Monday, December 11, 2006

Misfits Tattoo

I told some people at the Hatebreed concert about this tat and the fact that it's quite usettling. I can take a lot of things, but realising that a person got this slightly disturbing and extremely permanent picture etched to his face is .. hard.

This is ofcourse from Modblog and Shannon really puts this feeling to words..
"I really think this is the most intense facial tattoo I’ve ever seen in terms of radically transforming a person’s interaction with the rest of the world… and speaking as someone with a facial tattoo, I definitely feel like this is going to be a shock to his system. Very, very intense"

This image obviously took some other people by the proverbial balls too..

and the other way around

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only day for him to be able to walk around and interact with people socially is probably halloween... I bet he's a pumpkin person for the rest of the year :D

Although it's a very nice piece of work! (and really scary too :p )

But this wasn't it another tat you where talking about? Some kind of logo skull thing? this looks a bit too graphic I think