Anyone who hasnt said the words by now can crawl into a hole & decompose for all I care (with maybe One exception) Those who cant handle this shouldnt be reading this. There s lots of other sites on the web. Try one of these.. (one, two, three!) There s no roster this time. Noone could be bothered to wait for the day. The Hut REALLY screwed things up for me this year. Its a pitty. 25 is a number to remember. And I will.. 26 will be better!
My busy work schedule did have its costs. I really want to pass this annoying school year, I really want to FINALLY be rid of school! But by god, if Id have known the cost.. I d probably have gone into it differently. Or maybe plainly just not at all. I mean, I dont really value the rubbish they thought me. & I still believe that I d have made it without all those useless years. I got to deploy myself in ways i d probably wouldnt have had the time for otherwise. And those are rich experiences. But its not what school taught me. Its what utterly ignoring school enabled me to achieve. Asfor my internship.. I can honestly say that the ONLY appliance of my X year education was the fact that they told me about wireshark. And I would have figured that out by my own too! I realize (again the s-z problem - amazing) now even more that the rubbish they value so high is Actually worth Nothing more than I supposedly ignorantly suspected.
As expected today was utter shite. I actually started the day by walking into dog excrement. (yeah, shite for those that dont understand)
Oh & I also found out why I can barely find anyone to play games with me anymore.. I tought they just didnt enjoy it as much as I do.. As it appears, I was wrong! How naive.
I should go to sleep but I wont like the day I wake up to, so Im putting it off. One heap of excrement, I tells ya!
I wanted to buy the latest gloomcookie (Thats 5) yesterday, but the guy didnt know the exact price, so I couldnt. Utterly depressing So I got 3 episodes (apparently thats all of them) of Nightmares & Fairy Tales. They re all by Serena Valentino & the good people at Slave Labor Graphics (SLG)
Plus some other commics. A dragon ball & 2 Dufaux et Marini commics L'Etoile du Désert (lol, I just discovered they got Rapaces translated in english. They re called Raptors. funny. & good too, they deserve it. They should to the scorpion too. That one s even BETER) and 3 dvds while we re making the list & checking it twice.. Sin City, Donnie Brasco (can you believe I havent seen this movie!!) & Aeon Flux (I REALLY need to get me them series DVDs from Amazon!!)
Battlestar Galactica looks promising & Im extremely happy to have GTA Vice City to play. Its SUCH a good game.. Amazing!
Im off to bed
Mini already pointed out I am staying up waay beyond what I originally planned. pf. I just dont feel like tomorrow!
ah & tonight will be the first night of No Muscle Relaxants! I hope Im not cripled in the morning!! I look forward to a pure night of sleep tough :)
.. things will get better! Only 3 more weeks, 5 more weeks & 4 months.. Ive been saying this for the last 2 years, only 4 more months :) No time to get burnt out, thats for sure!
Oh & the bitches at my provider didnt restore my database after the crash. I'm going to mail tomorrow & HOPE they can.. But I somehow dont think they will :s Its a lesson. You cant even trust the people you pay to do it, to backup & safeguard your valuable data. Thank Me I keep the valuable data here & backed up on an external location. .. pff And to think that I am seriously considering moving my blog to that environment. I might have lost my total blog data last week. Imagine that. Maybe I should make myself a book out of all this :) That d be rich :D
So, no real reflections as of now, maybe later. Tough reflections might be more of a 31 december kind of thing. Its a healthy thing to do once in a while :)
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