I had a 1000 things to tell but there s not one I remember at the moment
I installed some great software today.. Synergy!
Now I can use my keyb & mouse to operate my laptop. And with nothing more than some simple networking software. Its great, really!
I also HATE the cancel button on my DVD burner. Im sure now that my comp is too slow for real good burnin performance. Which came as a surprise. I knew I was under the sys reqs, but I just hadnt tought that it d matter! Anywho, viva that burnproof tech thingy!
I today canceled a DVD that had been burning for HOURS (not really hours, but it felt like hours!) with all my pictures & other personal stuff on. It hurt! So I threw away the DVD & reburnt it right now - what a biyatch
Mini's sick :( But she seems happy at her LotR DVDs! Extended versions & documentary stuff.. Nice!
Tomorrow ll be my last day at PizzaHut this year! And I'm EXTREMELY happy about that! I really need those exams so I wont have to work those hours anymore! I need some vacation
I need a snowboard vacation too, but that ll come later :/
Now sleep bc PH expects me tomorrow MORNING!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Lewis Black
GOTTA love this guy :)
Great, Simply GREAT!!
Definitely one of the ppl on my "Performers I'd like to see live but probably never will since the chances of them comming to Europe are about ZERO" - list!
Posted by
1:36 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
That's how a teacher described me today at my internship meeting. We went to meet the company where we (me & my colleague, J) will be working between the 19th of February and May.
Teach: J
Posted by
4:48 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Online gigs!
For my 1001st post I d like to point you all to this great site.. It hosts live performances for renouned dutch music halls (this cant be the right word!)
Its really Great & look forward to seeing Spearhead tomorrow night! If only I remember! I probably will tough :) I'm now watching Nightwish, gonna check me out some Dimmu later.. Its amazing, really!
I also heard the StuBru "Whats This" version with Rios & Franti (and Kowlier if i'm not mistakin) and it sounds Super! I'm byuing that :)
Have fun :)
Posted by
4:25 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
1000 posts?
I just upgraded my blog to the new system while waiting for the laundry to finish( I'm SO tired of the laundry.. Its taking FOREVER! Agonising) New system looks nice tough I probably wont be using the labels system!
Anywho, its a glorious moment! This Very post is my 1000th post. Not 100th but Thousand! Its incredible :) And quite amazing. Who would have thought that? Something I started to try some new software I found. This has really been a sanctuary of thoughts. A very private image of my persona, publicly available on the Internet.. You d be amazed at how few ppl read this crap :) Although I d probably be as surprised at how many people DO read this CRAP :)
So here it is. Some people would probably have a slightly more interesting post, but .. that's just not the case :)
1000 posts.. In .. what is it now? (22-02-04 till 11-12-06) 2 years, 9 months and about 20 days! Not bad if I dare say so myself. So maybe I should mail some people about this. But I wont ;) 1000 d be a great number to stop too.. But I wont do that either :) Maybe at 2000? or 10000...
Yes, its a Glorious moment! My 1000th blog post :)
Posted by
10:40 PM
Misfits Tattoo
I told some people at the Hatebreed concert about this tat and the fact that it's quite usettling. I can take a lot of things, but realising that a person got this slightly disturbing and extremely permanent picture etched to his face is .. hard.
This is ofcourse from Modblog and Shannon really puts this feeling to words..
"I really think this is the most intense facial tattoo I’ve ever seen in terms of radically transforming a person’s interaction with the rest of the world… and speaking as someone with a facial tattoo, I definitely feel like this is going to be a shock to his system. Very, very intense"
This image obviously took some other people by the proverbial balls too..
and the other way around
Posted by
9:03 PM
V for Vendetta
A wonderful movie :) Gotta love it!
What I didn't realise is the amount of critique it would lead to..
Things like ..
"In addition to being entirely anti-Christian, it tries to portray Evey, V, and the lesbian woman as being "Godly." The lesbian said that "God was in the rain," something repeated by Evey later on. V said that he, like God, doesn't believe in coincidences. How they could possibly even claim to believe in God and still think that it's okay for effeminate men to cuddle next to each other in bed was what disgusted me the most. It would have been better if I could just dismiss the movie as having been made by atheists (which it probably was), instead of seeing God painted with the face of Satan." (Source)
and further from there..
"However, like all movies coming from Hollywood in recent years, it soon became the typical pro-homosexual, anti-Christian garbage that the American public is being indoctrinated with." (“V for Vendetta” Pro-Homosexual, Anti-Christian Garbage)
The reason I "googled" (omg I hope they don't add this one to the dictionary :/) this is because of the incredible speech at one moment. I wanted to read it to see if it was applicable to the lack of political (or any) activity that appears to be typical for my generation! My generation seems to take Anything up the arse, without any protest at all. The student protests that drove our parents to the streets are unimaginable these days. My generation simply Does NOT care enough to stand up to what is shoved up their throats. And I am certainly one of those. I simply don't believe in protest. I do not believe that my to protesting anything will have change for result! And this is not an active belief, it just comes .. natural. Conviction might be the right word.. The only explanation is that I simply grew up seeing everyone protest and nobody caring a hoot about it. (They didn't stop Vietnam because of the hippies - and now those hippies are now following along the same lines)
anywho, here s the speech.. I thought it would be applicable to what I am talking about here.. But it isn't so entirely!
"Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat
There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillence coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence.
Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot." (Wikiquote)
I also have to say.. that I realise that I am quite wrong in my behaviour. Things are being decided, decisions that affect me. I do not agree with a lot of them. And even tough I do not believe my protest will make any difference.. I owe it to myself and my friends to try and do something about the things I (and many others) believe wrong!
I can only hope that this meek generation will decide to finally stand up. Or all we will have left in a few years will be people saying "yes" to anyone and zealots (religious or other) forcing their deranged and extreme ideas up to anyone. (although I doubt it will be "forcing" since the others will be taking it volountarily)
But hasn't this been said many times before? And might our current state (condition) not be a fear once uttered by a now old man? In fear of losing any credibility - 1984!
Politics degraded to extremists fighting over which insane doctrine is best.
It might come to that. And it IS up to us
Posted by
2:57 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
Its good to be back
It was an awfull 4 days, these last days, but I'm finally back. This last week, I was completely and utterly unable to acces my computer, my personal sites (which I run on my linux box and contain my work and personal data) and anything else on any of my computers.
This is no problem whatsoever if it werent that I have such a Heap of work to do. 4 days of just having to lie around, unable to work to reach those deadlines.. Horible!
And now im back! I can finally continue my work en further enjoy my collection of music & other stuff (curse the lack of space that forces me to leave all my CDs in Lede :/)
Now Work!
Shelli.. Thot? Pics are comming ;)
Posted by
12:56 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Ring of Doom trouble
They re putting in new windows these days.. The works were planned on monday & tuesday, but apparently there are problems and they neer another day.. or more..
So its more days of camping for us. No problem there if it werent that I need my computers for school (np there, I can use Vi's - Thankx luv ;)) and RoD.. And the problem lies with the last.. I need my laptop for my emails (I can check them online if needed), I need my normal desktop for the latest Player data and I need my server for all my RoD data. Which means Im grounded at the moment! I cant work on the things I need to do before eurhm Thursday! So if they dont finish by tomorrow, I'll have to set up some of my equiptment in our camping site! And that WONT be nice :/
Its sweet to have that much feedback ;) tough I wonder who exactly my fan from antwerp is.. :p I have a clue, but..
And I desperately need to call Wietie.. She thinks Im angry at her for some reason & I need to set that straight..
Posted by
8:57 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I have to say.. its been quite a while since I did this thing.. Well, since I seriously did this blogging thing I mean.. Some useless links nobody cares about.. Its not what blogging is all about. Blogging is about Soul! And I guess I lately dont have any soul left to put in that. Which is a good thing actually. It means that my life is richer now than it was..
it also means that I have that much on my hands that I cant find time to write stuff.. And thats tragic too :)
Music soothes even the savage beast. And my newest (re)discoveries are The Rat Pack, Norah Jones, Gorillaz and Beethoven..
We re going snowboarding tomorrow! At last! Im madly looking forward to it!
Im glad I got to some RoD Stuff.. and I'll be even happier when this mad rollercoaster stops & I can peacefully enjoy my internship! Internship + Pizzahut will be a breather after School + Pizzahut + School Tasks!
Altougth I'm glad I got to awe my english teach by writing a small text.. Maybe I should put it up here? Maybe I will.. So here it is ;)
Why I am having such a hard time attending the English courses on Monday morning..
By me
As always there are two possible answers to this question. Two answers that have equal right of existence, two answers that are equally correct in their own respect. One of them, people like to call Fiction. Or bullshit if you want. The other is commonly referred to as Truth, reality or "The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence." So lets take a look at those answers.
One answer shows a view of me, working hard in school for numerous courses, trying to cope with the enormous amount of work. Every day, I either go to school or I do tasks and other work related stuff. But lets be honest, my life is more that that! Yes, indeed, because on those not so rare moments that I am NOT going to school or doing homework, I squander my time at Pizza hut! And not because of some freakish pizza addiction, No! I'm there because THAT is the job that pays my rent.. Of course this schedule makes it hard to fit in everything else I need to do.. Visiting my mom in the hospital was quite difficult, but she STOP!
I could go on for quite some time here, but lets be honest.. This answer is starting to look like reality, and nobody likes that.. So lets have a peek at the second answer and figure out if we like that one!
It was Saturday, around 7 pm and I was getting ready to relax a bit by reading trough the more exciting parts of my English course, trying to recite them by heart. Viona, my lovely girlfriend, had taken her usual place on the couch. Ready and anxious to hear the already 6th instalment of "Unit 2 Emails". I know by now that she especially looks forward to "3 Can I send attachments?" and quite dreads the "5 Am I flaming someone?" chapter. That's why I always try to read a bit faster there.. I do think she appreciates the effort. Anyhow, we were getting ready and I had taken the Orator's stance, as described by Mr David Keanrick and Mr Enoch Mossop in Blackadder the Third (if memory serves me right). My lungs filled with air as I prepared for the Roar (as is accustomed at the start of every great speech - Thank you again, Mr David Keanrick and Mr Enoch Mossop) when out of nowhere a door flung open. Now, I hear the scepticism flowing.. Doors opening isn't really peculiar, and I agree! The curiosity is in the detail, the door. It seemed to have appeared out of thin air. A door stood where no door was to be expected. As you can imagine, this was quite a surprise. We've been living in that tiny place of ours for nearly 17 months, so discovering a New door all of a sudden was quite .. weird. And so was the little guy walking trough it. A small imp like person. I had a flash of Poe and immediately asked "Are you The Imp Of The Perverse?" The imp sighed, walked to the couch and asked "Why do all you humans have to ask that? Is that REALLY the idea you have of us?" .. I was baffled "well.. euh.. no.. euhrm.. I didn't want to .." The Imp watched me in disbelief and asked "Speechless? .. They never get it right at HQ.. I had explicitly asked for an Eloquent person!" "HQ?" I asked.. The amazement was wearing off. "Never mind that," the imp said, "We need a balloon! We need a balloon and a rope! And .. Oh, eurhm.. make that 2 ropes since there are two of you this time." I couldn't believe my ears. "I don't think so!" I screamed, "we're right in the middle of something here! We don't have time for your shenanigans." "Oh" said the Imp. "Well, that's alright, I'm no imp anyway, I'm just the little guy that lives on the other side of that door." We were finally getting somewhere. Information! "What IS on the other side of that door.. And how did it get here?". "That's two questions", the imp like thing said. "And the first one is quite a stupid one too. I just told you. My Home is what is on the other side." He told us this very matter of factly. As if the door had been there since the beginning of times and we were just extremely stupid for not having noticed it before. The imp was already continuing whatever he was saying. I missed the first part, but I tuned back in right about when he was saying.. "so stop asking stupid questions and come with me!" Viona was already getting up from the couch, so I decided to trust her judgement and follow the imp trough the small door. This is where the whole thing went really weird.
The next 2 days were filled with fantastic experiences and incredible people involved in unbelievable adventures. I'll never forget the juggling pigs, that thing with the rainbow and that Hilarious moment where the candle fell in a bucket of water.. (I suppose it was one of those "you had to be there" moments, so never mind) It was a great adventure! After all we had gone trough, the imps granted us permanent access to their network of doors, enabling me to pop out in the school privies, right in time to meet my English teacher in the hall and attend my Networking class on Tuesday.
So, there it is.. Two answers to that same dreadful question! Reality or fantasy, the important thing is that I now have unlimited access to the imps door network! The down side, on the other hand, is that they all have problems and seem to be unable to solve them without My help!
There it is indeed.. I quite like what I wrote here.. it makes me smile.. And happy. Happy because I managed to write a short story that makes me smile! I quite fancy a writing carreer when I grow too old to work.. Time will tell its tale ;)
Posted by
5:09 AM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Awful Plastic Surgery
I simply loathe this shite
funny site tough :D
Posted by
12:40 AM
Salon des vins des Vignerons Indépendants dégustation achat vin champagne bordeaux bourgogne rhône vente cave propriétaire - Salon de lille
I'm going here at Monday :)
With Wietie (no mini tough :()
Posted by
12:40 AM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Mariah Carey
More Blastin Past..
"I'll be there"
I grew up with these songs.. and I still feel they re GREAT
Posted by
3:16 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I am beyond myself
with hapyness :)
I tought my iPod to be Perte Totalle (utterly broke) but it got better :) I can once again listen to Music :D
yaaay - my €400+ gizo isnt broken after all!
Posted by
3:08 AM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tips to get rad
Burton has a great page with Exremely interesting videos on how to do stuff..
The Tuning vid is a Must See for everyone owning a snowboard!!
Posted by
12:20 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
APP: The Point
The Point is the official journal of the APP. The Point contains a wealth of information for both piercing professionals and the general public. Published quarterly, The Point features letters from readers, information on technique, after care, new products, jewelry, legislation, business news, classifieds, and more.
Hell yeah
Posted by
1:43 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
I desperately need to play MORE Machiavelli! (citadels for all those non dutch speaking ppl)
Maybe I should get a deal on a monthly machia night! Like those classic poker nights with booze & cigars. But no cigars & no poker but machia & chocolate instead..
I should
but I'm afraid none of us are able to spare the time :(
Im extremely bussy these days!
Sleep now
Posted by
1:27 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
ModBlog - When scarification goes bad - Body modification and ritual blog sponsored by BMEzine.com
This article is Extremely interesting tough you should thing twice and more before clicking it because its Explicit!
Are you Sure you can take it?
Posted by
2:41 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
ModBlog - The Rage - Body modification and ritual blog sponsored by BMEzine.com
Check this, stitch ;)
Posted by
8:07 PM
Saturday, September 30, 2006
RoD Mailinglist page DONE
I finished the RoD mailinglist menu / page thing, it works, I think this means I can take that vacation ive been talking about.
I already took some from blogging (lack o time :'() but none yet from RoD
Ive been SO Bussy :(
But now RoD is ok, now its school work time & Hut time
Luckily I went to the sauna today! It was GREAT!
I neeeeeded that!
& now I need to sleep :/
Posted by
1:52 AM
Friday, September 29, 2006
Yeah, I'm still aliiive
more later tough
A: To be or not to be.
Q: What is the square root of 4b^2?
Posted by
3:53 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
i'm going on vacation
from the RoD site!
seriously! Ive been able to put off the mailinglist project (thank god) but now I made 4 banners for our latest event..
and thats good, thats needed. But I need to STOP
Not that that means a vacation from RoD, nooo!
I had a rules meeting today and am ready to draft the new rulebook. Good news here is that it ll be ready for publishing soon.. bad news is that it ll take me LOTS of Hours to actually get it READY
On the bright side, Vi's computer is OK again
Sleep now!
Posted by
3:27 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
"Every morning, I get up and look through the 'Forbes' list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work"
-- Robert Orben
Posted by
4:25 PM
Another Kiss to build a dream on - in a medley :)
This truely is a Great song :)
Posted by
2:56 AM
Ring of Doom
About a week ago I started updating the RoD site. Its all but finished, but I fear im trough with it. After uncountable hours of RoD work, im tired of the bitch & feel I need some other passtime. Maybe even relaxation (wouldnt that be something)
.. But I feel that I wont give up just yet :( There s a final page I need to write & when that one's done I hope I'll be able to leave it be. Altough I still habe a wagon of shit to do. But I think that ll just wait untill I feel like it.
I hope I'll be able to let it wait..
goddamn, I dont FEEL like working on it any longer.. *puke*
Just this last one & I'll be at rest (i hope)
Posted by
1:50 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The new Ring of Doom site is a fact!
After a whole nights work, its done.. I think :)
All that needs to be done is add & clean some details & thats it :)
Amongst things, I need to add some more pictures (we have an Unholy amount of pictures!!) I need to finetune some settings, ..
Posted by
7:29 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Mini is now starting her first hour of teaching at her new job..
exciting & good luck :)
Posted by
1:11 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Some Blackadder for those who do not know it
Blackadder: We live in an age where illness and deformity are commonplace, and yet, Ploppy, you are, without a doubt, the most repulsive individual I have ever met. I would shake your hand, but I fear it would come off.
The movie bits Do cut off at most unfortunate moments.. Like in the middle of a joke :s
Dish & Dishonesty
Ink & Incapability
Stomach this!
Great Commedy!
Posted by
4:42 AM
sorry dat ik niet antwoord, maar Donderdag zijn mn examens gedaan & dan heb ik tijd :)
Was blij iets van je te horen!!! te langg geleden :(
maar nu moet ik verder studeren! Zodat ik zo snel mogelijk naast mn mini kan gaan liggen voor wat broodnodige slaap :/
Posted by
3:17 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
I just tought of something..
You can use ln to put several wikis on a webpage. Without needlesly duplicating all them files! How novel, what a great idea!
This probably has a million things to consider, still, its Supercoooool :D
Posted by
10:45 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Raven - EA Poe
And I found a Dutch version (4 actually) earlier today! Why? Mini asked me if I had one earlier this month..
Posted by
2:42 AM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
ModBlog - Cherry Blossom Rib Tattoo - Body modification and ritual blog sponsored by BMEzine.com
Surprisingly nice side tat!
Also, I might have to cut down on the tea? I feel .. weird :s Is tea bad for you in certain amounts??
Posted by
9:24 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
BMEShop.com - Surface Bar
I talked about this to a friend. He liked it & wondered how it closed.. I speculated it d be like this & I was right
Expensive tough :s
I'm going to check the shipping coz I ve actually got an order Id like to place..
Posted by
1:00 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Vi's Branding
This is Vi, just after it was done..
I didnt know these were online! Hetty must ve put em there..
I mustnt forget to tell Vi :)
Posted by
12:11 PM
Louis Armstrong, A Kiss to Build a Dream On
Gimme a kiss to build a dream on
And my imagination
Will thrive upon that kiss
Sweetheart, I ask no more than this
A Kiss to build a dream on
Give me a kiss before you leave me
and my imagination
will feed my hungry heart
Leave me one thing before we part
A kiss to build a dream on
When I'm alone with my fancies
I'll be with you
Weaving romances
Making believe they're true
Oh, gimme your lips for just a moment
and my imagination
will make that moment live
Give me what you alone can give
A kiss to build a dream on
Gimme a kiss to build a dream on
And my imagination
Will thrive upon that kiss
Sweetheart, I ask no more than this
A Kiss to build a dream on
Give me a kiss before you leave me
and my imagination
will feed my hungry heart
Leave me one thing before we part
A kiss to build a dream on
When I'm alone with my fancies
I'll be with you
Weaving romances
Making believe they're true
Oh, gimme your lips for just a moment
and my imagination
will make that moment live
Give me what you alone can give
A kiss to build a dream on
Wondeful song
Posted by
12:00 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
This computer is protected by De Joeri
This is too much :) Chech the link (all Dutch) & if you like it, you should get the Triggerhappy Screensaver :D
Posted by
10:12 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
I just discovered some things...
asp.net is not only multiple choice but with negative grades for wrong answers.. I dont think I knew this while filling in my last exam.. Good to know this time around!
.. I'm slightly scared I must admit :s
I cant bother Mini with this kind of shit right now, so this is The place to spew!
& this is it for the day.. a small dose of RnR & sleep
so that I can get up at a decent hour, check some more asp & get some junk printed
whish me luck
Posted by
12:43 AM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Fortune "family guy" Quotes
Stewie Griffin: Damn it! I want pancakes! God! You people understand every language except English. Yo quiero pancakes. Donnez-moi pancakes. Click-click-bloody click pancakes!
Olivia: You *are* the weakest link. Goodbye.
Stewie Griffin: Aha ha ha. Oh, gosh that's funny. That's really funny. Do you write your own material? Do you? Because that is so fresh. You are the weakest link goodbye. You know, I've never heard anyone make that joke before. Mmm. You're the first. I've never heard anyone reference, reference that outside the program before. Because that's what she says on the show right? Isn't it? You are the weakest link goodbye. And yet, you have taken that and used it out of context, to insult me in this everyday situation. God what a clever, smart girl you must be, to come up with a joke like that all by yourself. Mmm, that's so fresh too. Any titanic jokes you want to throw at me while we're hitting these at the height of their popularity? Hmm? Cause... I'm here. God you're SO funny.
I HAVE to get one of these quotes generated on my start page :D The Ideal every day laugh :D Even tough I'll have to figure out PHP to get there!
Posted by
6:09 PM
I might have discovered what poopes my web server..
I'm using the FasterFax plugin! And standard its set on "increases load on web servers" setting.
Meaning it connects an awfull lot of times to get his data quicker
Thus opening an awfull lot of servers on my box, thus increasing the load to insane heights..
I'll solve this!
Posted by
1:58 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006
System Information -- Kabouter.Gen
I need xinetd to keep Apache2 under the reigns!
The bitch keeps on spawning new ones, eating up TOO MUCH of my memory!
Posted by
10:37 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Oh Oh!! New Hatebreed CD :D
I know what I'm buying 29th of august!
a new cd and a gig in Hof ter loo? :) Cool! (do read my other blog post for the gig i'm talking about!!)
Posted by
1:58 AM
SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2006 - Hatebreed!
Who Whoow!!!!
DOORS: 18h00 - FIRST BAND: 19h00
START PRESALE: 06-09-2006
Connecticut-based masters of in-your-face punishing metal-core
+ more TBA
Hell Yeah!
Tink, Kaishi, Chop, Stitch, Dirkie.. Got plans? :D
Posted by
1:42 AM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
fuck me im tired
I am
but I did a lot of good work today
so yay
& I got myself an EA Poe book.. €11 for his complete works (except from when he was younger, so something like 3 missing stories & 10 poems missing) is really Not Much :) I couldnt leave that on the shelve. Also, it was more readable than the other, more complete & more expensive version!
Now I only have this humongous heap o work in front me me
pff... and make money on top of it all.. Thats one thing thats looking better than before.. my bank account. Then again, its still a paper hell.. But its improving & thats a lot :)
But first sleep!!
At least the Linux comp is back online - Gotta love The Wiki Idea!
but now mini's is giving shit.. & I dont know how it came to be. New user time!
Sleep Now!
Posted by
3:41 AM
Duizend Zonnen En garnalen
Hell Yeah!
Our Own Stitch in a Groundbreaking Duel!
Lus VS Stitch stareoff
Posted by
12:01 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
Mental Note
Must ALWAYS update ALL /etc files after a system update.
Putting this off will only break the server.
& nobody likes dragging that thing to thet other side of the room to attatch a screen & other shit!
Posted by
10:08 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
And this is where the week ended for one of us
This really is a nice shot
the story behind it is screwed..
but I cant stop watching it & .. everytime I see it I long for those great White plains
Posted by
7:24 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I got myself a running apache serv on the lil home network & installed some GREAT tools!
a Mediawiki
an Ampache
a MyPictures
a phpLDAPadmin (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,)
and a phpsysinfo
Combined they re my new tool for easy management of .. whatever I need to be managed :)
The wiki for information of all sorts, the ampache for streaming audio from the serv to our computers here (yes, that IS legal since its all legit cds on there), a mypictures to watch al those .. pictures on it, an LDAP admin for when I get my ldap serv running so I can finally have a centeral place for email adresses and the sysinfo so I can track the general wellbeing of my lil linux serv!
All this on my Gentoo server (nothing but a powercord and a network cable attatched :))
Now the only thing I need is to get my Xvnc working again & I'll have my serv up & running again :) But thats for AFTER the exams
& now im off to bed, coz mini s waiting :(
Posted by
2:49 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
I just uploaded a batch of Snowboard pictures.. They really show Moments of Intense FUN. .. I get a lil queasy in the stomach by watching them.. Why did we ever leave that place? where happiness was floating around in lil clouds and all you had to do was get up and start enjoying!
I also discovered that I have WAAY to few 2K6 pictures of Vi! My plan was to upload some of her but.. ... So I shall now consider that my mission in life!
And now its off to bed. I studied until now & this was my RnR before sleep, but I cant wait any longer.. There s a heavenly creature waiting for me ;)
Posted by
2:18 AM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
NewsForge | The Black Hat Wi-Fi exploit coverup
This is surely a noteable article!! The important thing here is the principle, the way companies react rather than the hack itself.. (of which I d like to know more before freaking out)
Posted by
8:18 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
I was quite dissapointed today to find out that Webdata doesnt support PHP 5 or user installations of evil stuff.
I was planning to get myself a wiki in which I would store much of my important data. I am dissapointed to discover that this wont be a possibility or .. as easy as I would have had it be.
A Pitty!
Tough I WILL soon have a wiki to save my important data to. I just cant do without one anymore! :(
Posted by
9:00 PM
Blast from the past, now I'm totally back to 12 or 13 years old :D Amazing! I just put one of my first CDs on.. Mariah Carey's MTV Unplugged.. Emotions lalala EMOTIONS lalalalalala :D
Oh & I finished my book, Robin Hobb's first Soldiers Son book
And its a GREAT read, as I have come to expect from her..
The translation to Dutch has its errors & .. but on the other hand I had worse!
Oh what a pitty Zelazny died before he could finish his Amber series :(
And now sweet dreems of my girl :)
Posted by
3:37 AM
tonight, listening to the Secret Policemans Concert and handling a CD I borrowed from Jani, I really Miss my dad..
the pure feeling, no thoughts.. just the feeling..
we need the pain to fully appreciate the nice things in life
Posted by
2:35 AM
I have this weird sense of disconnectedness I sometimes get.. It all started back home in Lede & hasn't left me since. I don't know how I ended up with it although I do have a weird suspicion. Nothing more than a suspicion tough.. I doubt it has anything to do with it really.
I did have some interesting thoughts about life on the way back to Gent..
I once again realised that you have to take advantage of the position in life you re in. And be happy with what you ve got. Because Id hate to realise that I'm old and have only ever wanted things of the future without enjoying the things of Now
Furthermore I realised that I can get used to the horeca way of life so to speak. I also realised that Viona is the only thing that keeps me on this side of the equation, that keeps me out of decadence. I KNOW I d step right into it with disastrous consequences, I ve done it once before :)
I also finally realise what my dad probably meant when he warned me against horeca work. He told me it takes more than it gives, he warned me to stay out of it, he warned me he saw other men fall into it and never get out again. And I have to admit.. I now understand what he meant! It d be SO easy to give it all up and step into that life. I d have no more worries, a decent income and .. work. Id probably even have fun .. for a while.
Someone told me yesterday that I'm the right kind of person for this. I told her everyone could be that person, the only thing you need is a drive.. I don't know about my statement but she was probably right. And I have to guard myself against choosing the easy way out.. The easy path.
I now understand what my dad spoke of.. and I'm terrified :) but also confident, so no worries
My brother wants to drive my car.. If I let him do that he ll take it up as his (the kid doesn't know of sharing.. or respect for that matter) This ll hurt.. It ll feel as bad as it felt last time lost my car. Only to get this one in return.. Omg, the whole car thing is coming back to me :( The sadness, the feeling I had when I lost it and realised that I wouldn't have a proud car anymore, but just a car. Just some wheelz that d get me anywhere modest.
Even my fathers death has relevance here.. Apparently I was supposed to get his Mecredes A class some months after he died if all had gone according to plan..
if if if
I shouldn't think about that shit anymore!
But the memory of how broken I was when I got this car still lingers under the surface :s
And I 'll probably relive part of it when I realise that for the first time in 4 years I Really wont have a car anymore. I could take having one standing in a garage somewhere, not being able to drive it but still having one.. NOT having a car on the other hand.. will probably severely hurt me.
I'm really still dropping to an all time low, arnt I. And I wonder is it worth it.. But then I realise.. Is WHAT worth it. Living in gent? If I wouldn't live in gent the situation would be worse! This whole situation, feeling like a downward spiral bc I had to spend all my money to pay my death taxes, is nothing more that a result of my father dieing.
But this is probably the worse it ll get. The end of the tunnel is ahead and my upward curve will start in a few days probably! When I get my next paycheck :D Bc that's the one that ll be TOTALLY mine (to spend in the next months rent, but .. shh ;))
melancholy and the infinite sadness
I just put on Most Wanted Rock 2.. A GREAT CD, Really! Always soothes my mood :D Glycerine
Mountain boarding was fun!
And I today "gave" my blog address to the first person in the Hut.. more a friend that a colleague.. one of the few :) Although more that I d have expected! Any who.. Another crumb of privacy on the web, privacy in the vast amount of information that goes to pieces.. Its always weird when it happens, but I realised this 4 yrs ago when I started this weird pastime, so no surprises there :)
Ive come to appreciate some ppl in the hut. Some of them have become friends even. Its quite unlike me to group my acquaintances like that (friend, best friend, .....) but felt the change some time ago and was so surprised that I felt able to label it (able, label.. get it - omg I'm getting tired ;) viva spell checkers! & a second later I post this shit without checking it - rolleyes!)
Any who!
Enough bullshit, I ve got better things to do that chat idlely to no one bc this one is again waay to long for anyone to care enough about to read.
I miss my mini :(
But I just got The Sweetest msg from her :)
& a Happy BDay to Shelli :) 31.. and she doesn't look a day over 23 :) kiss kiss kiss!
Posted by
12:07 AM
Friday, August 04, 2006
I rediscovered the three haikus I wrote quite some time ago..
They came from a powerfull moment & rereading them, I can honestly say that I am happy with them! They still hold the power of that long forgotten moment!
Facing seats
Returned praising looks
Tension Builds
Covered neck
Dazzlingly unveiled
Countless chances blown
Tardy regret
Posted by
2:39 AM
I feel like doing a lil commercial..
I love these programs, YOU should use them.. Get Firefox!
Posted by
2:13 AM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Madam - Wallpaper, A deviation by *CrisVector
Nop, THIS is the one I was talking about!
Yaay :)
Today: The doctor
Tomorrow: YOU!
Posted by
7:04 PM
I ve got this great wallpaper on my moms comp..
but I forgot where I got it & who made it..
But NOW I remember!! :)
Its by Cris Vector & I probably found it at his DeviantArt Account
The one I found earlier isnt online anymore tough.. np since I still have it tough :)
Posted by
6:52 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Fear and Dilbert in Las Vegas
This youtube shit is just one big time sucker.. Once you get on it..
Anywho, This is quite funny, watch it!
I am seldom amazed with technology.. but this youtube shit is Damn Evil!
Posted by
6:46 PM
HsT - Tales of the Swine Family
HILLARIOUS story, I read it earlier & this is it.. spoken word none the less!
Dont mind the weird pictures, it ll only disctract you from the full potential of the story :)
Posted by
6:08 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Battle for Wesnoth
The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Fight a desperate battle to reclaim the throne of Wesnoth, or take hand in any number of other adventures…
I just discovered this trough Mini's Suse installation & .. Gotta love it :)
Its just a Fuckin Great game!
also :s Suse doesnt seem to be made for real online upating. True you can add an online source, but its still a source with a certain version like 10.1 so in the end you wont get any new versions which is exactly what I would expect from web updateing! Guess I'm spoilt with Gentoo.. altough the later ofcourse does have its downsides
Sleep now coz I fear mini s just fallen asleep on the couch :(
Posted by
3:09 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
a rant?
Yeah, I might have a really big rant in store about the whole tent deal. Before I knew how it went I was slightly amused, totally puzzled and curious.
Now I'm just dissapointed and such..
or maybe I do feel a lil stronger about the thing.
But thats for later on!
Posted by
1:53 AM
My brother in law's mariage..
We had a nice time :)
It felt like this great ride to which I had been given a ticket.. And it was fun. The alternative service was great..
For some reason tough I had to endure the embarassement of trodding around with a 11kg tent, but to the people who got it there, its pure logic, so no problem there either (to them at last) .. Sometimes I REALLY dont understand the people surrounding me. But since I'm the only one thinking like that, it ll once again be me. What where they thinking..
Anywho.. it was a great experience, I had lots of fun and now know once more some more people in The Family, so Yaay!
Sleep now
Posted by
1:42 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Good news / Bad news
+ The linux serv is up n running again, yaay
+ The data disk is up & running
+ Everything s going quite ok, tough I still have a lot of work. Glad I took some backups!!
- I havent gotten the Media disk up again :(
Posted by
3:45 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
'Sopranos' Contracts Went Down to Wire
The season finale, the last 8 eps, are secure. Everyone ll be there!
Cant wait to see 'em
Posted by
12:00 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
Project E.U.N.U.C.H.
Fuck water coolers! THIS is Da Real Shit! :)
Posted by
9:46 PM
TotL.net Human Virus Scanner
We Re All Infected!
Find out what ales ya! (& it was a Great list in my case ;))
funny thingymawhut
Posted by
9:17 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
To Prove Sam Wrong
That is, indeed, the reason for this writing spree. or even a binge, but that would probably be an overstatement. This is a certain case of Hyper Concetration. Concentration that nig that one has the opportunity but also urge to Forget all Around him. A true writing binge. 4 straight hours of type o matic art, flowing unlimited, .. you know what I mean.. No doubts there.
Just one of the freaks, in the freak kingdom
.. What should one do.. Take the following situation into consideration!
Four people, having a nice and cosy evening. Chatting away at topics idle or otherwise. All huddled around a plate of Innocent looking Brownies.. Nice picture hey! Well, think again!
DOPE FIENDS! Yes, you re reading this alright. DOPE FEINDS! (do notice the alternating typings of the former word. This being a clear case of the Weird word case.. Y all know what I mean, right) So, to recap, Dope Fiends!
Lil does the casual observer realise that underneath the cotton image we see here, lies the harsh reality of the addicted mind! Lil does Anyone realise that the innocent platter of cookies is in reality a form of Drugs!
Soon after the start of this nice meeting, those criminals dig into the "Goodies" as these sick minded folks pass it off. They "Dig In" into their "Goodies" and soon after (about an hour in reality) they start experiencing Intoxication. Yes, Intoxication. This drug, this Adiction is like a poison, eating away their common perceptions of the modern world. These People, because they are unlike what one would consider, still People and more that a common animal, a dog or a Cat!. They dream away at colors and establish new world orders In Their Minds! They experience utter stupidity and call it Genious. Because THAT is what drugs do, They Mess Up Young Peoples Minds!
And with that thought in mind I would like to mention "Plop" and wish y all a nice night.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right. - HsT
Have Fun
Posted by
2:02 AM
Friday, June 30, 2006
Linux HD :s
My linux HD is acting Very Weird!!
I needed something Urgently today so I had to boot it up & .. It Worked :s
No noise, no smoke, ...
Its broken, no doubt there
but .. It still works without any further problems or damage! Except the external burn marks, you d say its a normal HD!
Sleep now
tomorrow s working day :s
Posted by
1:51 AM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Supreme Commander
I was talking to vleer a while ago about Total Annihilation. And so it turns out.. They re making a new one. Same concept slightly different name, different story, advanced technology .. but in the end its the same cool game. Small robots, huge maps, fuck resources, super evil cool technology, .. I'm looking forward to it :)
I might have to upgrade my box to play it (might? will!) but it ll be WORTH IT :D
Posted by
7:26 PM
Monday, June 26, 2006
I am positively enraged
I had some bad luck just now and .. aarghl
yeah, I am enraged! AARGHL
And I now have the urge to boot my box with a live cd & guess what, I dont have it bc I borrowed it to someone
Posted by
11:47 PM
Holy Shit
My Linux HD just turned into an overbaked French Fry (which are actually Belgian fries, but it already too far to correct that mistake) My Linux HD just FRIED. An old 20g perfect to run my OS from. and it just produced a whole lot of smoke. I unplugged it and prevented aggrevated damage, but its toast. I managed to boot it again & am now saving some Important data (emails for example) but its become a hazard.
.. now, what the fuck should I do. I'm low down cashed out. I really DO NOT have ANY money to buy a new HD! And its not as if I can keep install on one of my data disks! That would just Not do! I'm glad I noticed it in time & I'm glad its not one of my data disks!
Aaarghl! Why This & Why Now!!!
Luckilly I backed up /etc & /boot so I'll have some info to look config stuff up when I reinstall the bitch
This really ends an era! Ive been with that box for a long time & this is the first time I have a major failure. Every other time Ive had crap with it it was because I was changing stuff & messed something up. This is a wholy different thing. This is Hardware Failure!
Ofcourse I'm already looking forward to reinstalling it, better this time. More of that good stuff, no more redundant crap, you know what I mean ;)
What A Bitch
And just now when I got that ACPI stuff working.. DAMN!
Then again, I shall now attempt to make a customised Live CD! A live cd that shall require NO screen, that shall serve me trough Samba & SSH! YES!
*cries* Why the fuck now :( I mean.. I was just trough the lot of shit & now THIS! It really does never stop and I'm comming to accept that! And I'm happy that I realise this so that I can accept it as a thing of life & move on! Be happy! Accepting that things will go wrong and altough its a nuicance, its also life and unchangeable. And accept it. Yes, a Great lesson!
A live cd will also be a nice adventure.
.. :)
I'm growing curious to what my school results are. They re just a click away & I can take it now.
And at the end of it all, there s still Azalin and Strahd to disctract me & Mini to comfort me. She s of great support to me & I really need that
So, on to greener pastures!
Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered,
those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win
Zhuge Liang
Posted by
9:56 PM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Hello from Graspop with tnx 2 Proximus - yaay
(bout time, the bills I'm getting.. DAMN!)
I feel so dirty, even at a festival im at a computer :(
Posted by
6:51 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Lord of the Necropolis (1997)
I dont remember this one :s Have I already read it? or is it in fact the last ravenloft book to remain out of my read greedy hands.
.. I'm not sure
I'll check when I finish this one :) I Strahd, The War Against Azalin.
Yeah :)
Posted by
1:17 AM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wired News: Fightclub
A thing like this was bound to happen!
How .. sad
Posted by
6:33 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
My blood is too thick for HTML
So dont give me that asp.net shit
Its a chip off the same block
& I'll be doing it again in the summer
At least I'll be able to code some upfront then!
Damn these alergies of mine
they re getting the upper hand and I resent them for it
I feel like I could sleep sitting (or shitting .. Yeah, I KNOW you thought you read that first.. you perv!)
.. I feel like opening every window & yelling random parts of Fear and Loathing to random passer by's
Maybe I should have a drink.. I really should! This is nothing a stiff whiskey cant solve!
.. Or maybe I should just go to bed
Whiskey s tempting but you have to actively fight even the remote possibility of alcoholism. And since I said I wont drink during the exams, I'll just wait till tomorrow to get me some lickor.. But tomorrow evening, my best friend ll be Lagavoolin - yeah .. Or wait, this really sounds sad.
So in reality (coz you do all realise this is pure fiction, do you?) I'll just end up having 1 or 2 glasses tomorrow depending on my mood.. I might even have none. Who 'll tell. I will, Tomorrow!
So, Off to bed!
after I just check this examplary exam.. Which wil undoubtably resemble in No Way the exam I'll be facing tomorrow. 4 pages, all multiple choice, no coding? .. why not.
Posted by
2:42 AM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Yeah, I got it fixed
I loathe to have moved my box, but .. well .. Its ok now :)
and it works! If I push once, it starts a shutdown in 5 .. 4 .. .....
and if I push a second time, the shutdown gets canceled :)
So Paartey!
Pitty i cant do much more with that acpi thingy
Still! Its Cool!
One thing more on the completed list
Sleep! Wo mini :(
Love ya hon :)
Posted by
3:42 AM
So, go figure
I get my linux to shutdown when I push the powerbutton
I shutdown my comp.. everything to wish
except I neglected the fact that the default action for that button was still there. I tought I neednt disable that, but I did
& hey, go figure.. shutdown creates a /etc/nologin file.. and I checked when that file gets deleted when I wrote it to cancel the shutdown if someone presses the powerbutton again.. so hey, whooptidoo! everybody happy
Think again! shutdown in 5 minutes. nologin file created. shutdown starting, whooptido, push the button again, nothing happens. Np, I had an open terminal so I just had to cancel it manually.. thus having shutdown delete the nologin file automatically..
.. well... if it werent for the whole default "init 0" action.
so it shut down, which was ok.. But it left the "nologin" file in place. Effectively blocking me from loging into my box over SSH. SO! I'll have to boot it with a screen to acces it again AND I'll probably have to download & burn a gentoo image to repair it since I gave my only livecd to Anne when she needed it
A A R G H L ! ! !
And did I mention that I dont have any download left in my broadband rate.
Posted by
1:55 AM
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Memorable Quotes from "The Sopranos" (1999)
Great! :)
Read trough this
& then read it again :D
Posted by
5:15 PM
Wheelman - More fun than you can stand
Omg, I want this!
I hope we ll be seeing more of this in the future :)
Posted by
2:02 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
DISTURBED // The Official Website
I went to get my last BDay gift today..
I had a gift certificate and this is my newest cd!
If only the industry realised that I bought this thanx to the MP3 Technology.. :s
Great cd! :)
Posted by
7:04 PM
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Detective Game - SLEUTH
Fun Game! (so far)
you re a detective, dukin it out.. 70s style
Posted by
1:43 AM
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
And on top of it all..
I got..
a Graspop ticket
a Dreadlock Pussy ticket (last show :()
3 pyrex thingies
a HUGE speculoos (gingerbread) Sinterklaas mall (tnx hon!!)
3 smaller gingerbread malls
a pot of ristretto illy coffee (Jummy)
Yeah, I had a nice BDay :)
Posted by
9:05 PM
Single Malt Whisky
With Pictures!
Glenfiddich 12yo
Lagavulin (reminder, its pronounced "lagga-voolin")
A sight for thirsty eyes :)
Posted by
8:31 PM
Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky
This is the one I got from another friend, who loves whisky too..
Its an amazing whisky
I'll have to drink it some more and at ease before I'll be able to decide on how amazing it is. It has complicated taste!
Anywho, these are the 3 Single Malt Whiskys I have on the shelf right now & I'm a happy man :D
Now, as viona said.. Two more & we ll be at ease for a while :)
And I only feel slightly bad for the expensive gifts I got from my friends :D
Posted by
8:28 PM
Glenfiddich Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Then on monday, I got this one for my BDay :) The 12yo type
Surprisingly nice! Amazing really
A great gift!
Posted by
8:21 PM
Edradour Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Small item on the whisky a bought last month
Lovely whisky, I took a risk here, I bought it without ever having tasted it & on advise of the whisky bar lady..
And she was Right
Its lovely (and already half empty :()
Posted by
8:18 PM
Philips HQ 9190 CC
(some english site)
I got a new shaving thingy for my BDAY :)
Nice stuff!! (expensive too :))
Its loading/cleaning right now & I'm anxious to shave :D
I love the concept of not having to clean it myself :)
I just have to push it into the dock & it loads and cleans
pure greatness
Tnx to Viona :)
& to my family! (Mother, Brother, Grandma, Grandma & Grandpa)
Posted by
7:56 PM
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
t i n y w a r z
I'm checking this out
& i'm very curious
tough I doubt i'll be playing it a long time
Ill stick to Urbandead :)
Posted by
9:14 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Its my BDay :)
24 itis!
And the winner is De Zaatn for msging me at 0:16 followed by Vi
The 3rd place is still vacant
Edit: Vleer took it at 1.30.. I wonder who ll be next
and I got this GREAT speculoos mall!
DAMN this is NICE
Im looking forward to baking some :D
Posted by
1:11 AM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
omg im tired
But I had some nice times
Its good to finally have some time with Mini where we dont have hellish scheduals to keep..
It wont last long, as a matter of fact, today s probably the last day for the next month, but still.. Its Nice :)
Sleep now!
Posted by
4:14 AM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Recording Test
Well, shelli, here s a test :)
I just wanted to know if my hardware still worked, so its a quicky! I'll record you a full one later on. Nevermind the weirdness :D
Posted by
10:18 PM
Ghost in the Shell
Thanks to a friend, I was able to watch the whole first season & I am happy to say that this story, combined with the movie about covers the original story as it appeared in commic version!
When I saw the movie - long time ago - I was dissapointed about some aspects of it, because it left some storyparts unmentioned. Even after the second one, I was quite dissapointed. I am glad to say that this series set the record straight and I cant wait to get my hands on the Second Season!
The series is kinda heavy, as expected since it a Massamune Shirow, so I'll need a nights sleep to think about it. But I think I get it :)
Next on the list is another one of my fav series, Appleseed!
I wonder if the recent movie covers the great commics (Damn, I need to finish those, curse Dark Horse for being so Expensive :s) And to be honest.. I'm not that confident
Anywho.. :)
Gotta Love Stand Alone Complex :D
Posted by
10:02 PM
Time is ticking away
I have too lil a time & too much things on my hands..
Posted by
7:14 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I am cutting down on my projects
Its a good thing.. I should start studying and already I'm cutting down on my projects. meaning I'm not starting any new ones :) And most of 'em are on hold atm! I could continue the RoD project.. I could continue or even start a number of other projects..
Also, I have tons of books now.. 6 to be precise, I already started the first one, but .. I'm not getting into it. At any rate, this is all good news when it comes to school
The only thing I hope is that my PC parts will arive soon! I REALLY need them to start studying on a certain course. I plan to study it by doing a small project for RoD.. I hope it goes well, fast! Because if it does.. Ill be able to learn it all trough practice (the only way to do it) and it ll mean I'll be able to finish that project.
I dont feel like going into details, but it ll help a lot once I get it finished!
Posted by
1:55 PM
What can I say
I'm still in a tumultuous time in my life
& blogging has been low lately
maybe I should do regular cellphone posts :s Maybe that d help :s Maybe..
works ok
schools ok
studying should start any time now
running hopefully tomorrow after work altough I kinda doubt it considering my hours
PC parts ordered.. Looking forward to it
bought lots of books today
Bought new shoes lately
bought new pants today
bought some other stuff
will order new T's soon
I was in desperate need of more clothing :)
And now, off to bed!
.. thinking about piercings & burns & tats again..
and mini ofcourse :D
Posted by
1:33 AM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I got whete I need to be
So, Time for sleep!
& a happy BDay to The Dude :p The Realestate Agent..
Duisterhoop is as far as it needs to be
so YAY
Sleep! Really!
Posted by
5:12 AM
Friday, April 28, 2006
Im having a loathesome day
Im quite tired
I should work
I cant get to starting
& I have a heavy day for tomorrow
so ..
I think I'll give up for the day
so some other usefull shit
try to sleep at a decent hour
& survive the day of tomorrow
Posted by
10:46 PM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Status Report
I got my RoD stuff partially done. I'm ok on schedual now..
I still have stuff to do, but I have the time to do it too.
Work was heavy yesterday. I'm already scared for Saturday.. 11hour shift? I'm scared!
next days will be 4 hour days..
I'm going to have a decent pc soon..
I just need a Screen (I'll probably buy a CRT) & a HD (300g Maxtor, anyone - to put in the fileserv so I can use the 80g in there for my Desktop box :D)
I'll probably also buy a card reader thing *rolleyes* & I might also buy a DVD writer. Altough I do wonder if I need that :s I'll probably buy one anyway
And then I only need something to fill that 2nd big ugly hole :s ... I am NOT buying a temprature lcd!! That shit is Gaay! If only I could put in a regular LCD that connects to whatever port & gives INTERESTING info :) (like HD usage, load, .....) Altough I could probably put that to better use in my Serv.. eeh :)
& I hope the comp doesnt turn out too noisy! :/
Vi s getting better! Her shoulder is healing
Slowly but certainly
And lastly.. I still have a lot of work for my next week school deadline. As a matter of fact, I'm really throwing all the work in starting tomorrow. & I'll try to relax with RoD work.
If I manage to make a print tool & a GR tool I'll be happy. If I have time I'll also do a property thing.. ... And thats about the max I see happening before RoD. Duisterhoop has been a rough ride. Its been hard!
And I'm NOT losing it again :)
I'm looking forward to having a desktop again :)
And then I'll be able to work on PC - Laptop at the same time again. Lovely!
Programming with the needed DBs on the other screen
Posted by
2:26 AM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
7 sins?
Make it 8..
deviantART: DeaDLY SiN BaBieS by =DestinyBlue
Posted by
1:58 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I'm Back!
I first typed a :) after that, but.. in the end, its not that a happy thing, I liked it more over there. The air was fresher, sun warmer, more snow (no snow here), .....
It was great! Really!
But first things first.
We had an awfull trip. This was my worst experience with Halloween so far. I can hardly express how bad the bus drivers were. I got on the bus and got this feeling of foreboding doom. I NEVER had a bad feeling about a bus, but this time, it was hell. Then the prick dropped us on some square with ever so vague instructions on where to go. We ran all around the place to find where the fuck we needed to go and talked to a dozen of people. All the time hoping for some Halloween twat to help us, greet us, whatever.. But in the end we found it on our own tnx to the tourist office.
I was terrified about the whole weather thing. But once there the weather turned out fine. The first few days the weather was great. Sun all around. Some brown spots outside the pistes but no further complaints. About mid week I started fearing for the snow condition. And guess what, a nice half a day of snow :) Enough to get trough the rest of the week on fresh snow. I had a wonderfull 2 days of Hors Piste. 2 days of woderfull powder. I had GREAT rides! And the oppertunity to break everyone in on the powder. And I can say we ve got some addicts :)
Reinaldo did as most of us already feared. Most of us expected it happen in a halfpipe, but .. It happened mid week. On wednesday, we were riding & spotted a nice piece of powder, just next to the piste. We rid it and .. well, we had a plan. I rode first and watched him go. He started, but after 2 meters he changed his mind and raced down to the piste. A nice lil jump to make, only he made a small mistake & it cost him his ancles!
On the list of casualties is also Vleer with severe chest pains, Bio with a bruise on his bum, as big as his head! and Iris with hurt knees and thumb. The aforementioned could all continue their fun, Reinaldo couldnt :/
Viona s level is astonishing :) She really overcame A LOT of fear this week! She s able to take any type of chair lift. Even the scary old one that smacks you into its seat on departure, bores the hell out of you because his slow travel speed and scares the lot out of you when you need to get off.. Also, she overcame all her doubts on pistes where she didnt even want to look down of at the start of the week!
I was even able to teach her te turns even tough she was very sceptic about learning tactics (and I did Nothing wrong, I swear! No naked stuff or whatever!)
I'm proud :)
As for me.. I had a great time! Im really glad about my level at the moment! I can snowboard everywhere at a relaxed pace, I dont fall anymore, .. I still have some bad habits when I get tired or whatever, but.. all n all I'm happy about where I'm at!
.. Even jumping over lil streams & stuff.. Yeah!
& I had some Wonderfull powder :) Gotta love Risoul! Really!
I also customised my snowboard with a custom made 30cm sticker, the Ring of Doom logo! Its great, really :) I'm waiting for pictures from our ChopChoyWarrior.. anytime now .. I'm quite anxious to post them :D My board looks great!
And so we got back!
we had a hell of a bus trip, Vleer forgot his snowboard boots on the bus (I had to get them later someplace), but all n all the laurel & hardy looking bus drivers were 2 sympathetic blokes. They even left the toilets open without bitching about it!! Great blokes :)
Now, getting back really meant the end of my vacation. No time to lose, hell no.
The same night (about 9h after leaving the bus) I had a job interview! And guess what, I got accepted! I now have 14 days of trial period and I'll be making Mad Money :D
It really takes a load of, to be able to make money again!!
Posted by
9:14 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Only ONE more day till we leave for Risoul!!
And its looking good! Checkit!
last snow yesterday :D
& Sun
So we ll all come home looking like ..
Cant wait to leave
Posted by
3:02 PM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
How to prevent hearing loss
An article about a future we should all expect
Hearing problems!
I already have some friends who show these signs
Not only show signs of, but also who have problems because of it.
Its a problem!
Posted by
1:09 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I never take anything for granted
Only a fool maybe takes things for granted
Just because it's here today
It can be gone tomorrow
And that's one thing that you
Never in your life ever have to worry about me
If I'll ever change towards you because
Baby I love you
Yeah I love you
Just the way... You are...
Don't go changing, trying to please me
You never let me down before
I don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I would not leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are
Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care
I don't want clever conversation
I don't want to work that hard
I just want some someone to talk to
I want you just the way you are.
I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.
I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from my heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.
I d like to thank Mr Barry White (coz Barry White Is Alright!!) for the lyrics
& Viona for giving me a reason to put them online!
I love you, honey ;)
Posted by
10:21 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I am SLOWLY going insane
It looks like there ll be no sleep for me tonight!
Altough I might just go to bed right now
I dont know what to do :s
This junk Win XP has Terminal Services missing (dont ask me how, its just like that)
This means, however, that I Can Not debug my ASP 2005 pages.
A lil disaster!
Try writing code in a fairly new language (c#) on a pc thats too slow to code ASP on with no way whatsoever of even throwing in a breakpoint
I'm tired
I dont know if I'll finish this one
Its quite a pathetic combination, all n all!
.. Problem is also
I got up quite early today
This aint working
Debugging is tough enough with the right tools (I dont Really mean this)
Try doing it with Nothing At All
Certainly since I ve gotten used to them tools over the last weeks!
Its going better than I expected
tough I still have a lot of trouble, I am already a lot further that I would have expected an hour ago!
Still wierd stuff going on!
I dont trust it :/
Yet the problem now still is dual.. a, I wont get to that class if I dont sleep, the state i'm in... b, I still have to code a check for the game. & we re talking about some nice recursion here :/
Im quite close to an approximate of the assignment.. ... fucking sessions!
& after that there s still the recursion to handle :/
I have arrived at a Dead End!
All I can do now is give up on the session thing & write the recursion thing
which I wont even be able to test!
Thats gonna be a Nice One :/
.. and so I finished the bitch!
Its not Working
but with a lil help (like typing 2 scentences I fear) it ll be fully operational..
Ofcourse I can never be sure. Writing a recursive method without any oportunity to test.. is risky at least.
Anyhow, I'm going to mail it in Right Now
& then I FINALLY get to go to bed with Mini!
That ll be my reward for this freakin night of C# & ASP!
.. Oh My
I just got an error..
Lets HOPE its no problem :'(
Ah! apparently its just the search junk acting up!
Email sent..
lets hope the text is decent enough
& not to personal or whatever
And now to the most important part :)
hugs with mini :)
I only hope I dont wake her :s She s due for getting up any minute now :(
Posted by
1:29 AM
Friday, March 10, 2006
My IMDB comments
Yeah, made an IMDB acount a while ago
and, I felt like doing some comments.
So without further ado, here s my comment page!
Yeah, I know you dont care, but think about this.. what do I care :p
& now I should REALLY get to bed!
Posted by
3:59 AM
I finally solicited
I finally got to writing a letter ive been putting of for days and years before that.
Times of need.. I guess ..
anyhow, I hope to get a positive response :) Its a job I wanted to do for a long time already. And I AM looking forward to it. I can use any cent I can get. And I d rather get it in a nice way :) Not that I'm afraid of the dirty or unpleasant ones, but if a chance arises..
I'd really love to work at the Illy cafe next door! It d be nice .. & convienient :)
I really like the atmosphere of that place. To drink at leasr, but I imagine it d be the same to work there. I'm quite sure I'm qualified.
But they dont need anyone :) & I cant go break the curent guys legs, can I :) Altough it would probably solve the problem (at least for a while) lol - The coffee is having its effect on my thinking, hehe
I'm getting .. ok to go to sleep .. I think
Normally Id stay awake for some more hours without any tought to it. And I could! But .. my life is changed .. and lets leave it at that, no use in trying to put a value on it all. Its for the better in the end.
I think I'll go read some more "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell".. A surprising book by Susanna Clarke that has me captured at about 110 pages a day.
And maybe even call it a day!
The only thing I pitty is having to go to bed without my darlig Mini.
I do love her :) A Lot :)
I miss you, babey!
Posted by
2:03 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Pulse
according to this site, my pulse is within the acceptable.
84 a minute, accoring to my new count (a lil more acurate since this time is was 42 with 30 secs)
So no worries :)
I should really start running again
& I should get a pulsemeter.
I d love to start doing cardio training again, as I did while I was doing fitness 2 to 3 to ... a week.
Yeah, I really feel like doing something about my health or more acurately my stamina
I'm curious how I'll be able to keep up with my usual snowboarding rythm.
I'm looking forward to Risoul
I'm LONGING for Risoul!
And I'm curious about what Risoul will do to me in terms of memories :)
.. I remember a sight, a couple I saw there last time & .. I wouldnt be surprised if I see a guy like me (some years ago) watching me I viona as we stand where that couple stood.. I was kinda yealous then & now .. Ive found what I was looking for :) Im happy!
I only hope Mini does well with the snowboarding!
Posted by
10:53 PM
I'm jittery
I just had 2 small cups o coffee.. With condensed & sugared milk :D Hehe Im on a cofee rush & a big one for that matter :D
Got my heartbeat at 80 beats a minute.. (20 beats a 15 seconds to be precise) Cant remember if thats high or very high. I'm sure tough that its not low :)
I miss my mini! She went home for the evening, has some stuff to do, but for some reason I didnt realise she was going home untill she told me this morning. (for the Xth time already probably) And it was quite a nasty shock for that.. I didnt like it. I instantly started missing her. If I had known up front it d have been no problem, but since it just kinda fell on my head, I was Really .. shocked!
Dont get me wrong here, I'm glad she did. I'm proud, since going home is always a dificult step (try preparing yourself for an hour of public transport, 2 or 3 changes between busses and trains and a lot of waiting time. Its not nice.
ANYHOW, I miss her :/
And I Love her :) hihi
I also had a .. funny moment today
actually it was SHIT!
Stitch called me yesterday saying some kids had gotten my password (lets not go into details here). As he described how, I laughed and said there was no way that was possible. I even chalenged them. Well, seems I was wrong. The whole thing wasnt the way I expected and .. they were right. It was as easy as reading.
.. Is there a lesson in this? Probably..
But I wont go into that.. Actually I'm not sure yet about what exactly I will draw from this experience. There IS one conclusion I've already decided upon..
But again, lets get into that in a later post!
I wrote some fun software the day before yesterday.. A program to pour database info into a text, runtime formatted with tags.. It was fun
And I got the plan for some very handy software too.. A new version of the thing I wrote. A tool to condense the aforementioned database into a neat rulebook.
Another neat thing that ll surely make our life A LOT easier
RoD is good for my creativity! I finally get enough inspiration to write handy & decent software.
And Gent is good for my initiative, since here I can finally write all the great software I think up :D
yeah, I miss my mini..
But she s going to call me anytime soon :D (she promissed)
Posted by
10:20 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Encyclopodia - the encyclopedia on your iPod
I'm actually quite confused about this..
I understand what it is, what it does, .. but ..
Do I WANT wiki on my pod?? :s I'm seriously considering & thats a lot already!
And do I want to sacrifice 700mb to it.. I mean, I only have a 40g model!! :s
and also.. are there other uses like this?
And most of all!! How can I make my own of these eBooks? I have the RoD wiki Id love on my ipod on the one hand and a lot of ebooks on the other!! hmmmmmm
Mini s at work! Thinking about her makes me smile :)
Posted by
2:23 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
a horrible night
what a wasted day
& I lost my chess game in a hasted move yesterday
& I got the worst news possible about my dead dad
Mindbogling awful day!
I really shouldnt waste my time like that anymore & just give up
Posted by
3:40 AM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
No rest for the restless
Im back home
after my Studium Generale
Programming again, after my achieval of Phase One on Duisterhoop!
onto the Phase Two goal
Mini s on the couch watching TV, considering a coctail.. We ve got these great frozen fruit thingies.. I Love Em!!
She wants me to write this thing about me & her 2 yrs ago.. hmm..
I love her ;)
Posted by
12:11 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
2 years!
Hell Yeah!
Ive been doin this for TWO YEARS!
Can you (or anyone) imagine??
This is Incredible!
What started out as a "hey, this is a wierd plugin, lets give it a try" has turned out to be a 2 year thing.. Been a lil slow sometimes but some things have ups and downs, so.. :)
Memory Lane :)
So I started blogging.. wierd
but hey.. thats Life
posted at 7:26 PM by Dgn
So thats it, 2 years :)
If anyone ever reads the whole thing, post me a comment or eMail about my mental state :D
This is probably a quite .. acurate window into my mind! Maybe I should take it off, not keep this kind of info on the interweb.. but I wont :)
So this is it, My 2 yrs blogging aniversary :)
I might do a post about these two years later.. but Not Today!
Posted by
2:35 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The Top Ten Sci-Fi Films That Never Existed
a starcraft movie!
Maybe even the game's story in a movie..
all those epic batles, kerrigan going from Ghost to Zerg queen..
(but as the article says, we ll never see that!)
Posted by
2:01 PM
RE: Now Sex Workers Boycott GTA
Sex Workers Outreach Project, a U.S. organization representing the interests of prostitutes, has called for a boycott on Grand Theft Auto.
[Via Next Generation]
EVERYONE hates GTA :D This is Great, I love that game! It keeps on getting better & better. I cant wait for the next PC game to come out & I keep hoping that they ll bring one on the DS soon! :D (altough I know nintendo better than that, they really wouldnt risk any GTA titles on their consoles.. Still :D Gotta LOVE GTA :D
Note their quite late reaction by the way..
And the morale this outcry contains..
all very ironic
Posted by
1:21 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
RE: Microsoft Anti-Spyware Removes Norton Anti-Virus
Another Unbelievably outrages MS story!
Its sad..
An anonymous reader writes "According to a story over at Washingtonpost.com, the latest definitions file for Microsoft's Anti-Spyware beta flags Symantec's Norton Antivirus products as a password-stealing trojan and prompts users to delete portions of the program. Users who follow the instructions hose their installation of Norton, requiring delicate Windows registry edits and a complete removal/reinstall of Norton. Microsoft's support forum is quickly filling up with complaints about this problem, many from businesses that have been pretty hard hit. This should be a cautionary tale about deploying beta products in production environments."
[Via Slashdot]
Posted by
7:00 AM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Looks like a nice RPG :)
wouldnt mind playing it
Im kinda wondering tough why I get this in my mail :s
Evil tough
Posted by
1:04 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
MSN Messenger
messenger is eigenlijk slecht bezig..
Als ge den tendens ziet, zijn ze altijd maar een zwaardere en ingewikkeldere suite aant maken waar ge uiteindelijk waarschijnlijk mee op de maan ga kunnen landen
Nu, als we naar t verleden kijken leren we dat dat helemaal niet interessant is! Au fond is da de teloorgang van ICQ geweest! Icq was groot, uitgebreid, log en zwaar. Opstarten duurde een eeuwigheid en t was nimeer toegankelijk.
Toen kwam MSN. Msn was licht. Msn was simpel (het afschaffen van een nr & vervangen door een email adres & de compatibiliteit me hotmail zal er ookwel mee te maken gehad hebben & t feit dat t in windows zat mss ookwel) Alle nieuwe gebruikers gingen op MSN, ICQ was te moeilijk / te zwaar en de ICQ ppl veranderden ook al snel naar MSN want .. iedereen zat op MSN & wat iedereen erover zei bleek ook waar.. dus leve msn! Ondanks het feit dat de meeste mensen die ICQ gewend waren wel wat dingen misten en haatten aan MSN..
Als we nu kijken.. Ik installeer de laatste 2 msn's al nimeer op mijn laptop want het is te zwaar geworden, me msn kunt ge tegenwoordig al spellekes spelen, video conferencing, desktops overnemen, NOG meer speciale smilies & dergelijke, ..
Msn zit goed op t pad dat ICQ kapot gemaakt heeft.
anderzijds, zal msn het makkelijker uithouden door de windows combinatie, hotmail combinatie, ..
Maar wat gaat t geven als bvb google nen deftigen & lichten tegenpool brengt ism hunnen gmail (die ontegensprekelijk supperieur is aan hotmail), ..
.. time will tell its tale, I guess
& MS heeft blijkbaar niet uit t verleden geleerd!
Ah & ik gebruik GAIM (met daarin makkelijk bijeen alle protocollen die ge u maar kunt bedenken)
This is a small view on the path MS is walking with their ever expanding MSN client. I posted it on a school messageboard, so its in dutch..
Have fun
Posted by
7:12 PM
PlanetFargo: All Keyed Up
or "how to stop worrying and learn to love your CD-Key."
everybody needs to read this, This is Life Important stuff!!
Also, I feel kinda sorry for mini :s She s sick & she s off to a medical exam for her work.. & she says its my fault :s So I feel bad :/
Also I lay awake most of the night..
Shitty day!
Posted by
8:10 AM
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
AskMen.com - Top 99 women
Cool :)
Nicolle Kidman at 96? Thats hardly honest..
91 for Cameron Diaz?? Is ther no justice?
J Lo at 81? omg
78 for Uma Thurrman? above all these .. There is NO justice! I didnt even expect her in the list!
hmmm Catherine Zeta-Jones.. Only at 67? The top 10 HAS to be hotter than my pc screen can handle :s
53 for Jennifer Love Hewitt.. tssk
Gwen Stefani at 51? You mean she s better than? ... OMG, This is getting embarasing
45 Evangeline Lilly :) sounds about right :)
Carmen Electra at 40.. so its all about the tits?
39 for Kylie Minogue.. ok..
who whoow 38 Kate Bosworth
35 Keira Knightley - Yummie
Penolope Cruz @ 32.. hardly deserved
27 for Jennifer Aniston? Being the ex of someone does seem to helt sex-apeal wise :s
25 Salma Hayek.. jummie
23 Elisha Cuthbert - Jummie
12 Jessica Simpson
10 Eva Longoria, I agree
9 Natalie Portman - bweuh
8 Amerie?
6 Sharlize Theron .. owkay
5 Maria Menounos .. ok, I get it
4 Adriana Lima - What being an underwear model wont do for ya :/
3 Angelina Jolie - J U M
2 Sienna Miller - WHO & WHY??
1 Jessica Alba - HELL NO!
I had expected silcone galore in the end but its ok
tough I dont share the views of the average askmen.com viewer
Posted by
8:04 PM
Monday, January 30, 2006
7 Sins
Preforming @ their first gig..
watch the tension, watch the Extacy
They re fine!
Cant wait for em to do MORE :)
Posted by
3:30 AM
Friday, January 27, 2006
BBC NEWS | Americas | US plans to 'fight the net' revealed
America (& certainly) really doesnt have ANY respect for the people. Not their people not anyone else, No Respec!
And so they show their disrespect again, this time by an unbelievable document about the internet
Check out BBCs article!
Posted by
11:22 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
i just finished for the day
tomorrow exam
english sucks
I feel I should clean my IM contact lists!
Posted by
6:20 AM
Monday, January 23, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Its Genious and it still exists!
The great super-instant, always-ready, any-email-you-want email
Posted by
4:39 PM
to Bio & Vleer - my xboard (chess) start script..
# start bestaand schaakspel met de persoon in de parameter.
#pad waar de save files staan.. geef een volledig pad, $HOME ed werken wss NIET!
pad=$(echo /home/gert/chess)
# checken van de parameters & correct reageren..
if [ 1 -lt $# ] || [ $1 = '--help' ]
case $1 in
zwart=$(echo -flipView true )
echo start xboard op en laad het bestand dat als parameter word gegeven als spel
echo saved na afloop de nieuwe game status.
echo $0 [parameter] file
echo -? Deze help file
echo -z Speler speelt Zwart!
echo De huidige versie ondersteunt maar 1 parameter per keer!
exit 0;;
echo $1 is geen correcte parameter!
exit 1;;
# laden van de verscheidene paden & parameters in de vars
poud=$(echo $pad/$1Vorige)
pload=$(echo $pad/$1 )
coords=$(echo -showCoords true )
autos=$(echo -autoSaveGames true )
psave=$(echo $pad/$1N )
load=$(echo -lgf $pload)
save=$(echo -sgf $psave)
# verplaatsen van de bestanden
# (-s kijkt na of het bestand bestaat & groter is dan 0 kb)
#(touch maakt een 0 kb bestand aan met de juiste naam
if [ -s $pload ]
rm -f $poud
cp -f $pload $poud
if [ -s $psave ]
mv -f $psave $pload
touch $psave
# starten van xboard
xboard $load $zwart $coords $autos $save
There we go.. a script to start xboard with the needed info. You have to have an existing game to be able to do this (just save one & then start using the script) It checks if some files exist to prevent losing your game to empty files.
This way you can also just watch the whole thing
What can I say, I rather spend time writing this than clicking on stupid messages!
If anyone stumbles on this & wants the english comments, feel free to email me or post a comment!
Posted by
8:29 AM
& now im off to bed
Without my mini :(
but she had fun, thats most important :)
& I got a good nights worth of work done :)
I also had 3 pots of tea with Bio.
The new one is Great!
(my DS is even greater than I tought. I just rediscovered Mario Kart DS & finished the 50cc races!)
Posted by
8:25 AM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Slashdot | 20 Years of Computer Viruses
Happy BDay :)
(few days late but still :))
Posted by
4:14 AM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Nintendo DS
I FINALLY got it :D
& I can already say that Mariokart is evil
& Kirby is Great :D
Posted by
5:17 PM
They re making it I guess :)
Their new song s in the StuBru Demopol
Go vote :)
Posted by
2:50 AM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I d like to thank "Disturbed" to keep me company trough the night!
They ve kept me On The Edge.. which I needed to survive it all
I ll also thank Shelli for her great proposal.. The shopping ll have to wait tough
soon sleep with mini :)
Now toilet & another wad of Computer Networks and Internets (by Douglas E Comer - 4th ed)
I feel like using IPv6.. I wonder if my router can handle it
Last chapters, no toilet so far :s
IPv6 - I guess not.. Tough Ill delve into it later.. it d be a nice thing to have, not that it would matter, but hey :D It might break DS compatibility tough - And we Cant risk that can we!
Did a tram just crash into something??
It might, its acting wierd
Last chapter!!
Its having SOME problem arlight, that tram
Its screwing up trafic
& its gone by now
anywho, Im ready
Toilet with HsT
Posted by
5:36 AM
Just Me: Blog Life vs. Real Life
This is a post I comment I tried to give on Sissys page, but I got horibly confused, tried to "email this to a friend" where I gave her email adress I got from her profile, only to try & send it, notice it has a 300char limit & .... to then send a short version cursing the system & telling her my reply will be on my own site, if she cares to read it.. To THEN find the real comment option where I posted the following. Its pretty self explenatory I guess.. and as to why the messup? Its 5 in the morning! cut me some slack
FUCK, I just confused the "mail this to a friend" option with the "comment" option! Im so very very sorry! Anywho, here s the reply as I typed it in the wrong box & sorry again for the probably very wierd email! (this is plain embarassing)
I need your email to comment? thats new :s Anywho, Im back :)
The issue you re talking about here is something I think every blogger should at least consider before trusting their valuable toughts and feelings (diary) to the intwerweb. The anonimity of the masses..
I know the feeling you describe here. I never made a secret of my blog (you do remember me & it, do you?? :p) and I actually stimulated some of my friends to read my gruesome secrets. But in the end, it does make me wary of what I type. Each letter I put down, each word has me consider if I want anyone to know this.
In the end, the result is that I write less open than I could. There are things I dont want certain people to read, so to be on the safe side I just dont write them. On the other hand, I dont have the need to write those few oppinions down. And I'm really blunt and honest most of the time, so there s really not much I have to leave out. But there is, and thats because I realise that by putting my deepest soul stirrings online, I make them known to all who are faintly interested.
What am I saying here? (I know, it gets fuzzy, but thats because I wont reread it at this time o day when I should either be sleeping or studying!) Making your blog even more public than it already is might be quite a big step. But then again, there s already the posibility that people are reading what you write (ever tried to google yourself? it can be an angsty experience)! So how much would it Really change?
Most people dont talk to me about what they read in my personal internet diary. And those who do and come bitching about it on top of it all, get one simple answer.. "You read my personal blog. Its online so you can read it. But that doesnt mean I want to talk about it with you! So live with the fact that that is indeed what I think or stop reading my blog! Remember, I didnt ASK you to read it!"
And this kind of reaction mostly works :)
I hope I didnt just spew a large chunk of characters, impossible to combine to a text :)
Altough I ve been gone for a while (I moved to Gent with my GF), I'm back now, so you might get more comments soon :D
take care :)
G (Dgn)
Posted by
5:14 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Hey mister tambourineman, play a song for me
I had a chat session to the depths of my recent past. Dark pits of turmoil i've been trying to find out more about. In vain.
I really want to go to bed together with mini again soon! I really miss that :/ The thought of her being asleep & me going to bed next to her, scared of waking her.. its not nice!
I love her :)
one less to go
what? exams!
How did it go? ask my teach, she s got the data, not me
I watched a lot of series today & it felt GOOD! it had been a while since I was able to do that & .. hell yeah!
I also realised that the whole column thing is a funny given. What I do here, resembles at times what a column could or would be. I'll have to look up "column" to be positive about it all, but I have the idea that I'm all n all pretty close already.
Still, I should get started on a fixed day post on the Gent post!
I still dont have my DS! MotherFuckers!
Im giving up hope on them calling tomorrow. Its a dream Ive been cherishing for 2 weeks now. Everyone has a limited attention and expectation span. And right now im losing interest in waiting!
I could have BUILT my own by now! Talking about service!
So, on to bed, the next exam and more waiting for my DS.
topped with a delicious sauce of love. Viona as those who know about my situation call it :)
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5:36 AM