Thursday, March 04, 2004

I am restless.. The web has lost its edge to me.. Even computers have lost their edge, altough that is because I have been concentrating more on social skills the last two years instead of computer skills.. And in a way.. I miss it! Is this the moment where I decide to take it easy? Abandon that whole load of social stuff that surrounds me each day? Probably not.. It d be hard to realise. Id have to drop some things I really enjoy.. A lot of things :/ but at long term, I probably wont have a choice. Fact of the matter is also that when I dont have anything to do, i get bored.. Of course this might be because I have a buttload of things to do, but havent got the time to do them as the should be done.. A part of my internet boredom is probably also because of a lack of time.. So the main solution seems to make more time for computers in my life.. But I dont want to givee up too much social life, I really want to have a gril in my life and my JH responsibilities arent all that easy to build down :/ I just cant walk up to jack shit and joe average with the words "Congratulations, you just made Bar Responsible Person Kinda Guy" And not only because I d still have to work together with that guy..
If only I had more time :) I d brush up my Java skills, Learn C++, improve my Linux box, and do the 1000 projects and ideas kooking inside my brain! If only.. Now life is filled with if onlies.. and one fact is.. I Dont regret past descisions.. A man can spend (& ruin) his life, just wondering about one descision & well, that just wont be my life :) So lets get on with it :D

A nice song comes to mind.. Its called "You cant hurry love" One of the 2 songs I remember from around christmas when I was .. dunno.. about five? Sweet memories! The other one was "Wake me up, before you go" Another sweet memory :)

I feel like doing stuff for Deviant Art.. I have Pictures I could post.. I sometimes feel in a very prosaic mood, not to mention creativity surges in other fields.. I do tend to be more creative on practical issues.. Dificult to capture on film or so... So thats stuff I just cant post :/ I do have some nice pics that might be usable.. like this one :D

altough cant just put that one up.. Needs some editing first! Like that lamp :/ and the car passing by :/ Again.. Time Time

Id do it no, but school starts at 8.15 & I need to be there.. Time Time Time :)

But all my worries can be paused for a week. Starting Friday, I wont have any worries for 8 days.. 8 days with nothing but mountains on my mind :) Mountains, Snow, My board, Booze and Fun :) YAY! hehehe The need to go is once again Big!

And after that.. :) Kwartee :D Yay (well, not kwartee but Ending weekend of my head animator course - lame translation, I know - during kwartee) MAN I LONG for that party :) & the people that ll be there, the kind of people.. Hmmmmmmmmmm

So MEGA 2 cool prospectives this month :)
Snowboarding & Kwartee :D

& now im off to bed, I need to be up at 7 to leave the house at 7.15 and .. plain pain :s But I'll prolly have sweet dreams to keep me happy till then :D hehe

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