Friday, December 23, 2005

im sitting down on the floor
its quite Not thrilling I have to admit.. really.. But its for the good cause :)

Mini is bussy repairing my dreadlocks :) I had tons of loose hair, wich I was heavilly doubting to actually just cut away & hope they d grow into my locks in the end but .. this is a much better solution! Its painful, uncomfortable and takes a lifetime, but still.. :p

I have to admit she Is great
living together has some .. tougher sides
sides I might not have expected
but .. all n all she s pretty Great :D

I got my Burton iPod Shield Jacket yesterday from the shop :D FINALLY
I had a gruelling 3 month wait, unbearable. I wasnt going to wear my old jacket again, I tought.. WRONG Fuckin 2 months of cold during wich I had to because I just didnt have My New Jacket!
Anywho, its great! The iPod controlls are just Great & .. im happy :) hehe It was funny how my burton dealer / house lord dude reacted to finally being able to see the jacket & put an iPod in it & .. I am the only one so far who bought such a jacket from him :)

Im considering buying a nintendo DS.. I already decided that I d buy another console some years ago & i think that the DS really is the one I need :) Ive been looking at the different games & Im quite persuaded! I hope I can afford one soon!

I hope they call me to work tomorrow
They always want me to work an hour later or so & I gave to Say.. I cant really handle that kind of .. stress :s Not stress,, but.. I just cant do that :/Its too short notice

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