Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Sopranos - Season 6: Episode 80 - Remember When

Whow, they re really covering a lot of ground.. HOT DAMN I cant wait for that full Sopranos DVD box!

I did them dishes so now its off to bed
Tomorrow ll be a heavy day :/ First internship then the hut.. pf..

Thursday, April 19, 2007


The new season is YUMMY :D
I cant wait for an all season box to come out. Gimme the extended special bigass unfordable mofo edition, I need it, not a second of doubt!

Oh & btw, talking about buzz.. if Buzz isnt an smeggin buzzword, then I don't know what. Whats with buzz anyway? What happened to spam? All you need is spam.. Anywho, I dont really like buzzwords.

Sleep Now

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Speakers & books

Hercules Speakers XPS 2.1 20

Finally, new speakers.. Merely €30! And by gawd, I needed those..
I just ran THX tests & .. DAAUYM :) hehe

Dragon Fall 1

A Dragon Ball parody. (ils on osé) Dragon ball & other popular series (TMNT, Star Wars, ..) French & quite funny!

Using Samba - 3rd edition

And my newest linux book.. (The pic is 1st ed, but I got 3rd ed..) a samba manual. The filesharing protocol. It ll solve the only curent problem at our internship. & it ll be an interesting read! a mere €40

& I went out to get myself a new Proximus chip card. With this one I can use the new mbank service. I still have to look into it some more, but .. Yaay :)

some stuff I noticed today

Clocky at Nanda - The clock of about 2 yrs ago that hides itself has gone commercial ) yaay!

Early sex may lead teens to delinquency, study shows - A nice example of how studies sometimes dont see the obvious & come up with preposterous conclusions.. They should realise that sex appears to have been marginalised to the same level as crime, but no relation between the two exists.. Im sure they do too

Anywho, Im dead tired
but I did some good stuff!
It was nice to have a calm evening.. I needed it! Its been too long, too long a time I havent been relaxed, really relaxed

& now sleep :)
with my lil couch potato :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Learning to write by reading

is like learning to fuck by watching porn

Lil hint to the 7S guys ;)

Sell Your Music Today!Persuaded yet? ;)

Monday, April 16, 2007



Lil tought tough.. Games & Violence.. Jack ll probably jump on this like a coyote on his prey.. but then.. WHY is the USA the only place in the world where that kind of shit happens? I'm not talking about a country here, I'm talking about an area! Why? What is the Difference? National Rifle Association - Protecting Your Second Amendment Freedom

The Challenge

Incredibly Tough..
but an amazing heap of Fun

I cant wait till next year!

We started off (Friday 10pm - all times are extremely rough estimates) in 2 groups, one to the east & one to the west of the 3 km radius terrain. We then had to meet up somewhere to exchange decoder keys (6amà. After exchanging we looked for a code (7 am), had a small nap (8am) & went off to our checkpoint..

The rest is for later as I already fell asleep just now


Once arrived at our checkpoint (12 am), we dug out the 30cm tent rod (with our bare hands & some stones we found) and continued for out first outer ring checkpoint. This one was conveniently close, about 1 km (again, estimates) away. We cleared the checkpoint without any problems (at about 1pm) We then started off to our second checkpoint, 3,5km further. We had a closer one but deemed it too dangerous to bother.. We ran into some other people who told us stories about people getting caught there.. We cleared the second checkpoint, had another 45 minute nap (till 7pm) & dragged ourselves to our last checkpoint of the outer ring.

There we had a planning moment, where we decided upon the following 3 checkpoints. Tired as hell, we started off & after an excruciating trek got to the second checkpoint of the first ring. Pain and Suffering ensued as we started for the second one. Luckily we decided to follow the stream of a lil river thingy & not to try to climb those mountains again bc that would have been suicide. Things were getting dark by now (9pm) The river plan worked out wonderfully, we met up with some survivor buddies & reached the second checkpoint. (10pm) Once there we decided it would be a close one. We had about 2 hours left to get to home. One second ring checkpoint, 2 inner ring checkpoints (only about 2Om apart, we were told) and the spotting of "home" which was easily possible from as far as 1km by bare eye (we had binoculars) This was doable. If all went well..

Well, it didnt. We had no flashlight (lost it in the morning) & a cell phone light isnt all that to read a compass with! So no real compass tracking. No problem, we had the map & I knew exactly where we were. We continued along a road and crossed a field, all heavily guarded by hunters. We were looking for a certain path & discovered it to be A LOT further than we initially thought. We didnt find the second path (that was CRUCIAL to our plan) and just went trough the bushes. We found our second path (altough we re not all that sure about it being the Right path) and started off, only to discover that the things we were expecting werent there. By now it was (11.30 pm) so we had no chance of making it. We phoned in to try & check in our last checkpoint, only to have our deepest fears confirmed, we were at the wrong place! (she did tell us there were others who had that same problem, so it might have been the maps :s)

We decided to call it a night & arranged a pickup. We didnt make it, but we did manage to keep all our lives. Only 2 other groups managed to!

We learnt a lot & .. next time will be BETTER :D

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hunt or Survive

I Will Survive

Yeah, its Surviving time :)
Quite prepared & shite, some more shopping, ..
We Will Survive!

More on Sunday :p

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I just realized 30m ago that my pc clock was off.. So I just ate, instead of an hour ago
.. forgetting to eat, I do have that sometimes

Tonight s the last evening at hut till monday, thank god!
Double shifts are just becoming Waaay too tiresome!

I saw some more smegging red dwarf yesterday & holy cow, that show rules :)
Sopranos Sopranos Sopranos! I cant wait :)

And I tried secons life yesterday.. I can see why people go there.. Immense possibilities in avatar customization alone.. But right now Im tired of the training island & I NEED to get off there.. Maybe later today. I cant run it on my laptop though.. Linux version crashes & windows version doesnt like VMWare

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Snowboarding was Great! Super :) We had a swell time. Some great trips trough the wilderness.. Great :)

Ive got so much stuff to yank about at the moment.. I can barely contain myself regarding the Blogger Code of Conduct (O Riley).. I have Stories to Tell..

But most of all, I lack time. I dont have the time to blog it all! I work double days this & last week. Each day, after my internship I go to the Hut for a closing shift. And its fun.. for a while. But now, although utterly relaxed & revitalized trough the miracle of snowboarding, I am piss tired. All I do is work, work & sleep. I cant even spend the time on mini I need to. And this is starting to weigh on all of us!
And I have another tough weekend comming! All I can hope is that next week, my schedule wont be that heavy. It shouldnt since vacation will be over so hut will slow down.. thank whatever..

In lighter news.. I got complemented on my English yesterday.. By some American folk, I presume. I find it hard to react to such a remark.. anywho, yaay, my English is ok..

In Even More Important News..
The new Sopranos are airing :D Ok, not on any channel I get, but hey.. it feels good to know that they re running again :) Although .. its the last 8 eps :(

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My sleeping pattern is stabilizing
(& I seem to have an "S" - "Z" spelling problem in English)

A Fortunes Quote..

The sum of the Universe is zero.

Funny! And undeniably true.. :)
But you ll probably have to think about it before you realize its right.. I know I had to..

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Im finally convinced :) There is No Reason WhatSoEver not to use linux! I used to have some small remaining reservations about a 100% linux box for professional reasons (and games of course :s) but thanks to VMWare there really is NO reason At ALL not to go for linux :) The only problem would be Windows support or native windows software without decent counterpart, but those problems have been solved thanks to virtualisation. I now have a virtual Win XP on my system, enabling me to still use those programs, while running linux!

Its great ;)

My Newest Puzzle

(edit: I just noticed mine has a different finish.. slight difference, but mine is nicer than this one)

& I solved it in about an hour to 90 minutes..
It was Incredibly fun! As I expected, there is some kind of mechanism to it, all extremely ingenious :) I cant wait to have a go at another one - lol Thank God viona went to get me this one :) Otherwise Id have had to WAIT :/

oh & also.. Im Extremely Fuckin Tired!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Fun Puzzle

Bought it yesterday

Solved it today

Fun :)

I got another one on friday from Mini.. Incredibly fun! altough it only took me about 15m to solve it.. But its just So Amazingly Elegant :) I'll put a picture online when I find one

I'm looking forward to getting me another one :) They dont cost that much, so..