Monday, June 26, 2006

Holy Shit

My Linux HD just turned into an overbaked French Fry (which are actually Belgian fries, but it already too far to correct that mistake) My Linux HD just FRIED. An old 20g perfect to run my OS from. and it just produced a whole lot of smoke. I unplugged it and prevented aggrevated damage, but its toast. I managed to boot it again & am now saving some Important data (emails for example) but its become a hazard.

.. now, what the fuck should I do. I'm low down cashed out. I really DO NOT have ANY money to buy a new HD! And its not as if I can keep install on one of my data disks! That would just Not do! I'm glad I noticed it in time & I'm glad its not one of my data disks!

Aaarghl! Why This & Why Now!!!
Luckilly I backed up /etc & /boot so I'll have some info to look config stuff up when I reinstall the bitch

This really ends an era! Ive been with that box for a long time & this is the first time I have a major failure. Every other time Ive had crap with it it was because I was changing stuff & messed something up. This is a wholy different thing. This is Hardware Failure!
Ofcourse I'm already looking forward to reinstalling it, better this time. More of that good stuff, no more redundant crap, you know what I mean ;)

What A Bitch
And just now when I got that ACPI stuff working.. DAMN!

Then again, I shall now attempt to make a customised Live CD! A live cd that shall require NO screen, that shall serve me trough Samba & SSH! YES!
*cries* Why the fuck now :( I mean.. I was just trough the lot of shit & now THIS! It really does never stop and I'm comming to accept that! And I'm happy that I realise this so that I can accept it as a thing of life & move on! Be happy! Accepting that things will go wrong and altough its a nuicance, its also life and unchangeable. And accept it. Yes, a Great lesson!

A live cd will also be a nice adventure.
.. :)
I'm growing curious to what my school results are. They re just a click away & I can take it now.

And at the end of it all, there s still Azalin and Strahd to disctract me & Mini to comfort me. She s of great support to me & I really need that

So, on to greener pastures!

Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered,
those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win

Zhuge Liang

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