Friday, October 29, 2004

Upset.. I find myself VERY upset with someone. She probably doesnt even realise this, neither would she guess or even understand why but still - the feeling is there!
And from when I had it before.. Its something that burns all the bridges. Once I have it, there s no getting rid of..

I talked to Ashes yesterday!
We talked about death.. I told her about my dad (I had waited because I didnt think such news would do her good in the week she was having her lil darling) It flet good talking to her about it!

I'm updating my iPod some.. I had some mps waiting around.. 453 are now being uploaded - yay

Stitch is buying an iPod too.. exactly the same - yay
I was still able to surprise him with one of the easy things about an iPod.. YAY :D

Im so glad my samba is working again!!!!!!!! I missed my music
now just to get the sound & crap working
.. First some java & cobol!!

I figured out the cobol.el.gz riddle, but now it just crashed as it loads :(

anywho - YAY

Ooh.. I learned today that Andries started blogging - check the friends list & that my fav fruit on the web picked up her blog too - YAY :D

Sleepy time :D

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