Monday, October 18, 2004

Im tired

Today was a Successfull day!
The games fair was gun
I got myself "Warcraft - The board game"
We had an Absolytely EVIL place - We Impressed!
Ah & for the first time in my life - I saw Cosplayers :D (I mostly know the concept from the Real Life commic..) They were funny :D A very atractive elf as Legolas (yum) and a girl doing Lara Croft (yum) amongst others ofcourse :D And I should add that I was there for RoD, wich is a Larp organisation :)
OOoooooh & I drrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooled on the new White Wolf gear :D "Mage: The Ascension - Ascension" to complete my mage collection (as far as Im interested that is, there s a lot more but thats just too much for me) and ofcourse the new "World of Darkness" base book :D SO cool :D I scarecely could contain myself - luckely for me the WC board game was cooler, so I quickly bought that one, before I could do silly stuff (like buying all 3, thus spending about €85 instead of €44)

And :)
Dirkie was absolutely Suprised and Happy with the ppl there (or at least he said so several times at different moments) Tough I said id drive him & in the end I got more drunk than he did (2 guiness in an hours (maybe 30m) can fell a man :/)
Wich on ist own makes it a succesfull day (the dirkie part, not the booze part)
There were a load of ppl, around.. easilly 20.. More like 25, but not 30 (you see where I'm getting at.. :))

I got Vi slightly angry at me today.. Ironically purely out of concern.. I might try to explain that to her one day :s I probably will next time I get to chat to her :) Or when she does my dreadies some day..

Met the cooles guy today :) EVIL dreadies - 12j old.. cool cool! Gave me hope for dreadfull employment too. A GW guy.. Bought me a HotDog too.. I was UTTELRY surprised he actualy did! Cool person!

Anywho, I'm off to bed, my back muscles hurt like Hell
& I want to read the WC - BG manual :D

Cu later kiddies!
Sleep Tight & kisses to the person who doesnt expect it :) (you can tell there s still alcohol in my blood.. Otherwise I NEVER would have written something as silly as this - Its my overly romantic self comming up again)

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