Lucas Arts & MS.. A rant I guess :s
Whats wrong with lucasarts!!! These assholes started as an r&d departement for videogames, they have some of the greatest licences around & all they come up with is unimaginative dreck! Lego Indiana Jones? Lego StarWars? ??? 1 of those.. as a gimmick.. to hand out with .. lego crap.. (because whats with lego.. they used to be so great.. big ships & all, BIGGER ships & Even More HUGE stuff.. as opposed to now, they seem to have a Small Is Beautiful thing going) And MORE starwars stuff
They were the guys behind great games like "The Digg", "Maniac Mansion", "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders", "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", "The Secret of Monkey Island", "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge", "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis", "Day of the Tentacle", "Sam & Max", "Full Throtle", ..... Games I still enjoy playing today!
hehe.. memorable adventure games.. I liked "toonstruck" (hehehe - that one was extremely fun) & "under a killing mood" a lot too..
.. ah & QFG4. Possibly the Best quest I played.. I just LOVE the whole atmosphere.. gypsies, vampires, the whole ravenlofty - barovian, Slavic folklore/Eastern European folklore atmosphere.. Yeah!
Anywho, im dissapointed @ LucasArts!
/. has in article Microsoft Reinvents Bittorrent
in short.. "Microsoft has a new Secure Content Downloader tool that sounds an awful lot like a Bittorrent clone. ... If this test goes well, Microsoft will probably start using MSCD for all their large downloads. How do you feel about subsidizing Microsoft's bandwidth costs?"
in short; the answer
* I dont mind torrents for stuff I like, but MS updates? They re not worth it. We pay enough to those vampires for our software.. Id like a normal download please! Or any company for that matter tough I can forgive Blizzard where I wont MS. It WILL keep me from downloading some blizzard content which is really their loss (advertising) & not mine!
* MS has the policy of shoving stuff like that trough unknowing people's throats.. No Alternatives.. I dont like that either..
So no thank you.. I dont feel like helping MS at this point.. Its bad enough I have to endure trough some of their software (like FFin Outlook 200X - aarghl)
Sleep now
Check out formed by ex-lucasarts employees and you can buy the new sam & max game
thanks for the tip :)
But I already know the telltale games & .. I Love episodic Sam & Max :) Although I only played the first & second episode :(
But thats telltale games, so the fact remains that LucasArts isnt doing much exciting these days! Their new titles are at most bland & unimaginative.
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