Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The cat just chewed off the mouse thingies from my iPod headset - fuckin bitch!

I went into a lot of stores today & if I d have my way I had probably spent around 200 euros.. Now I spent -tnx to a great effort- only 3 euro

The day they hand me a 100 euros & say "go spend it at the fnac I ll be outa there within half an hour with the whole Asimov - Foundation series, the full stories by EA Poe (all english ofcourse) and some other crap

Needles to say what my next buys will be :D I desperately need 100 euros for books!

I do have to admit that I have 5 books queued to read + one I just started in (damn that one might be CRAP)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's what you get with cats... :D
