Wednesday, June 08, 2005


its a part of life

things happen, and the body isnt able to sustain itself, it seases to function, its what we call death!

late last year.. it ll haunt me forevermore.. it leaves marks.. the social crap vs my own feelings.. Disrespectfull ppl making me behave out of respect for them.. I'm the one giving in, im resilient, I can relativate

Death surounds us
There are but two possibilities..
to live with it as a constant partner in all you do, persuading you to live every moment to its utter extacy, coz every moment has a touch of extacy for those who want it.. Crossing the street IS interesting! if you want it to be.. no? live it as if it were your last.. it ll be an interesting & thrilling 5s walk!!
or to try to reject it.. living in constant fear, having it dull your experiences, refusing all and any pleasure because of the taint of death.. because there is no escaping. Its all around us, surounds us, its our very essence from the day we re born!
So what will it be? the fear or the acceptance?

life s a thrilling ride for those prepared to marvel at its bringings!

I made my choice a while ago, So why the pondering?
Viona had a dog.. charelken..
I was prepared to care for that dog, I was prepared to live with that dog.
it had the sweetest character I ever saw in a dog
.. a very high tollerance for whatnot, a very humourous habit when wanting to play for bringing you the thing he wanted to play with & .. :) it was a great dog.. 11yrs old.. its a respectable age.. shitzu was his brand if I remember rightly.. Its a Pitty! He would come into the old room when me & mini were sleeping & .. walk around, being somewhere around when we woke.. he was fun, funny, friendly, patient, had a mind of his own, .. I liked that dog!!

But then the fuckin car came.. & now he s dead!
Its a pitty!

But everyone & everything has its & his time.. & I just gues it was his time.. And time cant be helped :(

in the end its all we have for sure :)
in the end.. its all we need

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