Monday, January 29, 2007

Another loathesome moment..

Another loathsome exam.. Im going in tomorrow with No chance whatsoever. In studying I even more realized I dont have a single chance in passing tomorrow. I need a 100% on that exam to pass, so the chances werent that fat either way! Its simply Another math exam :( Arse :( Altough this time its under the flag of AI. Interesting, but in the bud, its no more or less.. MATH :/

Anywho.. That ll be September! I will have to do some math about rent & stuff about that :)

I look forward to having a nice glass of whiskey Thursday evening! And I also look forward to the exam preceding that nice & stiff drink :)
It ll be a fun exam & one at which I'll actually have a chance! And Ive got 2 days between that one & this one, so I'll be able to prepare it better than anything else :) Yaaay


& I want to buy the Aeon Flux series DVDs! I need it :) Its such a GREAT series.. I NEED IT :) hehe No, seriously, I want it

& I almost bought myself a Wii tomorrow! (yeah yeah, I know, time verbs blah) But then I realised €60 a game.. I think Ill wait till next year, when I'm scooping buckets of money in my high end IT job (or at least thats how it ll be if my dreams are correct)

And now its Time For Bed With Mini :) Yum! naked mini.. she just walked by :) Hihi :) .. I do love her!

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