ooh & I put the Super Mario Bros 1st level theme on my cell for a ringtone :)
geeky, I know - lol :D
But its Sooooooo nice :)
& the funny mushroom growing thing for msg sound
wont be long till I change them back to normal, but hey, its fun while it lasts
Sleep now
Saturday, December 29, 2007
paid some bills, did some stuff
till finally; I got too tired to continue
so thats it I guess
off to bed :s
corruption.. its a bitch when it strikes - I need to solve this, Stat!
oh & I washed the locks - yaaaaay - big washy :/
oh & ppl ratting around in dead peoples ashes.. for ANY reason .. is NOT OK! NOT! NOT!
pee & sleep :)
Posted by
4:49 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Is The Industry Ready For Its 'Game Noir'?
Interesting article..
The game I thought of, reading this, was Max Payne :) The Max Payne series!
Not because of the obvious .. noir story :)
but because the focus was on interesting game mechanics & a compelling storyline
Im really looking forward to more games like this. With fun & innovative mechanics and compelling and interesting story lines.
And I believe the Wii is the most likely platform to have these games. I hope they get the indy games platform going too.
Posted by
9:36 PM
Posted by
3:57 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The next X days
will be all Oracle - till its done
Oracle all the way baby!
I was planning to have it finished by now
but its not, so .. YEAH BABY
.. *sigh*
Posted by
1:21 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
i have too much problems in my life to write about even one of them
im off to bed
Posted by
11:53 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I did it!!
I finally managed to solve this one
It was tough, I had a hard time, but in the end.. it really has a nice mechanism :)
Time for the next one!
(damned pictures are loading SOOO slow - But the gimp cant help that.. cant continue till they re loaded though..)
Posted by
1:45 PM
God I hate that ass homebank software
& even more so when I go trough the whole process & at the LAST moment - the system FUCKS UP
making me have to start over
that sucks
a lot
Posted by
12:46 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Im excited & slightly sad right now..
This site is a great idea, a great concept. Its boardgamegeek, its IMDB, .. for books! Its what the internet was missing :) but now its here. And all it needs is people, more people & some sane management :)
I'm sad because I wanted to do this :) I talked to a friend a while ago about wanting to set this up. Sadly enough; that was before life kicked me again. (or I kicked myself again, whatever it is, its not the point - it doesnt matter - its not about who or why - its about putting it behind & going on. .. we ll repair the damage later, when there s time) When I brought it up, there was no time for such a comprehensive project. And now its too late :)
Yet there is no way of knowing if its any good until I can login. They might not be open enough.. Any user has to be able to add a book or writer or alternate title or ... they ll fail :)
Excited! because I really like & need this thing :)
Posted by
11:54 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Mini had an Amazing surprise for me today :)
Im incredibly happy :D
Posted by
2:05 AM
I finally got to paying this months bills..
Most of them late :s
But I really loathe checking my account these days! With money coming from several places (thank you IBO - thats a special governement thing for ppl who start working), most of the time I simply dont recieve what I make before I make SEVERAL phone calls around to who knows! Its frustrating! I'll be glad to be rid of it & FINALLY have a steady income again! Every time I check is another surprise.
I know who to call tomorrow & I'll fucking kill them if I have to sacrifice my Friday afternoon on them again! Each week I spend time on those bastards, fuckwads & cocksuc those people on it cant find any jobs! They need all their time to run after their wealth fare money!! I dont want to start to imagine what it would be like WITHOUT those union guys!
only one more month!
And once I fuckin get those union guys going.. I 'LL FINALLY .. FINALLY!! have the numbers I need to do the math!
I'm also considering doing some advanced math on our spending to get some patterns going.. tracking it all; finding out what goes where when & at what rate. Should be interesting :)
& now enough bitching
I need to get to bed!
Posted by
1:06 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Vampire Energy
Whow - Nice to see all that in graphs & numbers!!
Posted by
11:27 PM
So I made that script I was talking about earlier
& from now on its studying all the way! More than a month left, better sooner than later! I really needed these couple of days though.. to relax the Doom stress.
This bash script checks the DHCP page of my DLink router, parses the data & inserts it into a file, using the format required by the linux "hosts" file (you know.. "/etc/hosts") Its not pretty to look at but it gets the job done :)
# Variables
## Location & filename for temporary files
## Hosts location
## Webpage with IP info page
## Do not edit beyond this point ;)
if [[ $tMap == "" || $tMap == "/" || $tFile == "" ]]
echo "Thank god I didnt trust you to fill these out wisely."
echo " (dont get over confident tough, this is an EXTREMELY basic test!!)"
echo "At least One of the following errors was found!"
echo "* the map and file variable can NOT be empty!"
echo "* the map can NOT be / (the root)."
echo "Since we re doing rm -f, these settings might cost you your OS!"
echo " ;)"
echo $map$file
exit 1
# make sure there s no files that could screw the process ;)
rm $tMap$tFile* -f
# Remove old entries
grep -v $IPbase $hPath$hFile > $tMap$tFile.clean
grep -v "## Generated DHCP entries" $tMap$tFile.clean > $tMap$tFile.clean2
# Add comment
echo "## Generated DHCP entries" >> $tMap$tFile.clean2
# Get IPs from Router
wget -q --user $IPu --password $IPp $IPpage -O $tMap$tFile.router
if [[ -e $tMap$tFile.router ]]
grep "dDat" $tMap$tFile.router | grep -v " dDat" > $tMap$tFile
# Parse Files
for lijn in $(cat $tMap$tFile)
lijn=$(echo $lijn | grep -v "dDat" | grep -v "=")
if [[ -n $lijn ]]
# Get IP
ip=$(echo $lijn | grep -oE [0-9]\{1,3}[.]\{1}[0-9]\{1,3}[.]\{1}[0-9]\{1,3}[.]\{1}[0-9]\{1,3})
# Get Hostname
host=$(echo $lijn | grep -oE [\"][[:alnum:]]\{3,100} | grep -oE [[:alnum:]]\{3,100} )
# Save
echo "$ip $host" >> $tMap$tFile.clean2
# Replace old file by the new one
mv $tMap$tFile.clean2 $hPath$hFile
# remove residual files
rm $tMap$tFile* -f
Extreme caution should be exercised when using this script. Its unsafe at so many levels.. Just to name some.. It requires certain user rights to edit the "/ect/hosts". It uses "rm -f". It makes use of several intermediary files. .. Dont use it on a production machine without thorough rewrite for security! (How s that for a disclaimer :))
& who needs SVN when you can post it all to blogger!
Posted by
1:30 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I just screwed up my map with scripts - amazing
THIS would be the right time to start an SVN repository; not to have this happen again.
not a great loss; the file I am working on is open in emacs & the rest was working stuff & a script I worked on & started using yesterday. So I still have that one :)
(rm -f $foo$bar* with both $foo & $bar EMPTY - lol)
I'm awake now :) I'll just throw all that crap in an SVN & there we are :) No more losses.
then again, between doing & wanting to - there s still a whole lot of difference!
and SVN is crap
its just Too CRAP
Posted by
11:10 PM
The fight for Doom XIV is over
and it still needs to sink in.
I can stop working & worrying on it.
Now s time for different stuff!
Anything worth doing
is worth doing right
.. but you have to believe its WORTH doing! :s
Posted by
10:22 PM
Thanks to Greys Anatomy, I now know that
Loving each other is admitting you re both Scary & Damaged
I'll be glad when I run out of Season 2! & I hope I don't start Season 3. EVER! Not enough estrogen!
Posted by
9:37 PM
I just got myself prism on my ubunbtu box. Amazing software!
I was already using it at work - daily - and its FAST! Take any application like site that might be a tad too slow. & drop it into the prism :) Its lightning!
& its amazing to have those web apps behaving like desktop apps :) (another exclamation mark? or another smily? Its really GREAT stuff!!)
This is - I guess - what web 3.0 will be all about. I never really believed - and I mean REALLY believed - in saas. Software as a Service. Applications on the internet. .. . But this is the line; this is the piece of the puzzle that was missing to get it right.
oh & for the record.. the whole web 3.0 .. this is one of those typical buzz words, the next cloud. So until they actually call the term. Untill they DEFINE the term.. anyone referring to it can go fuck themselves! :D (except me since I actually Just called it - LOL)
Posted by
9:02 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Resolving a hostname from the DI-624 DHCP
Its an edit of the getIp script I wrote earlier.. this time it checks the DHCP page. Provide a hostname & it ll return you the IP (if its in there..)
# Variables
## Host
## Location & filename for temporary files
## Webpage with IP info page
## Do not edit beyond this point ;)
if [[ $map == "" || $map == "/" || $file == "" ]]
echo "Thank god I didnt trust you to fill these out wisely."
echo " (dont get over confident tough, this is an EXTREMELY basic test!!)"
echo "At least One of the following errors was found!"
echo "* the map and file variable can NOT be empty!"
echo "* the map can NOT be / (the root)."
echo "Since we re doing rm -f, these settings might cost you your OS!"
echo " ;)"
echo $map$file
exit 1
# make sure there s no files that could screw the process ;)
rm $map$file* -f
# Get IP
wget -q --user $IPu --password $IPp $IPpage -O $map$file.router
# check for file existance
if [[ -e $map$file.router ]]
grep $host $map$file.router | grep dDat | grep -oE [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]\+ > $map$file
cat $map$file
# remove residual files
rm $map$file* -f
I needed this to have synergy connect to the right dynamic IP.. It still wont work all of the time, but at least, now it ll work more!
Next up is a script to check that page & fill in the /etc/hosts file for my linux boxes.. I might make it more secure then, since it can at this time be abused since it uses temp files..
Posted by
11:23 PM
Microsoft Disses Windows to Sell More Windows
Check this /. article :)
Posted by
7:49 PM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
More on Microsoft's effort to put XP on XO
This is SAD!
They re know for making OSes for computers with specs that wont be on the market for the next 2 years.. and now they re trying to mod one of their OSes to run on the ultimate low end high tech laptop.
Its hypocrisy, its low and ridiculous!
This is nothing more or less than sad Linux jealousy!
And lets not even consider the experience! It ll be slow and painfull. This might seem like prejudice, but by god, its based on everything they did so far! It doesnt look good! They are NOT able to write a decent OS.
And let the Only necessary argument be.. Their kernel is still One Big Enormous Blob! No modules, no whatever, no NOTHING! One piece of crap for every situation. And they re merely able to separate it for their future OSes, let alone for a specific piece of hardware. They re not going to sell!
So this OLPC version ll have the standard kernel they use on all their high end machines.
Or maybe hell froze over & all those people on that project actually succeeded in combing it all appart. Doable, but not very Microsofty.
I simply dont trust them to do or make anything worth even a penny! And I know this is a tough thing to say. I liked DOS.. VB6 was cool.. but lets be honest, these arent examples of "good" software either. Looking back at those experiences, its all one big flawed mess.. I remember DOS doing some Horible crashes. But DOS is old, so .. we can all forgive that. For old times sake even. Another example.. what about the new Office? 2007? Its not bad.. but its SO heavy. The system requirements are just too much. But thats progress apparently. That doesnt cut it for me, but .. is it worth that penny? ... well, it probably is. On the other hand, no it isnt. It has to compete with free (as in beer - I love beer, lol) And those screen thingumawhutz arent worth the €200 they expect us to pay. or is it more? So I guess.. they do sometimes make crap worth while!
Oh & I just found out why there arent oracle images with ubuntu or whatever. ... Oracle requires a specific version of redhat or unitedlinux! *sigh*
I really have a problem with software being too picky! *sigh*
Posted by
1:03 AM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Apple enabling native Windows compatibility...in Leopard?
Whow - this is the next big thing.
If they pull THIS off, the guys in redmond might just as well delete their source code. ALL OF IT! If they pull this off, I might pull the oll switcheroo on them (lol - Blender's movie rules :D)
And I am incredibly happy Ubuntu 7.10 finally has VMWare support! Its late.. tough not Too unreasonably late :)
Posted by
2:27 PM
NTGent - Instinct
Nice play with Dirkie :)
it was fun!! Really good
Long tough.. 3 hours
Still - Niiice!
Edit - Ok; this post was all but fair.. It was a great play & I should post a really long and wonderfull review. It was half a musical- Lots of acapella stuff n all.. Amazing!
Great actors, great acting, .. The whole thing was simply amazing!
The story had me wondering the whole time. I didnt know AT ALL how they d incorporate all the characters & how it d all fit together.. It was Nice, it was fun!
Some dutch with enough english to get what its all about..
Instinct is een bewerking van Double Indemnity in Three of a Kind, een novelle van James M. Cain (bekend van The Postman Always Rings Twice). Billy Wilder verfilmde het verhaal in 1944 tot de oscargenomineerde film noir Double Indemnity.
Posted by
1:02 AM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
upping the ante
Im considering moving my blog.
I feel I should finally make more use of that domain we have..
Posted by
5:29 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Let me quote the course document I am now reading..
"Because this field is of no use for the end user we make it also invisible"
"Modify again the prompts .."
"Leave a blank column .. so you can insert later the workfield .."
"While testing .. you will remark that there is no .. yet .."
"Enter now in the .. the command .."
And this is from 3 random pages!! This sounds like Babelfish translation, yet I know its human translated.. Its incredibly sad :s And hugely distracting!
Posted by
2:43 PM
This work - school thing is stressing me out
I feel I cant do enough at work & it frustrates me. Working parttime, I feel I'm in constant lack of time. Its agonising.
I am learning interestin stuffs though.. Like being more critical about what I post and being equally critical to things that are handed to me. I really need to step that up :)
I was sick yesterday
but I'm better now
& its a Relief!
I do need to dress better. Its mighty cold outside & I'm not used to being outside like I do now. Actually most people arent! The whole car / public transportation thing really makes us ppl lazy :) We re just not used to being exposed to the ellements anyomore!
Good, now its back to school for me. Should be fun this afternoon..
Posted by
12:44 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Stress makes beasts of us all
Beowulf was GREAT! I went in expecting SHIT & came out a happy man. The 3D was super tough I probably missed most of it. Still, the arrows flying towards you, The fog at one time, the funny trailer bee, several cool effects.. The whole experience was a lot richer!
I will see more of those 3d thingywawhuts!
It was refreshing too to see a new kind of hero.. It had this scandinavian feel to it. Nice!
We got ourselves two Oregon HR102 Heartrate Monitors for running purposes! Healty aint we!!
We re going to see Instinct (thats dutch & it surprisingly means the same) on Wednesday.. Wim Opbrouck, Elsie De Brauw, Pierre Bokma, Frank Focketyn & Katja Herbers - We re in for a treat :) I hope I can still get tickets tomorrow!
And carouso is plain Sweet :)
& im tired :( sleep now
Posted by
1:14 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
OMG!! Who makes these things? Who APPROVES these things? Who enters in these things??
Just when we thought we d seen it all!
Posted by
10:51 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm fuckin goin Out Of My Mind!
I have this beeeeeeeeeep sound in my right ear - its excruciating!
Its Driving Me INSANE!
I can barely concentrate, I realy hope this ll be better tomorrow!
And worst part is I have NO clue why! It started this afternoon & its been there ever since.. Maddening! Its a bit like what you hear after a full night next to a speaker in Decadance! And that usually goes away REAL quick, so ..
Its awfull!
& now I need to go shower!
Posted by
12:59 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Big Poppa is watching
Its the next step.. Forget about the Brother!
Posted by
6:05 PM
My serv s back up again (eAccelerator was broken)
My intestins are acting up
Carouso s gettin BIIIG - He can reach the table with his front paws from the ground!
Im happy to report I got ampache working on the Wii.. It checks for browser & doesnt pop up if its the Wii
& the Godfather is just AMAZING!!! Im getting into it!
Posted by
1:42 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
SO, thats it..
We left a gods awfull mess; but we did it - And those who bailed out were plainly WRONG!
My anual BBQ, some months later than usual..
The belated BDay surprise succeeded also.. Yaay :) She actually didnt expect anything! Utter Surprise!
Lots of surprises.. like wii games & stuff.. a motherfucking BBQ, Kirill, Whadayamean You Smoke? I Tought You Didnt?????, people making it.. yeah! Its been a thrilling ride!
And a fun one too! And :D We ve got a whole lot of leftovers and junk to show for it.. And a Guestbook!! An insane one no less!
Are we the lucky ones? :s
sleep now!
Posted by
4:50 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Writing one letter with more than 2 persons is EXTREMELY counter productive
I really hate it. One person who checks once & then sending it I can handle. Even when there isnt much left of the original. Whatever
But playing pingpong between several people all writing the same piece of text together.. is plain agonising!
For the better - maybe - but too much is too much!
Posted by
4:19 PM
First off, we need a Working clock in the bathroom.. The stress in the shower of not knowing how late it is..
Its been one of these mornings again!
Finding out the cat was trailing a piece of crap - trying to cut it off & FAILING! I dont even Want to realise he s still trailing it along! Aarghl
& THEN finding out I forgot to take my bike out of Mini's car.. So no bike - thus using hers.. And that just DOESNT work! SHE S 30cm Smaller!
And I HATE being late at work!
Waiting for Firefox .. ... Finaly!
Posted by
8:55 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Im glad nigerian government intervened
And its not about personal preference here!
It d have been outrageous to blow silly amounts of money on MS when Mandriva is already paid and bargained for! Ms is obviously not above bribery
For those interested.. here are the relevant articles. Though the battle mightnt be over yet!
* Mandriva's Open Letter To Steve Ballmer (link)
* Nigerian Government Nixes Microsoft's Mandriva Block (link)
*Linux wins Nigerian school desktops back from Microsoft (link)
Posted by
1:39 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Youtube upload
Incredible! Those guys have incredible server farms, quickest streaming videos n all..
But when it comes to UPLOADING a video.. God Damned! It even takes eternity to commit the starting values (name, description) before the uploading!
Altough 10m & 5 tries later.. it Does work
oh & we FINALLY bought ourselves a Wii :) With SSX Blur & Zelda! Yaay :)
SSX Rulez!
Posted by
11:02 PM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Just watched F&L on a bigass projection
Its amazing! We re sold, we NEED a projector! & we can get one reasonably cheap too! Its just too nice! We have these HUGE white walls.. Its like having a 2m by 2m TV but BIGGER :)
Posted by
1:19 AM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I hope it wont be all day! Now that I Finally have my full & uninterrupted day; I don't want it fucked up by that shit (no pun intended)
Posted by
9:09 AM
Monday, November 05, 2007
I just finished some Nice;
Dare I say Elite Photo editing with the Gimp!
Several pictures all combined into one - One part of one; another part of an other.. Its a job well done!
Pity nobody will notice it, but thats a good thing too :)
RoD has some nice pictures coming :D
Posted by
1:20 AM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Kissing the Windows goodbye
My trusted old laptop is going Ubuntu. Total conversion here; no dual boot or whatever
& it feels right :)
Tough I do have to admit my prior linux knowlege makes ubuntu Truely usable. Otherwise I might have slight headaches..
Linux might finally be Desktop Ready tough I'll only be sure after I get it on Mini's computer for a full low level user test :)
Posted by
2:05 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Im starting fear Vista might be the next WinME.. Its been said before on the network, but I'm starting to see more parallels. Newest error.. Audio Glitches? wtf?
Posted by
12:50 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
When you recieve a second call and put it on hold.. make sure to actually put it on hold or at least cut the microphone because its intensely Silly if the person calling you can hear the conversation you re having with your wife about whats for diner tonight; cooking? bread? ..? ....
Its beyond silly!
Posted by
4:28 PM
Time for a lil review of my whole situation thingy.. Basic question is.. "How am I doing at ..?"
Its ok I guess. I now remember more about whats wrong with it all. I was planning on writing this letter & I'm gettig new material each day! They re all just SO POORLY organised!! Its sad :( BUT I'm doing it. Again. And .. yeah.. the countdown is on again. I'm pushing limits I tought had given out long ago. And I dont need anyone telling me "you sometimes need to do shit you dont like" because none of you can begin to imagine what these last 3 years have been for me. Viona can start to. But anyone else just doesnt know enough about it all to start immagining! So thank you for not going there :) And thank me for not whining about it when someone does (go there again)!
Fine tnx :) Only problem is - I dont have enough time to get all my work done. I'm working part time & there s just too much stuff to do versus the time I have to do it. More tasks than I can fit in my day! & this frustrates me; my bosses & probably my colleagues. And it frustrates me even more to frustrate others!
On top of that, I might not show stress - but I do suffer it. And I love a nice dose of stress! Problem is - when I get too frustrated I lose some of my endless patience and my headache and neck pain flares. Which happened this friday & took me till this morning to recuperate from!
But hey :) It ll get better!
& as long as I do one thing at a time - all the time :) everything s Allright! :D
nice :)
Viona s doing fine! The cat s allright :) (he s cute & getin huuuuuge) things are working out
Not as I planned since I still have that school stuff to take care of. But its working out :)
& talking bout that.. Im off to bed! :D
We re writing & XIV will look Good :) Scenario s almost finished, so Yaay :) Im going to make a callendar soon tough.
On the lighter side.. check out Whorecraft.. Guess we had it comming :) Gamer porn. And Im sure there s money in it too!
& Robinson s on again - and its fun
And also *sigh* BMEzine drama is sad :/
Posted by
12:29 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I'm glad Bio came for a visit
& I saw Ex-Drummer; after reading it earlier this week; and both the book and movie are well worth it. Both Incredibly violent tough.
Posted by
1:01 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I still cant believe
I failed those courses!! What the fuck?
Im considering buying gloves.. Im getting old
Posted by
1:22 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Aint it just Horible
Yesterday night, when I left for bed; I knew I was getting into trouble when I emerged all those updates & didnt update the configs. Ive been there before & had it happen .. all .. before! Its UTTER CRAP! Yet I had to had to bed & .. this kinda cost me my night.
& the weird thing is Im not SURE why the problem happened! & I dont feel like rebooting it again, so.. *sigh*
So I can now FINALLY check my MAIL for example!
Posted by
11:41 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
Its incredible, the new release fixed my DVD player problem. (PX 716AL has NO linux support) He now writes, reads & plays without any problem!
Wine works well too.. I needed Picasa2 to upload my pictures of carouso to webpicasa. Just installed it under Wine & it works like a dream.. well not a dream, but Fine :)
Way to go!
Posted by
9:46 PM
i d expected more
Everyone left So Early :s
Distance changes A Lot apparently..
kat is sleeping in my arms :) Cute! 5.2kg at age 5 months.. (no; he aint a fat kitten) Not bad :D
sleep now
Posted by
4:07 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Out of my BIG todo list, there s net enough stuff going right to make me feel content with myself. and that sucks. Altough I'm working to get it alright, one thing at the time.
Only fools expect the horizon to bring better tides (what a sentence.. a horizon bringing tides.. thats so mashed up I wont even correct it - lol)
In lighter news.. Im going for some WFRP tomorrow - that ll be a happy meeting of some old friends! and I'm INCREDIBLY curious about an unimaginably cool looking game called Tannhäuser! Check it out at the geek!
& at least im back to linux :)
Ubuntu keeps on amazing me tough there s been some rough edges too. Looking forward to the Ghastly Gabbon - lol - make that "Gutsy Gibbon" :) Updates tomorrow!! (Hot Damn)
Posted by
2:05 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The two old croonies were late
and now I'm stressing to depart for work.. aarghl
They look like two sweet ladies though! I'm going to ttry & stay on their good side tough.. considering what I heard from those people who lived here before us.. :/
I also learnt that before those people, there lived an old lady here who afterwards moved to Paris.. Paris is nice :) I wouldnt mind Paris - LOL
Posted by
2:56 PM
Beneath a Steel Sky
They dont make em like that anymore.. partly because they simply dont make them at all.. period.. Thank the Tao for ScummVM :)
Another great invention of that age & time is UHS - Get trough those pesky situations without ruining the game..
PCs pumping data. Dividing them over my old & new disk. I'll have space soon :) About time! & then I can reorganise whats on my desktop .. and should have been on my serv!
And now its off to bed :)
Posted by
1:51 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Flip Kowlier
We went to see Flip Kowlier yesterday! Great fun :)
I really love some of his new songs like .. Onder nen buom
and who doesnt love his newest song.. DonderdagNacht (Shelli.. DO watch this, I want your reaction to this :))
Anywho, I finally bought some of his stuff.. some, like all 3 of his cds and a TShirt :) about time, I really love what he does!
And Im incredibly happy I finally saw him perform live!! I even considered going to see his concert a second time & by god, if he d have a second gig @ gent, I would :)
And ofcourse, I was incredibly thrilled to finally see Smetvrjis live :)
For all you english speaking folks.. you probably wont get it.. but thats because its mostly about the lyrics.. 3/4 of belgium doesnt get it either :) because its sung in a near uncomprehendable dialect :) Not mine either, but I listened to these songs for hours & figured them out :)
Anywho.. Im incredibly happy I finally saw Flip live!
Posted by
3:27 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Someone should tell my teacher that its "child & children". And that there is no "s" anywhere in there.. So Certainly no such thing as "CHILDRENS"
Posted by
11:26 AM
According to the "De Standaard - Belgometer" Test
I'm 56% Unionist when it comes to belgium & the current day politics
.. and thats probably about right.
Posted by
11:06 AM
I just worked some for work.. and I was about to log in (I actually turned on the noisy serv to get my files - and yes its still noisy even tough I have the part I need to solve it.. Time o sweet time :/) when I realised it wouldnt work since linux doesnt take kindly to putty s port forwarding efforts.. And I dont immediately remember how to fix it, so.. :s I'll work some more on the gen I guess.
Ubuntu.. when the amazement wears off..
* I knew this but I had forgotten.. but - I actually managed to buy an eleeet DVD writer that Does NOT work decently under linux! Again .. Annoying! I dont know what I ll do to solve that. I wrote a cd earlier today & damn.. I dont know exactly HOW it worked, but it did & im just happy about that :/ The fracker freaks on reading the simplest cd. At first I was scared it was a juice problem.. but reading up on my sleek Plextor PX-716al .. its nothing more nor less than a plextor problem :(
I'm tired :(
The next day .. Edit - I remember now.. Programs (running under normal users) arent allowed to hijack ports like that. "sudo" should solve that! And also, I kinda remember writing a script on Kabouter to mount those ports there so I can use him to get to the work servs. ALSO.. I should configure it so I can project those ports on another IP than the one kabouter is using; thus effectivly creating a VPN :) Also; I cant mount p80 to p80 on kabouter since he s already running a webserv.. So one adress with p80; all the individual ssh & the SVN ports. That d be about it.. oh wait, no, the SMB ports too.. This being said, maybe I should have acces to the webserv smb go over the fileserv smb.. An idea I've considered many times before .. but just wont cut it!
.. Or maybe I should just install a VPN :/ Dont think so though.. I still feel we dont neeeed no stiiinkiiiiiin VPN :)
Its still a pitty I cant connect to kabouter from any outside location. Maybe I should get myself a fixed IP.. Or maybe telenet should stop acting like AaarseHooooles :)
Posted by
1:42 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
An incredibly funny "unordered list of thoughts"
Funny :D
got it trough someone's twitter. No need mentioning whose. (I ONLY KNOW ONE PERSON WHO USES THAT CRAP!!!! :) And he s mildly entertaining sometimes, while we re at it.)
anywho, fun :)
Posted by
9:20 AM
Toilet Trained Cat Doing Number 2
I really need to get Carouso to do this :)
He s already got a healthy interest in the toilet.. with the water n all.. so thats a plus :)
Preferably without the falling in afterwards ofcourse :p
Posted by
12:41 AM
Beatrix, Hula Hoop Gipsy Music
God, there s a whole hula hoop community thing going on out there.. its amazing
a new world opening up, I wont ever be able to look upon that mundane toy as I did before
The fact that both of them are young, thin and attractive probably helps the sexyness potential too :)
The hoop also gives the whole dance an extra dynamic that looks real cool :) Girls should do this at dancings :) Should be funny too.. hitting people in the face n all..:)
Posted by
12:07 AM
Hula Hooping @ The Gathering
I never thought hula hooping could be sexy.. apparently I was mistaking :)
Posted by
12:03 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
oppinion on the dreadlock technique of putting your lock trough a hole in the base to tighten them towards your scalp..
oh god..
The method described is indeed a well accepted and tried method, practiced by many people with dreadlocks. This is however NOT and I repeat NOT a good idea!
This method is for people who dont have enough patience and faith in their hair to just wait it out. Your hair will dread of itself, without any help if you just wait it out. The first 2cm (about an inch) of hair starting form your scalp wont look like dreadlock, but thats normal, it will tighten as it grows. Just wait it out & dont panic. Dreadlocks are all about patience!
Why not use this method? Because your dreadlocks wont be as nice and even as they would be if you do wait. I used this method some years ago on 2 locks and I can still feel and see where I did. The loop that formed there restricted the natural locking of the hair, which prevented that part of my dreadlock from decently forming and tightening.
While there are people who use this method throughout their dreadlocks life, those dreadlocks will look and feel less nice and less dready compared to anyones dreads who doesnt!
I advise Everyone against using this technique!
I really miss a community driven site about locks. I might start one myself soon. There s too much bull around and some community (and i mean wiki bc a forum is nice, but its not a knowledge base..) action would do well. im thinking history, techniques, maintenance, .. All the shit on one site.. available and searchable!
Posted by
11:17 PM
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (Woodstock 1969)
White Rabbit.. White Rabbit!!!!!!
You go chasing rabbits..
Posted by
10:25 PM
Tori Amos: I Don't Like Mondays
Great cover!
Its a great song, covered by an amazing artist.. Simply beautiful :)
But I really love what Tori Amos does :)
Posted by
10:12 PM
its weird
& its weird that I think it is.
but I really need a VMed windows running. I kinda counted on that. At least I can enjoy the media! Another problem is that I prefer E over the usual WMs.. ATM its standard Gnome & thats just not me :s
I'll do a lot of frackin it during the next few weeks :)
Posted by
1:25 AM
getting to know ubuntu..
Wine s still disappointing though!
Posted by
1:02 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Linux Update
I just reinstalled on a bigger disk. I like this a lot & I want it to stay, so bigger it is! & it feels right :)
Install was uneventfull
VMware installed ok n all
but it wont boot my windows partition .. yet :)
Posted by
11:17 PM
Synergy works
VMs for later
& I need more HD.. 6gb is close :/
now sleep, tomorrow more junk :)
Posted by
1:18 AM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I am Amazed!
I just installed Ubuntu & .. Hot damn!
I did have some problems.. Error 21 @ grub & not that much help anywhere. Luckilly its not my first Linux install ;) Otherwise this would have been nasty. My HD wasnt configured in the bios so grub couldnt boot from it, .. Pitty this wasnt detected; then again - it IS an exception
Anywho, I booted & kicked it off.. Hot damn! Its amazing. I wasnt expecting to even like ubuntu, but this is great! Linux might finally be Desktop Ready!!
I tried some distros last year on viona & they all failed most spectacularly! There were several fail points & I was preparing an interesting post about it, but thats SO dated by now, I wont even finish it for the sake of..
Anywho, one of the problems I found was to be the media codex.. This was actually the worst. People want to surf those dirty sites with videos that scream at you & that was A PROBLEM.
Ubuntu, today, automatically installed all the codecs and plugins I needed! With a few clicks (yes, yes, yes) everything was solved.
I Am Impressed!
And now that we ve tested the audio & video capabilities (I use my comp as a jukebox so audio is extremely important!) we re moving on to the more advanced stuffs :) I dont expect problems in everyday use; but im not sure what it ll do once I need VMware n all :) I might break this! lol
& next :) is installing it at work - lol
tough I probably wont :( no time for OS preferences, too much other stuffs to do! Yet i would prefer linux! with a virtual windows of course :)
Oh & this new series of survivers is SUPER EVIL!!!!!!! Im REALLY looking forward to watching! 100 ppl on an island - its bound to raise hell :)
Im pondering the plan to get my life back on track.. this is good! more soon :)
Posted by
11:43 PM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
At this last feedback I actually saw what I feared had happened.
Some of the questions were incredibly dubious in wording. I remember doubting but not asking what of the 3 possible scopes the question was asking for. Sadly enough, the question was so badly formulated, that asking about its meaning would on itself be immensely insulting for the person who made it. (I cant express how disgracefully I felt the question was formulated. I felt bad as if it d have been my work!) So I chose not to ask anything & answer the question as I hoped it would be.. & was wrong!
Its incredibly sad how BAD some of these exams are made up! I'm obviously expecting too much when I hope for competently made exams and courses. (Check that post I did some days ago)
GOD I hate school!
anywho, I shouldnt mind those frackers as much as I do.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Friday, October 05, 2007
Flip Kowlier
We re going to see Flip Kowlier next Friday in Gent.. Viona doesnt know yet, but .. im sure she ll appreciate me buying us a concert :) Or at least I hope so :p lol
tickets ll arive soon
& im looking forward to it
Work & school are heavy. I had an annoying mail problem today. It taught me to check up more on my colleagues. I really dont like what happened, but we re resending it, so it ll be alright. Still it bothers me
RoD meeting tonight was alright
I always feel like we dont have enough time. I need LONGER meetings - lol
& now im tired. This is the heaviest day of the week to me. Im at no place longer than 3 hours & as a matter of fact, most of the time its barely 2 hours! Its tiresome
So off to bed for me :)
Posted by
12:00 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I now FULLY remember
why I hate going to practical classes!
* The crap they give us doesnt work
* The PCs are too protected to make it work
* Teachers are simply not prepared to deal with this kind of problems
Its agonising!
I am here to LEARN stuffs
not to try & solve their SHIT
Posted by
11:25 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
After his 12th cup,
there wasnt much more left of him than a coffee induced rage at everything and anything round and about him
He's a difficult person te be around when he s in the depths of a near caffeine poisoning.
Posted by
3:51 PM
I desperately need that new hardware
Nothing fancy, a new power suply!
I wanted to get some work done tonight, but since I can hardly boot my pc, I cant login since my files are on there!
Carouso is incredibly cute :) He s sleeping on my arm as I type :)
Im happy the new seasons have started! Finally the story continues on Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica & Lost! (tough we re not expecting a lot of story in Losts case! They kinda .. lost .. the whole story)
Posted by
1:00 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Its quite the thrill
to discover that a config file you wrote is 11 pages long!!!
Posted by
10:06 AM
I really NEED a power suply for my server! Its making this utterly sickening sound. Instant headache! All sorts of high pitched shit.. hell!
& I'll get myself that new HD ive been needing too. I cant wait any longer. I need 1 terra extra. at least. Tough 300gb will probably have to do for now. :/
Posted by
12:41 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I really need to get an efficient morning routine going!
Efficient, fast, ..
Posted by
9:29 AM
Im trading Flicr for Picasa
that "Yahoo user" stuff was too much
then again.. I just realized I DO have a yahoo account too.. Maybe I should.. (edit: I did.. whatever)
picasa works ok.. The software itself leaves certain points of improvement tough!
im tired
shouldnt be, slept most of the weekend
yet I am..
So im off to bed.. I guess..
Carouso is gettin Bigger n Bigger! Its starting to show he s a coon! He sbarely 15 weeks (or so) & he s the size of a normal cat! & he ll only be fully grown when he s 2!! amazing :)
Posted by
12:42 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
seriously NEVER gets any easier!
im starting to feel like a fool for expecting things to calm down one day soon.
Posted by
11:38 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
The simple things..
Im listening to Just Great Jazz Songs & I just had an honest amount of whisky. (Lagavulin)
Posted by
10:49 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Whats that about Life, Lemons & Lemonade?
Ive got loads of lemons.. All I need now is a recipy for lemonade to make it worth while..
Latest shit?
* Cat chewed trough the Wii Sensor Bar Cord.. And its NOT my wii! Thank god for candles (they can replace the sensor bar :s and its cozy too :)) Yet how will I explain this. & even worse.. she installed it & while she was doing it I said "put it on the dvd player, its safer there" & she didnt feel I was right.. & .. my fears..
* I bought an evil looking book at Fnac.. something insane & funny to elevate my mood.. Guess what. "Skulduggery Pleasant" turns out to be A CHILDRENS BOOK! No sing at all, till you read the first page inside the book. I checked for ANY mention on the cover or whatever.. none!
The cover says "Skulduggery Pleasant; wise cracking detective, powerful magician, master of dirty tricks and burglary (in the name of the greater good, of course), oh yeah, and dead!" .. sounds ok, no? i was expecting utter crazyness.. I mean the book has orange sides!
A children's book! Im going to read it too! I payed a good €11 for it! - edit: good book tough.. Children's book, but entertaining.. I probably wont collect the series tough!
Up side, we turned on the heating & its bliss!
another year in school :( well.. 5 months.. and im going to work my arse off.. but ... ..... :/
Posted by
9:21 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I failed
all my exams.. all four
School kicks me in the nuts again & this time a lot of other people who counted on me..
& dont get me wrong here.. There s no doubt, I owe it all to myself!
This is the stuff that breaks a man - luckilly I have a strong mental back
Posted by
5:09 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I buried a friend today
I dont like people reading this, so do me a favor.. dont!
The burying is a figure of speech of course.. but this last meeting was some kind of a goodbye to me. Things will never be the same. It was a good thing that will never be the same again. It ll be different. Not worse, mind you.. the time had come for some of us. But the fact of the matter is that the "us" is no longer as it was before.
Its a new era of sorts.
I had dreams & hopes for the "us" that went out of existence today.. people returning, things getting solved. A grand unified thing of ours ;) But thats no longer a possibility. Things have changed & the potential for shit has slightly grown. Those remaining had plans. We settled things, but now the rules have changed & the earlier talks have become obsolete. We need new plans, because some of the things that transpired today were not within the realm of working possibilities.
SO I am sad. This was my goodbye to something I really cared about & .. on to the new form. I'm really sad I had to miss what I did because of those exams. That will have been the last time that school screws up my life if all goes well.. and it went out with a BANG! It hurt. Ofcourse my school goals could screw me even more, for the whole year to come, but.. I cant think about that too much. I heard some nice words today, coming from someone I dearly appreciate.. I shouldnt worry so much according to him.. well, I do :/
anywho, I look forward to the new form. but Ill miss the old one.
& Ill miss certain people too.
Carouso says "trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" (walking over a keyboard is so much fun.. apparently..)
Anywho, I have some problems to solve & then Im off to bed.. Im beat! & I have some heavy days in front of me..
today I realize that too many people know of this blog, partly defying its purpose. I cant put all the names in here, because they re just too personal.. I'll have to address this problem soon. But not until I know for sure which track my life will be on for the next 12 months! There s so many things that depend on that track. I look forward to finally relaxing! Its really time for me to finally Relax. The battle has been fought, I don't think I can take another year of it. I will if I have to! But .. im tired! I need some rest. & I deserve some rest. I didn't give up, and god only knows I've had my reasons!
& now ive interwoven so much different topics even I wont know whats who n all.
that doesn't matter. This is a blog for writing, not for reading.
Posted by
11:36 PM
I ve been linked.. what an honour :) Not too many people carry this link.. to those, thank you :)
Posted by
11:30 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
RoD site revamped
I finally got to re-skinning the RoD site.. It needed to happen for a long time now!
I finally gave up waiting for all those people that promised me to make custom graphics! I waited for well over a year & .. well .. fuck em all! Its just too sad
So now I put that skin up I found a year ago (!!) & I'm modifying it myself to better suit the needs. Most important mod so far.. the graphics :)
& WHY did I get around to do this? bc the site needed more disk space & I started a nice big cleaning op!
& now its off to bed for me
I'm a bit off right now. Those exams really drained me. Pure stress for more than a month.. I'll be glad when it ll finally be weekend. FINALLY some RnR! :/
Posted by
1:03 AM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The Kabouter is Finally back
I finally got my server up & running!
Quite simple really
stoopid service got confused & it actually sorted it out almost on its own..
Anywho, its better now & I no longer have to miss my beloved Ampache!
Ooh & I'll be the proud owner of a Wii soon!!!! After I get the results of my exams tough.. Wait for it.. Waaiiiit for it.. !! :)
& for those interested .. im listening to beethoven right now.. sooothing music as they say :) I should really load up my ipod soon.. I could really appreciate stuffs like this during the day! & Jazz & Rock & ................. :)
& I think one chapter a day of .. for example the great "Phantom of the Opera" musical, might greatly ease my ride to work!
& you see those last x posts? those small ones? Annoying no? Twittering trough blogger! kbleh!
I might appreciate a blogger T-Shirt with "Twitter, Blogging for Twits" on the front & the orangy B logo on the back :) hhe (ps. this idea stays MINE, so if you steal it, at least send me some copies :D hhe)
Posted by
12:16 AM
Monday, September 03, 2007
Someone was FINALLY able to tell me WHEN I'll know about my exams
Proclamation - 13th
Feedback - 14th!
Hell Weeks!
Im glad I finally found out. its quite stupid to have to explain over & over to people you dont have a clue when the results will be out. .. then again.. next 2 weeks will be tough any way! *sigh*
Posted by
1:07 AM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Missing my webserv is starting to become
a real problem!
Im using my backup wiki at the moment, but, im tired of not having all the info I need! grr!
Posted by
8:38 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I am unbelievably sad
for having missed this monumental RoD 13.. Things will never be the same again. We'll miss you, guys! Its a sad sad day.
Its a needed sacrifice to succeed @ school, but this doesnt make it any easier! Ive given up a lot for this diploma.. But this might be the hardest yet.
Ive just missed the parting weekend of 10 good friends, 10 people of the RoD family. It already hurt when I had to leave after dropping mini off, seeing so much people arrive, people I d have liked to talk to again.
Its only now; now that its truely over, that I feel the loss!
Goddamned, that exam on monday d better be 16+ (/20) in grades or it ll hurt even more!
side note.. carouso is acting like A Dream :)
Posted by
2:23 PM
Friday, August 31, 2007
Fuck It
I HAVE to finish this
yet i'm too tired to think straight :/
I'll have to give myself a time constraint & .. act accordingly
The Greatful Dead are Funny
Posted by
3:57 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
im so tired of exams
I really need to rid myself of that shit permanently!
I need time to do some personal projects & with all these exam shit, .. Its good I can ignore the urges though! Getting side tracked by one of these lil projects would be disastrous!
Posted by
6:27 PM
Working is more fun than studying
I had a go at some new ringtones for my cell.. some of them worked out alright :) (a go sounds too big for 15m o clicking around..)
I got Sam onto reading Modblog today :)
off to bed now :)
Carouso is getting used to it all :) He s great! Active lil bugger tough. hehe! Lots of stuff to do around the house. A real adventure :)
Cant wait for him to get all big n stuffs
& Mini found her BDay present.. Ive had it in the house for some days now but she didnt know.. then she stumbled upon it.. what can I say :) Had some fun for some days tough.. "Oh hunney, I forgot.. I'll have to ask my boss if I can stop a lil earlier to get your gift.. im sorry" n all :) She still doesnt know which color I got her.. (its a purse she wanted) so there s at least SOME degree of SURPRISE involved. Tough the real surprise really was today when she found it :)
Posted by
12:58 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Carouso :)
Carouso is SUPER :) My cell isnt tough :s hence the crap pictures.. (older & bigger pictures @ the link.. tnx to the Great people at the borntolove cattery!)
Helping with the bed..
Inspecting the dirty bed stuff..
& here he s eating :) Check the length of his tail!! Its longer than his body!!
He's 2,6 kg right now. A normal cat of 14 weeks weighs about 1.4 kg.. He s already Big :) & he ll only get BIGGER! Amazing Paws & HUGE ears :) Cool Cat!
He s still slightly clumsy tough :s he just jumped against the table instead of onto it. That looked painfull :/
Another great thing.. He TALKS! :) He s got about 20 different sounds & talks to us :) Its great!!! Amazing!!!!! :)
Viona 's happy like a lil kid!
& this is Yoshi, My in-law's dog, who lived with us for 3 weeks..
I like cats better :s
& now off to bed coz its working day tomorrow & I'll have to get used to the normal hours again.. Studying still works best @ the usual nocturnal hours :)
Posted by
1:25 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Carouso & Lynx
Carouso has arrived :)
& he s a wee sweet cat!!
I just had a try at lynx & .. its quite alright! I wont be dropping FireFox over it, but when in need of a text browser, it certainly does the job :) Amazing how bad some sites are structured. Lynx gives all that away!
I just discovered my brother is in the peloponesos this week. Till Friday! & they can see the fires from where they 're staying. They re not in any danger though! they re on the other side of a bay from the fire & they have acces to the airport, so no danger.
Carouso is funking up the bureau & checking out the keyboards, screens and speakers. & the printer :) cats = fun & Maine Coons even more :) The whole dog experience, the last 3 weeks.. I'm just not social enough to live with an animal that demands such amounts of attention! Carouso is great fun though :) Im curious to see if he d jump in while im in the shower :D
Posted by
8:52 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Truth
The awfull & uncomfortable truth of the matter is..
I want a lot of stuff
* Nintendo Wii + Games (€250 + 60*x)
* Polar AXN 500 (€350)
* Nokia n800 (€400)
* Snowboard Trips
* Snowboard Gear (Pants, Gloves, ..)
* DS Games
* Board Games
* New Computer
* Uncountable amount of books
* Several new HD's
* ..
Expensive stuff!
And I NEED a lot of other stuff
* New Vacuum
* New Microwave oven
* A Washing machine
* Save (youknow.. having money to sit in the bank, not spend it)
* A new HardDisk
* ..
Not to mention The Bills
* Internet
* House
* Phones
* Water, Gas, Electricity, ..
* ..
& to be honest..
I probably (Probably???) dont earn enough to get all that Right Now! Almost Nobody earns enough to get all that right now! (well, nobody actually with the exception of some stars n all) So that leaves me with a quite common yet dreadful problem..
I cant Immediately buy everything I want :)
This wasnt a problem in the past.. Those expensive things were utterly beyond my reach, so I didnt even think of buying them.. Now on the other hand, I have to realise they re still out of reach :) But typing this is a long way toward realizing, so .. well, I guess all is better again..
I'll be making a NEW list (& checking it twice) of "I WANT's" soon.. :) & the first thing to go will probably be that Nokia n800..
Back to studying :)
Posted by
8:04 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Polar AXN500
I need this watch!
Outdoor Sports Stuffs Watch.. Cool!
The alto stuff ll do great for snowboarding trips
The compass will aide me in any Hunt or Survives to come
& the Heart meter will do wonders for my health! Its actually what I look forward to most of all! Being able to track my heart rate & train accordingly!!
My cardial state seems to be alright, but still.. Training to keep it up is ever important. Also, it ll enable me to run again.. Im terrible at keeping pace, but if my watch monitors my heart rate, I can strive to train at a certain rate! (you know, 180 or something unrealistically high :D) Tough my current heart rate under exercise isnt that bad at all! quite low really :) hihi
Posted by
9:26 PM
Im so tired of it all..
Last exams starting tomorrow.. 5 to go..
Posted by
3:09 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Dominic Chianese speaks about last Sopranos episode
Posted by
10:34 PM
I have to say.. Its quite hard at times to keep the civility towards my peers when they fail to do me that very courtesy.
Some people seem to feel compelled to judge others unhindered by any facts or even right to do so.
How annoying!
Posted by
2:20 PM
Exams Suck!
Id rather be working.. Its a lot more fun & rewarding!
Soon, soon!
Ps. Check Cheops for some great BBC Radio Dramas n all! Funny Shit :) Do check out Terry Pratchet, though there are better stories than "Only You Can Save Mankind" Radio Drama stuffs rule :)
Posted by
2:58 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Joga with Maya
I just finished 15m of Yoga with Maya..
I really value this program! This really helps me to keep healthy & ache free!
I really hope they make a Wii version using the Balance board!! & maybe even the controllers in some innovative way! (innovative, not clumsy)
Posted by
11:36 PM
Xming X Server for Windows
Whow, this is THE answer to a lot of my frustrations! (and probably the source too once I start trying to make it work!! A quick look reveals it to be near impossible to get X running on my setup without manual xorg configuring :s *sigh* headaches!)
Studying is going well.. Slow but i'm quite immersed in it all, so thats good!
Posted by
8:59 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Another Widget
Everyone has widgets.. We should get a widget! No clue where & with what, but.. Widget is the way to go! .. Widget sites.. "We-d-get whatever ya want" lol
Posted by
7:38 PM
Stretches to Prevent Hip and Pain and Injury
This one s for you, mini..
Posted by
1:23 AM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Modblog @ Humo
Im not going to translate, suffice to say, they re shocked :)
I really dont like reading Humo & .. well .. this didnt help :D then again, Knack wouldnt even be that positive!
Edit: Oh god.. I just discovered they didnt link to modblog itself, but to the scarification gallery.. lots of blood = cheap shock value :( They re even sadder that I thought at first!
Posted by
9:57 PM
Listening to Nine Lives..
Its a pitty I had to miss them at Graspop :( Would have liked to see them
The rice machine is acting up :s
Posted by
7:36 PM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Thats not enough to qualify for genocide, is it.. probably only Mass Murder
Wiki - Mass murder
Mass murder (massacre) is the act of murdering a large number of people, typically at the same time, or over a relatively short period of time. Mass murder may be committed by individuals or organizations.
Wiki - Genocide
any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
.. Mass murder is out (snails arent people) tough genocide does.. I have intent to destroy, in part, a racial group.. All snails living around and entering My Yard!!
Also.. I went to the Delhaize @ de Sterre in Gent..
This is what I shal from now on call.. a Social Supermarket. I Have NEVER waited so long at the register.. Outrageous!! Its obviously all about the Social Experience! By God.. And all that waiting just to get 2 bottles of anti snail Jupiler (total of 1 liter - Yeah!) a 4-pack of Kriek Mystique and some nectarines :)
Posted by
6:32 PM
the plan is underway.. Beer + Containers + Slugs.. Genocide!
Lets just hope they all nicely die. And I mean .. AAALLLLLL
I dont need those lil buggers sliming up my terrace & even less eating my expensive plants!! (not That expensive, .. whatever) I forgot the name again.. nice plant tough. Maybe Tomorrow :p .. nice tree!
edit: Salix integra or Hakuro-nishiki. Wiki says "its a species of willow native to Japan and Korea." Its leaves are pink sometimes
Posted by
1:01 AM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Something annoying happened last week
at work..
I was experimenting with software.. We use .. pdfcreator (nice stuff) & I heard you can merge documents with it. I didnt know how, so I took 5 minutes to figure that out. For some reason I chose some personal documents to try it (The war of the ring manual & FAQ) I figured merging those two, (the later into the former & not just at the end) would be nice. Also, I wanted to print it, so I uploaded it. Ready to print B&W once I got the whole IT infrastructure up @ home.. Now, some time in this process.. I selected a wrong printer and clicked around some in the interface.. Sadly enough.. I seem to have printed instead of canceling..
The positive thing here :) is that I now have an Extremely pretty print of the rules & FAQ. Stapled n all.. The downside on the other hand.. is that I discovered this error when our boss asked me not to print personal, uber colorful stuff like that on the expensive printer. This puts me in a position I dont want to be.. I dont do stuff like that & if need be, Id at least ask first.. I hate that it makes me look bad, certainly because I was unaware that I printed it.. It d be different if I DID do it on purpuse.. & I was So bedazzled when he confronted me about it.. I REALLY didnt understand how that document I had experimented with (the evening before none the less) ended up printed n all on my desk.. I REALLY did not get it! Ofcourse this was not how it looked.. Its a pitty.. & I cant go cry about it either, because that d just be sad.. Sad in a "Just admit you tried to exploit the company" kinda way.. On the other hand.. I dont think my boss cared THAT much, so I'll survive. Still.. The whole thing bothers me! Yet, I now have a nice print :) Recto verso, great quality, .. Yeah :)
Yet I feel at ease.. Its been a long while since I really felt at ease. I feel relaxed & thats .. new! probably because of all the space we have now.. Much less stress. Probably also because I can now sit in an easy chair, relax, .. Provided VDAB pays me soon.. life is good. Finally. I waited quite some years to write this.. Ive written it before, but this time is different (as were all the other times, ...)
I even watched some startrek while unpacking
Another some boxes unpacked.. yaay.. Books are now on the shelves.. They fill a mere 1/3th of them, but .. once we both get our libraries over.. We'll need an extra bookcase then :) hehe
& we bought some amazing plants.. Since I immediately forgot the names, I cant post that right now, maybe later
& now, back to rnr & unpacking..
Posted by
9:56 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
First post from our new casa..
Feels good :)
stuffs to tell tough..
Posted by
11:17 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Last Post
from Nederkouter, Next stop.. Onafhankelijkheidslaan :)
Its weird to spend our last night here.. It REALLY is.. It feels like we barely lived here.. On the other hand.. Its TIME to move; we need SPACE!!!!!
.. I'll be HAPPY when we finally get this over with, the whole moving shite ..
Sleep Now :s
Posted by
1:30 AM
if there s anything they should make The Next Movie thing off.. I d just LOVE to see that movie
Posted by
1:13 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Lucas Arts & MS.. A rant I guess :s
Whats wrong with lucasarts!!! These assholes started as an r&d departement for videogames, they have some of the greatest licences around & all they come up with is unimaginative dreck! Lego Indiana Jones? Lego StarWars? ??? 1 of those.. as a gimmick.. to hand out with .. lego crap.. (because whats with lego.. they used to be so great.. big ships & all, BIGGER ships & Even More HUGE stuff.. as opposed to now, they seem to have a Small Is Beautiful thing going) And MORE starwars stuff
They were the guys behind great games like "The Digg", "Maniac Mansion", "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders", "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", "The Secret of Monkey Island", "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge", "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis", "Day of the Tentacle", "Sam & Max", "Full Throtle", ..... Games I still enjoy playing today!
hehe.. memorable adventure games.. I liked "toonstruck" (hehehe - that one was extremely fun) & "under a killing mood" a lot too..
.. ah & QFG4. Possibly the Best quest I played.. I just LOVE the whole atmosphere.. gypsies, vampires, the whole ravenlofty - barovian, Slavic folklore/Eastern European folklore atmosphere.. Yeah!
Anywho, im dissapointed @ LucasArts!
/. has in article Microsoft Reinvents Bittorrent
in short.. "Microsoft has a new Secure Content Downloader tool that sounds an awful lot like a Bittorrent clone. ... If this test goes well, Microsoft will probably start using MSCD for all their large downloads. How do you feel about subsidizing Microsoft's bandwidth costs?"
in short; the answer
* I dont mind torrents for stuff I like, but MS updates? They re not worth it. We pay enough to those vampires for our software.. Id like a normal download please! Or any company for that matter tough I can forgive Blizzard where I wont MS. It WILL keep me from downloading some blizzard content which is really their loss (advertising) & not mine!
* MS has the policy of shoving stuff like that trough unknowing people's throats.. No Alternatives.. I dont like that either..
So no thank you.. I dont feel like helping MS at this point.. Its bad enough I have to endure trough some of their software (like FFin Outlook 200X - aarghl)
Sleep now
Posted by
2:40 AM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
it irks me that I cant get on DevArt!
It Annoys me even MORE that I dont have a clue as to Why!
I figured out what the problem is (down to 2 options - both far beyond my control), just not Why it exists..
Posted by
12:00 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
For those wondering what the consequences of irrealistically drawn manga women would be? This is, I guess, what happens.. A real life manga doll, with all the exact (and highly unrealistic) measures!
Posted by
11:47 AM
Eye OS
How novel.. indeed
The Web-OS everyone likes talking about so much V0.0...0.1 It works.. quite ok (not smoothely tough) I'm using the web version to type this.. and Ive still got lots of questions!
Sucky chess version (I won in .. 17 moves? And I even had to "slay" his king before it said "checkmate" :s) but then again, if we d have to rate OSes by the quality of their included chess version.. Windows doesnt even have chess! (probably something about their demographic) Goes to show..
I'll probably try the download tough.. Just to make sure I aint missing anything.. although I'm quite confident I'm not!
Posted by
3:05 AM
Roby Lakatos - Deux Guitares
Oh My!! I touroughly enjoyed this!!! I cant wait to see Roby Lakatos at Night of the Proms 2007 :D
& Soulsister!!!! Oh & Macy Gray too..
Everyone & their dog has to go to NotP this year or they re simply WRONG!
Posted by
2:09 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
My working heart rate nicely dropped over the last weeks.. Amazing really! about 25 bpm (158 -> 132) less than last week.. Quite amazing really!
My weight on the other hand.. I was quite off in my guess last time & .. lets just stay that I'm a bit heavier than I guessed :p
& also.. :s & this really bothers me.. I'm 5"9' or something alike.. I think thats not what I put up there when I made the profile.. & I cant change it now without renewing my profile.. & I dont wanna do that since its finally up to par! I think I put 5"4 or something like that.. I distinctly remember being disappointed to be so average in height that the program almost guessed it right :/
Anywho, time for sleep coz tomorrow is an important day.. I have to Study! yaay :s
Posted by
1:39 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Leterme confond Brabançonne et Marseillaise...
Pour que je ne le perd pas de nouveau..
this is quite outrageous.. Our probably next prime minister doesnt know our national anthem.. Instead he sings the FRENCH anthem!!! Amazing!
Posted by
10:00 PM
I just went all soft inside. I had a flash of Snowboard memories, last year, the snow, the atmosphere, .. Daamn. The fever is back :) I wont be able to wait till the end of the season!! I'll just DIE if I have to wait THAT long!! :/
hmm.. The morning we arrived.. Getting ready for the first big day, the expectation, ..... hmmmmmmm... I need to go snowboarding SOON :D
Maya's got me hurting.. It took her 6 workouts in 7 days, lots of "make it harder for me, some weight loss exercises & a lot of cardio exercises, but right now.. Im hurtin!
And the first test is coming up.. tonight.. Im curious how I'll put up.. ... I hardly expect Any change!
Posted by
12:35 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Conan - Artie Lange
Oh yeah - I agree.. The sopranos ending.. The darkness of dying .. n all .. yeah!
super :)
Im having youtube days :)
Posted by
3:41 PM
foo fighters - learn to fly
Super Song!!
Testing the YouTube - Blogger synergy here
Posted by
2:00 AM
Youtube Roadrunner Channel
Super! & lots of "cookie monster vocals" - I just LOVE this description for Grunts :D
Devildriver - I Could Care Less
Opeth - The Grand Conjuration
Hatebreed - To The Treshold
Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots
Sepultura - Ratamahatta
Biohazard - Punishment
.. Gotta love the internet's Evolution! I wonder whats next.. More streaming whatever undoubtably.. & webapps.. maybe even a web OS? A revolution to Thin Clients in the homes? I certainly hope not.. Altough I already use a lot of web apps.. & the only reason I use Thunderbird for example is that I cant find a decent web version to install on my server
Maya rules.. Yourself!Fitness really makes me feel fine
I'm studying for them exams, coming up soon
& I'm off to bed now :)
Posted by
1:25 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Will It Blend
THE best Blender commercial EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great :)
Do watch the iphone, the magnets, the glowsticks, the rake handle, the marbles, .............. :) Great!!!!
Posted by
4:03 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
YouTube - Human Tetris II
This game looks Super Great :D I wanna try :D
Posted by
10:58 PM
I slept more than usual
& I feel worse..
Also.. twitter
one can twitter trough blogger.. (email the messages in, most cell phones can send emails) It just feels stupid to post such short blog posts.. (Ill have to try it tough.. did it once & it worked, but Proximus changed their service a bit.. they now send unwanted Junk too :/ Its possible it wont work anymore!)
Yourself!Fitness works miracles.. Amazing software!!
Posted by
8:05 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Timeline of notable computer viruses and worms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I cant help somehow loving the idea of old Computer virii.. I feel old typing this, but.. I lived with them buggers from early childhood (again, COMPUTER virusses) and.. :) they were so good compared to most of whats around now..
yeah :)
Posted by
9:09 PM
intitle:"index.of" (mp3) Artist
Creative with Google :)
Its amazing, but it works.. Even for weird stuff. Its amazingly simple!
So whats the consequence? They cant go leaning on google for what people put online.. So if they want to take this down, they ll probably have to write each and every site owner in separate!
Depending on how much this picks up within the comunity, this might just stir up an exciting & extremely funny Security trend!
*Read this in about an hour*
So you had your fun? messing around in what other people thought hidden.. (security trough obscurity is Never a good idea!) and now the other part of the bargain kicks in.. You re opening All your webspace to find that stuff you just put online but didn't plan on anyone downloading except that one friend you gave the url to.. Because; how d those Other people find out about that url?? hehe - think again :)
resourceful guy, who put 1 & 1 together :)
Posted by
7:02 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Gotta Love Rockstar :) If it didnt involve an international phonecall (Ive got other people to call before calling WKTT), Id be too busy to write this because Id be screaming my lungs out in Pure Anger :)
Genious Idea, Im looking forward to how this turns out in GTA IV!!!!!
Posted by
7:28 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Some Random Phone Pictures
Trying to run over a duck using a pedalo boat in Puyenbroek
Tour de France @ Gent.. 8 o clock in the morning
I should REALLY take the time to clean up my desk & paper shite.. REALLY !!!!! REALLLYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
1:43 AM
YouTube - 'Hysterische' Morel klaagt discriminatie VB'ers aan
HYSTERIA - in belgian politics..
Apart from any political background, its just too unbelievably funny to see a person go overboard like That! I think on can even get the comedy without actually understanding dutch!
Posted by
1:13 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Spanish Quest
I ve said it for years & I'll soon have the time to do so.. I'm going to improve my spanish.. I want it to be at least as good as my French is right now.. thats quite well tough not fluent due to lack of use. But reading & thinking are no problem..
Now, this is something Ive said all along, but to be honest.. I actually d like to learn Italian!
Spanish for the obvious reason.. it sounds cool, its a big language in the world, ..
But Italian.. look for an italian song.. listen to it.. & the tell me you havent fallen in love with the way Italian sounds! So I'll probably do my best at mastering Spanish & once that succeeds to a decent level.. I'll learn Italian. Probably :)
I also want to do A LOT of Linux Certifications.. Because there is no reason not to! :) And they re not all that expensive either! All I saw so far (except the RedHat ones - but those are Extremely low on my list..) are below €300.. so thats affordable :)
Posted by
6:30 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Alexandre Dumas - Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Two newest books..
* Le Comte de Monte-Cristo tome 1 un livre de Alexandre Dumas
* Le Comte de Monte-Cristo tome 2 un livre de Alexandre Dumas
Yes.. I'll be reading french the next month or so.. I need to blow that dust off my french & This is THE way :)
But first I'm going to finish "De Keuze" by "Jess Walter" .. probably not that good, but cheap goes a long way :)
& after that I'll probably buy & work my way trough "Spanish for dummies" .. I want to enlarge the base spanish I know right now..
I'll also probably buy some books online too, soon. I want some IT books but the choice in stores is really sad.. Not up to the level I'm looking for..
Posted by
7:49 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Ich muss gar nix - Grossstadtgeflüster
This is an AMAZING song!!! This needs airtime on stubru! NOW
Sooo catchy! & the lyrics sound cool too, tough I'll have to do some closer investigating to really get everything.. My German isnt all that :s
Check out their MySpace (yeah, tough I am against MySpace on principle, I did find them through there.. And I will soon have to admit that MySpace is A LOT better than all those old ASL clones..)
Posted by
8:13 PM
Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3000 Laser
I dont drool on hardware.. but I have to admit, I like this keyboard & mouse
Its the ones I use @ work & .. im actually considering buying them for home use! The keyboard takes a bit getting used to because.. its the same size of a normal keyboard but has less space for the usual buttons due to the extra ones. This means they had to compress the other buttons to fit everything in. So, typing blind, you ll soon type an S instead of a D and a Z instead of an E.. but humans do adjust quickly :D
I'll probably wait to see how the batteries hold out though.. Batteries might be the real dealbreaker here! :s
Update (5m later or so, lol) - Fuck, I just discovered the downside of having a standard and a non standard keyboard.. I just pressed CTRL-Z instead of CTRL-A
.. I feel like starting "Operation Permanent Linux Bliss" !!
Posted by
7:34 PM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
First day at work
Yeah.. finally
It was fun :)
more comming up!
Ooh.. And I have The Comfiest Chair :) yaay!
Now for the story.. Me & the pliers..
Whats so special about these weird looking pliers?
Well, they re specially made to open CBR's..
Captive Bead Rings
From BME Store..
These heavy duty ring openers are made by Industrial Strength and are manufactured from 410 stainless steel and are fully autoclavable. They come in two different sizes. The small openers are suitable for rings up to 4ga and have 4 notches to help prevent scratches when opening the rings.
And since you cant open one of those CBRs without a pair of pliers, I finally got me one. & this is where the story starts actually.. It is Not At ALL easy to open a ring like that! Even with the pliers! But for a whole new reason.. You have to watch out not to bend the ring out of shape!! Then, getting it closed again! Considering you have to aply the exact amount of strength to open it, but not too much as not to bend it.. Because the ball needs the tension to stay put.
An Ordeal!
but it was fun :)
& now time to check TaxOnWeb & get to bed!!
TaxOnWeb update.. that was quite easy & painless.. paper has a lil more oversight.. but this was .. easy :) They actually had most of it filled in already!
Neg side tough.. its IE only *puke* & they Do Not Warn You about that! So after trying to log in using FF & failing, I figured it was probably IE only *puke*
Anywho, its in - yaay
Posted by
12:12 AM
Monday, July 02, 2007
So much stuffs to tell
So little time :s
Anywho.. tomorrow s the first day of the rest of my life :)
My first day at work (hoi Mark :p) It ll be a challenge, thats for sure!
Exciting :) Im wondering what my first day ll look like!
now sleep..
Upcoming if I EVER find the time..
* TaxOnWeb
* My adventure with this
* Movies
* Miami Ink
* Reading (Hobb, Death Note, ..)
* Music
* My Dready plans (ergo the expensive hair treatment..)
* ..
But I might as well never get to telling those stories :) although the picture one is really worth while :D
Posted by
1:18 AM
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Cultuurcentrum Luchtbal - Hof Ter Lo
I didnt go to Graspop this year :( but I did get to see some Great music yesterday!
Earth Crisis - Terror - Sworn Enemy - Walls Of Jericho - No Turning Back - Morda
We didnt see Morda (again)
NTB & Sworn Enemy were OK
Walls of Jericho & Terror were Insane!!!
Earth Crisis was utterly dissapointing (and only partly because their "Vegan Straight Edge" message really doesnt mean much to me..)
Im thinking about Dour, just to see Jericho & Terror again!! But I think I d rather see them in a smaller concert instead of a festival..
Posted by
12:08 AM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Carouso, our Maine Coon..
"The Maine Coon is one of the largest breeds of domestic cat, known for its intelligence and playfulness as well as its distinctive physical appearance."
And we just bought a lil one. He ll stay with his parents for another 8 weeks, but then he s coming to live with us - Cute, no? :)
"Maine Coons are very large and energetic cats, sometimes weighing up to around 11-12 kilograms (25 pounds); the average weight is 6 to 9 kilograms (13-20 pounds) for adult males and less (7-11 pounds) for females."
"Male Maine Coons may grow to a length in excess of 1 meter (40 inches); the longest cat on record is a Maine Coon 121cm (49 inches) in length."
So yeah, He'll grow up to be one large cat.. Given time .. "Maine Coons develop slowly, and don't achieve their full size until they are three to five years old."
cute! :)
(Say hi at his current home if ya want)
Posted by
3:37 AM