Monday, January 31, 2005

tomorows exam.. Im slightly scared
& tired up front!


Gonna dream some bout Vi!

Friday, January 28, 2005

2 exams went peachy
Math went blank
All as planned

Warcraft w the boys
I won..
Using my Incredibly strong nightelf hero
(he really Is badass!)

blackadder w Jack


& tomorrow Ill have my darling Vi with me :D

Thursday, January 27, 2005


3 exams tomorrow, gonna pass 2 of 'em & fail 1 by design (asin I planned it, priotitised it like this.. as I said earlier)

I should be with Vi to hold her & caress her Right Now!

tomorow play games w the boys


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sex Education

Could be an amusing link..


To all you who dont get the "dark cooties" joke on my TShirt..

(I have the dark cooties - I am a Cootie, I am Dark)

Cooties = Flu

& any american cultured people d be nice to comment on this one..
since I'm SO tired of trying to explain this to ppl who dont understand jack shit off my Incredibly Funny T!

My blog seems to turn up a lot on search engines.. wierd


I just discovered Jinx is best served ICE cold (instead of normally cold)

and that 2 screens on a comp is Great :D
I really need to open my comp & consider putting in that second card & look for a place to put WHAT second screen? Whatever, I'll manage!

Oh & I cursed the market in Vi s home town this moring

and I'm going to fail tomorrow afternoons exam due to priorities! I'm prioritising my morning exam higher so that I cant nearly learn enough for that math exam in the afternoon.. I'll do it during summer.. Gonna be a Bitch, but its the only way..
& I'm trying the exam anyway, im not just going to sign & leave the room - thats for losers. Tough I probably wont be there longer than 30 minutes..

Nice waking up this morning :) With my sweet girl next to me :D
I love her so..
*giggles & smiles stupidly*

Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx

I got me some Looza Jinx!

8 red, 2 white, 2 yellow
(Bwuuhahahaha - altough I really dont like white & yellow so thats more for Vi & my mom & bro to taste :s)

omg, I typed Looza Jinx in on google & I actually found MY BLOG as 7th result!!!
Dgn's views on life
... calm ones actually Drank Looza Jinx.. Nice stuff, fruit juice cocktails, without
alcohol nice! (actually been drinking it al week!) posted at 6:21 PM by Dgn. ...


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Infernal Wreckage chasing me out of the bureau
He has No taste in music, my brother..

luckilly I was just leaving

2 hours till GF and counting

iPod ready
Sopranos ready
Futurama ready

bed time :D

Just finished my dread work.. got 2 in the back I cant really reach but it feels fresh :)

Also put on Sopranos S1 E2 :)
I gave my iPod some more work.. shite goes off, new music goes on..
the way of life :D

I need to get to bed tough!
& Id love to get to the market for some Feta tomorrow :)
& some peppers

I d like to have some nice coffee :)
but the time of day says I shouldnt :/
hehe :)

Doing some Dreadlock work.. palmrolling
I should do this more often
Now all Me & Vi need is some time to patch up all that loose hair.. :s

Also having a nice email conversation with Meesh P

& watching Sopranos S1 E1
Unbelievable - The great stuff in there!

Nice evening

I had another unfortunate clash with windows XP! I changed a friends Mobo & Ofcourse XP didnt work afterwards :/ the FUCKIN BITCH!
So I temporarilly installed him a w2k.. Untill the whole deal gets sorted out
Work doesnt wait because of a failing pc, it just piles up!

So I played Robo Rally..
Great game :D
Really COOL!

and Above all :D I was still able to have a nice phonecall with my darling Vi :)
*siigh* :D


Monday, January 24, 2005

Work some more & then sleep

The agony

of studying a course (in english) in wich the writer doesnt understand the difference between
"Two", "Too" and "To"
and just writes "to" all the time.. I was cursing when he was writing "to" instead of "too" but when he also used it instead of "two" I was having an awfull time reading the bitch!
& it really is the only fault in his course so I just think nobody ever told him that "too" and "two" just arent written "to"

I feel like Kwartee :)


I need to centralise & Clean up my different picture maps.. I have loads of em & .. they re on my box & on my laptop.. I need to remedy this :)
I might want to enlarge our diskspace first tough
I really want a fileserver!!

Combined Fileserver / Router would be nice :D

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Warcraft Alternate Fighting Styles

Warcraft Alternate Fighting Styles - yesterday night

I just got myself a Flickr account

Stupid name *rolleyes*
I can see the phun comming

Lets see what the site is worth

And for those that do not know the iPod Shuffle

A Complete Dissection Log :D

How to turn your normal "iPod" into a new "iPod Shuffle"

Great, what a Great hack!
I love it

Its 2 steps..
1. the Extra Functionality Step
2. the Complete Further Conversion

Wont be aplying it to my iPod anytime soon tough :D

internet is really behaving like a Bitch
or is it pandora who is?

Its WAY Too Late Again!

We just finished a nice game of Warcraft Boardgame Expansion..
Got Pics Again
Boardgamegeek (games link to your left) published the pics I took yesterday
gonna post the new pics tomorrow
I think I'll mail the bastards the manuals of the two games so that they dont have to rely on my failing memory so much :s They d better fuckin read & stop whining

Vi seems to have had a nice night :)

I had a nice day with Vi :)

After Vi I studied OK.. Half the stuff, on quite a tempo
Gonna try to do another chapter before sleeping right now..

Gonna be dreaming about My Lady :)

English of mine = SHIT at this hour a day :D


Get Rich Quick..

Sell your soul!!

Corporations & Invest inc

Friday, January 21, 2005


Blogger just screwed up a post
& i dont feel like retyping it

I discovered 70 paged I d rather learned instead of the ones I learned (same info tough) and I just printed 50 pges of exercices I still need to go over
fuckin ell


& probably to gent by car in the morrow

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Possibly a Great solution to PBEM Wargaming..

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

GREAT quote :D

Car thing

While driving there I actually called someone who wasnt driving the way I wanted it "a Tit", well the dutch equivalent ofcource..

But the nice guy quickly checked my lights & then declared it OK :)
so YAY
Ive got a car again! I think I'll be spending the night at Vi's place again some day soon :D

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Vi :)

Read trough my blog

Damn I really have a very uninteresting life :p
and I blog Alot! :/
Certainly compared to some others..


& interesting


I just realised that in a month this blog will be one year old
on the 22nd to be exact



8–9–10 april 2005

Figurant €40 - Speler €50
"ST2 (Voornaam en naam) –speler- Testament II" - "FT2 (Voornaam en naam) -figurant- Testament II"
De Heren van Ternat : 001-4295786-23

poluting the interweb with loads of nonsensical bullshit

Its incredile, the load of shit these blog thingies put online.. Do we really think this has any value? Does everything on the web have to have a value??

The Questions, The Questions.. They re making me MAD

EPA charges DuPont hid Teflon's risks

More than 50 years after DuPont started producing Teflon near this Ohio River town, federal officials are accusing the company of hiding information suggesting that a chemical used to make the popular stick- and stain-resistant coating might cause cancer, birth defects and other ailments.

Teflon turns out to be bad for you..
does this mean Tefal non sticky pans & pots are bad for you?

Discomforting tought!

The problem seems to be a chem called "PFOA", wich is used in the manifacturing of.. But it might still be ok since "DuPont says the manufacturing process leaves only trace amounts of the chemical in non-stick cookware and other goods"

Im curious how this one ll turn out
altough in the end.. We ve got too much chems all around us to be safe, so YAY! One less chemical in the neverending heap of shit we take in.. Can we even care about it all? :s

Free Games

There s so much promissing free games around..

Pornstar, Mental Disorder, Cthulbeque, Werewolf, Ghoulash, Chase, The Shining, Run hippy Run, ..
I'll need A SHITLOAD of time to try all those after my exams!

Im especially looking forward to Mental Disorder, Pornstar, Ghoulash and Chase..

Time for bed now!
Sleep & dream of Vi, 10 minutes encounting :D

.. in about 12 hours I'll see my GF :) Yaay! :)

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

I just saw this film & .. damn its Nice..
Verrrrrrrrry funny end :D

Go See This One, People!

Saving Silverman

Looks like a NIIICE movie
tomorow on some stupid TV chanel.. title there is Evil Woman
I might record or watch it..

Viva Jack Black :D

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I feel better already..

Studied 2 chapters (of 6 in total)
The 2 easy first chapters..
Hell ensues

I did some drawing & it calmed me down
I tested my new black marker.. A .2 mm black drawing marker.. Its nice, tough unusually black. She actually kinda looks like a Goth & that wasnt planned.
Anywho, it had been SO long since I drew that it actually felt Wierd opening the old book again.. I should draw more, maybe then I d suck a lil less :)

Some interesting smses with Jack too.. Bout parents.. interesting

Something struck me this afternoon..
Our society is so mediocre that excelence is a curse

Relieving phonecall with Vi
To the supermarket

And now upstairs, to try to learn

I wish I could spend the evening with Vi.. just being together, doing anything.. that d make my day beter!

I had an agonising morning again

My mom chose Today to give me a lecture on Who To Be & How To Live
Thus screwing up half of my studying day, the studying I need so bad for my next exam!

2 hours of annoying waste of time
with NO results

and ALWAYS she has to do this while I need to study for my exams

I should have my own place, work some & study on my own terms!!
Take my full chance in life
Instead of having my carefully planned exam plans screwed over because my mom doesnt seem to understand that I'm studying while I'm up there in my room
She seems to think all I do there is Sleep!


Vi had a part of the load too.. :(
Pitty we had to get up like this, she doesnt deserve this kind of shite in the morning
I love my girl :)
& condoms still SUCK

nice evening (When Darkness Comes)
Condoms SUCK (AAargh GOTTA hate 'em)
love Vi (hmmm..)
sleep (witch Vi :D)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Im tired of my blog skin

I'm plain tired

I had a bussy day in studying

I have an early exam tomorrow :/

I feel like Metal.. The Heavy kind :D Gonna be a happy train moment tomorow
I hope I dont run into too much people too soon!



I already knew that a blog can be very therapeutic, but I just realised that it can even help sex matters..

Have a couple write a blog together about their sex life, in wich they separately post their feelings & their wishes about their sex life.. Everything.. Each time they had sex or just feel like writing it down.. And afterwards, each time they posted they can read & comment (using the handy blog comment thingy) if necesary about the whole thing.

This might be a great way to get people's hidden wishes, problems, .. out in the open, or just a great way to rate sex in a honest way..

Ofcourse couples who have a healhy comunication in between them dont need external tricks like this one :) (wich is the reason we dont need a blog like that :D)


yeah, thars right, the topic everybody cares about :) SEX!
I have exams, During exams, my already healthy libido TRIPPLES to the stage that I feel like having sex three times a day every day as a minimum! I cant help it & have been told that I'm certainly NOT alone!

Sex! Im glad that people around the world still believe in sex and are free to express their feelings and needs. Dare to talk about their feelings & needs! I have been confronted with that fact 2 times the last week & its nice to know! Its ofcourse natural that people love sex but even then, not everyone dares to have a rich and variated sex life, let alone write about it!
The first blog mostly about sex was Kandi's.. She commented on my blog a while ago & it turned out she has a blog called i'll be your sextacy with the very clear tagline "21 years old - 5'7", 125 lbs - 36 C - BISEXUAL (love my ladies too ;) ) - sexxxy as hell & always horny".. She writes about her sex life, wich seems to be quite turbulent and free and seems to love posting her pictures.. She also seems quite extrovert since she really likes the attention and asks for people to motivate her for writing more!
The second blog was today.. S commented on my lovey duvey post about vi & in my curiosity I checked her blog.. It turned out to be The Sex-Starved Wife with as description the honest confession "I need sex, and lots of it." A nice & honest blog :) With an interesting description of the last time she & her husband had sex. It seems they have a nice and variated sex life
It makes me happy to read that I am not the only person who s able to talk about sex that freely! Some people really seem to have a problem discussing it towards friends or with anyone other than their partner
I'm not advocating anyone to tell their sexlife, I wont start posting mine here either, since my friends probably cant take it :p Either am I giving a hint to Vi here that she has to write about it, its just nice to see that other people have healthy sex lives too & that I'm not a perv :D (lol)

Sex.. Sexy.. I stumbled upon a nice site today whille reading some BME articles.. I was reading about a troupe called "Suicidegirls" and got curious. After clicking some I discovered their site & a nice summary of pictures. Sexy women with piercings and nice tattoos all over them.. Nice site.

Sex does seem to still have a lot of social boundries within.. I just felt a doubt about posting this whole post
And I'm not posting anything about my great sex life either (all credit goes to Vi :D) .. Some reason I still think I cant post an explenation about our sex life without her knowing of it up front.. hehe - I just realised we ll probably talk about this post tomorow evening..
& while I'm being honest I might as wel add some other stuff too.. I love having sex with my girl.. She really gets my juices flowing. I love the way she looks :) I fell for the person, but when I discovered her body I fell even more. She s just so Bloody Sexy :) Also, she s Great in bed! I have never had sex this good, honestly! I'm the luckiest man around :D
Wich is ofcourse important since sex is a very important aspect of a relationship.. Sex and Communication can make or break a relationship

Talking bout social boundries.. I just KNOW I'll get reactions to this post in real life!!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Mental Disorder

Free game from
For My darling's convinience :)
I love that girl!
*enamoured sigh*

Funny.. Got ppl trying to order me around who have absolutely NO place in doing so! -_^
Time to mention Stitch :D hihi - To get the eager reaction I expect :D .. people ..

Had an interesting chat with Stitch about RPG.. I had some doubts about it, I already told Vi about it a while ago & well.. it was only a matter of time before I adressed him about it!

Printer jams up till now.. 4
It seems they occur when the printer is too greedy & takes 3 to 9 pages instead of one!

I saw Vi today (and Ghost in the shell 2 too)
I was happy I saw her :) she really makes me Happy :D Simply Happy :D nice!

GitS2 was Nice as expected tough it was a pitty that it was in the original language.. Normally I prefer it like that but with GitS2 there s just tooooo much dialogue to watch the scenes & its a pitty coz the scenes are SO beautyful!
Movie still rules tough..
I have to admit - on the other hand - that I might still like GitS 1 better :/

I also cut the new Chulbeque game cards :) & I showed "When Darkness Comes" to Stitch.. Im SO Curious about that game!! Next step might be printing the "Mental Disease" cardgame.. I'll even put some plastic on it before cuuting them to preserve the cards, as someone sugested tonight..
Not to mention my curiosity about War of the Rings :) I really look forward to playing it! I think I might like it to just leave it & move a piece once in every day in an ongoing war aganst my darling! :) She played it yesterday.. I wish I had too :/

I went to the JH tonight too.. I was there for about an hour.. I was there, thats what matters.. My days there seem to have passed.. Pitty.. Or is it :s

Did I mention I had my car repaired yesterday!! Now to get it looked at again.. :s

& did lots of school work - dont wanna talk about it

& now Sleep
Hectic day tomorrow!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

up & kickin

Lets get CRACKIN!

.. OMG!
They re playing GitS2 in Kinepolis Bx!
Fuck EVERYTHING, I Have to see this one :D
Hmmm.... When to go :s

And i'm getting my answers imediately :)

Now I just need her voice :D


Off to bed!

Working on Shelli's skin has given me appetite & insiration to work some on a new one for me.. And above all :/ it has given me discontent over my curent skin :s Annoying!

but sleep it is

I wonder how Vi's game went.. :)


Kisses to my lady!!


I temporarilly had a nice tough quite feminine blog template.. I was testing it while modding it for Shells.. its nice.. Had to add title, link and comment codes! & some styling stuff..

Still need some input from her tought.. So if you read this, I'm waiting for some mail, hun :p
& do add me if you feel like doing so :)

Friday, January 14, 2005

Another eightysomething pages..
Im not printing everything tough :s Id easilly print a thousand pages in total
& that d be just a pinch too much for my taste


Doing some random stuff while printing some "course documents"
I'm not printing it all tough..
It d be utter polution :D

Printer lockups so far: 1

Good to know :D

SHANNON: "My theory on this is that modified men have healthier sexual relationships with their significant others"

Now we all know what to do :D

So far..

Installed the printer.. it works Peachy!
Great speed!!
Tnx again to Kaishi :D

Fun at the phone with Tink :D

Dokters appointment was Nice!

I went to see a friend who had a computer question. And in the mean while he took a look at my car and fixed my taillights (wich he normally Does Not do!!) :D Yay!

I also moved some PC stuff around.. Much better now!

short one again :)

ok, i'm Not installing it tonight
tough I want to, Im being the smart one tonight
& going to bed

exam mode :/

Hmm.. Dreaming of Vi this evening :D

short one :)

Tnx to Kaishi for the Laserjet!!!! :) It was had fun tonight..
Installing it atm :)

I bought me "When Darkness Comes - The Awakening" recently.. It looks like a great game! I'm looking forward to playing it on Monday :)

Got an account on Boardgamegeek.. a Nice site with a dumb name :) Its got tracking abilities for what games I have, want, .. with ratings and whatnot for each game.. Its a nice comunity thing, with pictures & stuff.. Wonderfull initiative! My account is Dagen (as always) :D (its linked on the left - I got & linked it earlier but havent gotten to posting before)

I made a plan for the exams & they look peachy.. I might make it
Tough it will be hard since there wont be much time for Vi some days :(

I sent an email to Shell telling her that I'm workin on her template in between the studying.. But also that studying is my main effort at the moment! She doesnt seem to have gotten it tough.. Judging by my comments :D

& now I gots to get to bed (after installing & testing the printer :D) Early day tomorow! & I have to be well rested :/

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

im having a low self esteem & low trust in my passing chances period!
I Hate It

the past is Such a bitch - once again

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Worlds Tallest Virtual Building

Cleaning some bookmarks, rediscovered this Great page
Prepare for some loadinf time (& i'm on cable, so trust me.. :p)

WTF? I really wouldnt pick this for myself :/

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Bard Mage

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.

Secondary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.

Hanali Cenanil is the Chaotic Good elven goddess of love, beauty, and art. She is also known as the Heart of Gold and Lady Goldheart. Her followers delight in creation and youth, and work to spread happiness, love, and beauty. Their preferred weapon is the dagger.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Since is acting up I just spent an hour sorting trough my dad s emails to find some info about it..
I sent an email, lets hope things work out ok

Yesterday eve I dedcided to try some thing I have hated and not eaten for the most of my life.. Salami (& Chorizo). All was well, it tasted nice, the taste it left in my mout was nice, all was well!
Untill this morning! I woke up after a pittyful planned three hours of sleep to get my car to the garage & my stomach acted wierd.. Last night's sausage was Definitely acting up! I sat up from my bed and as I did I felt the whole thing stirr & my condition worsen. The tought of puking actually came to my mind! To cut it short, by the time I had clothed up & walked by the toilet I felt like hanging my head in and wait for the goodyness to spoil out! And so I did!
I Painfully Puked Up Hot Crap Mixed With Stomach Acid After Three Hours Of Sleep!
I had planned to study some, but I need not explain that after dropping of my car I wasnt able to do anything else then sleep it off & hope it would be better later on!
Fuckin Chorizo!!! Aarghl! BITCH SHITE!

On top of that, the young car guy is acting up & the car guy hasnt got time to fix it since he s leaving for better weather tomorow! So either the car guy finds time & I have a fixed car this evening OR I have to rely on the young car guy to find time to fix my car in his never ending goodness! AAARGHL!

and now, The Books!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


When the night is dark,
And the dogs go 'bark',
When the clouds are black,
And the ducks go 'quack',
When the sky is blue,
And the cows go 'moo',
Think of lovely Queenie:
She'll be thinking of you.

possibly my next skin?

With LOADS of changes ofcourse :D
I'll see..

Now to bed, REALLY!

Funny :)
Since I know Vi close & personal my interest in my former fav sections of BME has largely diminished.. Because now I can have fun with them IRL :D
Its Great!

.. In a way I feel very confident about our relationship & what we can take as a (fresh) couple.. Imagine what we ll be able to take on as a not so fresh couple *Evil Laughter* :D

I ripped me some MP3s for my iPod! Again, large sections of my vast cd collection are soon to be available on my fav Portable Mass Collection Mp3 Player Thingie! :D Im looking forward to uploading them :D hihihi! (for those Anti Mp3 Copy Zealots.. It is my right to backup the cds I bought. As such it is my right to backup them to MP3, and as such it is my right to put that one backup I am entitled to on my iPod! So YEAH, I DO MP3s!) & I NEED TO RIP my Korn collection! I NEED it on my iPod :D
This does, once again, confront me with my 80G disk being full again & my iPod containing another .. say 20g of data :/ I need to get working on that fileserver / router box!!!!!!
I also want to rid myself of mp3 cds! (yes, all legal backups! From records & cds I & my parents own) The data loss is too big, viva biggass disks..
I took the chance of cleaning some of my disks mp3 structure while testing my newly ripped mp3s.. I had some sloppiness & accidents in there, so it seems!

but FIRST!! Exams!

I had a dream earlier today..
probably the first time I have a dream with my dad in it..
.. it felt good (in a sick way) to see him again
but I felt Bad afterwards
so .. I have mixed feelings!
Weird anywho! :/

I wanted to get to bed early today :(

Gotta get my car to the thingy tomorrow! pf :( Why o Why


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I had en INCREDIBLE game of Warcraft The Boardgame!
It was GREAT! (I might elaborate on that later on.. Or I might not :D) The person who told my friends that this game wasnt worth the 50 euros I spent on it were simply .. WRONG!
Im SO looking forward to having the expansion :) The moment I see it lying in a store its MINE (if I have the money ofcourse.. Tough I might actually save some just to buy it)

In the mean while I'm reading the "War of the Rings" rules (24 fuckin pages). It looks Awsome! I got it from the lovliest girl I know & am looking forward to play with her .. play with the game :) (The fantasyflightgames site has english rules & stuff but I got it from phalanxgames who seem to be the european distributors for the game but only have non dutch/english game stuff on their site)

I also played Settlers of Catan (with the extra sea thingy) again earlier this week.. Great game, Great concept, Amazing! I'm convinced I want it :) Or maybe stitch ll buy it since he was bitching earlier on about me buying all the great games.. :D LOL

When did I get so addicted to board/card/whatever games? :)

I love the fact that I now have a girlfriend who shares that love! We have SO much in common :) She s one of my best friends!! (I have several equal best friends, not one best friend, for those that care about semantics) And girlfriend on top!! Again, I'm the luckiest man alive :) Yet scared to lose her, tough I have no reason at all to be! Being scared only shows how much I care about her :) And I'm terrified so that means A LOT :) (always look on the bright side of whatever :D)
She s always on my mind.. :) *happy*
pitty my dad never got to meet her! :/

Study tomorrow!!


Monday, January 03, 2005


I have a GREAT girlfriend now!
I love her VERY much!

So, Happyness here we are :)

There are days I regret ever having had a girlfriend other than the one I have know..

The shit I went trough in my 6-7 year long love life so far..
it really left Too Fuckin Much emotional ballast! Burdens I have to cary to each new relationship tough there is no reason for it! Complicating what not..