Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No work today :)

Hehe Im not complainin.. I do hope tough that it ll be ok tomorrow, I need the money!

So we went to the movies, a whole lot of shopping, I tried a mudsicle (I think it was called) and was surprised by the nice taste.. I mean.. Amaretto (ok so far) + Orange Juice (wha??? omg, going south here) + Milk (puking yet? :s) Anywho, amazing - the taste!

Ate some good steak & stuff..
Going to give our animals some egg, lets see if they like it :D

I saw a nice Grey Parrot today! A Psittacus apparently. They re great! I think I might get myself a parrot some years from now! great animals :)

Viva Sopranos!!

We tried a new kind of Aldi thing.. Caffee Glace :) in a box.. its amazing
& nice
Lots of milk too!

I got Mini s computer work.. It wouldnt see other computers on the network. But it was easilly remedied.. Now she can use the linux shares too.. a whole lot of data in there :D

Now (probably) sleep

And Im SO cursing my computer :'( It looks FUCKED & Im quite sad about it.. sad, Angry, ...

Happily.. My Linux :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey G.
Een papagaai is geweldig :) maar wel erg eenkennig naar sommige mensen. En ze worden best wel oud. Ze schijnen soms 80 jaar te kunnen worden heb ik me laten vertellen. Ik heb zelf gekozen voor het niet nemen van een papagaai omdat ik niet genoeg thuis ben. Maar mijn 13 vogels maken veel goed met hun twee binnenvolieres en hun geschetter :) huisdieren zijn leuk :)