Sunday, October 31, 2004


Yesterday I went to Hannah & Evi s play.. Nice!!
had interesting chat about the movie plans I have with John..
for wich ive been looking up stuff about government funding & i'm quite sure we can apply :)

Today I went to the Night of the Proms.. Nice! Shaggy was ok, Joe Cocker was Nice, James Brown was an act to Remember (!) As I said to my mom.. I really wanted to see James Brown! The only other artist I waant to see badly is Barry White.. But sadly enough he's dead already :'(

And then shit went sour :/ The bus was too cold, The movie was downright painfull (bout a woman with 2 kids losing her husband :/) and after that we tried starting the car & it wouldnt start :/ AGONY Tough Thomas brought te resque - luckilly!!

There s only one thing I find hard to understand :/ Howcome I couldnt get to Tom, Dirk and Kenneth!! I called them at least 10 times (each) & none of em picked up their fuckin cells! UN FUCKIN BELIEVABLE! I mean, Dirkie ALWAYS picks up his cell & the ONE time I REALLY need ANY of them to pick up their cell.. None of them do! THE FUCKIN WHATEVER! Its really beyond my comprehension! .. I really dont understand! Maybe because I was calling with my moms cell, but still.. If someone calls you 10 times, you normally pick up the fuckin phone, no? Figuring its urgent & shite!
Last time I was playing Kenneth called me, not wanting to ineterrupt the game I didnt answer my phone but when he called for the 3rd time, I answered just because he might have been in any trouble or whatever! But :s and of all ppl, Tom & Dirkie, whom I tough I always could depend on.. This is REALLY wierd.. to me :s

Trough the evening & day, with all that happened & so on, it once more became undeniable that my dad is dead :/ This morning when I woke up it was the first tought on my mind.. I was an hour or so in "slightly awake" state & it didnt leave my mind for a sec.. & then later on with the whole car crap :s Painfull :'(

But anywho.. Sleep now!
tomorrow games thing in holland, gotta be at JCs place at 9.30 to depart, so.. SLEEP NOOOOW :D


1 comment:

Angelotte. said...

glad you liked night of the proms :)
sorry to hear about the other shit :s
& sorry that you couln't be there at hof ter lo too :(
miss(ed) you !