Sunday, August 21, 2005

I got some usefull shit done today....

My sleeping hours are almost back to normal

My giFT client is working with both openFT & FastTrack.. Ares might work & Gnutella.. I just DONT have a clue why it doesnt.. Anywho, been downloading at incredible speeds (compared to kazaa, that is..) and have lots of new HsT & Porn
Update.. I just discovered that Ares does work :) Im not surprised as I already read that with some ppl it takes a while to connect.. YAAY

We got a plant :) 2 actually! A kitched herb thingie & an orchid (Very nice, tough thats only My opinion.. Mini Doesnt Agree..

I cut some of my dreadies :) (well actually Vi cut em for me..) Some portions got clipped & its for the best! Really, its better this way!

I also cleaned out some of my big Linux disk.. Wich was needed since it was quite full! My download dir was a real mess.. Its taking lots of viewing all sorts of potentially pornographic material & then most of the time just deleting the lot.. Poor Me!! No, really its hell.. Its the stuff I didint feel like doing of a whole year all in one directory! Not Good
I am now down to the "listen to all those audio files & delete the crapy versions & doubles" this is NOT a social activity!

Pictures! Ive got pictures of WhatNot :) Dreadies, Plant, Mini, .. Comming to you computer anytime soon, .. that means later! :)

Its amazing, but I still get fucked up on random occasions about my dad.. Amazing isnt the word, but I think you get the point.. :/

A friends brother had an accident this week :( Really one of the good guys, but as I heard he was on his bike & bc of some accident a tree got in his way :/ He s apparently quite fucked up in the head :( Coma & stuff.. Again one of the good people getting fucked over. I really feel for him & his family..p

And about NOW.. Sleep :)

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