Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Im trading Flicr for Picasa

that "Yahoo user" stuff was too much
then again.. I just realized I DO have a yahoo account too.. Maybe I should.. (edit: I did.. whatever)

picasa works ok.. The software itself leaves certain points of improvement tough!

im tired
shouldnt be, slept most of the weekend
yet I am..
So im off to bed.. I guess..

Carouso is gettin Bigger n Bigger! Its starting to show he s a coon! He sbarely 15 weeks (or so) & he s the size of a normal cat! & he ll only be fully grown when he s 2!! amazing :)

1 comment:

Lynx217 said...

i find picasa much more handy though I honestly haven't tried flickr because I come from old yahoo photos. Nothing is perfect though.