!!! :D I'm looking forward to the clue of the whole story, tough I kinda see where its going!!
It seems my Blog hasnt updated since yesterday.. Annoying!! This will (hopefully) be a VERY big update!
Need to make that JH paper stuff..
Yay :) Just checked PSC (check links on the left, commics section) and found out that PSC will be resuming in May (YAY) and that the person drawing PSC, Yanagi-San, has a Blog :) She really had some bad luck lately, so it seems.. The two most painfull things that can happen to your stomach (as far as I know), she had. Gallstones & Apendix problems! In 6 weeks :s Poor person :(
Been reading some PSC strips :) The Omake section is just too cool :D hehehe Gonna down me the PDFs too.. I tough the older ones were lost in a serv crash :s
& in that theme.. gotta get my PDF viewer ok :s Really have too! :s
but anywho.. im gonna do some work :)
Posted by
2:56 PM
Hmm.. Blog isnt updating imediately :/
Might be that this isnt on before tomorow :s
Posted by
5:11 AM
Found a new site today.. Body Modifications . Net full of all kinds of body mods with loads of pics.. Its nice :) (not for people who cant stand this kind of stuff.. as the disclaimer reads.. "CAUTION - Notice that the site might contain explicit, ugly and disgusting material. Consider yourself warned." Take it seriously :p) Seems to be a Finnish site, loads of finnish people
& its trough one of those finnish people I found it :) Tnx to Asurfael, a finnish girl I first saw in BME & .. eeuhrm.. Actually I dont really know how I got there :s I guess tnx to BME :) Cool person anywho :) (or so she seems judging her sites)
Mage went ok.. Must say I hadnt expected running a special Paradox chapter would raise so much questions :D Succesfull Idea :D I'm reworking some char sheets at the moment.. Did some earlier for the ppl who were comming tonight & im doing the rest (like 2) now.. The magic effects I had planned are working out nicely too :D I'm curious when they'll find out about it all.. Anywho, its cool to follow a guided scenario (book written) for once, not just my own scenarios! Its Fun :)
Seems I forgot loads o stuff involving the JH lately :s
Have some stuff todo, call ppl & .. :s
The film marathon (24hrs) 1-2 may is turning out ok :)
It was fun to have those ppl sit together & decide on it al!!
Dreadz Dreadz Dreadz :) lalala Dreadz Dreadz Dreadz!
Cant get my miind off o you .. la la la la la la you la la la la la la you la la la la la la la.. whiii :D Lol
Altough thinking about it actually gets me scared & keeps me from doing anything.. First time that thats actually a Good reflex! :/ Well, good :s I dont know, I Just dont know! Whole new feeling in this matter.. Just Not Knowing :) Normally I have a clear clue where to go, but forr the first time, I Just Dont Know :/ I kinda have a "outa yer league" feeling, but on the other hand.. Pff :/ Wierd :D
Growing Tired :/
& tomorow ll be a HARD day :s
I'm really staying up WAAAY too long lately!! :/ grr Screwing up my day - night time definitions again :( pffw..!
I just saw a Nice picture of a Cliff; pure beauty.. & I realised something.. Might be freaky to some, but that s a sight I wouldnt mind dying in.. Just jump off & .. :) Its not that i'm suicidal, I dont WANT to die :) I have stuff going on in my life, .. But thats just something, some rocks I wouldnt mind me dying on.. Just falling & ..
Dont try to understand :D
You probably wont be able to!
Havent drawn in some days.. Pitty! Expecially since all I need to do nice faces is Practice (capital P :D) & a lot of it!! But Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime is on my siiiiiiiiide! :)
I just took a good look at an eye I took from a picture to put on one of my Mage Char Sheets (Cameron Diaz's eye.. Its Beautyfull!) And its really got recognisable feats.. The pupil, the glares, the eyebrow, .. Lately I sometimes find myself staring at peoples eyes or other face features to just .. Look at them, really LOOK at them, you know :).. wierd but .. nice!
Just heard a Cool Asian Dub Foundation lyric.. Just one scentence.. "Two faced people die twice" Cool! :)
funny! I just discovered Sarah actually writes a blog kinda thingy at her Deviant Art page :) lol! Altough not very Frequently :/ Posted some cool images lately tough.. Have to admit.. she s got the whole vibe going..
I just read an article she wrote about & now know where her MSN nick sentence came from.. Good artists copy, great artists steal.. Its about something I like about the whole computer bizz.. Learning from other people's work.. Interesting Article!
Yeah, Some ppl (like Katke) are Snowing at this moment :s One part Id like to be there too.. But another way.. I have other responsibilitties now.. :) Wierd for me to say this.. Am I growing older? Responsibilities.. The fact that I'm saying this is almost scary :)
But the coffee has bothered me enough for tonight, im off!
Sayonara! ^_^
Posted by
5:04 AM
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Got out of bed, with loads of phone calls & smses
Realising I had a Mage tonight and hadnt done anything for it yet
Descending the stairs I heard from my dad that we had to be at grandma's for easter.. Ate 1/4th of a big cake.. painfull
Then Tom and I went for an Errant (cool word, no?) and now I'm ready to do some Mage preps!
And ofcourse.. Meeting @ 7 tonight for the 1May film Marathon
Posted by
6:08 PM
Fun @ Koen s place
Fun @ party afterwards (altough I didnt expect to come..)
sleepy time now :D
(well, in an hour or so actually)
Posted by
4:43 AM
Friday, April 09, 2004
I was waaay too long in bed..
from 10 (evening) till 1 (afternoon).. I only slept 1 till 1 but still..
my body hurts from being in bed too long
It was fun tough :) I did some reading, radio listening, ..
Ooh & I had WIERD dreams.. Starring unexpected people.. They were nice, but Wierd! Really nice even :D
& now off to Gent for Clothes & Shoes (for dirkie)
Posted by
1:17 PM
Thursday, April 08, 2004
*tired* Yes that happens to me too (some ppl seem to be amazed by that simple fact..) I'm really gonna go to bed early today.. like .. eeuhrm .. NOW
I have cool ideas.. Gonna create me a RANT blog & a LINK blog, respectively titled "Dgn's rants on life" and "Dgn's links on life"
Sounds cool, doesnt it.. :)
Another small fact..
I hate being ordered to do stuff
People who try nonetheless may most likely find themselves ignored, as friendly as my mood permits (99% of the time in pure friendlyness, my black days are gone)
People who really should know better but try ordering me around none the less AND expect me to comply with a discusting sureness of their .. can be sure to be ignored, except if persistent, then they will be answered in a matter that assures them of mu discust.
My parents are the later people, so are some others, but usually, this poses no problem. Usually, this doesnt even bother me from my parents, except that 1% mood exception.
On another level, there are also 2 kinds of people, 3 categories.
The first kind of people are those who cant read my moods.. Might be anoying, but if these are my friends, they probably wont have any problems.
Then there are those who Can read my moods. Here still we have 2 categories, the ones that read right & read wrong. Those that read right & react accordingly are people I'll never have any problems with! Not even @ 1% moments
The other are Cat 3, those who read.. but read WRONG! A Dangerous category again, on those 1% moments!
And again.. My parents (my mom) are the last category, nr 3! (or Cat 1, but since they live with me, they re prolly 3)
What does this add up too? This means that if im having a lesser moment (might be im just tired like now) that my parents wont notice or misinterpret my mood, resulting in them giving comments (or even ordering me around) I do not want to hear and thus getting on my nerves.. A sad thing. Certainly since they do seem to expect I recognise their every mood (wich I am btw getting prety good at and at least I recognise a mood induced thing when I see one!)
Today I had one of those 1% moments.. What was the result? I was mostly silent & didnt feel like talking. Certainly not being told what to do and even less hear stupid remarks that I dont like hearing usually but just swallow for world peace sake!
This could have been a Rant Blog post.. But .. The rant idea certainly is Not a thing to do today!
I also tought I told dirkie i wanted to ride with him to the JH, but that we d talk about it before.. As often he forgot, leaving me stranded since my car is @ the garage, and making I could not make those important & nesesary phone calls at the JH..
But as most people would answer when im saying this in my 1% mood.. Take some responsibility for your own failing to and dont shove it off on other people.. Again an answer I DONT need to hear. I sometimes trust on ppl & if they fail my trust I do not want to hear that being of MY fault. But i'm starting to believe its wrong of me to think so. Somewhere I still dont think itis!
now sofar for my today's bitching.. I think i'm gonna sleep some!
Hope the cigare smell in my room is gone.. I vaccuumed some ashes earlier this week & since then the vacuum cleaner STINKS when turned on, and since I desperately needed to vacuum my room, there just wasnt any avoiding turning it on!
(for the record, those who missed it earlier.. I Hate smoking and ofcourse dont do so myself!)
But as I said, im off!
Posted by
9:37 PM
got up at 7 (pain)
Picked up dirkie at 8
worked till 1, then put my car @ mark s place (garage)
A Long & Nice SHOWER
followed by some chat, reading
& UT 2004
I tried the other game modes today & .. maybe with more maps.. Anywho, T2 is Still my fav game! Simply because its such a broad game! It has SO much in it :)
Posted by
6:15 PM
discovered Unreal Tournament 2004
It actually comes close to Tribes 2 (My All Time FAVOURITE!!!!!)
Great, Fuckin Great :D
The emotional Rollercoaster is on to me again.. And I'm scared bout where its taking me :s But I'm getting surer by the day where exactly itis
Some UT2004 & SLEEEPah :)
Posted by
2:19 AM
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Whii :)
the problem I had yesterday is Totally solved :D
I got myself RealVNC, wich enables me to start an X & vnc to it :)
Its slower, but if anything is wrong with screen, keyb, mouse.. I can still use my Linux tru SSH & VNC :D
Now just to figure out how to get into an existing X with VNC.. Its possible, KDE has it standard, but I want it more flexible than KDE has it.. I want to SSH & then start a VNC serv that can take over the already running X.. Yeah! :D
Still, the vast amount of possibility :D hehehe
Gent with John & Evi was cool & ammusing :D And I saw Eri, Rein (gans) & Tam all in 30 minutes @ Gent Sint Pieters!! :)
Went to the tattoo thingy to ask about the dreads too.. Costs 25 euros for the Wax (same price as..) and the can put em in too.. But at e50/h .. She estimated 4 to 5 hours.. wich means Fuckin 200 to 250 for dreads! Ok, ur sure bout the result.. But Hey! 250?? Daaaamn
So im definitely on for a Dreadfull BBQ :D *laughs at his own phun since no one else will*
But, to clip my nails & .....
Posted by
8:37 PM
Up at 11, Stock @ jh.. Pain :)
Luc was surprised by the deepness of my voice in the morning
I think most people would :s
& now to Gent with Evi :) Yay
bib time
Posted by
1:32 PM
Just discovered that Comfortably Numb (recent Scissor Sisters track if im not mistaking) is a Pink Floyd cover :) (The wall, cd2 Track 6)
Great record!
Posted by
3:44 AM
Sleepy Bridges
la la la
Sleepy Bridges
im off
hmm.. bed
till 10.30 coz I need to go to the JH & take Stock
Posted by
3:39 AM
Yay! Pole Pole was cool :)
I do have the feeling their Tequilla Sunrise was not very Sun Risen but on the other hand Very Tequilled :/ But they tasted Mighty fine :D ehhe
Hmm.. finding my new shoes online is not very easy.. They look a lot like these
but are not.. There s a slight difference.. I actually like the look of these better, but the comfort is just waaaaay to iimportant so estethics came second on this :)
Mine are Poema Repli Cat Mod I And heeere they are :D
Im really glad I found these.. They re just so nice :D
hmm... irritating crap going on @ Angelotte's LJ.. Times like those i'm glad ppl cant comment on what I choose to post! Its a diary, MY diary, I choose what to post & how to post it & one can be mad at me or reason that I shouldnt have done this or that.. But Certainly not tell me what to do or dont in the way her friends are doing to her now..
Any comments on my blog are always welcome on My Mail!! Dont be afraid, I dont bite (and if I do you wont be alive to suffer it :D)
Im really getting curious bout who reads my crap :D hehe
Posted by
3:08 AM
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
MSN is operational again..
I think it only took patience.. wich of course I DONT have so I actually installed 6.1 over this Grrmbl
But so i'm online
Booted Linux too, Do some installing & stuff, Viva SSH!
Just need VNC & then all is cool :D
Went to the two places they sell the dreadlock wax.. In "Street" I asked & they were out of it but they expected it next week (if she doesnt forget to order AGAINAH) She could tell me the price tough.. €25 for a jar.. Dont know what size exactly, but she assured me it was BIG.. She talked about the KIT too, cost €45 & the shampoo was €17.. And since the kit is $30 & the shampoo $7, and the normal sized wax $17.. (big one 25$) means that it ll be the normal sized one and that they sell that crap REALLY EXPENSIVE!! Gonna check out the other store later, they might be cheaper!
And they might even do dreads there.. Wich might be wierd it being a piercing / tattoo studio.. As I said, ill check it out next :D
Posted by
9:15 PM
And so far my trip to Gent :)
it was ok :) Bought me some Pumas.. Mainly black with a white stripe.. Its nice :)
Not really rain shoes tough..
The rain was less nice tough
Rain is cool, als long as I dont have to walk in it!! grr
But I magaged to get home & I didnt melt so so far so good :D
And when I got home I realised Ken had a friend over, a friend borrowing MY screen so that I cant use my Fuckin Linux - Grrrr
so its back to basics - eeuhrm - laptop for me :) no biggy, just a pitty I cant get on MSN :s Wierd!!
Posted by
7:59 PM
that Knotty thingy even has a retailer in GENT :D
Bodydesign Tattoo and Piercing - 34 Nederkouter, Gent, Belgium - Contact Ines @ (32) 9-233-0456
Street - Langemunt 18, Gent - Call Kristal at (32) 477-423-643
(or 2?)
And even MORE in belgium :D
Posted by
1:39 PM
Once in every while, images of Katke surface..
Those sweet eyes on the bus a year ago..
They never fail to put a smile on my face :)
Sweet memories!! Memories to cherish!
Posted by
3:42 AM
So with all the dreadlock thingy.. I did some reading :D
Knotty boy looks interesting! Tough slightly commercial, but hey, who can blame em
Read their Nice HowTo and Read their FAQ
Really worth the read.. Takes some of the myths away too.. Like not washing your head helping you dread & stuff.. Your hair being wet & drying (important, DRYING) is actually GOOD for your dreads!! And they got cool banners too :D
& OMG, Check out their Children's Books That Will Never Be Published
Im getting more & more persuaded again, but the whole "Social Sacrifice" thingy is still worrying me. The Jh & JH related stuff will be ok, but the Making Some Money On The Side thingy on the other hand.. :/
& also.. The whole looking inconspicuous thingy ll be screwed too :/ :)
OMG, WHAT the FUCK is it with FUCKIN BAD collors Hurting my eyes!! First the fuckin waay too whiteness of GAIM, then the dread tut goes all Fluorescent BLUE on me.. JEECH!
Oh & looking for dreads, I ofCourse stumbled upon the very cool Dutch group.. Dreadlock Pussy
Even their site is cool.. They even Poll bout what their visitors use to Download music :D hehe (Kazaa Lite is most popular..)
For everyone seeking the TRUE internet experience without having to invest loads of time.. Checkout The Realistic Internet Simulator!! I got till 159 :D PAIN!! :) But Oh So true to life :/
Posted by
2:54 AM
hmm.. angelotte wont answer :'(
she dropped her Blog for her LJ..
Eikebah, LJ!
still, pitty she wont answer
Posted by
12:47 AM
Drawing hair & now Shit has Hit the Fan!!
My Pencil is Blocked.. Its a mechanical refillable pencil thingy.. Grr
Talked bout Dreadlocks today with Sarah.. Is me having dreads comming closer again? Sure seems so!! But it limits is so much ways :s
de assembly & re assembly has saved my pencil :D
its Operational agan
pitty everyone I draw seems to have a Major Bad Hair Day :/
& I have to keep trying if I ever want to be able to draw em AND I cant do the next chapter since thats about hair in movement.. :s
I think i'm going to do some reading bout dreadz .. might be interesting
Oh how id like to do a big & full manga draw.. poster size.. for my room.. & then try my hand @ grafiti.. hmmmm
Posted by
12:45 AM
Monday, April 05, 2004
Faces are starting to work out.. some, a lil.. :/ keep trying :D
Tomorow @ Doktors @ 10, then Gent for Shoes! yay finally
Aikido :/ im sooo failing to go :( its a real pitty but .. thats the danger of not being able to go for some weeks, then its hard to get there again! :/ But anywho, Next Wednesday if all goes well! (Yay)
I had a GREAT dream this night.. It was soo sweet :) It colloured my day! Really pure & wonderfull! Amazing
Read some also today
Pitty it was raining or I might have done some garden stuff
Gotta vacuum my room!! Really Really Really Really hard
moved everything out of the way, now only the vacuuming is left.. hmm.. then why am I writing about it instead doing it? :s annoying!
So anywho..
Vacuuming time (or reading .. or drawing .. or .. :/)
oh & I am DEFINITELY putting on some Barry White while at it :D
Altough for some reason I just cant get away from the comp :/ I keep on typing while my mind offers stuff to do on the internet (like browse some on EBay & stuff :/) annoying
But REALLY :D Vacuuming & shite
Posted by
8:11 PM
Drawing heads = HARD :/
eyes is that much easier (prolly coz I already got more practice @ those
Anywho.. Im off to bed now!!
aah yesssss.. Sleeeeeep :D
Posted by
3:20 AM
School Dress Codes can be SO entertaining.. Check this article from Middlesboro daily news I have NO clue bout where that may be, but still, entertainment stands :)
Lee School Board mulls dress code (4/2)
By Natasha Douglas • Staff Writer
JONESVILLE — The Lee County School board is now proposing a new dress code to be distributed to all schools. The dress code was handed out board members to review and go over at this week‚s recessed meeting. Some of the schools already have the dress code in place and is effective but it is not county wide.
The proposed code would apply to both students and teachers. Upon the board members reviewing the draft, it is possible that the board may adopt it at the next meeting in April. Superintendent Gary McCann said that he wanted to have the policy approved now so that parents will have time to shop for appropriate clothing before the start of the new school year in the fall.
Click Here for full Story.
its actually the full story thats interesting.. Thats where they specify everything..
Posted by
2:58 AM
Hehehe, the BBQ last week left us with some Nice pics :D
here s one of Meee :D lol
big Pic, I know
The WFRP was Evil :) Pitty the pics didnt work out too nice, But i'll put some up anyhow :D
Posted by
1:39 AM
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Got up, read mail, ate some, read commics, checked board
& now some drawing if all goes well, maybe some chat
My right ancle clicked yesterday :) it hurts less now :D its 75% ok again :D Yay! Just one mor click I think.. Now if only my tailbone.. :s :)
Posted by
5:42 PM
Yay :)
Gaim Blogger Plugin is working again :D Yahooh
for future generations.. Makefile:
PREFIX = /usr
GAIM_TOP = /tmp/gaim-0.76
& make sure the file is at..
& this is the way it is!!
so YAY & sleep tight!
Posted by
2:49 AM
Nothing like a mom walking in to spoil a Nightly dinner :(
Some drawing & Bed for me.. Im quite tired
feel like its 6 in the morning :/
& again that wierd need to talk to.. :/ wierd
Posted by
2:29 AM
yeah, I really mis it
The blog this plugin for Mozilla is cool..
but still not as handy as the gaim one
Posted by
2:09 AM
Interesting afternoon.. Gaim s ok, Blogger plugin isnt (cant figure out why), My char is ok (its very interesting altogether :) quite discusting in its oppertunities :D Moeha!)
The interestingness of my char left me with not very much time to get to the JH, I missed Eos wich was Very good, as I've been told over & over again, and De Egels was .. Not my kind o repertoire :/
And now im tired
& I need to eat
& I need to shower
& I need to make that Jh thingie
& ..
Anywho, FOOD
(I miss my Gaim Blogger Plugin!!)
Posted by
2:06 AM
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Gaim 0.76 is working ok, it was the old Blogger plugin poopin it. The already made a blogger 0.76 plugin but I cant get it to compile :s Annoying & I dont know if I can help it :( hmm
so my blog activity may slow down - a lot - due to this :/
very annoying
Posted by
6:10 PM
I already read some about body mod "parties" at home but the whole concept is just too.. :/
Tattooing parties take place in Columbia
Are there any parties of such in Belgium? And I mean parties where ppl come together to have something illegal done, or, just anything alike.. I dont think so :s
Posted by
4:44 PM
Hehehe.. Another amusing piece of news in the American Commedy news.. eeerhm Political news..
Boy Yawns, CNN Bumbles, Letterman Yelps (washingtonpost.com)
A Whole Load of Bitching about some tape of some kid Yawning :/
Posted by
4:26 PM
Hi.. As I feared.. I pooped Gaim & it doesnt look nice :/
This is what Gaim tells me about the problem..
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file. This is a bug in the software and has happened through no fault of your own.
It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS. If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the gaim maintainers by reporting a bug at http://gaim.sourceforge.net/bug.php
Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time, and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at http://gaim.sourceforge.net/gdb.php. If you need further assistance, please IM either RobFlynn or SeanEgn and they can help you.
So it shouldnt be my fault but still, im going to recompile some before actually whining to the devs :)
pitty it doestnt work tough :/
My radio is atm on that french radio station next to stubru.. LOATHESOME! :/ so after this the first thing to do is change it! grr
Also, before 9 this evening I have to make my WFRP char sheet, 2 posters for the JH & draw some & get some gaim working (either .76 or .75)
so see y all :D
Posted by
3:40 PM
Install time (I just cant get off)
lets hope Blogger ll still work
Posted by
4:25 AM
Heya :)
Cool day :)
Some school (getting up was Tooooo difficult!!) Math was ok, this part of Math is doable.. I think! This time Id really like to succeed in passing! Will do some math in the comming weeks!!
Had the really wierd urge to chat with Sarah today! We had a fun time this morning (as far as thats possible with math & my morning feeling) and .. dunno
Jh was ok, Bar meeting went fine too.. The list is full again (Unbelievable!) and .. it went ok :) they almost fought for bar!!
More JH.. Saw some surprising girls today! A girl with a Labret Piercing @ the JH.. Wich is cool since I havent seen much of those around (and I Really like Labret Piercings!!) and another girl (really young one) that looked cool & seems to be really social & open too! Really someone to have @ a jh :) A Real JH kinda person :) Wich is cool since we really dont have much of those.. Of course by the time she s the age to really do something @ the JH, I'll be long gone, but still.. In my position its one of the tasks to at least be aware of the future for the JH :D
Drawing :) I did the expressions & they re starting to work out :) Angry s still difficult, but with practice :) Now i'm down to hair.. wich is difficult, but doable :)
There s a New GAIM :) 0.76 Wich is Cool :D Im checking the site as I type :D YAY My only concern is that i'll have to recompile the blogger plugin & I dont feel like doing just that, but I guess i'll have to live with it :/ :)
Today s been a very interesting day.. Did some reading @ BMEzine and .. yeah, learned a lot (Again :D) And YES I Will bore you with some links to what I read & found interesting :) First I read the Shocking & Disturbing tough interesting "The Raelians: Building Better Humans?" (Read it & read it all the way, its WORTH it :) But DO NOT stop in the middle, the end - below the sig - is Very important) Anywho, very worth the (long) read! (wtg, Shannon). The article starts with a refference to the previous post, "What can pierced people do for the mutants of the future?" Sparked by the story of the 12 year old being expelled from school because of her nose piercing. Interesting article, tough in the end it goes a litle.. yeah :) I recognise the anger, but luckilly I managed to controll that feeling some years ago (this is in no way meant as negative comments to anyone!!) I feel the end of the article (the "If you have a piercing, we will try and destroy you." part) kinda gives people a way to criticise the whole article! Its obviously angry and in that way, gives people an answer (altough an unreasonable & crappy one, but still.. One might say the author is exagerating - wich he, in the more objective part, certainly is NOT) The part after "Let me tell you a spin-off story as to why." is .. mostly interesting & possible but has too much of a scifi thingy going. But in its whole, its a Very interesting read!! After those, I ofcourse read some of the Questions & Answers @ Ask BME.. Interesting!!
But AGAIN its waaaaay to late & im still Tired (whats that you said, sarah, about not being able to recuperate all in one night :/ HELL NO *sigh*) So G signing of :D
Posted by
3:23 AM
Friday, April 02, 2004
Yessah, I Am Relaxed :D
Yesterday I went to gent for school, did some relaxing @ graslei , some more school & some mooore relaxing @ graslei (With John, Sarah, Tom, ..) Untill we all felt the urge for this years First.. BBQ!! :D It was great, fun, wine, MEAT (lotz & lotz & lotz & ..), Wodka :D, Pablo & Fun :D hehe! I crashed @ johns place (great place itis indeed), Went to 1hr of Math the next day (Sarah actually made it to the first classes @ 8!!! Insaaaneah). After wich we all went to clean up Johns place and.. Chill some @ the Graslei :D (agaainaah :D)
Yeah, thats life!
sun + relaxing + fun + ppl + graslei + bbq + ..
Hmmmmmm.. Its getting summer again :D Yeah!
Posted by
12:34 AM