Thursday, June 16, 2005

The hassle American clubs seem to go trough to check their customers :s

This 'slow draw' ID technique is almost entirely the province of the female customership, but male patrons, not to be outdone by the fairer sex, unfailingly provide us with their own dazzling array of irritating habits at the door. Guys, please do us both a favor and take your fucking ID out of your wallet. I'm not going to read it through that transparent plastic window, as you hold it up three feet from my face. When you do this, I'm usually unable to see your card's expiration date -- if it's a New York State ID -- and I need to feel your license and run it through the validator to see if you've altered it, or if you're on the banned list. When you pull this move on a doorman, and he curtly orders you to "Take it out," rest assured that you're the arrogant asshole in the situation, not him.

Don't hand me your ID and proceed to walk past me, either. You haven't been admitted yet, and I'm not going to chase you down to give it back the way some of you, evidently, expect me to. When you present your license, do me the courtesy of permitting me to do my job, allowing me time to examine what you've given me and look at your face to ensure it matches the picture on the card. This shouldn't be difficult for you to do -- it takes less than five seconds -- and the simple act of demonstrating some common consideration for me as a fellow human being -- one who's being paid to do a job, whether you approve of me or not -- will assure a smooth, mutually beneficial transaction for us both.

This is INCREDIBLY foreign, in a country (Be) where we cant serve beer to -16 but also are not legally entitled to ask for someones ID.. We had quite a problem with this rule (in our YH) untill we (I?) decided that we werent Obliged to sell anything to anyone and could state any condition. We can ask and then deny alcohol (because they didnt want to show their ID, ..) but we cant DEMAND it..

Interesting read, once again!

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