Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I tried to set a date for mage rpg.. The date we talked about (about a month ago) was this Sunday. Because I know my players I knew they would probably have forgotten it a while ago, so I sent some sms to remind them. Dirkie is ok, Tompie also, and then shit began.. Stitchy had forgotten about it, so it seems he cant come and Jack .. has to check with Tinne.. So now im tired of it all & just canceled it to tom & kenneth already.. I'll sms Sandy when I feel like smsing some more for something only I seem to care about asfor dirkie, i'll tell him later today. Vraiment chieant! (or how is that written.. :/)

Next Dentists Apointment, 2.45.. yay

Drew some more yesterday.. Longer that I was going too I think coz it was 4.30 again :( I drew all the female eye examples I had. Still, the glares are problems & It ll take a lot more practice till im ok :/ The example I try to draw come from the How To Draw Manga site

and I still have a long way to go before a match these.. Part of the problem is probably that I dont draw with a pencil but with a normal marker, so I cant shade the eyes, but.. working on it :) I might even search a pencil in that messy drawer of mine later today :)

My tailbone hurts less.. Its place changed yesterday & .. damn that was a happy moment :) Yay

I heard a sex pol on Studio Brussel today.. Man there are some plain obvious things those people didnt know!! DAMN

and now.. Time to do other things that computer :) YAY (like shower & get ready for the dentist :/)

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