Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ring of Doom trouble

They re putting in new windows these days.. The works were planned on monday & tuesday, but apparently there are problems and they neer another day.. or more..

So its more days of camping for us. No problem there if it werent that I need my computers for school (np there, I can use Vi's - Thankx luv ;)) and RoD.. And the problem lies with the last.. I need my laptop for my emails (I can check them online if needed), I need my normal desktop for the latest Player data and I need my server for all my RoD data. Which means Im grounded at the moment! I cant work on the things I need to do before eurhm Thursday! So if they dont finish by tomorrow, I'll have to set up some of my equiptment in our camping site! And that WONT be nice :/

Its sweet to have that much feedback ;) tough I wonder who exactly my fan from antwerp is.. :p I have a clue, but..

And I desperately need to call Wietie.. She thinks Im angry at her for some reason & I need to set that straight..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try linux, it should solve your windows problem

Whuahahahaha nerd humor