Friday, April 28, 2006

Im having a loathesome day

Im quite tired
I should work
I cant get to starting

& I have a heavy day for tomorrow
so ..

I think I'll give up for the day
so some other usefull shit
try to sleep at a decent hour
& survive the day of tomorrow

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Status Report

I got my RoD stuff partially done. I'm ok on schedual now..
I still have stuff to do, but I have the time to do it too.

Work was heavy yesterday. I'm already scared for Saturday.. 11hour shift? I'm scared!
next days will be 4 hour days..

I'm going to have a decent pc soon..
I just need a Screen (I'll probably buy a CRT) & a HD (300g Maxtor, anyone - to put in the fileserv so I can use the 80g in there for my Desktop box :D)
I'll probably also buy a card reader thing *rolleyes* & I might also buy a DVD writer. Altough I do wonder if I need that :s I'll probably buy one anyway
And then I only need something to fill that 2nd big ugly hole :s ... I am NOT buying a temprature lcd!! That shit is Gaay! If only I could put in a regular LCD that connects to whatever port & gives INTERESTING info :) (like HD usage, load, .....) Altough I could probably put that to better use in my Serv.. eeh :)
& I hope the comp doesnt turn out too noisy! :/

Vi s getting better! Her shoulder is healing
Slowly but certainly

And lastly.. I still have a lot of work for my next week school deadline. As a matter of fact, I'm really throwing all the work in starting tomorrow. & I'll try to relax with RoD work.
If I manage to make a print tool & a GR tool I'll be happy. If I have time I'll also do a property thing.. ... And thats about the max I see happening before RoD. Duisterhoop has been a rough ride. Its been hard!
And I'm NOT losing it again :)

I'm looking forward to having a desktop again :)
And then I'll be able to work on PC - Laptop at the same time again. Lovely!
Programming with the needed DBs on the other screen

Thursday, April 20, 2006

7 sins?

Make it 8..
deviantART: DeaDLY SiN BaBieS by =DestinyBlue

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm Back!

I first typed a :) after that, but.. in the end, its not that a happy thing, I liked it more over there. The air was fresher, sun warmer, more snow (no snow here), .....

It was great! Really!

But first things first.
We had an awfull trip. This was my worst experience with Halloween so far. I can hardly express how bad the bus drivers were. I got on the bus and got this feeling of foreboding doom. I NEVER had a bad feeling about a bus, but this time, it was hell. Then the prick dropped us on some square with ever so vague instructions on where to go. We ran all around the place to find where the fuck we needed to go and talked to a dozen of people. All the time hoping for some Halloween twat to help us, greet us, whatever.. But in the end we found it on our own tnx to the tourist office.

I was terrified about the whole weather thing. But once there the weather turned out fine. The first few days the weather was great. Sun all around. Some brown spots outside the pistes but no further complaints. About mid week I started fearing for the snow condition. And guess what, a nice half a day of snow :) Enough to get trough the rest of the week on fresh snow. I had a wonderfull 2 days of Hors Piste. 2 days of woderfull powder. I had GREAT rides! And the oppertunity to break everyone in on the powder. And I can say we ve got some addicts :)

Reinaldo did as most of us already feared. Most of us expected it happen in a halfpipe, but .. It happened mid week. On wednesday, we were riding & spotted a nice piece of powder, just next to the piste. We rid it and .. well, we had a plan. I rode first and watched him go. He started, but after 2 meters he changed his mind and raced down to the piste. A nice lil jump to make, only he made a small mistake & it cost him his ancles!

On the list of casualties is also Vleer with severe chest pains, Bio with a bruise on his bum, as big as his head! and Iris with hurt knees and thumb. The aforementioned could all continue their fun, Reinaldo couldnt :/

Viona s level is astonishing :) She really overcame A LOT of fear this week! She s able to take any type of chair lift. Even the scary old one that smacks you into its seat on departure, bores the hell out of you because his slow travel speed and scares the lot out of you when you need to get off.. Also, she overcame all her doubts on pistes where she didnt even want to look down of at the start of the week!
I was even able to teach her te turns even tough she was very sceptic about learning tactics (and I did Nothing wrong, I swear! No naked stuff or whatever!)
I'm proud :)

As for me.. I had a great time! Im really glad about my level at the moment! I can snowboard everywhere at a relaxed pace, I dont fall anymore, .. I still have some bad habits when I get tired or whatever, but.. all n all I'm happy about where I'm at!
.. Even jumping over lil streams & stuff.. Yeah!
& I had some Wonderfull powder :) Gotta love Risoul! Really!
I also customised my snowboard with a custom made 30cm sticker, the Ring of Doom logo! Its great, really :) I'm waiting for pictures from our ChopChoyWarrior.. anytime now .. I'm quite anxious to post them :D My board looks great!

And so we got back!
we had a hell of a bus trip, Vleer forgot his snowboard boots on the bus (I had to get them later someplace), but all n all the laurel & hardy looking bus drivers were 2 sympathetic blokes. They even left the toilets open without bitching about it!! Great blokes :)

Now, getting back really meant the end of my vacation. No time to lose, hell no.
The same night (about 9h after leaving the bus) I had a job interview! And guess what, I got accepted! I now have 14 days of trial period and I'll be making Mad Money :D
It really takes a load of, to be able to make money again!!