Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Waking up never was my best experience, but this morning was different! I woke up in warming yellow sunlight, and with memories to my dreams of last. Nathalie visited me in those, every part of them leading up to our kiss.. such a great way to spend the night, such a heavenly way to wake up.. Such a great girl and not only for being able to have me wake up like this! Altough that IS a special feat indeed!
Of course the first I did this morning was write her an EMail (because 140 sms characters just wouldnt do) and because she s just such a sweet girl :)

Part of my daily routine is to read that whole load of webcommics I like so much. And because its kind of a daily routine thingy, i'll probably post some comics I like, one at a time.. (you know, as not to run out immediately!)

SO, lets start off with a good one - a sick one also, while we re at it. And all this in just ONE webcommic :D yay Sexy Losers
Warning, extreme content, adult blah blah blah, read the info @ the page & if you cant handle it.. Sod Off! :D
Todays comic mightnt be the best one to start with, but its a nice one none the less :) Extremely funny, with the right foreknowlege. So Read 'em all!! :D

And all this being said.. Im off to eat
and go to the bank with my grandma and find a pressent for a friends BDay and do other ill shit and read some more and go to a Cd Presentation for the newest Funeral Dress (AB @ Bruxelles) cd and go to that girls BDay party( @ Gent) and ... and in the end sleep :D

And of course, send a Sweet sms to my Dreamgirl :)

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