Its quite the thrill
to discover that a config file you wrote is 11 pages long!!!
No Regrets
to discover that a config file you wrote is 11 pages long!!!
Posted by
10:06 AM
I really NEED a power suply for my server! Its making this utterly sickening sound. Instant headache! All sorts of high pitched shit.. hell!
& I'll get myself that new HD ive been needing too. I cant wait any longer. I need 1 terra extra. at least. Tough 300gb will probably have to do for now. :/
Posted by
12:41 AM
Efficient, fast, ..
Posted by
9:29 AM
that "Yahoo user" stuff was too much
then again.. I just realized I DO have a yahoo account too.. Maybe I should.. (edit: I did.. whatever)
picasa works ok.. The software itself leaves certain points of improvement tough!
im tired
shouldnt be, slept most of the weekend
yet I am..
So im off to bed.. I guess..
Carouso is gettin Bigger n Bigger! Its starting to show he s a coon! He sbarely 15 weeks (or so) & he s the size of a normal cat! & he ll only be fully grown when he s 2!! amazing :)
Posted by
12:42 AM
seriously NEVER gets any easier!
im starting to feel like a fool for expecting things to calm down one day soon.
Posted by
11:38 AM
Im listening to Just Great Jazz Songs & I just had an honest amount of whisky. (Lagavulin)
Posted by
10:49 PM
Ive got loads of lemons.. All I need now is a recipy for lemonade to make it worth while..
Latest shit?
* Cat chewed trough the Wii Sensor Bar Cord.. And its NOT my wii! Thank god for candles (they can replace the sensor bar :s and its cozy too :)) Yet how will I explain this. & even worse.. she installed it & while she was doing it I said "put it on the dvd player, its safer there" & she didnt feel I was right.. & .. my fears..
* I bought an evil looking book at Fnac.. something insane & funny to elevate my mood.. Guess what. "Skulduggery Pleasant" turns out to be A CHILDRENS BOOK! No sing at all, till you read the first page inside the book. I checked for ANY mention on the cover or whatever.. none!
The cover says "Skulduggery Pleasant; wise cracking detective, powerful magician, master of dirty tricks and burglary (in the name of the greater good, of course), oh yeah, and dead!" .. sounds ok, no? i was expecting utter crazyness.. I mean the book has orange sides!
A children's book! Im going to read it too! I payed a good €11 for it! - edit: good book tough.. Children's book, but entertaining.. I probably wont collect the series tough!
Up side, we turned on the heating & its bliss!
another year in school :( well.. 5 months.. and im going to work my arse off.. but ... ..... :/
Posted by
9:21 PM
all my exams.. all four
School kicks me in the nuts again & this time a lot of other people who counted on me..
& dont get me wrong here.. There s no doubt, I owe it all to myself!
This is the stuff that breaks a man - luckilly I have a strong mental back
Posted by
5:09 PM
I dont like people reading this, so do me a favor.. dont!
The burying is a figure of speech of course.. but this last meeting was some kind of a goodbye to me. Things will never be the same. It was a good thing that will never be the same again. It ll be different. Not worse, mind you.. the time had come for some of us. But the fact of the matter is that the "us" is no longer as it was before.
Its a new era of sorts.
I had dreams & hopes for the "us" that went out of existence today.. people returning, things getting solved. A grand unified thing of ours ;) But thats no longer a possibility. Things have changed & the potential for shit has slightly grown. Those remaining had plans. We settled things, but now the rules have changed & the earlier talks have become obsolete. We need new plans, because some of the things that transpired today were not within the realm of working possibilities.
SO I am sad. This was my goodbye to something I really cared about & .. on to the new form. I'm really sad I had to miss what I did because of those exams. That will have been the last time that school screws up my life if all goes well.. and it went out with a BANG! It hurt. Ofcourse my school goals could screw me even more, for the whole year to come, but.. I cant think about that too much. I heard some nice words today, coming from someone I dearly appreciate.. I shouldnt worry so much according to him.. well, I do :/
anywho, I look forward to the new form. but Ill miss the old one.
& Ill miss certain people too.
Carouso says "trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" (walking over a keyboard is so much fun.. apparently..)
Anywho, I have some problems to solve & then Im off to bed.. Im beat! & I have some heavy days in front of me..
today I realize that too many people know of this blog, partly defying its purpose. I cant put all the names in here, because they re just too personal.. I'll have to address this problem soon. But not until I know for sure which track my life will be on for the next 12 months! There s so many things that depend on that track. I look forward to finally relaxing! Its really time for me to finally Relax. The battle has been fought, I don't think I can take another year of it. I will if I have to! But .. im tired! I need some rest. & I deserve some rest. I didn't give up, and god only knows I've had my reasons!
& now ive interwoven so much different topics even I wont know whats who n all.
that doesn't matter. This is a blog for writing, not for reading.
Posted by
11:36 PM
I ve been linked.. what an honour :) Not too many people carry this link.. to those, thank you :)
Posted by
11:30 PM
I finally got to re-skinning the RoD site.. It needed to happen for a long time now!
I finally gave up waiting for all those people that promised me to make custom graphics! I waited for well over a year & .. well .. fuck em all! Its just too sad
So now I put that skin up I found a year ago (!!) & I'm modifying it myself to better suit the needs. Most important mod so far.. the graphics :)
& WHY did I get around to do this? bc the site needed more disk space & I started a nice big cleaning op!
& now its off to bed for me
I'm a bit off right now. Those exams really drained me. Pure stress for more than a month.. I'll be glad when it ll finally be weekend. FINALLY some RnR! :/
Posted by
1:03 AM
I finally got my server up & running!
Quite simple really
stoopid service got confused & it actually sorted it out almost on its own..
Anywho, its better now & I no longer have to miss my beloved Ampache!
Ooh & I'll be the proud owner of a Wii soon!!!! After I get the results of my exams tough.. Wait for it.. Waaiiiit for it.. !! :)
& for those interested .. im listening to beethoven right now.. sooothing music as they say :) I should really load up my ipod soon.. I could really appreciate stuffs like this during the day! & Jazz & Rock & ................. :)
& I think one chapter a day of .. for example the great "Phantom of the Opera" musical, might greatly ease my ride to work!
& you see those last x posts? those small ones? Annoying no? Twittering trough blogger! kbleh!
I might appreciate a blogger T-Shirt with "Twitter, Blogging for Twits" on the front & the orangy B logo on the back :) hhe (ps. this idea stays MINE, so if you steal it, at least send me some copies :D hhe)
Posted by
12:16 AM
Proclamation - 13th
Feedback - 14th!
Hell Weeks!
Im glad I finally found out. its quite stupid to have to explain over & over to people you dont have a clue when the results will be out. .. then again.. next 2 weeks will be tough any way! *sigh*
Posted by
1:07 AM
a real problem!
Im using my backup wiki at the moment, but, im tired of not having all the info I need! grr!
Posted by
8:38 PM
for having missed this monumental RoD 13.. Things will never be the same again. We'll miss you, guys! Its a sad sad day.
Its a needed sacrifice to succeed @ school, but this doesnt make it any easier! Ive given up a lot for this diploma.. But this might be the hardest yet.
Ive just missed the parting weekend of 10 good friends, 10 people of the RoD family. It already hurt when I had to leave after dropping mini off, seeing so much people arrive, people I d have liked to talk to again.
Its only now; now that its truely over, that I feel the loss!
Goddamned, that exam on monday d better be 16+ (/20) in grades or it ll hurt even more!
side note.. carouso is acting like A Dream :)
Posted by
2:23 PM