Friday, June 30, 2006

Linux HD :s

My linux HD is acting Very Weird!!
I needed something Urgently today so I had to boot it up & .. It Worked :s

No noise, no smoke, ...
Its broken, no doubt there
but .. It still works without any further problems or damage! Except the external burn marks, you d say its a normal HD!

Sleep now
tomorrow s working day :s

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Supreme Commander

I was talking to vleer a while ago about Total Annihilation. And so it turns out.. They re making a new one. Same concept slightly different name, different story, advanced technology .. but in the end its the same cool game. Small robots, huge maps, fuck resources, super evil cool technology, .. I'm looking forward to it :)

I might have to upgrade my box to play it (might? will!) but it ll be WORTH IT :D

Monday, June 26, 2006

I am positively enraged

I had some bad luck just now and .. aarghl
yeah, I am enraged! AARGHL

And I now have the urge to boot my box with a live cd & guess what, I dont have it bc I borrowed it to someone

Holy Shit

My Linux HD just turned into an overbaked French Fry (which are actually Belgian fries, but it already too far to correct that mistake) My Linux HD just FRIED. An old 20g perfect to run my OS from. and it just produced a whole lot of smoke. I unplugged it and prevented aggrevated damage, but its toast. I managed to boot it again & am now saving some Important data (emails for example) but its become a hazard.

.. now, what the fuck should I do. I'm low down cashed out. I really DO NOT have ANY money to buy a new HD! And its not as if I can keep install on one of my data disks! That would just Not do! I'm glad I noticed it in time & I'm glad its not one of my data disks!

Aaarghl! Why This & Why Now!!!
Luckilly I backed up /etc & /boot so I'll have some info to look config stuff up when I reinstall the bitch

This really ends an era! Ive been with that box for a long time & this is the first time I have a major failure. Every other time Ive had crap with it it was because I was changing stuff & messed something up. This is a wholy different thing. This is Hardware Failure!
Ofcourse I'm already looking forward to reinstalling it, better this time. More of that good stuff, no more redundant crap, you know what I mean ;)

What A Bitch
And just now when I got that ACPI stuff working.. DAMN!

Then again, I shall now attempt to make a customised Live CD! A live cd that shall require NO screen, that shall serve me trough Samba & SSH! YES!
*cries* Why the fuck now :( I mean.. I was just trough the lot of shit & now THIS! It really does never stop and I'm comming to accept that! And I'm happy that I realise this so that I can accept it as a thing of life & move on! Be happy! Accepting that things will go wrong and altough its a nuicance, its also life and unchangeable. And accept it. Yes, a Great lesson!

A live cd will also be a nice adventure.
.. :)
I'm growing curious to what my school results are. They re just a click away & I can take it now.

And at the end of it all, there s still Azalin and Strahd to disctract me & Mini to comfort me. She s of great support to me & I really need that

So, on to greener pastures!

Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered,
those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win

Zhuge Liang

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Hello from Graspop with tnx 2 Proximus - yaay
(bout time, the bills I'm getting.. DAMN!)

I feel so dirty, even at a festival im at a computer :(

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Lord of the Necropolis (1997)

I dont remember this one :s Have I already read it? or is it in fact the last ravenloft book to remain out of my read greedy hands.

.. I'm not sure
I'll check when I finish this one :) I Strahd, The War Against Azalin.

Yeah :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wired News: Fightclub

A thing like this was bound to happen!

How .. sad

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Vandalism is a Product of Society

Think about it!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

My blood is too thick for HTML

So dont give me that shit
Its a chip off the same block
& I'll be doing it again in the summer
At least I'll be able to code some upfront then!

Damn these alergies of mine
they re getting the upper hand and I resent them for it
I feel like I could sleep sitting (or shitting .. Yeah, I KNOW you thought you read that first.. you perv!)

.. I feel like opening every window & yelling random parts of Fear and Loathing to random passer by's
Maybe I should have a drink.. I really should! This is nothing a stiff whiskey cant solve!

.. Or maybe I should just go to bed
Whiskey s tempting but you have to actively fight even the remote possibility of alcoholism. And since I said I wont drink during the exams, I'll just wait till tomorrow to get me some lickor.. But tomorrow evening, my best friend ll be Lagavoolin - yeah .. Or wait, this really sounds sad.
So in reality (coz you do all realise this is pure fiction, do you?) I'll just end up having 1 or 2 glasses tomorrow depending on my mood.. I might even have none. Who 'll tell. I will, Tomorrow!

So, Off to bed!
after I just check this examplary exam.. Which wil undoubtably resemble in No Way the exam I'll be facing tomorrow. 4 pages, all multiple choice, no coding? .. why not.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Yeah, I got it fixed

I loathe to have moved my box, but .. well .. Its ok now :)
and it works! If I push once, it starts a shutdown in 5 .. 4 .. .....
and if I push a second time, the shutdown gets canceled :)

So Paartey!
Pitty i cant do much more with that acpi thingy
Still! Its Cool!

One thing more on the completed list

Sleep! Wo mini :(
Love ya hon :)


So, go figure
I get my linux to shutdown when I push the powerbutton
I shutdown my comp.. everything to wish
except I neglected the fact that the default action for that button was still there. I tought I neednt disable that, but I did

& hey, go figure.. shutdown creates a /etc/nologin file.. and I checked when that file gets deleted when I wrote it to cancel the shutdown if someone presses the powerbutton again.. so hey, whooptidoo! everybody happy

Think again! shutdown in 5 minutes. nologin file created. shutdown starting, whooptido, push the button again, nothing happens. Np, I had an open terminal so I just had to cancel it manually.. thus having shutdown delete the nologin file automatically..

.. well... if it werent for the whole default "init 0" action.
so it shut down, which was ok.. But it left the "nologin" file in place. Effectively blocking me from loging into my box over SSH. SO! I'll have to boot it with a screen to acces it again AND I'll probably have to download & burn a gentoo image to repair it since I gave my only livecd to Anne when she needed it

A A R G H L ! ! !

And did I mention that I dont have any download left in my broadband rate.




Sunday, June 04, 2006

Memorable Quotes from "The Sopranos" (1999)

Great! :)
Read trough this
& then read it again :D

Wheelman - More fun than you can stand

Omg, I want this!
I hope we ll be seeing more of this in the future :)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

DISTURBED // The Official Website

I went to get my last BDay gift today..
I had a gift certificate and this is my newest cd!

If only the industry realised that I bought this thanx to the MP3 Technology.. :s

Great cd! :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Detective Game - SLEUTH

Fun Game! (so far)
you re a detective, dukin it out.. 70s style