Expeditie Robinson (Surviver)
The right person won!
Viva Frank
Monday, November 29, 2004
Sometimes things happen that are so unbelievable and beautiful..
I hope I dont wake up!!!!!!
whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
Posted by
3:41 AM
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Weekend was EVIL!
Live wat TOO COOL :D
and I'm EXTREMELY happy on a personal level :)
Bag 's unpacked..
Posted by
9:09 PM
Thursday, November 25, 2004
tough i'm not quite finished, still have some FFin questions! aarghl
Posted by
7:04 AM
whii another fun phonecall :)
Im really starting to love those calls.. lol
My hear smells all fresh & stuff :)
My second senseo, with sugar..
Rush Here I Come :D
good coz I still got some work to do :/
My back is still painfull
I missed my train earlier today
I saw someone online earlier today I really hadnt seen in a LONG time!! It felt GOOD to talk to her! REALLY good! Im glad she s on my list!
Magic doesnt seem to fade over time!
I made arangements with John to go to the sauna next week & to go out the week after, accidently on Kristalnacht so - Its A Partaai!
.. we turned away from instant stuff ..
pf, I should Get Crackin!
but :s aarghl
I should really sleep
But so, Work!
Posted by
2:29 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Its like you ve got 2 kg of extra hair!
Im amazed at the wonderfull job Vi did on the back of mu head tough.. Its GREAT
Cant wait for her to do the rest too :)
Posted by
5:34 PM
whii :)
had a fun phone call with Vi..
I d love to do that more often
I d love to do so much things so many times, dont we all..
Went to Gent today
some RoD stuff..
and :D the Machiavelli expansion :D GREAT GAME!! and The tesmimony of Jacob Hollow Looks like a very moody game
I look forward to trying them both :)
:s I'm easilly tired these days :( its a backlash from being sick I guess. I was tired from a small walk ik gent (tough not all would consider that a small walk :D) I m planning on going to bed now anyway :)
Tomorow is RoD day.. I have tons of work & since im recuperating today, I havent found the time to actually DO it. I have another problem tough.. I dont have cool pants to wear on RoD :( Its a PROBLEM!! & I dont feel like prancing around in Kilt!!
watched the end of LotR2 expanded ed today while calling.. Some cool additional scenes! Scenes that really Added to the whole & the story of the movie.. & funny too
I really feel like trying Jacob Hollow!! Maybe tomorow afternoon with my bro
guess im off to bed now..
sleepaah :D
Posted by
1:21 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Geographical social differences
this is an interesting article (tnx to BME) about "rebel" youth in japan
a huge difference from here!
noticed another interesting difference in Shell's blog
Posted by
3:05 AM
im feeling curiously happy in a way..
My head getting screwed by feeling sick?
had a countra productive day
some RoD stuff (cool)
and I answered some long overdue RoD questions..
an important chat with Tom.. (about his RoD char plans)
And now I need to have some toilet time & SLEEP
coz im still tired as hell
the kind of tired I normally ignore totally
but I have the feeling that right now ignoring that feeling wouldnt be The best idea!
I cant be too tired or sick for this weekend
so Sleep :)
Posted by
2:46 AM
Monday, November 22, 2004
Vote for DIRKIE and he ll make SUNSHINE come out your butt!!
Dirkie for President :D
Posted by
3:18 PM
I found out the real cause for my aching back muscles!
Ive got the flu :/
The flu always comes with muscle aches & .. well, with me thats always my back! (to start with..)
I'm at home, wearing lots of stuff, taking a decent amount of pills to make sure I get better before the weekend.. But I'm slightly afraid about what it ll do to my RoD work schedual..
The dreams I had this night :/ Damn! Sick shit!
I dreamt about .. unity .. between 2 ununifyable matters.. groups maybe.. trough a third rare something.. combined with my RoD concerns.. in somewhat of a post apocalyptical floating cityscape ..
If only I could draw well enough to put what I saw to paper.. I think it d turn out some freakyish material.. Working on it tough!
and now for some quality *lying in the sofa & watching movies* time.. :(
Gonna work some RoD later today tough.. When I'm on pills (antigrippine) I can manage to do it.. Might even go to school tomorrow! Actually I should because its Math!! and I also need to get some stuff from some shops in Gent..
Posted by
10:01 AM
Sunday, November 21, 2004
hot shower did wonders
im going to have to watch out not to get sick!!! :/
*gets vitamins out*
Posted by
10:43 PM
Yesterday cost me my back :/
Im hurting all over, I was afraid to move too much when I woke up!
It was probably the walking to the car in the blistering cold with a WET T (pure sweat) and a not quite dry pullover thats at the cause of this :/ Aarghl
Posted by
6:05 PM
Oh What a Night
To bed at 8.45 this morning, up at 12, given the week I just had sleepwise, I expected to go to bed early today!
Sooooooo, that was ofcourse without the party this evening :)
I had an EVIL night..
danced the night away.. From 1 till 5.30 Non Stop
and the last dance is one to remember..
Intense :D
And now its off to bed!
I aint doing anything but sleeping tomorrow!!
So kisses to those who deseve them (yeah you)
Posted by
6:19 AM
Saturday, November 20, 2004
My part of the breefings is finished (40 pages) and now its off to bed, 3 hrs of NEEDED sleep & off to explain my piece to 'em ppl - Yay
Posted by
8:03 AM
Friday, November 19, 2004
For those interested..
This is where I went & I have to say.. It was Nice!
Fun Fun Fun & probably again next month!
(or maybe even next week! :D)
Next time I want to have all the time in the world tough! I had to be home to help a friend, wich is ok, but relaxing isnt really relaxing if you have to watch the clock!
Posted by
1:56 AM
Eskobar - Someone New
So is it goodbye?
Is it time to set you free?
Is it time to let it fly?
Is it time to let it bleed
We used to take turns
To cover up the pain
Deep below it burns
And the fellin' still remains
You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you
And the sun will come on thru,
It's gonna shine for you
'Cause I adore you
Yes we gave it a try
But maybe for too long
Out of every sorrow
Another day will dawn
You're gonna find someone new
I really hope you do
'Cause I love you
And the sun will come on thru,
It's gonna shine for you
'Cause I adore you
And the road travels on
But I'm still near you
In my life, like a song
I will still hear you
Sun will shine for you
'Cause I adore you...
A great song, always reminds me of breaking up with a Gril I still love very much. Yes, I broke up with her.. Why? Because I saw no future for us :/ We were different persons on a certain level and we were both missing out on life because eachother. And I dont regret my choice! She has a nice BF now (he doesnt really seem to like me that much tough :)) and she seems more happy than I ever could have made her :) So YAY for that & YAY for this song!
I went saunaing today
and I barely slept
and I decided to buy Weerwolven & the Machiavelli expansion tomorrow (viva 999 games)
and I still have loads of work
and I'm going to the theatre tomorrow
and I really didnt sleep enough last night
and BLAH :)
The second my iPod is finished copying the stuff to my bro's HD i'm going offline to continue working
Posted by
1:32 AM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
gotta work for RoD
so cya :)
Drank 2 senseos earlier :)
Tomorrow Sauna time :)
Had a succesfull reinstall of Stitch s pc earlier today..
It is now Totally W2K :) YAY & I must say, it runs Smooootha :)
No, really, its amazing!
& Now stitch ll Finaly be able to do Java, iPod and all the other things he loves on a more performant comp :) YAY
Now Sleepy time
Posted by
2:53 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Off to bed :)
Nice Deviant Art action.. Sending holiday cards to strangers in a hospital..
As I told someone today..
"The worst about writing is the risk of not being read"
He tought it deep so I tought I d blog it :)
Posted by
5:20 AM
I had a very powerfull moment earlier today on the train. In Gent a girl with nice dreadies got on the train.. I noticed her and she seemed to notice me too.. Looks were exchanged. Tension was building.
One moment she decides to unzip the collar of her pullover unveiling her neck, masjestic in its nudity. THE single most erotic event in my life so far! The world started turning as blood rushed trough my body.. Incredible!
But ofcourse I didnt go up to her or whatever, no, I'm too shy in a way.. or to scared to get dissapointed.. She might have been prety young too.. Thinking that I felt old :s
This is offcourse only how I experienced it all & .. She was probably just wondering why I still had my vest on while fiddling with the iPod in my lap and what book I was reading..
Anywho.. I wrote three haikus as about those moments.. Written 3 5 3 instead of the normal 5 7 5 because of comment found on this site (tnx to Kaishi) And I must say.. There s more power in 'em because of the shortness.. I started 5 7 5 and .. it just didnt feel right..
These poems should not be viewed as one big poem but as 3 different haikus talking about different parts of the situation.
I'm verry happy with the result, kinda proud even!
Anywho, enough crap, here they are.. With their respective Deviant art titles and links!
Facing seats
Returned praising looks
Tension Builds
Covered neck
Dazzlingly unveiled
Countless chances blown
Tardy regret
By me
Posted by
1:36 AM
Cajou - Un mot magique
Il y a un mot que me emporte ailleurs
Ce mot enchante me donne des ailles
me dépose sur le cote d une rivière
le courant vite m emporte
des poissons me servent de compagnie
un drôle de voyage
En dessous de tout ça
avec ses contours tout ronde
celle que le temps les lui a donnée
un cajou blanc
mon mot magique
Im having an inspirated mood.. This is one of the results
Posted by
1:32 AM
14yo Bully busted for tattooing 13yo
isnt this a bit much :s
incredible, the things happening these days :/
Posted by
1:30 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Monday, November 15, 2004
Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it, New York, New York
These vagabond shoes
Are longing to stray
And make a brand new start of it
New York, New York
I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps
To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap
These little town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York.
I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps
To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap
These little town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York.
New York, New York.. One of those songs that always gets me Happy :D These Little town blues :)
Posted by
2:57 AM
DAMN I want to see Ghost in the Shell 2 in the cinema :)
Its just one of those movies one has to see several times before getting the whole story!
I NEED to see that one at the theaters!
Having read the book, the story isnt a big surprise to me, the backbone is still Massamune Shirow, but the story was heavilly adapted. And its ok, its a good addaptation. It lays a heavier focus on the filosophical side. And digs deeper into some other stuff too. Ofcourse they had to cut out some of the original story lines, but its all OK. I feel like re reading GitS :) So I might do that for the next couple of days..
Im still glad I payed that lot of money for that book!
I hope they use the rest of the material in the book to make GitS 3 & 4 because thats what it ll take to have the whole GitS story in movies!
And a small one for the "Rise of the Robots" joke :D hihi
Great Great Great!
(So Vi, if you read this.. Whatcha doin the first of December :p)
Im havin a movies period..
Went to see AVP yesterday - Nice! 90 minutes felt like 15, that cant mean a bad movie! Ofcourse some parts are quite.. When making such a movie, consensusses have to be made, you cant respect everything AND keep a nice, fast paced action movie like this one.. But still.. Nice! AND :) They creditted Giger wich is more than certain Alien films did in the theaters! And Resident Evil 2 today *Goes to get his Senseo* .. Entertaining! ALl n all an OK movie. Ofcourse there are scenes where you dont have to think too much & better just dont think at all, but that doesnt get into the way of the entertainment, because, sometimes a NoBrainer can be amusing too :D (like "Zombies!!" they have "Its a nobrainer as subtitle") At times it actually reminded me of Zombies A LOT :D at first they re killing zombies, and after a while, a helli apears & they have to go for it.. Thats abou what Zombies!! is about :D Much better anyway that the "Man Apart" I watched yesterday.. Damn I HATE Vin Diesel films! The dialogues and scenery are always such .. CRAP! A Really Crappy Movie to my opinion! So.. that makes 5 movies in 3 days.. Not bad :D
Listening to Reel Big Fish.. If only I had known that that kind of music was called SKA.. That kind I couldnt really define, that kind I liked since I heard it the first time all those years ago..
Im looking forward to the next Whatever, Bite me set! We already have some ideas and I can already tell its going to be another awsome set :D hihi
Playing Starwars - Jedi Knight Academy these days.. Its been long since I played a game & the mood was there so I'm giving it a shot.. Its nice to be playing something again!
And ofcourse working for RoD Scenario.. Wich reminds me.. Got some work to do :)
Posted by
1:52 AM
Sadness over a bird killed
but no sadness over a fish killed.
Lucky are those with voices.
Saitou Riokuu
The happy place thingy was from Shark Tale :D
Posted by
1:45 AM
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Friday, November 12, 2004
Progress note.. Stitch failed staying awake - LOL
and.. its immensely nice that he s actually using his exercise school blog :)
Posted by
5:26 PM
Tired but happy
watched shark tale again.. So much to notice :D Gonna search me a list o insders about ST :)
Short post
St Maarten was nice
lotza money & chocolate & ..
and lotza painfull moments
My Contact ball is SO cool
I went to De Koer today, it was Nice.. Meeting up with my past!
Posted by
5:05 AM
Fields Of Rock
With Rammstein (and Therapy? and The Rasmus)
Im SO going :D
altough probably not due to exams
Posted by
5:04 AM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
I Really hafta get to a doktor :s I want him to examine my coz Im going totally paranoid at the moment.. Annoying
I seem to have bit my lip several times & have now a very sore spot in my mouth, giving me annoying headaches
I'm also very tired at this moment :s wierd! I tried some deca tonight but the energy Just Wasnt There! Even the drive home was worrying (no alcohol / whatever whatsoever, mind you!)
I did some studying today :) Yay!
lets keep that up :D
and now to sleep my worries away :D
Posted by
5:02 AM
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Nice Site
Americans telling the world they re sorry for Bush being reëllected
Posted by
2:15 PM
Monday, November 08, 2004
They still screw up the page width tough :/
30% .. :s They really are Big :D
Posted by
3:59 AM
Time for some Spanish Vacation Pics :D
I first put 'em in a table but the center layout looks (slightly) Nicer.. But I didnt even like that enough to keep it! Click the picture for a bigger small version (I downsized them 50% when putting them online & the previews here are 30% of the ones I put online, so go figure the original dimensions :D)
This is a very funny picture :) It shows me in the middle with the girl in my arms and my mate Vinny on the right side of the picture. We have no clue whatsoever who those people were but we just felt like taking pictures :) I really like this one because of the happy looks on the faces of the people who matter & the face of the guy on the left in contrast. It seems he didnt really like the idea of two dutch blokes scooping away his girl for a picture. The girl seems to enjoy it tough :) The picture was taken by John.. Great moment!!
Vinny doing his Undeniably EVIL cornholio imitation! Gotta love this guy :D
John & Vinny posing with Cyril, the cool waiter at our fav cocktail bar, the Havanah. The place where we got shitfaced several times and THIS guy was the fav waiter! An evil seemingly Metal minded dude.. Piercings, Tats, .. and just a Really cool guy :D
Me, Vinny, John, Caroline and Stijn at the Malibu Club. After some drinking at the Havanah and at the start of our club fun :) We bougt a Bigass bottle of wodka that night & totalled it the same night! Toooo nice :) We had a hell of a night! The picture was taken by Stijn and the idea came from Vinny who was just slightly more drunk than me and john (and stijn and caroline .. together :D) KARAJ! hehe We closed the malibu that night and met some nice french girls..
One of our evening Banquits.. With in the picture Me, John, Vinny, Dirk in the back and Deborah.. Hidden behind Vinny and John are Deborah's parents.. You have to admit that Deborah is a Nice looking girl :) We had loads of fun together.. Even later that night :) Me & John are (ofcourse) focusing on the ever so important eating! Not to be underestimated!! :D hihi Vinny on the other hand is giving us his Seductor look :D
The Old School :) Our Metal Spot in Platja D Aro :) The place where we discovered Absinth, where we got our much needed dosage of Rock (I really need that once in a while!! and it got John to know more Metal :)) The owner was a really cool guy, lotz of piercings, KICKASS tats and a great voice :) His grunts and moves were half the mood :D Great place! Really. We re probably sending the guy a postcard from here in belgium, the likes of what he helped us send from there.. I'll get the postcards up here so that you know what I mean :) Really evil concept for those who need to write cards tough hate it and have excelent social skillz (ie walking up to strangers asking them to write anything on your postcard)
It was a Great vacation! LOVELY
Watching these pics really solved my dark mood!! It Felt GOOD :)
I do hope nobody minds their likeness on my blog..
I should really sms Deb for her MSN or whatever.. I really feel like talking to her again :)
And now for some well deserved but as always short sleep!
hehe, I know you re all waiting for it :p so..
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! :D
Posted by
3:46 AM
Im having a bad evening
I feel bad & I dont feel like having fun tomorrow night :(
I'm watching cheery (I know this word probably doesnt exist) stuff & it helps (Its cheering me up..) but.. :s
Had a talk with Kaishi & he tells me this is quite normal
As always its backtraceable to my dad.. I already tought so but he was able to give me an explenation supporting it
I'll probably go to school by car tomorrow.. Might be preferable considering where Sarah lives & ..
Posted by
1:36 AM
Sunday, November 07, 2004
A Xlylomophone, lisa..
FUNNY thingy :D
gotta love The Enlgish :)
Posted by
10:14 PM
I just discovered one more person who reads this heap o shit :D
funny! (you may comment once in a while you know :p)
Posted by
5:48 PM
Friday, November 05, 2004
And so I failed again..
Yesterday upon going to bed I decided to better my ways.. 2 hrs o sleep till the classes I HAD to attend :s pain! So I Decided to get to bed earlier after yesterday.. Starting today!
That was ofcourse without taking the meeting into account
The guys did seem pleasantly surprised at the contribution im working on..
I went out shopping today.. Bought two books.. Stephen King's first and second Dark Tower books..
They look.. challenging :) lol
I was told they are Very good, so, here I come! Its only 7 (seven, yes se7en) parts anyway..
I also bought myself tickets to go see plays, ehrm, a special student thingy (Triangel).. for Publiekstheater Gent and imediately spent one of the tickets on a piece about the sea, this wednesday.. Dont know the fuck about it, but im looking forward to it :D And to the next one, the 19th too :)
And some gas :/
Gretl seems to have had something for me today :s
I dont know what & am curious..
I mean.. she even saw me so, ..? :s
Viona called today, invited me to De Koer, promissed me she would sms me when she left, but its surely closed by now & still no sms :/ Nice :s
anywho, my soup s almost eaten..
I'm off to bed :D
Posted by
1:54 AM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Stitchy was here several times today for his iPod..
It was fun & interesting
We were testing his new iTalk.. with HILLARIOUS consequences :D hihi
Discovered some new (& better) iPod software.. Im even considering ditching iTunes.. Nice piece of software, but better seems to exist!!
Up till now I was using podUtil to copy stuff from my iPod.. Nice soft but it didnt clean the filenames so I was dissapointed! (it required a fee & since I'm still student..) Then I found copyPod.. wich I probably wont even test anymore since I now have sharePod (ideal for copying stuff to my HD) and EphPod (a GREAT substitute for iTunes, and FREE)
I'm really considering using ephPod from now on..
Here s the links.. EphPod and SharePod both great and free software (I can understand wanting to make a few bucks but if I could I d gladly donate some money to these guys.. Id rather send both of these guys €10 and never even expect to only hear of them than send it to other guys.. Its a strange attitude, I know, but I sympathise more with ppl who just put it online for the sake of mankind :D)
I wanted to be in bed by 1.. Its almost 4 again :( :'(
pf & tomorrow class @ 8.15.. I dont know if I'll make that!
I probably wont :'(
I'm SO screwing up my front and back end :(
I need to do some work, was planning on it this weekend & I failed :(
now, Sleeeeeeeep (this is kinda catchy or so it seems, as I noticed while reading *someone*'s blog ;))
Posted by
3:53 AM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I had a semi productive day!
Im glad hard is drawing again.. That sexy losers mailing list is paying of :D (links on the left for those curious for what i'm talking about)
Omg its once again INSANELY EVIL :D
Daaaaamn that guy 's a Genious :)
Humor really is a thing appart.. its an art
Even today I noticed the great timing that sometimes makes it all
(I noticed it in Friends.. The timing is pure Genious there!)
Had my gentoo emerge the world today too.. Lucrative thingy (i hope) Still got work to do tough, my alsa wont cooperate in giving me sound tough the kerel now supports my card.. Ah & .. I now have 2.6.9-R2.. Just when I installed 2.6.9 yesterday AARGHL!
I installed perCobol on my laptop :(
Its better than spending 200 euros on a wLan
tough we WILL have that one day!!
I discovered a great site with lots of free old movies & stuff.. Evil!
& I dont understand why I cant get my IMDB search thing added in Firefox!!!
and now sleep
Posted by
4:30 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Recompiled kernel
configure ALSA tomorrow
YAY! Ive got Sound :D
& a brand new splash image for grub.. Digital Angel :) yaay
Posted by
3:51 AM
Come to think of it
My dad would have had such a laugh at the aforementioned list
He was always laughing at my constant compiling since I got Gentoo
If only he were still alive :(
Posted by
2:25 AM
What your choice of Linux distribution says about you
At the moment I'm using Gentoo..
* If John Wayne had been a Linux user, he would have used Gentoo. Gentoo users are pioneers, people who like to live close to the metal, and don't mind hurting themselves on sharp objects. Some feel that Gentoo users are simply lazy louts who always want to have a ready excuse for why they are not doing constructive things with their computer, other than compiling or recompiling the latest kernel, app, or hapless passerby. The official Gentoo motto is, "If it moves, compile it."
Who s John Wayne :s
Anywho, Call me a Pioneer, Metalhead and Sado Massochist :D LOL
Have I recompiled YOU lately? :D hehe
Also, I liked using Slackware, so lets see that that tells you about me..
* This distribution is for those that don't care for the overhead of configuration interfaces, and have a great appetite for raw text files. No need for dependency checks, since they always know what they are doing. Especially important to Slackware users are the bragging rights of using the oldest distribution still in development. Plus the fact that it has been supported by the same diety all that time, Patrick J. Volkerding. Newbies should be cautious around Slackware users, because they will cut you none.
YEAH! Viva Raw Text configuration!!! YEAH! (I feel I learn most this way..)
And Watch me as I Cut You None! :D
Always funny to read stuff like this :)
Posted by
2:08 AM
Monday, November 01, 2004
God's just an imaginary friend for grownups
Nice quote from .. that movie I just watched :s Dont ask me the title :)
Games thing was nice! Missed the Machiavelli expansion by an inch, the WC extension isnt out yet, Zombies!! was indredibly expensive & I'm getting Lunch Money trough a friend.. Ah & the Doom game isnt printed yet.. In a month or so..
But still, nice day!
Food (Bali restaurant) was Nice! Much choice, much food, ..
Tomorrow is my Cobol day :) YAY
If all goes well I'll be able to complete the exercises in one day - YAY
if.. :D
Had an interesting chat with dirkie about the stuff bothering me at the moment.. Im in a quite emotional period :( Ken eavesdropped in on part of it.. I think he probably got part of it wrong, but there s no talking sense into him these days anyway, so.. :/
The computer room problem (me being unable to concentrate and him not wanting to acknowlege my problems of even give way to a solution in the slightest way) really weighs on me.. Things easilly weigh on me these days.. (normally nothing does!) What can I say
We just ordered tickets to the next WT concert in Gent..
My fav fruit is blogging again..
Anywho, like I end every blog I write before going to bed..
Posted by
4:33 AM