Why is it always that early a day :( pffw
But alright, we made it, ate, nows shower time, than gazzoleen & after that of course, to Koen's place for some PC Installing - Yay
Katke seems to be back home.. DAMN I want to go on a snow trip :D Im leaving this week, friday.. Also to Risoul :D Moehaha I Feel Like Partying - Yeah :) And from what i'm hearing from her.. That wont be a problem At All :D Yay
! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard ! Snowboard !
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Oh & before I leave.. HAHA @ dirkie for me being 1% more datable than he is :p Moehahahaha :p
Posted by
5:26 AM
So, lets call it a Night!! Damn :/ Time to go to bed, really! It was a Night with the boys :) as it was called in the days of yore.. Me, Dirk & Tom.. The old trio :) lol! We saw Shade (Surprisingly nice, really good movie), followed by *chucles* Crossroads! hehe DAMN thats a bad movie :) But since we were expecting Crap, and we got Crap.. thats just fine :D It was actually slightly better than expected..
The Stumbler thingy is already disabeled.. I dont like the toolbar constantly visible & in my face & it isnt combinable with the other toolbars, so.. bye bye! I still find it a Great concept none the less tough :) So, Stumble! :)
Oh & in the Background theme.. My secondary is the aforementioned Blood Reign and my primary is the newfound Deviant Art: Her Darkened Retreat! Interesting image, Stylish, somewhat horrorish.. Nice one :)
And now, for a serious moment before dashing off to bed.. The Women In My Life :) lol Spoke with Rein today.. She doesnt seem all to happy, carnaval wasnt fun, their beer backpack got stolen.. Pitty. Do miss her in a way tough.. Want to see her again when we both find the time! Didnt hear anything from Nathalie :( and Id like to use my last sms this month as a reply rather than.. :) hehe And of course.. Last but most of all on my mind.. I've been thinking bout my Ashes.. Im Really wondering how she s doing! I'd been hoping for a letter, something, but my hope seems in vain. I still dont know if she got my present, I have no clue about anything going on in her life right now, altough I Really care a lot about it all! All I know is that she & the baby are doing ok.. I SO hope that all is well!!! I'd REALLY like to hear the story behind it all.. Im worrying :( Im Scared :( Im .. Above all I hope she s alright, she s happy, .. I really love that girl! .. cant stop thinking bout her..
So i'm going to let my Dreamgirl soothe my doubts & worries & let her cary me to a nice night of sleep with the sweetest dreams! :)
Posted by
5:13 AM
Dirkies Results..
You are...73%
dateable! Attractive and confident, witty and charming, a healthy ambrosia-based diet... you're wanted in the 48 contiguous states, you slayer. Call me. Seduce me. Make me a woman (or man.) Not only do you know how to turn a girl's (or guy's) engines on, but you also know how to oil, lube and rotate it. You put the "elation" back into "relationship," and the "night" back into "one-night stand."
people more dateable than you (41%)
people just as dateable as you (3%)
people less dateable than you (54%)
Based on the 2,859,076 submissions before you.
Posted by
3:04 AM
Saturday, February 28, 2004
Damn! I Am Impressed! Deviant Art: Blood Reign
Powerfull image!!!
& now im off, Lost track o time :(
Posted by
6:59 PM
Am I Braindead? Yes I am! And to prove it, I just installed "Stumble" and did a Date Test @ The Spark!! How did I come out?? Well, with a Baffeling 74%, meaning that I am "dateable! Attractive and confident, witty and charming, a healthy ambrosia-based diet... you're wanted in the 48 contiguous states, you slayer. Call me. Seduce me. Make me a woman (or man.) Not only do you know how to turn a girl's (or guy's) engines on, but you also know how to oil, lube and rotate it. You put the "elation" back into "relationship," and the "night" back into "one-night stand."" Yeah!
And now for a " FUN FACT...
people more dateable than you (37%)
people just as dateable as you (3%)
people less dateable than you (58%)
Based on the 2,857,869 submissions before you.
" (that means than me of course)
So, YEAH! On to the next Stumble
Posted by
6:02 PM
Short one today..
template updated for WebCommics links :) hopefully i'll edit that after each commic post..
Speaking of.. Todays is .. Sinfest *crowd goes wild*
Really Cool God - Devil theme (certainly in todays commic!!) with a nice Doggy - Pussy (No, asin CAT!! perv!) theme and a cool Boy - Girl theme.. So Check It :D
And now s phone time :D Gotta finaly go help Koen!! important.. And tonight, I ll probably try to get some programming done! Curse my inability to do that up till now! grr
Posted by
3:21 PM
I just rediscovered "The Gathering" (again yeah..)
Damn they Rule! Their "Sleepy Buildings" album is more than Great, its Superb! Baffling!
On another note; I just decided that I need to get some more proxy appz.. Interesting shite!
And now i'm going to stare some more at a nice pic of my Dreamgirl.. after wich i'm off to bed for some quality dreaming (again, with.. :D) Oh how I long for her sweet touch!!
Sleep Tight
Posted by
3:58 AM
Jh meeting was ok. Inspiringly good actually.. The re almost fighting for the hours.. Wierd, really wierd! But a Verrrrrrry good tendency! :D
After the meeting we had some laughs at a drunk girl.. really not too bright a child.. The kinda "hey look at mee.. im waaasted, im SO WAAAAAASTED" kinda girl :/ She was funny.. for a while :D
And then was Negasonic time.. It had been a while sincee i'd been there, so I felt like it, so we went (me & dirkie) for a drink.. & we had fun..
I d certainly like to work in the sonic! So I asked E. about it again & we re gonna have a look.. So normally :D & at events.. That d be an extra nice something..
So now i'm off to bed :) For some nice dreams bout my Dreamgirl :) Yay :D
Posted by
1:52 AM
Friday, February 27, 2004
So I have this bunch of movies here.. this afternoon I decided to be awed by a thingy called Fear Dot Com Promissing title, no? I saw the commercials a 1000 time at kinepolis last year & altough I was quite sceptical.. I really wanted to see it. Not at the movies of course, but just at home.
For those intreagued or whatever by the title, let me assure you, its a piece of crap :) Its obvious this film was made because of the apparent succes of other movies (like "the ring", etc..) and just did a sleazy copy with all the standard techniques. The idea was simple; a site that kills (ring a bell from the aforementioned Ring?) with some goody goody justice plot twist in the end. Of course with all that makes the genre (flashes, wierd things happening, some scenes with bugs, some halucinations - a lot actually, nude dead people, torture, moving corpses and of course.. even some slight XFiles references..) But it just Fails in every possible way.. Instead of a "freaking out" feeling, I rather had a "hey, nice effect.. wonder how they gonna fit that one in the story" kinda thing! Not really as it should be! Luckely, the actors seemed to believe enough in the script to keep them from laughing at some points.
All & all.. Im glad I saw it, i'm glad they told me upfront it was shit, & well yeah.. Another one I saw - yay
thinking bout my dreamgirl..
I read some JH regulations too.. nice while at it, but DAMN im glad when it was over.. Pheew.. Boring shit. Food regulations & crap.. DAMN!!! But it kept me company during that oh so scary Fear.com *rolleyes*
Posted by
6:09 PM
Oh & before I leave.. Ofcourse.. :)
Bruno is one of 'em great commics.. medieval stuff, quite evil :D
How silly of me to forget
Posted by
12:43 PM
YAY Snow :)))))))))))))))))))
off to the grandparenst to eat.. shitty hour :( but off we are :)
My dreamgirl once again made my dreams a pleasure to dream :D
Posted by
12:35 PM
Heya.. how
The dreamers.. Best movie in Belgian Theaters at this time.. There s really a load of crap @ cinemas right now, but anywho.. This one is OK! A bit wierd but still.. Nice shots & stuff!!
My mood is better now.. Really!
All thanks to my dreamgirl! I really must be in love.. That a simple email from her can make my day go from black to white :)
anywho.. im off now, It ll be day soon enough :(
And every second I stay up, is a second less in the arms of my sweet dreamgirl.. A second less of dreamed lips touching, a second less sweeter a night! And we dont want that, do we :D
Posted by
5:42 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2004
After a good nights sleep..
Didnt take me long to find sleep yesterday.. My bed didnt get changed tough.. I didnt think id manage that :s
It didnt improve my feelings tough.. Once a seed of doubt is planted :s Yeah
I finished my ravenloft novel today, and with that, have found myself bookless.. Once again.. :s And this time for quite some time..
Tonights meeting @ jh for our rock day thingy.. I already know i'm gonna wanna hit some ppl in the face tonight.. Wont really explain why, but I will.. grr I AM going to set some deadlines to some ppl.. Like the posters & stuff will have to be ready by tomorow.. Reactions wont be happy, certainly not! But Fuckit, deadlines need to be made! And this is a CRUCIAL one!
But actually im just having a lesser day..
dark mood
pain in my neck & back muscles
i'll live
For todays Link.. We feature Real Life.. Funny & todays really expresses some totaly true feelings.. And since I feel like posting imgs today..
.. having a counter is paying off.. It actually seems ppl other that me visit this page.. Unexpected, really.. But welcome :) & feel free to say hi :p (hint: email) lol
Posted by
6:42 PM
yessah.. .Blog time..
The night was nice.. We saw "School of Rock" and I must say.. quite nice a movie! The fact I liked it might have something to do with the fact I just drank half a bottle of wine, but I wish to ignore that posibility :D
Tomorow s the birthday party part two :) Instead of yesterday, were partying tomorow.. witch is Cool :D Schedual d be a movie with some fun afterwards.. yeah, I believe in the concept (this is so alcohol speaking.. Who ever says stuff like "I Believe Yada Yada"??)
Mailed & chatted some with nathalie too.. Sweety :) I think I'll ask her along tomorow in Gent.. Altough I cant do it like I should :( low on car, money, .. I guess I should start working again.. Just to be able to live la vida grande :s I think i'll write that CV & Motivation tomorow..
& oh yeah :D I installed a web monitor thingy.. I'm really curious if ANYONE ever visits this page, really! (except me that is) So, if anyone does... I'll Know!! Moehahahahahaa lol
Anywho.. Time to write some mail, time to go & make my bed, time to sleep :D
Posted by
2:59 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
How deadly dissapointment can be.. But luckily :) Im madly in love :)
I FINALLY drilled those holes in my bed for my matrass to have air so that it doesnt suffocate & die off.. But drilling.. in wood.. generates dust & stuff.. So now im all sawdusty & stinky & dirty..
So, YAY :D Shower Time :D
.. thinking bout the one thing on my mind :) I love my Dreamgirl :)
Posted by
8:59 PM
D you know the feeling of the world crashing down on you, crushing all your hopes and wishes? I do :( an old feeling renewed again :(
Hopes and dreams..
everything you longed & wished for
like a leaf, floating on an unspoiled water surface
Crushed by an elephant
This quite rocked my world
up to the point that I need to reconsider some things, as always when i'm put in a situation such as this.. I dont like being unprepared :( but I wouldnt think of it before, because even the slightest chance of considering it an ill omen would have been too much :(
Posted by
3:15 PM
Bweurk - morning
woke up @ 11, hurried @ jh to do the counting
WAY to early for ANYONE (expecially me) to get up!!
For our web commic of the day, today, we feature Purple Pussy! Very funny, quite evil.. Great
Gonna do some reading
might wake up some more then
plans for this afternoon? *checks cell* seems that I dont have anything - yay - so i'll try to get those holes in my bed! Matrass health thingy, ya know..
oh & SNOW, yeah, it snowed today!
wich is COOL coz if its snowing now & here.. The chance that there ll be snow in France in 2 weeks (Snowboard Time!!) is very realistic :D Yay Snow hehe
*Thinkin bout the Dreamgirl* :) *sigh* :)
Posted by
1:13 PM
My Night Up Tiil .. eeuhrm whatever, sleepy time :D
in short
Shopping with Grandma (yay)
Going tough a WHOLE load of SHIT for Tinnes BDay present
Being Restless (hell when trying to read!)
Pickup of ME by DIRKIE :D
Getting €40 worth of tickets (= 6) @ Kinepolis (bruxelles)
Going to Funeral Dress @ AB Club.. I must say, thats a smaller club than I ever expected it to be! really! Turns out that the Dropkick Murpheys were @ the AB before Funeral Dress.. It d been a Great fing night if we just could have seen The dropkicks & then Funeral.. Really. But Anywho, Funeral Dress was Great, Really Awsome :) we even bought their new cd!!
And then shit hit the fan :s The BDay party got canceled, leaving me, dirkie, stitchy, .. with the urge to Partay & no place to go. So we went @ stitchys, where we met Kenneth (tinnes bf) and chatted some to conclude we were going for a movie @ my place
We chose eXisTenZ.. I remembered that one as being Great, turns out I was Quite wrong @ that. I guess I must 've been bussy with whatever Ill shit as to make sure I missed 40% of the movie, so that I understood Jack Shit bout it & .. well.. it made the movie a Whole lot better :D
And now I'm blogging :) Lol
Next step: SLEEEEEP
I gotta be up & @ the JH tomorow at 11.. so that ll hurt plenty :( On the other hand, I hope to have a better day tomorow :)
And of course, always on my mind.. My Dreamgirl :) I got an sms today, such a sweet reaction to my earlier mail :D I hope she s got nothing to do one of these days, so that we can share a day together :) And untill then, my dreams will keep me more than happy & content :D
Love & Kisses to my Dreamgirl!! :)
& now to bed with me.. for some quality time with :)
Posted by
4:51 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Waking up never was my best experience, but this morning was different! I woke up in warming yellow sunlight, and with memories to my dreams of last. Nathalie visited me in those, every part of them leading up to our kiss.. such a great way to spend the night, such a heavenly way to wake up.. Such a great girl and not only for being able to have me wake up like this! Altough that IS a special feat indeed!
Of course the first I did this morning was write her an EMail (because 140 sms characters just wouldnt do) and because she s just such a sweet girl :)
Part of my daily routine is to read that whole load of webcommics I like so much. And because its kind of a daily routine thingy, i'll probably post some comics I like, one at a time.. (you know, as not to run out immediately!)
SO, lets start off with a good one - a sick one also, while we re at it. And all this in just ONE webcommic :D yay Sexy Losers
Warning, extreme content, adult blah blah blah, read the info @ the page & if you cant handle it.. Sod Off! :D
Todays comic mightnt be the best one to start with, but its a nice one none the less :) Extremely funny, with the right foreknowlege. So Read 'em all!! :D
And all this being said.. Im off to eat
and go to the bank with my grandma and find a pressent for a friends BDay and do other ill shit and read some more and go to a Cd Presentation for the newest Funeral Dress (AB @ Bruxelles) cd and go to that girls BDay party( @ Gent) and ... and in the end sleep :D
And of course, send a Sweet sms to my Dreamgirl :)
Posted by
1:09 PM
Movies :)
Just finished (well yeah finished.. like 2 hours ago) watching Changing Lanes.. Quite ok a movie.. really, quite ok. Altough it misses some of its load. But its a nice try
I also saw the original Ring today.. You know, the japanese version.. Nicee! The american remake really uses all the low down tricks, every single one up in the big book o genre.. And thats where the Japanese one goes different.. Altough its simpeler & more down to earth.. It still chills you to the bone at some points. Admirable! Really moody too!
This GAIM plugin really is great!
Earlier today I started gathering sites about me.. Narcistic, I know, but in all my internet years I made quite a lot sites about me / by me / .. and most of them just got lost in time.. Up till now I gathered some recent ones, and I think I ll be searching some of the older ones too.. If I do, I might even post em here :D
But im getting quite tired at the moment.. I think I'll go get some sleep. Sweet dreams are made by Nathalie :) And we ve got a nice one to share :) She s such a cutie :) *giggle*
damn, im giggling.. must be butterflies, cuz that Really aint my habit :/ again.. Nathalie.. such a cutie :D
Posted by
4:20 AM
My first Blogger post using GAIM :D
Cost me blood, sweat & tears, but Its A Fact!!
So now to watching a movie with Tom & Dirkie!! :D
I got my Goodnight SMS from Nathalie! She s such a cutie :) Really sweet SMS, All I hoped for! Damn she s nice :)
Posted by
12:23 AM
Monday, February 23, 2004
I got an idea today.. Francis' my last week on earth..
Might write more about it soon :)
Went to see Jeepers Creepers 2 yesteray.. Surprisingly funny! I had expected crap as the first one is, but it was entirely much better than the first one. This is of course not that hard, but still.. I actually had a hell of a laugh. And knowing me.. Thats EXTREMELY hard :)
Afterwards I had a wierd conversation with Stitch bout life n death.. wierd indeed
Comming to today.. t was a normal day, without anything special to mention.. I wanted to do some progging but failed, the mood just wasnt there
And then Nathalie came online :) she s such a sweety! To say I like her would be an understatement :) we had some chat, exchanged ages.. But that oh so important question still hovers between us, unspoken and burdening me as such :( Does she smoke? :( Its really pittyfull I care so much :( but I do! I dont think there is anything she could say right now to match the happyness I d feel, hearing she doesnt smoke! Of course I was overly happy to hear we like the same radio & to hear there is no other man in her life.. But still.. Smoking..
Im oh so curious for the SMS she promissed to send me tonight :) Im SO curious :D & happy because it seems that my feeling of liking is very mutual :)
Im still reading "Tapestry of dark souls" .. nice book! much better than the one I just finished (heart of midnight) altough the theme is simular! Heart of midnight just didnt appeal to me! Ravenloft books rule! :D
wich reminds me, I desperately need to call Koen bout his computer :( Pitty its too late right now! I hope I dont forget tomorow!!
Posted by
2:13 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2004
So my carnival alternatives are a Fact..
im off to Gent for a lil movie :) With Stitchy
.. thinking bout Nathalie!
pitty I cant ask her to come with me :/ well, I could ask her, but i doubt she d make it! Ill have to settle with an sms :( Hope I see her during the vacation tough!! :) (such a sweety!)
And now off for a shower
Posted by
9:28 PM
So what am I up to..
im trying to get this blog thing working :)
this blog & the blogging addon for Gaim too, of course :)
furthermore, im NOT going to Aalst carnival..
altough I might change my mind.. but.. no, not very lightly :D
Posted by
7:46 PM