Friday, June 10, 2005

The Catan game of last night..

Stitch had an INCREDIBLE amount of luck
I had an INCREDIBLE amoiunt of Bad Luck (unbelievable)

Check his side... Do notice the 6!!!!!! towns he had.. normally its 4 or 5 towns! (there s only 9 in game)

On the other side.. my side.. The remaining 3 towns (you Start off with 2) The bad luck, it was UnImAgInAbLe! !!

So Yeah, he was all like..
Shrimp Daddy

& I was all like..
At least I'm having sex!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky??? ME?? Hell no boy. It's about the brains, the tactics and the knowledge bro :D and off course you were a little distracted by my good looks ah ja :) and about that "having sex" thingie: at least i'm original, everybody's having sex... :)
