The drawings are working out ok, drew some more expressions & they all lack something but each drawing gets better :) The last 2 are a bit hasty tough :/
and now, children, Its TRUELY time for Bed!
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
ok, after hearing them Live @ the Sportpaleis, I AM sure its an act :D A good one tough :) I mean.. they re so recognisable :) Straight from aalst.. lol
Posted by
12:37 AM
OMG!! The leo commercial, where the morro whipes his mouth with the thingy next to it.. I just saw Eddy Murphy do exactly the same joke with a bear and a rabit shitting in the woods :D
Great :D
another great quote.. "the kid was only six years old, they couldnt have been too attatched to it!!" :D
yeah.. Eddy Murphy - Delirious, 22 at the time.. damn
Cool link.. Brainy Quote
The group of Girls I mentioned earlier (you know, the dumb ones..) are Hormonia.. Tooooo evil :/ I sure hope its just an Act. The music has some potential tough *ROFL* Do check the free downloadable song - their Single :D But as I said.. Probably an act :D
Posted by
12:33 AM
Possible I just posted the same thing 3 times in a row, blame the Gaim Blogger plugin :) I'll set it straight as soon as I notice :) (wich might actually take a while since I dont read my own blog.. Kinda missing the surprise of it all :D
I think it might be Eddy fuckin up my Gaim Blogger Plugin
Posted by
12:29 AM
Boredom & nostalgia (hehe yeah, from a week ago) got me to check out the Hammer site.. I rode a Hammer board earlier this year & I really love them hammer boards :D The first I rode is now like 3j old or so, was 1j old at the time, but this year.. It seems I had a Totally new hammer boardy :) hehehe
Motion Series 158 .. Checkout the Niice graphics @ the pic below :D
hmmmmmmm.. Memmories :D
Gotta love the new Hammer art :) Its Really TOO Fuckin cool :D I mean, there s Manga (akira style), Medieval shit, 90s marvel Superhero style and the Cute Elf thingies :) (HYLEYN series)
checkout the HYLEYN elf art :)
watchin Eddy Murphy - Delirious atm.. Too funny :D hehe MUCH better than any movie of his!
plans for the evening.. Draw some more :) Read some & get to bed
Tomorow s dutch class, Early dutch class :/ And after that ist Shoe Shopping (yes, ist my feminine side - lol, no its my "my mom s been whining about it for too long, I give up, I fuckin give up, gotta go get me some shoes! Might get me some Pumas, dunno yet tough..)
Posted by
12:12 AM
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Yeaha - Festival High :)
Put on some Spearhead.. yeah :) Cooooool music :D Chillin
Festivals.. My goal this summer would be at least these four..
Rock Werchter (GREAT list o artists!!!! Damn I want to see bowie!!)
Graspop (Great artists comming.. Viva Therion & .. ... ...... :D)
Pole Pole (GOTTA love the music - Dance all the way :D Beach & some @ gentse feesten.. Gabriel Rios :D)
Pukkelpop (GOTTA love this festival! Cant wait to know the guests!! :D)
So thats my list, thats my wish :D hehe
Drawing is dificult :/ Sad faces are OK, but the angry ones :/ SO dificult! One of these days i'll scan some & put em up :)
Reading "Death of a Darklord" atm.. 150 pages far (in one day..) Cool book!
and Now s about my cue for bed!!
tomorow s a day of grandma & garden :/
I feel PAIN comming :(
Posted by
2:36 AM
Monday, March 29, 2004
Mage went ok :)
the end was especially funny, dispensing Paradox & the connected Paradox Flaws.. TOO funny!!
And just now I had an interesting read at BMEzine!
First about Silicone Injection Induced Deaths.. An article about the apprehension of a guy injecting people with Industrial Grade silicone. Normally (in silicone breast implants) the silicone is contained in a bag to keep it together & .. These injections are simply "take a syringe & inject directly into the body" procedures.. This means that the silicone is free in the body and can not only be rejected by the body, but also that it may freely move! So you get injected in the breasts & some time later the silicone has sunken to your belly or legs or .. Worst that can happen is coma followed by death! I Mean.. Go Figure! And as a surplus, american society seems to have a new trend, like those tupperware partys, but without the tupperware & with 'beauty enhancing' crap, like those silicone injections, but also with a whole load of other fuckin dangerous products! A Concerning Trend in Society!!
The other article that struck me was about Circumsised men are les succeptible to aids.. Wich seems to me to be a typical example of how people can get any result from research they want! Asin you want your research to prove men love boysbands more than women, you do the right selective research & there you are.. Damn damn damn, men DO love boysbands more than women! Interesting that research like that (bout circumcission) is conducted now, at a time that Body Mods are getting popular & all sorts of people are freaking and even banning certain mods (Female Genital Piercings for example in ATLANTA)! After all, removing a part of the penis is also a (very old) body mod.. How convinient that NOW they discover that it helps prevent aids!! *Sigh*
Oy Oy Oy! Free Beer For The Punks !!!
The Expression drawing is starting to work :) hehe
The whole "deliver Koen's PC" part of my day was quite a problem :( asin its been delayed till tomorrow
& Im so glad I talked with me Dreamgirl today :) I feel so much happier now that we discussed our mutual situation :)
and now i'm off to bed (or at least almost..)
I mustnt forget to clip my nails tomorrow!! They re really getting waaaay too long! :(
lets call it .. a night :D hehe
Posted by
3:33 AM
Sunday, March 28, 2004
So now I'm waiting for Koen to call :) After wich i'll drive there, install & get to the JH ASAP :)
Still gotta gather my Mage stuff tough
drawing angry faces is dificult.. They all have a sadness over them :/ Difficult!!
And :) I got Sas's blog adress today, so check the link :D Yaaay
Posted by
7:00 PM
& the XP story continues..
I succeded yesterday, but today I still face the fun task of reinstalling all the crap.. Working on it..
Mage is another problem.. Since I promised to return something at probably 8.. Location s another problem. And ofcourse people.. But i might write that in full some time later!
I just found out that "Pearls and Pigs" is a Finish movie :/
AND :) I talked with my Dreamgirl :) wel, talked.. sms & msn :) And im happy I did, as well as I'm happy with what was said! With much sadness in our hearts we had a honesty moment & .. altough we d like to take it futher, we just cant at this time. But we still like eachoter :) yay! Another good female friend..
but time to do some drawing.. The heads didnt go ok, but now im down to drawing expressions.. .Its cool, Its working :) ehhe
Posted by
5:11 PM
I really do.. Fuck it, Fuck It SO HARD!! Aaaaaaaarghl
Posted by
1:48 AM
Friday, March 26, 2004
went to the Dentist
had fun after school (haha @ joeri)
went to math, was ok
dentist wasnt as fun as I hoped :/ but I lived..
And now for some more Drawing :D
Posted by
5:19 PM
I overslept this morning so that I had to spend money on gas :/ Math was ok
Went to visit Kim afterwards, was fun - long time no seen! They re moving back to aalst, looking for a house. She found work in aalst!
listening to The Bomb.. Cool!
Bar @ Jh was ok
drew some more today, tough not as much as I would have liked. Next up is the Heads part of the Tut.. I didnt want to start this @ the JH
Ate Pitta an hour ago.. altough I explicitely said I wouldnt :(
I FINALLY have one of those COOL Gini glasses! Those shaded ones - Tnx Kim :D
And now I'm waiting for The Bomb to end..
Talked with dreamgirl today.. Why did I stop mentioning her? because the week before I went snowboarding I grew tired she never sent out of her self, so I waited, the day I left I subtally told her over msn I d apreciate it if she smsed me while away and .. well, I hadnt heard form her since those last smses the day I left.. So I took a hint & decided to just drop the whole hope :/ Pitty.. But on with my ever going search for a non smoking nice gril!
The Kwartee girl.. (why I never mention her name? consider it privacy curtecy towards the people im talking about! So No, this time I remember her name & wont lightly forget it!!) Im wondering.. next time I see her.. what to do! One thing is for shure, I DO want to set the record straight bout the macho part!! And, I want to get to know her just a bit better to find out if she s as judgemental a person she seems (I of course hope she isnt) & just to satisfy some personal curiosity about why the fuck she started smoking since last year! So its Sure I'll try to go & have a drink with her.. If she declines tough.. Im afraid i'll have to form an oppinion on her with what I know now & that isnt .. nice :/
Ramstein - Seemann is a Fuckin Great song!!
& now The Bomb is over & the Seemann has drowned, so i'm off to bed!!
Posted by
1:06 AM
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Did some drawing, check the Progress - chech the draw underneath, with the noses & mouths, Not the last draw, the one before!!
& now im Tired
I had a butload more to write, but .. sleeeeeeeeep
Posted by
3:26 AM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Yes, indeed..
Summer-Melancholy time
Ah & today is the first day I said "Damn I feel like going snowboarding" again :) So it takes about 1.5 weeks to get my need up again :D Yay (I was temporarilly Satisfied when I got back..)
Posted by
9:15 PM
what a nice Time O Year!!
Nature is in the air, Love is in the air (and tho Im missing out on it, its still cute to see other people..)
so YAY :)
Posted by
5:54 PM
Its an Unearthly hour to get up!
but its a beautyfull time o day to BE up :)
The birds, the trees, the flowers, the scents (,the cars, the pollution, the noize - but lets ignore those for a minute) I guess I really AM a morning person - somewhere deep down :/
This would all have been that much easier of course if I hadnt stayed up till 3 last night!! (Yeah, did some work even in my bedroom.. & I mean, work, not Drawing) This of course means that i'm on skedual with my Economy crap ^_^
But time to go.. I did some garden work for my granny & now s time to change & leave for school!
Posted by
9:07 AM
hmmmm Snowboard Chocolate..
Ive reached the end of the eyes tutorial.. Eyes facing different directions..
check the last 2 draws for what im talking about
Hmmmmmmm... Snoooooooowboard chocolate (without tooth aches :D)
My Economy work is getting night shift :(
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Snowboard Chocolate...........
oooh :'(
no more snowboard chocolate :(
Posted by
12:12 AM
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Yay, I just finished drawing the man eyes too
(again, the above are the original ones.. the ones I tried to copy)
Now for trying to fit a left & right one together :) And then fitting them together watching left or right
Posted by
10:41 PM
NEXT in my "We Love Bush" series :) hehe (tnx to Chris Crosby)
Bush's class visit during 9/11!
The day the planes were crashing into towers, pentagons, silly Americans and other landmarks, the president had a visit to some school (read the site if you want more info). During that visit he was told that "America is under attack" (do mind the theatricalness of it all :D hehe) and he remained with the children for something like 7 minutes.
Now, there are people around that make SUCH a ruffus about those 7 minutes, and I Must say that I'd expect a competent man to politely interrupt the children reading to him & adress the matter of state security.
But since the man in the chair was George W Bush and not a competent man, I really didnt mind him sittting there and listening. Its not as if he could have done anything usefull.. Look at how he handled the aftermath, like a puberescent boy with powertoys.. America needs a president, not a Joker.. But on the other hand.. Politics seems to be more of a popularity contest than anything else, so .. who s surprised they have nitwits deciding what happens next..
America, the land where being an actor gets you to govern a state (cfr Arnold SCHWARTZENEGGER)
Posted by
8:47 PM
Stitchy just smsed me he went out of his way to shift some appointments, and if someone does such an effort I just can cancel, can I ^_^
so mage is on again - Yay
Wich reminds me, I should alter my blog to show my Mage site link.. someday :/
Posted by
2:09 PM
I tried to set a date for mage rpg.. The date we talked about (about a month ago) was this Sunday. Because I know my players I knew they would probably have forgotten it a while ago, so I sent some sms to remind them. Dirkie is ok, Tompie also, and then shit began.. Stitchy had forgotten about it, so it seems he cant come and Jack .. has to check with Tinne.. So now im tired of it all & just canceled it to tom & kenneth already.. I'll sms Sandy when I feel like smsing some more for something only I seem to care about asfor dirkie, i'll tell him later today. Vraiment chieant! (or how is that written.. :/)
Next Dentists Apointment, 2.45.. yay
Drew some more yesterday.. Longer that I was going too I think coz it was 4.30 again :( I drew all the female eye examples I had. Still, the glares are problems & It ll take a lot more practice till im ok :/ The example I try to draw come from the How To Draw Manga site
and I still have a long way to go before a match these.. Part of the problem is probably that I dont draw with a pencil but with a normal marker, so I cant shade the eyes, but.. working on it :) I might even search a pencil in that messy drawer of mine later today :)
My tailbone hurts less.. Its place changed yesterday & .. damn that was a happy moment :) Yay
I heard a sex pol on Studio Brussel today.. Man there are some plain obvious things those people didnt know!! DAMN
and now.. Time to do other things that computer :) YAY (like shower & get ready for the dentist :/)
Posted by
1:48 PM
Gothika :)
Nice movie!
horror thingy, using ALL the tricks in the book, but nonetheless.. nice movie :) Really makes you jumpy up from the first moment till the last! Incredible! It really has some great parts, some are clearly inspired on The Ring (and im talking about images now) but never distturbingly much.. Nice theme too, quite classical (you know, dead people doing their normal stuff - cant risk spoiling too much here) and of course.. Nice Halle Berry too :D hehehe
so Really worth seeing AND something worth seeing in a movie theatre!
The DB was ok this evening, Jo didnt show up :/ pitty but we managed.. Some discisions were made, it was nice & ok :)
Talked to Kathleen today & we re having a fun but still nonedescript day in the near future :) (31st..) Im happy bout that & really looking forward to it!! We ll probably go see LotR 3 again.. hehe Its gonna have to be the 16.30 one if we want to go see him in Gent.. Hope this time they wont have power failure again :) lol
Each day im getting Increasingly curious about who reads my blog :) I just cant comprehend :) lol! People with bookmarks, people trough TinA, people trough my MSN info.. Amazing :)
Tomorow s my second dentist appointment..
But im getting tired.. So its to bed for me :D
.. Damn pitty, that darn karel.. I hope I meet her in gent some day soon! Idle hope, I realise all to well, certainly with my school hours & days.. but :/ I d at least like a chance to set the record straight about me being a macho.. The more people I ask, the more that say that I'm not..
But to bed itis :)
Posted by
3:35 AM
Monday, March 22, 2004
I just found another person apparently just as discusted by sigarettes as I am :) YAY! And its actually a GIRL!! Good to know not all girls are addicts & that there still Are some cool ppl around! YAY
Found is a big word tough, I already know her quite some time
but still.. nice :)
Posted by
7:48 PM
Grand Theft America
or next step to total distrust of anything around :)
But I have to admit, its probably possible & I wouldnt be surprised either.. viva politics
more like this? check this
Bush Fansite :)
fuck it all :/
Posted by
3:17 PM
a good night of sleep.. Altough I wouldnt have minded some hours more.. :/
but i'll have those tomorrow
And now for some work!
Programming, Economy and Manga drawings :)
Posted by
2:49 PM
How Could I Forget?
I just added 2 webcommic links,
Great webcommic, 2 girls with a Sex shop, the artist is on personal pause right now, but promissed she d finish this story arc :) Really nice - nicely drawn too
Demonology 101
Great commic, beautyfull drawings & compelling story! Doesnt update very ofthen tough & their serv seems to be down sometimes :(
It wouldnt be right if I didnt mention the great slow I had with Evi! She s such a sweet girl! Definitely of of my fav Kwartee people :) The only girl I danced with this kwartee!
Posted by
1:17 AM
Sunday, March 21, 2004
this weekend was REALLY cool
It ruled, it was GREAT, Beyond doubt!
I had a HELL of a time :D
But there was a LOT of pain. Pain in all varieties :D hehe
First there was the physical pain.. My tailbone (ofcourse), my left wrist (DAMN painfull), my left knee (relatively ok) and my left ankle (Too painfull for words! Could barely walk at some times :/)
And that all meant nothing compared to my newly aquired Mental pain! A good old Heartache. This really was an experience I will not soon forget! Simply Discusting, Traumatising!
Something like a year ago, I met this enchanting girl at kwartee! She was totally my type, blonde hair and a fresh nape piercing! She was great! But she already had a boyfriend and I didnt want to cause her trouble or anything, so I just talked some and enjoyed her presence! Not telling her how I felt. That night she says she overheard a conversation between me & Dirkie about who was Nicest, her or her friend (Me nor Dirkie could remember that conversation, but it might have happened) from wich she got that we merely considered her meat & were Macho types.. The months after I frequently tought of her. Could be I was just walking down any street & she flashed to my mind. I Normally Dont Have This!! Took me months to stop thinking about her! And even nog I sometimes think of her & get that smile!
One thing I am SURE of is that I Am Not a macho kinda type o guy! I asked several ppl today & they all laughed and said that indeed I am NOT a macho guy!!!!! My self image is indeed correct, or so it seems!
I didnt know she was discusted by me, so I just went to her & started conversation.. (her lovely nape has grown infected & was taken out... wich has given her a small scar in the back. A beautyful scar! :/ wierd to say, but its plain Nice and her BF is history since December) All seemed OK, untill she tells me about that. She s worth more that a little effort, so I started explaining & asked her for a second chance, because that just is Not who I am.. I was painfully honest during the whole conversation, figuring that honesty still is the greatest force of all, and figuring she is worth it! Pitty she didnt really recognise the truth when .. but all was going quite ok. I told her Id be more that happy if I could give her my nr & then she could let me know if she wanted to go & have a drink. Its a desperate measure, but since I was macho in her eyes, I figured that anything Id try that night would be nothing more that bothersome, so ..
and at THAT point Karel came to say hi, with the very powerfull sentence "Hey Gert, Is THAT the girl you said you wanted to hit on tonight". I was trying to save a Sinking Ship, was doing my best to at least keep it floating untill I had a chance.. and then Karel came with a Nuke, totally Destroying my beautyfull boat! The crushing sound sounded as sweet to me as everything else she said, hurting even more! "You were convincing me, but NOW you Totally blew it!"
Pain :/
I even tried explaining, more painfull honesty.. but .. :(
Karel felt guilty & talked to her, but it didnt help. Altough she showed some honest regret when she declined my dance proposal :(
I saw her today but I didnt have the heart of going to see her & try to hurt myself some more.. I just couldn! Maybe I ll see her in Gent someday And maybe I'll have the masochistic tought of talking to her again (i'm sure I will) but I fear that in her mind, i'll be that discusting macho till the end of our days!
This hurts :( not being given a chance.. or that is at least how I feel it! If only Karel hadnt..
On the other hand.. She didnt smoke a year ago and seems to do now.. But I like her that much that I want to talk about that before believing it, not that it matters since .. :(
At some point today I found I have aged 5 mental years over this.. Wierd thing to think in retrospect, but .. I did think it then..
Now of course you re wondering "Did you say you were going to hit on her"
No I Didnt! The first weekend, where I met Dreamgirl (whoms story is long -3 weeks- over, I might post some explanation later..) I had some joke with Andy about me & hitting on girls.. So he tought I should hit on someone that night & ....... I already knew I wanted to talk to her but did my best to make sure they wouldnt know anything of it because I didnt want any atention & shit.. But, I got it nonetheless & look where it got me! FUCKIN GREAT
Another UNFORGETTABLE experience :(
Anywho, time to do different stuff
maybe read some, watch a movie, draw some, .. I dont know - Whatever
Posted by
11:23 PM
Friday, March 19, 2004
Ok, thats it, Im off on my weekend :D After I get packed that is :/
Posted by
6:13 PM
hihi funny!
Seems that one of the Keenspot people (keenspot hosts all the commics I read daily - not all, but most of them) checked out my blog :) lol! How do I know? In the page stats, there s a way of seeing from what page people got here & one of them came from the Nukees logs at Keenspot. Probably to check why the hell I put images from their servers on my page, wich is sometimes considered stealling banthwith.. The thing is tough that I dont have vast amounts of webspace and since I used the images to link to their sites (actually the sole purpose was to advertise their commics) I figured they wouldnt mind :) Also.. In a week, those links will all be in my archives & im quite sure noone cares enough about my life to actually READ those archives :) I m amazed on a daily basis to see people actually come here and read THIS as it ts :) But.. I guess they'll mail me if they do mind :/
And now.. Back to Gunnm!! (Yes, another commic, NO not available on the web as far as I know.. Just plain old typical bookform Manga)
Posted by
2:35 PM
And just when I ttought i had em all, I had run out of commics to tell ppl to read, I found another one :) From the creator of Superosity (check link on the left) - a genious - we now have ..
Really nicely drawn, Manga style
& funny :) As I expected as CHRIS CROSBY really IS a funny man :) (you know, Crosby, who draws Superosity, ...)
dentist.. eik :/
gonna do some reading (Yay, Gunnm) before.. :/
Posted by
2:18 PM
And for our last in the list of commics I read (yeah, each day :/) we have..
A cool commic laughing at all those typical RPG wierd thingies. Expecially the Final Fantasy series!
I had a hard day today Really busy, but nice
Bought me some new manga (part 4&5 of the Gunnm series, YAY 1 more to go!!) tried to buy "how to draw manga - part 1" but it was sold out..
I started trying to draw manga!! well, im trying the eyes at the moment, really a bitch to get those pupils right :( incredibly hard!! But im trying & they're getting better :) I actually believe I could learn this!!
Went for a drink with John, Sarah & Tom too.. It was nice :) We had fun.. Talked some about "A Guitar Evening With Sarah" too.. I think it 'll be alright :) hehe
and just now I returned from my meeting with Jaga & Karel for our head animator course this weekend.. Got some good work done, but now i'm Tired! And my tailbone HURTS!!
So im off to bed!!
Tomorow Math, Dentist & to get to Dworp for our course!
Posted by
1:09 AM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
whats better than chocolate?
Chocolate you ve been snowboarding with :)
Posted by
5:40 PM
for our next webcommic installment, we are proud do present..
Great drawings, Great storyline.. Just read it all trough :) shouldnt take you more than a few days :D
We re almost up till our last commic, One more for the gamers, expected for tomorow, but after that, its all gone :)
(dont you love Royal Plurial)
Ive been thinking some bout how to handle links on the page :/ I have like a 1000 links to put up and.. I just dont want the left of my blogg totally filled with links!
Ive been plaing with the idea of another blog for links.. Dgns links on life (for those who lost touch with reality..) but i'll see :)
Anywho.. my dental problem has surfaced again, making that i am now again unable to think.. So im gonna read some!
Posted by
11:05 AM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Snowboarding & Pain..
Its wierd, but this week I had a revelation!
Every snowboarder that has evolved up till a certain level has experienced a certain amount of pain. Snowboarding seems to be a sport that cant be practiced without that amount of pain..
Last week I saw a friend, lying in the snow. She had just fallen on that same painfull butcheek for the bazillionest time and was lying in the snow, not moving, not talking, just waiting for the pain to stop.. (when Cederic pulled a very insensitive stunt spraying us all with snow in his stop) At that exact moment I completely understood how she felt.. Pain, lots of it. Miserable moment, knowing she had to continue snowboarding at least till the end of the slope (& yeah she was still HIGH up) and then a guy spraying snow over you, making you not only miserable, but cold & wet on top of it.
Not only did I completely understand what she felt, I was sure that anyone with some weeks snowboard experience EXACTLY knew what she was feeling..
Wich leads to the conclusion that there is a certain mandatory amount of pain involved in learning to snowboard :/
Wich is a pitty coz it means that Stitch ll never try it :( pitty pitty
Posted by
11:20 PM
wel, I just remembered a GREAT commic wich I actually havent got bookmarked .. (wel, hadnt got bookmarked..)
and Why did I think of it right now? Wel, I tought of Cool Manga style commics, wich brought me to Errant story..
Another cool commic, done by the same artist as EN. I just followed him from EN to ER
Check em out :)
I tough of a link Id have to add to my links, but I forgot it, so unless I remember.. whatever :)
But because I forgot.. check this :) The Tallest Virtual Building Really funny project!! Its closed now & judging by the load time.. About time! :) hhe! Great Idea
Posted by
8:36 PM
Lets see..
We arived saturday 6 March after a numbing bus trip. We booked with a company called No Limits, who joined with Halloween (french thingy) and something else to get a full bus, and full it was indeed! About 10 flemisch people and the rest of the bus french speaking. Our trip to Risoul was with a French bus company so we saw 2 films, both dubbed French! I can tell you, this is THE way to screw up any good movie! And add a small commic accent to them, a small detail, I can assure you! So we saw "Johny English" and "Mr Deeds", both not really highlights of cinematic novelty, so one can imagine the dubbed versions..
After a much less than comfortable bus trip, we arived in the beautyful Risoul! Nokia Totaly Board was having a contest, no better way to start a week s snowboarding then to see some pros do a backflip in a halfpipe! :D The day itself proved much less interesting since no gear, no ski pass made that I sat a whole day, looking at the snow, anxious to board, but unable to! In the end we got gear, we got our room, our passes, .. So I was set to go for a drink in the Yeti bar, with the Girls I already knew from Belgium and their merry pack of girls :)
The next days were all beautyfull snowboarding days! From about 9.30 till 12, snowboarding (first days alone, after that with Daan & .., the Skiers..) at noon we all ate at La Chouette or something alike, to energize for a wicked afternoon of snowboarding (13.00 till about 17.00) mostly with the skiërs, the girls, ..) One day I actually went along with Vicky's Ski Lessons, we visited Vars, it was nice :) Later that day was less, since I had an unfortunate close encounter with a ski lift.. I was too damn tired to decently take it. A week of sport & partying took its toll that night & I went to bed early :)
To be rewarded the next day with snow :) It was snowing in the morning! I put on the snow mask I acuired at the start of the week and had a Beautiful day with some memorable forest trips (Great Great hors piste posibilities! Really nice forest trips.. Memorable!) Wich leads us to the last day.. It might seem that i am minimising those days in between, but they were - you know - You Have To Be There moments :) Too good for words!! The last day, my family didnt ski, they had a day of eating, hanging around, .. But I had my last day of Snowboarding :) Not as good as the ones before, since the snow was melting, but hey, bad snow s better than no snow :) After a Great day of last snow I (publicly) changed clothes and went for a last Nutella pancake Risoul experience :) I waved the girls goodbye, hugged Rein & Marjan & about an hour later went on my way for Belgium, in a BIG bus (where I still slept on the floor) and again 21 movies. But this time (being Dutch chauffeurs) we saw "Le diner des cons" an original french movie, based on a play and .. Just GREAT :) Really funny & something everyone should watch! (french spoken, so see that you understand french or at least have subs!!) The second one was Ransom, english spoken and Dutch subtitles.. Not my fav movie, but hey :) After an excriciating trip we arived at Gent, did a day of mandatory visits (some actually fun!!) and went to bed for a deserved nights rest!
One of the new snowboarders was Cederic.. A fresh, second week snowboarder with amazingly good turns! So we had him along with us quite some times, wich was quite amazing since Daan, Joke , .. were all experienced Skiërs and I myself d like to consider myself as an experienced boarder :) He did sweat some tough.. The times I took him trough the natural halfpipe, the forest walks.. He was Tired afterwards :) Tired is actually even a BIG understatement :D hehe Reminds me of my first weeks!
We even had some sweet romance this week!! Alrough I wasnt involved (cursed dutch people having fun screwing up the message party!!)
The second day I decided to do some jumping. Again I miscalculated the jump and AGAIN I am in agony after landing on my tailbone. I'm SO gonna see a dokter about that one of these days!!
I now discovered my perfect board stance! Im goofy, I put my right foot at 15 and my left foot at -10, putting me at a totally DUCK stance and altough it took me an hour to get with it, I must say, its THE way for me :) Pitty alone that its not all that great to take those pancake lifts! damn they hurt :/
Ski fun with Daan.. he was the skiër I hung with most of all.. His speed is nice & high, he likes off piste too and .. well, he s quite a cool guy :) So we had fun!! (even tough he s a Skiër ;)) AND :) He s a Josk Ski Instructor! (nvdr: I took that course myself earlier this year.. And might take it again this year, since my skillzzzz have greatly improved during this week :) hehe)
So this was My Week In Risoul.. And a GREAT week it was indeed :D Cant wait for my next trip altough it 'll be at least half a year before the next one :/ Something to live too :)
hmm.. cant wait till next time :)
But there s life in between those trips too :) Friday 's dentist day for me, its also the day I need to be @ Dworp for the end weekend of my Instructor Course.. Got to see that i'm well rested for the party on saturday :) hehe
and now 's time for food!
Posted by
6:14 PM
Viva Dafalgan!! It helps a bit.. Enough for me to post Nukees
Great Commic, Really funny, bit wierd too at times..
damn I HATE painkillers! I'm all woozy & sleepy right now while I really should be full of energy & working & stuff.. Crap! This way all that work ll never get done! And I want to write my Risoul Blog Post!! *whine*
hmmm.. Risoul
hmmm... Snowboard :D
Posted by
1:08 PM
Been wanting to blogg but I have this crippeling tooth ache
gonna call me the dentist this afternoon & hope I can see her before the end of the week!!
Posted by
12:08 PM
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Tailbone hurts - fell on it again
Snowboarding was GREAT
Week was GREAT
Company was GREAT
Girls were GREAT
im too tired to fuckin blog
but it was a Helluva week :)
Improved my snowboarding too..
Really Great!
but more later
Posted by
6:32 PM
Friday, March 05, 2004
Last post :)
Snow itis!!!
If all goes well, I wont see a computer upclose & personal till next sunday :)
Posted by
4:30 PM
And now, for the last Post Snow commic im gonna throw your way..
Indeed Indeed.. CRFH :) Kinda SciFi thingie, really cool, nice grils too..
And do check out todays commic.. Dont we all know the "I did not wake up from a dream with a naked girl in it just to .." feeling? Im sure I do :D
So I got trough it all.. School, Passport, .. and now s eating time & then.. Hmmmm SHOWER TIME :) DAMN I'm looking forward to that! And of course there ll be a packing moment before that, but I'll live :)
My dad s already getting headaches - Yeah
& the cat s still as hyperactively bothersome as always!
Shool was nice.. It was the "talk to your teachers" moment.. I kinda forgot the term, im always confusing it with Proclamation.. but that s the end of the year, and I darn well know it, its just that its the first word that comes to mind.. So anywho, I had a nice chat with some teachers, even one I didnt make any exams for.. It was allright :)
And now.. Food Time :D
Posted by
1:09 PM
& just to mention :)
I SO look forward to
A Guitar Evening With Sarah
guest vocals by Gert
& now im REALLY off :D
Posted by
12:39 AM
and NOW i'm off to bed :D
Sleep tight yall & whatever
I hope I find sweet dreams where im soothed in soft loving arms :) Going Sentimental.. :/
Posted by
12:35 AM
Oooh.. I have a sweet SMS I need to send to that Dreamgirl of mine :) I'm SO curious about the sms i'll hopefully get back :) hehehe
poor girl :( at home, having to make her thesis with a broken tailbone.. Painfull
Ooh & a sweet kiss to Aardbij :)
im in a Collorfull mood today :)
and sleepy.. I'm gonna sign off soon
Posted by
12:19 AM
Yes, The evening before.. Tomorow @ 5 or so we leave. I still have to get some papers, go to school for 2 hours and make my bag.. Oh & sleep too :D And I crave for a shower!!!
Oh And I'm 1m80 big :D (we just had a family sizing thingie) Enlightning :D
Im so tired that Im HYPER
I had a flash of honesty just now.. How true. Yes, I just confessed sarah I apreciated her conversation & actually missed her wit on the board.. As I said.. A moment of honesty
viva Qbikaris.. as one might say
Posted by
12:07 AM
Thursday, March 04, 2004
I think I have some flu kinda thingy, resulting in headache.. Bweuh & OfCourse, THAT will be THE moment when my family decides to have loud and obnoxious conversation / arguments
fuck it
Posted by
4:33 PM
Pvp Online! Yes, this will indeed be out Featured Webcomic of the day :D This are my roots, THIS was the First webcomic I ever read, the one that got me interested. Its got a Fantasy, Games, RPG, computer kinda theme.. and a Really cool guy called Brent :D
have fun Yall :)
Time to change class!
Posted by
11:31 AM
And it seems that after manual configuration for my firewall it ll even post when its on :) Yay!
this seems to be a nice program.. Lets plaaaaay some :D hehe
Posted by
11:12 AM
Small test of the w.bloggar blogger client for Windows (v3.03). It looks nice, has some cool feats but did act wierd on my Firewall :/ (yeah, I had to disable it temporarely.. Unacceptable!)
Also, I just saw the new skin at it fullest and I must admit.. Damn its classy :) The Gothic font isnt really installed on my linux box..
Posted by
11:07 AM
what would life be easy if I got to bed easier :D
I just found this Hillarious gift idea from the site :) (well, found.. its right in your face when you open it, but you know what I mean :D)
How To Give The Last-Minute Gift of Blog
By Biz Stone
Okay, it's officially the last minute and you forgot to get your sister's roommate a gift. You're going to their holiday party tonight and you can't show up empty handed. What do you do? Fear not gentle bloggers, you'll have a great gift. The gift of blog.
.. *Yeah, I ommitted the steps, Click the link, the HUGE link, lazy asses!!!*
What friend, family member, or colleague wouldn't want a beautiful new Blogger blog. Don't they know that Blogger is "The fast, easy, and free way to publish and share your information online?" Well it is. And it's damn sexy too. The following are instructions for how to set up a brand new, free, Blogger blog for someone as a gift and how to make it seem like you actually gave it some real thought. The giving-it-some-thought part is key to any successful last-minute gifting strategy.
Blogger Knowledge has saved you from looking like a thoughtless schmuck this holiday season. There's no need to thank us, it's what we do. Now you will be able to link to your new blogger friend when you're blogging about them. You will also be able to eavesdrop on their life a lot easier. Ah, the gift of blog, what a joyous thing it is.
Now why did I put all this text here?
1. to give you (my most honnoured reader) an idea what the link is about
2. because the last part of the explanation is just SOOO funny :D hehehe Yeah, it rulez! :D
Posted by
1:24 AM
I am restless.. The web has lost its edge to me.. Even computers have lost their edge, altough that is because I have been concentrating more on social skills the last two years instead of computer skills.. And in a way.. I miss it! Is this the moment where I decide to take it easy? Abandon that whole load of social stuff that surrounds me each day? Probably not.. It d be hard to realise. Id have to drop some things I really enjoy.. A lot of things :/ but at long term, I probably wont have a choice. Fact of the matter is also that when I dont have anything to do, i get bored.. Of course this might be because I have a buttload of things to do, but havent got the time to do them as the should be done.. A part of my internet boredom is probably also because of a lack of time.. So the main solution seems to make more time for computers in my life.. But I dont want to givee up too much social life, I really want to have a gril in my life and my JH responsibilities arent all that easy to build down :/ I just cant walk up to jack shit and joe average with the words "Congratulations, you just made Bar Responsible Person Kinda Guy" And not only because I d still have to work together with that guy..
If only I had more time :) I d brush up my Java skills, Learn C++, improve my Linux box, and do the 1000 projects and ideas kooking inside my brain! If only.. Now life is filled with if onlies.. and one fact is.. I Dont regret past descisions.. A man can spend (& ruin) his life, just wondering about one descision & well, that just wont be my life :) So lets get on with it :D
A nice song comes to mind.. Its called "You cant hurry love" One of the 2 songs I remember from around christmas when I was .. dunno.. about five? Sweet memories! The other one was "Wake me up, before you go" Another sweet memory :)
I feel like doing stuff for Deviant Art.. I have Pictures I could post.. I sometimes feel in a very prosaic mood, not to mention creativity surges in other fields.. I do tend to be more creative on practical issues.. Dificult to capture on film or so... So thats stuff I just cant post :/ I do have some nice pics that might be usable.. like this one :D
altough cant just put that one up.. Needs some editing first! Like that lamp :/ and the car passing by :/ Again.. Time Time
Id do it no, but school starts at 8.15 & I need to be there.. Time Time Time :)
But all my worries can be paused for a week. Starting Friday, I wont have any worries for 8 days.. 8 days with nothing but mountains on my mind :) Mountains, Snow, My board, Booze and Fun :) YAY! hehehe The need to go is once again Big!
And after that.. :) Kwartee :D Yay (well, not kwartee but Ending weekend of my head animator course - lame translation, I know - during kwartee) MAN I LONG for that party :) & the people that ll be there, the kind of people.. Hmmmmmmmmmm
So MEGA 2 cool prospectives this month :)
Snowboarding & Kwartee :D
& now im off to bed, I need to be up at 7 to leave the house at 7.15 and .. plain pain :s But I'll prolly have sweet dreams to keep me happy till then :D hehe
Posted by
1:03 AM
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
oh how I HATE running around with posters.. "can we pleeaase put ouur crap up here" .. *put up posters* .. "thank yoouu!!!" Eik
& tonight is aikido night, but I think it d be better if I dont.. So i wont :'( instead i'll have some more Fun Poster Crap :( Were gonna do some Youth Houses.. This should be better since I'll probably see fun people & shit But still, ist beggin bout posters!
and now for a lil Snack :) (FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD - heh cool.. I had food with a lot more Os and it just Srewed over my Layout.. Good to know, wont to that too much anymore :))
Posted by
8:06 PM
YAY :)
New Layout..
Slightly Modded "Gun Smoke" template by May*flower (check the credits for links :))
& now for JH work :)
Posted by
5:20 PM
Good Moooring Viieeetnaaaaaaaam (eik) Im really not in that good a mood, no really, i'm not :p But it just came to me to start like this. Quite funny actually since I never saw that movie & think the whole vietnam war was just another one of Americas "Lets have a war - YAY" moments as countless others this decade & the previous one. Hell, They might even come & have a war with me just because I dont like 'em (childish) Oh & for the record.. I am aware that not all the american people yada yada but just their retarded governement yada yada
On to more important matters :) Its Walky!!
Nice Sci Fi styled comic :) Worth reading, it really is :) Yay! Some sexy drawn chicks too :)
Snow :) Dont you love the smell of melting snow.. Its just Great!
DAMN I feel like snowboarding :) 2 days and counting :)
Tonight is Aikido night YAY and this afternoon is my only chance to get sme flyers & posters around for our rock shop thingy, so that ll be my afternoon activity :/ all alone :/ I might kidnap Dirk for the job :)
VW spring sessions! I was pleasantly surprised to see that VW is doing something with world music thingies stuff.. I think I'll go see some :)
Buena Vista Social Club presents Omara Portuondo - 7/5/2004
Cesaria Evora - 30/4/2004
Juice feat. Scratch Perverts & DJ Food - 2/4/2004
(do notice the reversed chronology :/) So those are possible hits :) hehe especially the first one.. :) Cesaria Evora on the other hand.. I dont think i'll go see.. I'm listening to it right now and.. Aint my cup of tea..
I think i'm gonna do some relaxed reading.. This Kid ken s got over is getting on my nerves :/
Posted by
1:52 PM
hmm.. ok NOW to bed than :)
Rasberygrl came on at AIM & since she lives @ america (-6h timezone so it seems..) I couldnt resist to say hi :) Learned that My Dear Ashes timezone prolly is -6 too.. Damn, What I wouldnt give to talk to her!! :/ I should really ask her phone nr :) Altough I d already be glad just to hear SOMETHING from her. pitty :( Damn I LOVE that girl :) hihi Cant mail her either :( I seem to bounce each time I try :( I think i'll mail her trough regular mail tough! & im gonna leave an icq msg right now :)
So now, im off, no really, I promise :D Just right after this Great Opeth song :) (Death whispered a lullaby)
Posted by
3:15 AM
Its time for me to get another Blog Skin :)
I checked out some designs and for the second time already, I stumbled upon and more precicely, the may*star designs.. I decided on her Gun Smoke design and .. well, after some editing of course, that might be the new design for this blog :) Alttough im not quite sure yet. The skin d need some drastic reworking.. Heck, might even beter make my own :/
pff.. me back and knees hurt like hell! Its time for me to go to bed..
I'm actually tired, go figure :/
I actually gave 2 more ppl my blog adres today.. Things might actually get read, I should stop handing it out - lol But I prolly wont :)
Today s Wednesday.. Wich means 2 days till Friday In other words.. Im Almost off for some Serious Snowboarding :) Yaaaaaay :) Partyyy hihi
It of course also means a week without computers :) Not even slightly near me :) YAY True Vacation that is :) And NO, No blogging exceptions!
I have the feeling my Dreamgril will never be more that a sweet dream.. Wich imensely saddens me :( It has its positive sides (her image not being spoiled by smoking for example) but also a hell of a lot negative sides! I d really love to go pay her a visit..
But now would be THE time for me to sign off & go to bed for some wel deserved rest!! Like anyone else on my list seems to be enjoying at this time :/
Posted by
2:42 AM
So I helped Aardbij with her Blog.. (see her Thanx :)) and how does she repay me, She uses the same Template - LOL :)
So yay, another link for my friends section
why does everyone smoke?? :(
Posted by
1:47 AM
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Once again i'm clicking around onDeviant Art (digital art).. She s empty and so beautifull.. Powerfull, nice, smoothe.. Great picture! There are some Great artists on the web, really!
Next I was stunned by this Entangling.. damn nice! Got a whole lovable yet scary theme surrounding it!
The Dollhouse - Another one of those Great works.. Mood OOOZING from it.. Simply Great! If I even get a tatoo.. That puppet might be just what I want :) And another one from the same artist.. Come To Our Tea Party Altough I like the Dollhouse one more.. Partly because of the blank eyes in the later, instead of the amber collored ones in the Doll house..
And Further on.. Malice in Wonderland Really captures a fire theme.. really hits the spot :) In a way Sexy too.. Great picture, great design
and ofcourse.. to end with.. A Great one about jumping off a cliff! Murder or Suicide? The work isnt that special.. But the concept is Sheer Genious :) Simple but .. really 'hits' the spot.. Its Powerfull :D
And now to show that Goth ppl can be Beautifull!!! Goth Chick Mind the cool tatoo designs! I Really like em
Ooooh.. and a REALLY touching baackground!! Damn No pain Altough it ll never be my background.. Just too bright for my eyes :)
And since we re in a Deviant Art mood.. Check out the new link.. Sarah's Deviant Art account..
DAMN I should learn to draw!!
Posted by
11:37 PM
Amazing.. I just discovered an American site about sex that is actually GOOD! Its all about discision making about sex ans altough some hints towards their standard puritisme are given, most of the site actually presents you Good information! It's Your Call - Making Sexual Decisions
an interactive site to help you make decisions that are right for you
There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. However, a couple greatly increases their chances of having a good relationship if they both:
* have good self esteem
* have compatible levels of sexual desire
* have important values and interests in common
* have positive body image
* have well-developed personalities
* agree on appropriate gender roles
* communicate honestly and effectively
* agree on the sexual activities they want to explore
These are points I actually have to agree with..
Ooh & the Communication part was great too..
You'll probably find it easier to discuss sex and sexuality if you agree to aim for communication that is:
* open (no topics are off limits)
* honest (saying what you really feel rather than what you think your partner wants to hear)
* clear (being direct rather than "beating around the bush")
* specific (focusing on specific actions and feelings rather than vague generalities)
* respectful (realizing that you are two different people, each with a right to your own feelings and preferences)
* aimed at finding a "win-win" solution (one that leaves both partners feeling satisfied)
This is indeed SO important :) Open, Honest, Clear, Specific.. The way to any good conversation!!
So by my book this IS a good site :) Check it out if you ever need some help thinking about sex :)
Posted by
7:56 PM
Quick Commic post before Diner..
GPF is just mega funny :)
It has a PC, Sci Fi kinda theme, with nice drawings & stuff
Start Reading Now!! :)
Posted by
1:03 PM
And now for my last post before a rejoicing night of sleep..
I took a long & nice shower
& it felt GREAT
really refreshed me (altough it was a hot one - lol)
It did leave me with an Incredible urge for Sex! I Really feel like spending a day in bed with a woman I love.. (and no, not to rest :p)
But since my Diablo 2 account is pooped.. And that stupid Gta Vice City mission wont succeed.. This d be a nice time to call it a day!
I had a small chat with my Dreamgirl.. She s suffering! I wish I could comford her & .. but .. ... And fact of the matter is also that I really suck at dealing with sick people :( Especially if its someone I care about & she s hurt in some physical way.. :/ But that wont be a problem, since by the time I see her she might already have recovered..
Unless of course she tells me when I can come over or ..
As for now.. Sleepy Time :D
Posted by
12:45 AM
Monday, March 01, 2004
Todays featured webcommic is ... *drumms*
:D Its a really great commic, by I think one of the most funny ppl around.. Really, worth checking out! Might want to read the whole series or you might miss some.. The characters personalities is already half the humour!
Phew.. Im finaly able to write some.. Today was a totally relaxed day, just did Nothing! wich was great :) really! Im totally relaxed & at peace.. Topped with a nice shower.. yeah, i'm easy to use "Faith no more" s words. And tonight nice & early to bed.. yeah
Pitty it kept me from training tough :( Would have liked some Aikido.. But I figured that laid back as I was.. It wouldnt have been all that smart of me to try to master those gracious yet dificult moves!
Yesterday with Koen was nice.. We installed the compurter, talked some bout books (got 1 more ravenloft & 1 Dean Koontz (False Memory)), about Giger, and about an exibition in Bruxelles i d like to go see.. (I will after I get the adress from him!) And then we played some Games.. 2 nice 2 player games from 666 games! Worth trying! If only I hadnt forgotten the names :/ There was one with roses & one with islands :/ .. Did I say 666? I meant 999 games - Srry for the lame dutch link :/ didnt find any english ones :( :D So.. The first game was Rozenkoning (king of roses? dunno?) while the second was Kahuna. The first was Nice (I won, yay for beginnersluck) while Kahuna was a real test of my patience.. wich I failed & .. well, damn :) But still a nice game! And while were plugging 999 games.. Check out Machiavelli :) Great game!!
Time for some more r&r :D
Posted by
10:05 PM
Stitchy goes Test.. 71%
And in the same spirit.. Im off to bed! :D yay
lovely dreamgirl of mine.. here I come to cure you!! :) Kiss! I'll make that tailbone of yours get better!! :)
Posted by
1:27 AM