Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I had a very powerfull moment earlier today on the train. In Gent a girl with nice dreadies got on the train.. I noticed her and she seemed to notice me too.. Looks were exchanged. Tension was building.
One moment she decides to unzip the collar of her pullover unveiling her neck, masjestic in its nudity. THE single most erotic event in my life so far! The world started turning as blood rushed trough my body.. Incredible!
But ofcourse I didnt go up to her or whatever, no, I'm too shy in a way.. or to scared to get dissapointed.. She might have been prety young too.. Thinking that I felt old :s
This is offcourse only how I experienced it all & .. She was probably just wondering why I still had my vest on while fiddling with the iPod in my lap and what book I was reading..
Anywho.. I wrote three haikus as about those moments.. Written 3 5 3 instead of the normal 5 7 5 because of comment found on this site (tnx to Kaishi) And I must say.. There s more power in 'em because of the shortness.. I started 5 7 5 and .. it just didnt feel right..
These poems should not be viewed as one big poem but as 3 different haikus talking about different parts of the situation.
I'm verry happy with the result, kinda proud even!
Anywho, enough crap, here they are.. With their respective Deviant art titles and links!


Facing seats
Returned praising looks
Tension Builds

Covered neck
Dazzlingly unveiled

Countless chances blown
Tardy regret

By me

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