Saturday, August 06, 2005

.. ok day

Vi to aalst, I tried to get her crutches back but the place was closed
I got myself a cellphone (here we say GSM but thats not globally understood, so it seems) with ehrm.. bills comming each month instead of the no commitment form
I got my car insurance ok
I called the other insurance ppl
I also payed the internet

But I didnt get to studying
just Could Not put myself to it

I also feel like sleeping
but :s I feel bad about living at night..
Damn social weight
& damn closed stores

I saw One Point O with Bio earlier.. ok movie

And I broke a chair today.. It just collapsed.
Its no surprise tough :)
The chair had it comming

Fucking SHIT
Im looking forward to September

I d love to go walking for 2 weeks this summer.. Cross the french border to Spain & then spend some extra days in Barcelona..
If only it wasnt such a shithole city.. underneath all its beauty..

I should clean.. but I should also study
So I get frustrated
& end up doing .. not much

Wouldnt mind going to sleep when its dark either.. its been a while!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The chair had it coming you say?
Have you gone totally sideways?!