Friday, December 14, 2007

I finally got to paying this months bills..

Most of them late :s

But I really loathe checking my account these days! With money coming from several places (thank you IBO - thats a special governement thing for ppl who start working), most of the time I simply dont recieve what I make before I make SEVERAL phone calls around to who knows! Its frustrating! I'll be glad to be rid of it & FINALLY have a steady income again! Every time I check is another surprise.

I know who to call tomorrow & I'll fucking kill them if I have to sacrifice my Friday afternoon on them again! Each week I spend time on those bastards, fuckwads & cocksuc those people on it cant find any jobs! They need all their time to run after their wealth fare money!! I dont want to start to imagine what it would be like WITHOUT those union guys!

only one more month!

And once I fuckin get those union guys going.. I 'LL FINALLY .. FINALLY!! have the numbers I need to do the math!

I'm also considering doing some advanced math on our spending to get some patterns going.. tracking it all; finding out what goes where when & at what rate. Should be interesting :)

& now enough bitching
I need to get to bed!

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