Wednesday, August 31, 2005

There s only one thing to do at this foul hour a day

Ik heb net een hele hoop fuckin onzin geleerd voor t examen zoda ik nu
volgens mijn laatste test zelfs in staat ga zijn nen datapad te tekenen
en in te vullen. wat ik met deze kennis ga doen is me totaal voorbij
gegaan maar ik moet er voor zover ik nu kan in schatten geen kopzorgen
over hebben. Strax vul ik het for the good or bad voor de laatste keer in!

Ik ben quite utterly fucked up. T laatste stukske HsT met daarop t
schetsen en invullen van nen Datapad was quite teveel gewoon. Ik ben in
de fase da ik vragen stel bi j alles en gewoon stress bereikt heb. Het
typische fucked up whatever

Ik kan me zelfs ni bij t typen van dezen hoop onzin houden..
Maar da kan ook aan t Zone Out before the Joey moment liggen

.. denk da ik nog maar eens t datapad gaan uittekenen..
of mss ook niet - wat een gezeik

seves op de blaarmeersen meer Zoned Out.. manman evil
ik kijk er al naar uit

en t grappige is da ik momenteel aan zinnen begin te typen zonder da ik
ook maar enig idee heb over t onderwerp, t midden, t einde of

Na nogeens franticly & haast puur op reflex die onzin ingevuld te hebben
ben ik wederom geslaagd

maar moet rekenen da ik tegen nu geen interesse noch zin noch vertrouwen
heb in de recht evenredigheid tussen leren & punten
Naar mijn ervaring is er geen verband en als dan toch een verband van
een averecht evenredig verband sprake

Chance da Joey er is :) da is mss nog ne carreer move.

De reden waarom ik mail..

basically is er iets zwaar fout met t leven in een stad..
het hele stad gevoel is ni meer dan e laagske, maar eens daarna is t ni


Neen, zo iets is nimeer van toepassing voor deze moment
de fuckin ass klodder pippos die hier deze morgen me een drilboor
stonden en nu ook al lawaai maken zorgen da ik mezelf zelfs nimeer kan
horen denken
hopelijk geeft t examen wa een betere sfeer maar ik vrees ervoor
de hele voormiddag belooft een degrlijk fucked up gevoel


7.30 & ik moet nog beslissen of deze rommel ooit mn pc gaat verlaten en
of da t naar u, mn blog of beide gaat zijn.. Mss ff herlezen of mss ook
gewoon niet

Ik hoop in elk geval da niemand dit heeft hoeven doorworstelen

en nattuurlijk ook Leve Ice Tea Punch

so fuck you
& tot later



Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered,
those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win

I just finished a flash rehearsal & .. it was surprising

Now I can Zone Out for another 30m
& .. the rat race can start

What a piece of shit moment

I think Ill zone out to some Joey
its about the best thing to zone out to
& takes only 30m

Otherwise Id take Sopranos but I dont have 60m


I am on a mental high
adrenaline coursing trough my body, widely awake at an hour I d rather be sleeping. But this piece of shit exam still lies before me less than 2 hours ahead.
My trust in succeding this loathesome test is lower than ever yet I should be more confident since time does give me strength.. or I learned it X times already, no reason to fail now.. If it werent that I had failed all before this one.. Kind of the same over & over, no?

I now again understand useless shit as how to hand code a floating point decimal according to official standards, the inner workings of an alu en in a broader scape, the whole datapad. I can even tell you what hamming is & wich bits are off if you tell my the byte string. Its utterly useless & just plain boring, yet I now can
Still I do not trust in my chances of succeeding, this fucking piece of shit exam!

I feel like puking.. proverbially ofcourse

I should study some more so that I can zone out and take a shower before leaving home.. But Id rather throw this new and beloved Ice Tea glass out of the window.. Yet I will & I wont (Study & Throw)

On to a new and utterly bothering day - to normalfolk standards at least


Any result to this exam & exam period will only be relief and nothing more or less..
Yes I might feel happy / dissapointed / .. but the main and all consuming feeling wil be .. RELIEF!

And now its time for the last (and useless? I cant think this way, Its Usefull & I need to keep up.. Keep the goddamn faith, but where the HELL do I keep finding the strength year after year to feed this self chosen torture of uselessness.. Anywho, Lets not get depressed or loose courage in any way.. Only 5 more hours & I'll never have to take this exam again!) studying effort..!


I Hate The Course I Have Exams about in 3 Hours!



BULLLL SHIIIITEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A day..

It was Mini s BDay today.. kinda fun :)
got her a bunch o flowers.. She was INCREDIBLY happy :)
So I guess thats nice :)

The telenet guy came & gave us a new modem..
wich will hopefully solve our problem :)
I hope it solves both problems wich we ve been experiencing.. It would be a good thing

Robinson (Survivor I think) is back, wich is a good thing :)

And I FINALLY got my HomeBank working again, and this time on my linux (exciting isnt it) It wasnt easy & I actually learnt something by doing it, so YAY
I also discovered that having Slack was good for my Linux knowlege! Gentoo users just dont need to know ANYTHING about installing stuff, tnx to the (lovely) Portage system..

Im actually TIRED right now :s

We ate pizza, it was NICE

and now studying :)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Viva The Russians

Pitty they dont rip WCTR :/
WCTR is the reason a lot of ppl want it (including me :s)

Anywho, better than nothing..

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Flicr Thingy.. Looks neat

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from d4g3n0q. Make your own badge here.

Create your own bug spiecies game

GREAT game I found earlier today.. Its great fun, its amazing really..

choose bug size, eating habit, behavioral triggers, weapons, .. and set it free to roam and so what its instinct tells it to do.. and watch it live or die. Lotza other bugz around to kill or be killed by your bug..

Great thing.. Create something then watch it live or die
First test it on your private testing grounds, make it perfect & set it loose upon the grid :) (yeah, its multiplayer, lotza other ppl & lotza other ppl's bugz :D)

Great game, really!
and surprisingly difficult!

Studying was ok :) As planned.. 2 pieces o PC crap, one piece o economics..
As planned.. Tough, if I think of it I mightnt be happy.. Will I EVER feel happy about it? :s

now sleep

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Foul Mood

bc of Studying (comp arch for the Xed time - aarghl)

and external reason

One of them being Stitch having to cancel for Opeth

And me .. Socially being pressed to do the same..


Monday, August 22, 2005

im up

and it feels like SHIT
but I need to coz if I sleep any longer I'll just be up till 6 in the morning again!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I got some usefull shit done today....

My sleeping hours are almost back to normal

My giFT client is working with both openFT & FastTrack.. Ares might work & Gnutella.. I just DONT have a clue why it doesnt.. Anywho, been downloading at incredible speeds (compared to kazaa, that is..) and have lots of new HsT & Porn
Update.. I just discovered that Ares does work :) Im not surprised as I already read that with some ppl it takes a while to connect.. YAAY

We got a plant :) 2 actually! A kitched herb thingie & an orchid (Very nice, tough thats only My opinion.. Mini Doesnt Agree..

I cut some of my dreadies :) (well actually Vi cut em for me..) Some portions got clipped & its for the best! Really, its better this way!

I also cleaned out some of my big Linux disk.. Wich was needed since it was quite full! My download dir was a real mess.. Its taking lots of viewing all sorts of potentially pornographic material & then most of the time just deleting the lot.. Poor Me!! No, really its hell.. Its the stuff I didint feel like doing of a whole year all in one directory! Not Good
I am now down to the "listen to all those audio files & delete the crapy versions & doubles" this is NOT a social activity!

Pictures! Ive got pictures of WhatNot :) Dreadies, Plant, Mini, .. Comming to you computer anytime soon, .. that means later! :)

Its amazing, but I still get fucked up on random occasions about my dad.. Amazing isnt the word, but I think you get the point.. :/

A friends brother had an accident this week :( Really one of the good guys, but as I heard he was on his bike & bc of some accident a tree got in his way :/ He s apparently quite fucked up in the head :( Coma & stuff.. Again one of the good people getting fucked over. I really feel for him & his family..p

And about NOW.. Sleep :)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

fuckin shit bitchass weather! This is really not acceptable anymore. Instead of being able to go out & spend a nice evening watching the sun go down on a nice terrace, we have to sit indoors, fuckin shit dark weather, no nice soothing warmth, no terraces, no fuckin jack shit!


im actually typing this on my linux box :D Using VNC to remote to my box, typing on Bios laptop! Nice Nice Nice. Fullscreened vnc, feels like im ON my box instead of on a windows! I'll just have to figure how to customise this to have it a lot smoother & shite.. Ill start by re customising my E for best VNC behaviour. For example, the "scrolling over the left edge to go to the left desktop" isnt really doable with vnc.. Impossible to stop at the right time! Pitty tough, I LOVE that option!

I saw "Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision" at Kaishi s place.. I was anxious to see it but I have to see Im quite dissapointed with it.. Its not as good as I had expected.. FFin british retro journalism. But other than that ist .. Interesting.. A young HsT in action.. forced into daily life for the camera.. With Ralph Steadman.. Interesting & Cool!
A lot of drawings I hadnt seen before.. Nice drawings too.. its nice.. AND.. 20 years before the "F&L in LV" movie..
I love to see more HsT stuff..

and now, non blog stuff :)

Friday, August 19, 2005


VNC Finally Works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can FINALLY use the full potential of my box!

The downside to emerging is

that you dont read the info the compile process spews out & the first lines can be interesting.. They proved to be the solution to my vnc problem.. I had to add "server" to my use list :/

Kaishi s got an Ubercool BBC documentary with HsT.. I BADLY want it!

Mini had a hard day today.. Poor Me :/

Thursday, August 18, 2005

And whats with this shit?

A job well done! inspiring blog
Don't miss visiting this site about cartoon animals
Much info about cartoon animals

Is this a real person?
or am I the target of a new style ad campaign.. I dont see why anyone would think im interested in a webpage about cartoon animals! This really looks like a new style of advertising, a new type of spam! Its really over the top, what are these people thinking?

VNC still isnt working, for some reason I dont have Xvnc installed..
& I got my docking station back!

Want to make an exponential income from multiple sources? If so, you have got to check out this free eBook!


Spam by replying to blogger posts??
This is disgracefull!!

That by poluting even my personal internet diary they will sell a book?
a fucking ebook I can download for free if I really wanted?
They re fuckin lucky im going to bed now or I d fucking put a download up for their stupid book, a free download, do understand me! Fuck those wankers! I d rather drop dead than buy their crap & if I would ever need help earning money I d rather drop dead than spend a penny on their utterly retarded book!

If pissing people off by poluting their personal space is their best selling technique, I m glad I dont need their garbage!


After cooling down a bit & indeed reading the GREAT and FREE and COOL and UBERNICETOOGOODTOBETRUEWHATEVERTHEFUCK book, im persuaded!

This Is Simply Too Much!
Can anyone give me the adress to a cheap hitman? It ll be worth it!


Down to unmerging VNC

en emerging tightvnc
Wich I would have done earier if VNC wasnt blocking Tight.. I really dont get it! VNC installs RealVNC but only the viewer! Tough the info contains the server info too! :/

Go Fuckin Figure

Emerging Gentoo VNC only emerges a viewer & not a server

fuckin aarghl

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I discovered why vnc wouldnt work

It tought I was using VNX while it was X11vnc

& the later is used to serve existing desktops while the first creates a new virtual one.. No screen = no X11 to serve.. Figures :)

Volvo was whatever

I missed my Mini :'(
She got to talk to Ashes tough.. Thats cool :)
I talked to Ashes too, but only 2m bc I had to leave for Volvo

I ve brrn drooling over the new Hammer & Burton boards :) Omg they re lovely :D Downloaded a lot of bgs & pics too :)

DAMN I need to go snowboarding (indeed, NEED & not Want!!)

Only 3 more days of volvo..
& now sleep!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Uploaded a bunch o pics of whatever on flicr.

This one is a new "Me" pic..

The rest stars Kaishi, Stitch, Our place, Our Hamsters, A poster Stitch took a special interest in, ..

What happens if Stitch & our hamsters get together? Its like rape.. One of them has fun, the other probably doesnt..

This is the poster S took an interest in.. 1, 2, 3

Myth TV


Your linux box as a video recorder suite
the possibilities

Its just Too Good :)

The Hidden Boot Code of the Xbox

or "How to fit three bugs in 512 bytes of security code."
For those without the proper knowlege.. From the article conclusion:
"512 bytes is a very small amount of code (it fits on a single sheet of paper!), compared to the megabytes of code contained in software like Windows, Internet Explorer or Internet Information Server. Three bugs within these 512 bytes compromised the security completely - a bunch of hackers found them within days after first looking at the code. Why hasn't Microsoft Corp. been able to do the same? Why?"

From /.

Its amazing, the things the "geniouses" at MS can do!!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bad Vibes

We had a fun night with cocktails & lotza experimenting, jazz, porn & evil shite. Mini, Me & Kaishi.. Evillll!!

At about 4 I contacted a mate from Volvo & some time later we were to meet eachother @ Korenmarkt for more EVIL shite @ tijuana..
After an evil walk including a near encouter with the cops, some dancing & the thing with the people on the bikes.. we arrived @ The Place

And THATS when we learned shit had gone sour.. Seems that our friends had been assaulted by some guys.. Our close workmate had been taken aback & thrown aganst the wall, head first. Blood all over his face & clothing. Only one of our friends (out of 3) had seen the whole thing and Luckilly it was the one guy that was totally sober. Things were hectic! It took a while for the rush & chaos to subside but after some minutes we were able to contact the police & get the proverbial ball rolling. Our friends told their stories and were able to identify the agressive dunghead that screwed our friend (& evening). Our hurt mate was taken to the hospital where he recieved the much needed care and the 2 other friends left for the police station. As for us.. We could only get in the way of things so we went for a drink..

After several hours we are recieving news that the dingbat was identified by two seperate witnesses (one of our friends & another one the police found some way or another) so all will end in some kind of justice

But in the end.. Is there really any possibility for justice in this case?? I mean, we re talking 'bout an innocent guy here, minding his own bussines and trying to have some fun. Being ripped out of his vibe by some asshole who, for no apparent reason, slams the poor guys head against a wall. Baffled at first, bleading trough fresh headwounds.. This is a bad thing! No one expects to run into this kind of mess, let alone have it happen to him!

a disgrace!
Where s our safety!
Only minutes after I had a slight monologue about safety on the street and how I can not live with the "right" point of view..
Incredible :)

.. Im getting the feeling that Im just going to delete all this after im done with it :s a slight feeling of deja vu.. ... wierd thing! I tought it was just a dream but I finally remember the images as this new place of me & Vi in Gent.. Im kinda getting used to this :)

And now sleep!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Bigass White Wolf page

Mr Gone

Friday, August 12, 2005

volvo was agonising
heavy meal just 10m ago :s

got Mage scenario ready :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No work today :)

Hehe Im not complainin.. I do hope tough that it ll be ok tomorrow, I need the money!

So we went to the movies, a whole lot of shopping, I tried a mudsicle (I think it was called) and was surprised by the nice taste.. I mean.. Amaretto (ok so far) + Orange Juice (wha??? omg, going south here) + Milk (puking yet? :s) Anywho, amazing - the taste!

Ate some good steak & stuff..
Going to give our animals some egg, lets see if they like it :D

I saw a nice Grey Parrot today! A Psittacus apparently. They re great! I think I might get myself a parrot some years from now! great animals :)

Viva Sopranos!!

We tried a new kind of Aldi thing.. Caffee Glace :) in a box.. its amazing
& nice
Lots of milk too!

I got Mini s computer work.. It wouldnt see other computers on the network. But it was easilly remedied.. Now she can use the linux shares too.. a whole lot of data in there :D

Now (probably) sleep

And Im SO cursing my computer :'( It looks FUCKED & Im quite sad about it.. sad, Angry, ...

Happily.. My Linux :D

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

1st day at volvo was as expected

I forgot my HsT book at home

Linux is too cool

I want to sleep now

I just organised our bill system & shit

I should REALLY write ashes :( I put it off waaaaay too long & she kinda begged for it today :( I feel sad I didnt write sooner.. But with all the moving & .. ! :s Bad excuse, I know!

I NEED internet banking :'( I think Ill have to install it on my linux box :D


Monday, August 08, 2005

thank Bio for borrowing me his portable

bad electronics day yesterday

Car acted up
laptop hd crashed
vnc serv errors: XOpenDisplay failed (IP:0.0)


Saturday, August 06, 2005

.. ok day

Vi to aalst, I tried to get her crutches back but the place was closed
I got myself a cellphone (here we say GSM but thats not globally understood, so it seems) with ehrm.. bills comming each month instead of the no commitment form
I got my car insurance ok
I called the other insurance ppl
I also payed the internet

But I didnt get to studying
just Could Not put myself to it

I also feel like sleeping
but :s I feel bad about living at night..
Damn social weight
& damn closed stores

I saw One Point O with Bio earlier.. ok movie

And I broke a chair today.. It just collapsed.
Its no surprise tough :)
The chair had it comming

Fucking SHIT
Im looking forward to September

I d love to go walking for 2 weeks this summer.. Cross the french border to Spain & then spend some extra days in Barcelona..
If only it wasnt such a shithole city.. underneath all its beauty..

I should clean.. but I should also study
So I get frustrated
& end up doing .. not much

Wouldnt mind going to sleep when its dark either.. its been a while!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

SA Radio Ripper

Damn I want those GTA Radio Stations (comments & commercials included!!)


Pitty its only XBox version at the time :/

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Saw the cooler

Bath time :D