Thursday, June 30, 2005


Mucho Gta SA

we start paintin the crib tomorow.. possibly trough the evening..
Yaay :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders

ever SO right!!! Pure wisdom in this quote!

so there's this pimp right.

Doesnt work THAT good in real life tough :(
But I WILL keep trying :)

Monday, June 27, 2005

Sexy Losers


(Graspop was Great, more of that when Im not stinking like a pig anymore)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fields of Rock

Was GREAT :)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Batman Begins

I loved it
Its once again the broody BATMAN atmnosphere both Batman & Batman returned had & wich those other two lacked..

It was Great :)
Tough I Missed The TimBurton Batmobile!! :)

I love those noir movies.. I hope with Sin City & Batman Begins the tendens is alive again for many more to come in the genre

& ofcourse.. Let the Sin City & Batman movies come, Bring Em On :D (and they will, Imdb already speaks of a Sin City 2 & 3 :))

Now Sleep
tomorrow exam english :)

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Triumph @ the Michael trial

Its killing me :D

The hassle American clubs seem to go trough to check their customers :s

This 'slow draw' ID technique is almost entirely the province of the female customership, but male patrons, not to be outdone by the fairer sex, unfailingly provide us with their own dazzling array of irritating habits at the door. Guys, please do us both a favor and take your fucking ID out of your wallet. I'm not going to read it through that transparent plastic window, as you hold it up three feet from my face. When you do this, I'm usually unable to see your card's expiration date -- if it's a New York State ID -- and I need to feel your license and run it through the validator to see if you've altered it, or if you're on the banned list. When you pull this move on a doorman, and he curtly orders you to "Take it out," rest assured that you're the arrogant asshole in the situation, not him.

Don't hand me your ID and proceed to walk past me, either. You haven't been admitted yet, and I'm not going to chase you down to give it back the way some of you, evidently, expect me to. When you present your license, do me the courtesy of permitting me to do my job, allowing me time to examine what you've given me and look at your face to ensure it matches the picture on the card. This shouldn't be difficult for you to do -- it takes less than five seconds -- and the simple act of demonstrating some common consideration for me as a fellow human being -- one who's being paid to do a job, whether you approve of me or not -- will assure a smooth, mutually beneficial transaction for us both.

This is INCREDIBLY foreign, in a country (Be) where we cant serve beer to -16 but also are not legally entitled to ask for someones ID.. We had quite a problem with this rule (in our YH) untill we (I?) decided that we werent Obliged to sell anything to anyone and could state any condition. We can ask and then deny alcohol (because they didnt want to show their ID, ..) but we cant DEMAND it..

Interesting read, once again!


Is this English???
it apparently is..

It amazes me, words in dutch & english that are the same.. I can live with apartheid.. considering the origin. But angst, gratis, .. What more???


I just found this Real funny blog by a bouncer..
Great read!

Only one thing.. why dont I get emails like that?? The only people that read this & I dont know personally I had to BEG to get a picture (Yeah, im talking about you, Shelli :p)

On the other hand, who needs it, I ve got Mini wich is really all I ever wanted!
but still, it d be flattering, an unknown woman throwing herself at my feet tru email.. It would be damn flattering for Mini also..


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hay Fever

for the last 2 weeks ive woken up to pure agony, the first hour a day hell untill the fuckin medicine starts working

and today At Last, Its RAINING :)



Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Illy Cocktails

Roald Dahl Museum

I hope the museum is better than the site

coz if its not they made a Real Dull mess of it all
How Typically English!

I COULD play guildwars now..
But I wont :) Study Study Study!
Now only to rerfain from continuing "The queen of the damned" (anne rice..)

Study Study Study

I miss my lil one :(

I went to help someone with his pc earlier.. he was happy but I am quite unsatisfied.. :s
Next week :), after the Study Study Study when I'll have more time for whatnot :D

Guild Wars is actually Really nice :)

Its amazing.. the quests keep comming at an insane tempo (should you choose to accept it) all sorts & types, some a lot of xp, some much less, some a long walk, some right out the door

I teamed up with someone earlier, it was good fun :) surprisingly cool! we did a quest and then chilled trough 2 quests at once, it was fun :)

& just when Im about to take a rest, be free of quests, I get several new requests, its addictive :)

& the lil details.. Cant remember them, but its small stuff, like this army dude for example, an npc with some army stuff.. named Viggo.. Viggo Mortensen? (Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings) in a fantasy game like this one its hard to believe that to be a coincidence :s Earlier on this girl Vicky Mallone (ore something alike), selling apples.. a sister maybe of the famous Molly Mallone? (the song, where she cries mussles & cuckles, sweet Molly Mallone)

its amazing :)

& now I'm not toughing it in 2 days! It ll be hard but .. maybe I'll just prove to myself I can :D

I love my girl!!!

Friday, June 10, 2005


my own casa..

We ve got a vacuum cleaner now :D
tnx to mom.. she couldnt keep herself from buying it

Germatic PS-1600W.3
A Germatic PS-1600W.3!!!
And RED not to forget :)

The Catan game of last night..

Stitch had an INCREDIBLE amount of luck
I had an INCREDIBLE amoiunt of Bad Luck (unbelievable)

Check his side... Do notice the 6!!!!!! towns he had.. normally its 4 or 5 towns! (there s only 9 in game)

On the other side.. my side.. The remaining 3 towns (you Start off with 2) The bad luck, it was UnImAgInAbLe! !!

So Yeah, he was all like..
Shrimp Daddy

& I was all like..
At least I'm having sex!


Thursday, June 09, 2005


To act appropriate to blend into the siutation at hand :)




Wednesday, June 08, 2005

some overly lyrical people compare our sleep to death..
they re Wrong



its a part of life

things happen, and the body isnt able to sustain itself, it seases to function, its what we call death!

late last year.. it ll haunt me forevermore.. it leaves marks.. the social crap vs my own feelings.. Disrespectfull ppl making me behave out of respect for them.. I'm the one giving in, im resilient, I can relativate

Death surounds us
There are but two possibilities..
to live with it as a constant partner in all you do, persuading you to live every moment to its utter extacy, coz every moment has a touch of extacy for those who want it.. Crossing the street IS interesting! if you want it to be.. no? live it as if it were your last.. it ll be an interesting & thrilling 5s walk!!
or to try to reject it.. living in constant fear, having it dull your experiences, refusing all and any pleasure because of the taint of death.. because there is no escaping. Its all around us, surounds us, its our very essence from the day we re born!
So what will it be? the fear or the acceptance?

life s a thrilling ride for those prepared to marvel at its bringings!

I made my choice a while ago, So why the pondering?
Viona had a dog.. charelken..
I was prepared to care for that dog, I was prepared to live with that dog.
it had the sweetest character I ever saw in a dog
.. a very high tollerance for whatnot, a very humourous habit when wanting to play for bringing you the thing he wanted to play with & .. :) it was a great dog.. 11yrs old.. its a respectable age.. shitzu was his brand if I remember rightly.. Its a Pitty! He would come into the old room when me & mini were sleeping & .. walk around, being somewhere around when we woke.. he was fun, funny, friendly, patient, had a mind of his own, .. I liked that dog!!

But then the fuckin car came.. & now he s dead!
Its a pitty!

But everyone & everything has its & his time.. & I just gues it was his time.. And time cant be helped :(

in the end its all we have for sure :)
in the end.. its all we need

Google Logos

Those great google logos they put up for a day on special ocasions?
they re all online on a google page :)

Respec! (rofl)

Also, these are Too Much :D They ask Dilbert's firm to change the logo..

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

bash dot org can be FUN :)

my sk00l had an anthrax scare today
it ended up being some poor guys coke :(
he's prolly gonna get expelled :/
or at least kicked outta the faculty
and then executed

They mistook some coccaine for anthrax?


Poor guy
All he wanted, was to do his lines.

it's bad enough that he lost his coke, but he had to go and quarintine like 600 people into that building for like 4 hours


rough day

Coke heads around the world now lable their coke with "Not Anthrax" stickers.


Monday, June 06, 2005

im quite scared

about tomorrow s exam..
I should have studied it before

but I Do Not At All regret studying for Economics..
as I will the whole next week
& the week after


& im also quite .. terrified about the whole Gent thing
I WANT it, I NEED it.. but to be hones, it scares me :)

I miss my dad..

Friday, June 03, 2005

ipod s half way back
& I need sleep


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Lets Re Install ITunes, I tought..

I deleted it in a fit of anger because of iTunes screwing up iPod by deleting All My Musci
this was a while ago & I was Extremely curious what iTunes could do for me and my 20g of music (remember this, 20g, it gets important later on!!)

So there I went, I downloaded it, Reinstalled it & to my utter surprise, my old playlist shite was still on..
lets delete that, I tought so I did :)
I remembered configuring the whole deal to not delete the whole shite again, so I was in the clear!

I took my pod from the docking station as it was playing my newest cds.. Gorillas, System of a Down, ..
It would only take some minutes to see some data on itunes, so after that I could just go on studying..

So, I connected it
Itunes looked kinda surprised at the wad of data presented & I tought for a while it was crashing.. Untill at last, I could see my songs on the iTunes iPod display..
Then it went into almost crashing agan & it all kinda amused me.. the hatefull software having a hard time..

It felt good!
Untill it came on again..
I was already starting to have a bad feeling about it & about the disc acces it was generating..
but so it came on again & .. guess what :)
the iTunes display for my iPod was Empty!

Wtf, I tought.. This is most unexpected, so I went to my pod with the explorer.. quaisy feeling in my stumach..
THE Bitch Had Done It Again!

So now I'm going to format my Pod (been wanting to do that for a while) & upload the 3000 songs on my Linux to it..
leaving me with about 2000 MP3'S SHORT

AARGHL - Fuckin Bitch!!!!
& all this because I was too curious about Ffin Playlists!

The lesson? Fuck the lesson! I dont care!

At least its Clean now.. Clean & without faults!
tough.. with the calmth I am feeling atm, it seems as if I already took the posibility of this happening into account

The new gorillaz album is already playing again, this time on my laptop.. It realy soothes the pain.. Grrr

I should get me some new disks & permanentely convert my entire cd collection to mp3 for cases like tis one. I cant begin to think about all the music I lost & ll have to rip again! Things like All my SoaD cds.. (& I have all the officials, so thats a work) not to speak of the rest ofcourse!
& to correct all those tags again
& ......


The whole Afrekening tags to correct, only my iPod had the correct names
Its a work of HOURS gone to waste!

& OFCOURSE during my exams!!

At least studying is going Relatively well

& I cant let my iPod trouble for later coz Ill be needing it tomorrow to ease & get ready for my exam in the afternoon

Ofcourse, in the end, this isnt turning out to be as great a shit as I feared.. Im actually happy I could solve some shite this way.. The last time it deleted, it left some garbage behind & thats all solved now.. The first mp3s are already back on.. and the iTrip files & a playlist & ... Bouyah :)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ginkgo Bonsai

Maybe I should try having a bonsai..
Or maybe I shouldnt?

(looks like 2x same site)

Sleep now!

6 Months :)

Me & my Sweety are 6 months together about now..
.. well.. somewhere bewteen the 28th & the 1st anyway :)

So, 6 months :)
I dont consider this a milestone.. simply because in a way it feels like 2 days :) We re only just getting comfortable around eachother.. Learning stuff about one another :) (tough the stuff left to learn these days is about the dificult moments.. but as long as there s a lesson to be learnt :))

We Belong Together :)