Sunday, August 13, 2006


I got myself a running apache serv on the lil home network & installed some GREAT tools!

a Mediawiki
an Ampache
a MyPictures
a phpLDAPadmin (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,)
and a phpsysinfo

Combined they re my new tool for easy management of .. whatever I need to be managed :)

The wiki for information of all sorts, the ampache for streaming audio from the serv to our computers here (yes, that IS legal since its all legit cds on there), a mypictures to watch al those .. pictures on it, an LDAP admin for when I get my ldap serv running so I can finally have a centeral place for email adresses and the sysinfo so I can track the general wellbeing of my lil linux serv!

All this on my Gentoo server (nothing but a powercord and a network cable attatched :))
Now the only thing I need is to get my Xvnc working again & I'll have my serv up & running again :) But thats for AFTER the exams

& now im off to bed, coz mini s waiting :(

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